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Releases: Col-E/Recaf

1.2.3 - Better update handling

12 Jun 03:45
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What's changed

  • Updates are no longer mandatory
    • Use config window to set update frequency (Always, Daily, Weekly, Never)
    • Updates not checked on first time launch of Recaf
  • Update check no longer based off of internal file reading of the pom
  • Update check only occurs when running Recaf as a jar.
    • Running from an IDE will not run the update check.

1.2.2 - Bug fixes

11 Jun 22:13
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What's fixed

  • Auto-updater no longer NPE-crashes on startup
  • No crash-on-exit due to improper logging notifications
  • Logging level now saves in the config

1.2.1 - Bug fixes + Auto-updater

11 Jun 08:42
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What's new

    • Called on startup (this will probably change) and checks for updates. If an update is found, the updated version is downloaded and executed (initial process terminates, passes args to child)

What's fixed

  • Loading invalid bytecode from new files no longer breaks the UI.
    • Invalid class names are skipped, such as com/example/.class (.class is the extension, the actual class name is empty ignoring the package)
    • Invalid classes with bad bytecode are skipped.
      • If ASM can't parse it, it isn't loaded. It won't show in the UI or be included in output.

1.2.0 - Remapping, plugin system, updated CSS

08 Jun 21:14
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What's new

  • When updating the name value in classes and members references are remapped through the entire program
    • Renaming an outer class also will rename inner-classes
    • Renaming a method will not update overrides.
  • New CSS
  • Keybinds for common actions, only active on main window
  • New plugin system
  • Drag drop support for files on the FileTree

What's fixed

  • Invalid JVM's appearing in the attach window
  • Fixed CFR options being ignored

1.1.1 - Bug fixes + minor feature changes

03 Jun 04:50
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What's new

  • An option under Display can be toggle showing the method arguments / return type in the search result tree.
    • Helpful with classes with multiple methods of the same name, but differing descriptors
    • Disabled by default
  • Search-bar added to decompiler window, activated with CONTROL + F
    • Hit Enter to iterate over results

What's fixed

  • Fixed switching opcodes not being recognized as a changed value.
  • Fixed search results belonging to multiple methods with the same name appearing under ths same method node.

1.1.0 - Agent capabilities finished + bug fixes

31 May 02:20
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What's new

  • Agent functionality has been completed since the redesign (The readding of agent functionality should have bumped the minor version up back in 1.0.4 but I forgot)
    • Save changes via File -> Save changes

What's changed

  • Replaced anonymous classes with lambdas where possible, takes up less space and looks nicer overall
  • Lowered logging level of decompile "get" failures from INFO to TRACE

What's fixed

  • Attaching cleaned up
    • No longer locks up the original Recaf process
    • Fix process still running after all recaf windows closed
  • Some javadoc cleanup
    • Member and variable names labeled with wrong names
    • References to members that were moved / deleted
  • Source code now javac compliant
    • Some generic casting was working only for Eclipse's compiler, its been refactored away
  • Exception when attempting to load an opcode block that does not exist
  • Exceptions caused by switch-case fallthrough where there should be a break

1.0.4 - Bug fix

30 May 17:09
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What's Fixed

  • Editing opcodes no longer creates an additional abstract method

1.0.3 - More fixes

29 May 20:45
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What's Fixed

  • Fix opcode deletion being broken by dependency updates
  • Fix deletion of methods not marking a class as dirty (Recaf skippes edited class because it thinks nothing changed)

What's Changed

  • Removed confusing save option from File menu. This option was an alias for History->create save state

1.0.2 - Bug fixes + Minor changes

29 May 20:08
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What's new

  • Read-only support for attach. Writing will be supported in another version or two from now.
  • Duplicating method support

What's fixed

Redesign complete, hello 1.0!

25 May 02:29
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Whats new in the redesign

  • UI rewritten with JavaFX
    • ControlsFX + RichTextFX
    • Easy customization via CSS now!
    • Moved away from MDI, closest retirement are editor windows
  • Less lossy editing
    • Only classes that are modified are exported with recompiled bytecode
  • Save states
    • You can save your work and in case of an issue, revert changes back to that point
  • Cleaner code -> easier updates
  • New site/documentation

Major features still in progress due to rewrite

  • Agent instrumentation
  • Plugin API

Some issues I just noticed after pushing

  • The site's CSS looks really nice in chrome/firefox, but broken in older browsers... Opps.