diff --git a/src/ColorMC.Core/Helpers/LanguageHelper.cs b/src/ColorMC.Core/Helpers/LanguageHelper.cs
index e288883a8..8b406852c 100644
--- a/src/ColorMC.Core/Helpers/LanguageHelper.cs
+++ b/src/ColorMC.Core/Helpers/LanguageHelper.cs
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ public static string GetName(this LanguageType type)
return type switch
- LanguageType.en_us => "English",
+ LanguageType.en_us => "English(AI)",
LanguageType.zh_cn => "简体中文",
_ => ""
diff --git a/src/ColorMC.Core/Resources/Language/core_en-us.json b/src/ColorMC.Core/Resources/Language/core_en-us.json
index d71fe0d92..68632f8b2 100644
--- a/src/ColorMC.Core/Resources/Language/core_en-us.json
+++ b/src/ColorMC.Core/Resources/Language/core_en-us.json
@@ -1,283 +1,277 @@
"Core.Info1": "ColorMC core is initializing",
- "Core.Info2": "Do you want to delete the folder {0}?",
- "Core.Info3": "ColorMC core initialization finished",
- "Core.Config.Info1": "Reading configuration file",
- "Core.Config.Info2": "Saving configuration file",
- "Core.Config.Error1": "Configuration file read error",
- "Core.Config.Error2": "Configuration file save error",
- "Core.Config.Warn1": "Configuration is empty, the old configuration file will be overwritten",
- "Core.Auth.Info1": "Login database initialization",
- "Core.Maven.Error1": "Local cache error",
- "Core.Log.Error1": "Log file initialization error",
- "Core.Http.Info1": "Initializing downloader, thread count {0}",
- "Core.Http.Info2": "Downloader cleared",
- "Core.Http.Info3": "Downloader started",
- "Core.Http.Info4": "Downloader loading content",
- "Core.Http.Info5": "HTTP client initialized",
- "Core.Http.Info6": "Using proxy server {0}:{1}",
- "Core.Http.Error1": "Error downloading {0}",
- "Core.Http.Error2": "Error getting avatar",
- "Core.Http.Error3": "Failed to get skin",
- "Core.Http.Error4": "Error getting game resource information",
- "Core.Http.Error5": "Error getting game information",
- "Core.Http.Error6": "Error getting version information",
+ "Core.Info2": "Do you want to delete folder {0}",
+ "Core.Info3": "End of ColorMC core initialization",
+ "Core.Config.Info1": "Reading Configuration Files",
+ "Core.Config.Info2": "Saving Configuration Files",
+ "Core.Config.Error1": "Error: Reading Configuration Files",
+ "Core.Config.Error2": "Error: Saving Configuration Files",
+ "Core.Config.Warn1": "Configuration is empty, legacy configuration files will be overwritten",
+ "Core.Auth.Info1": "Login Database Initialization",
+ "Core.Maven.Error1": "Error: Local cache",
+ "Core.Http.Info1": "Downloader initializing, threads{0}",
+ "Core.Http.Info2": "Downloader Clear",
+ "Core.Http.Info3": "Downloader launch",
+ "Core.Http.Info4": "Downloader filling contents",
+ "Core.Http.Info5": "Http Client Initialized",
+ "Core.Http.Info6": "Using proxy server {0}: {1}",
+ "Core.Http.Error1": "Error downloading{0}",
+ "Core.Http.Error2": "Error fetching avatars",
+ "Core.Http.Error3": "Failed to acquire skin",
+ "Core.Http.Error4": "Error: Acquiring Game Assets",
+ "Core.Http.Error5": "Error: Acquiring Game Information",
+ "Core.Http.Error6": "Error fetching version list",
"Core.Http.Error7": "No resources",
"Core.Http.Error8": "Error reading Nide8 data",
- "Core.Http.Error9": "Image retrieval failed",
- "Core.Http.Error10": "Downloaded file verification failed",
- "Core.Http.Error11": "Failed to read AuthlibInjector data",
+ "Core.Http.Error10": "Failed to download file verification",
+ "Core.Http.Error11": "Failed to read AuthorlibInjector data",
"Core.Http.Error12": "Error checking server instance",
"Core.Http.Forge.Error1": "Error reading Forge information",
"Core.Http.Forge.Error2": "Error reading Forge installation information",
"Core.Http.Forge.Error3": "Error reading Forge information",
- "Core.Http.Forge.Error4": "Forge core download failed",
- "Core.Http.Forge.Error5": "Error getting Forge supported versions",
- "Core.Http.Forge.Error6": "Error getting Forge version",
- "Core.Http.Forge.Error7": "Error reading custom loader information",
- "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error1": "Error getting CurseForge data",
- "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error2": "Error getting CurseForge Mod information",
- "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error3": "Error getting CurseForge modpack Mod files",
- "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error4": "Error getting CurseForge version information",
- "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error5": "Error getting CurseForge version type information",
- "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error6": "Error getting CurseForge file information",
- "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error7": "Error getting CurseForge category information",
- "Core.Http.Modrinth.Error1": "Error getting Modrinth data",
- "Core.Http.Modrinth.Error2": "Error getting Modrinth version number",
- "Core.Http.Modrinth.Error3": "Error getting Modrinth file list",
- "Core.Http.Modrinth.Error4": "Error getting Modrinth game version",
- "Core.Http.Modrinth.Error5": "Error getting Modrinth type data",
- "Core.Http.Fabric.Error1": "Error getting Fabric loader information",
- "Core.Http.Fabric.Error2": "Error getting Fabric loader version information",
- "Core.Http.Fabric.Error3": "Error getting Fabric supported version information",
- "Core.Http.Quilt.Error1": "Error getting Quilt supported version information",
- "Core.Http.Quilt.Error2": "Error getting Quilt version information",
- "Core.Http.Quilt.Error3": "Error getting Quilt loader version information",
- "Core.Http.Quilt.Error4": "Error getting Quilt loader information",
- "Core.Http.OptiFine.Error1": "Failed to get Optifine data",
- "Core.Http.OptiFine.Error2": "Failed to get Optifine download URL",
- "Core.Http.OptiFine.Error3": "Failed to get Optifine download information",
- "Core.Http.OptiFine.Error4": "Optifine download failed",
- "Core.Http.ColorMC.Error1": "Error getting McMod information",
- "Core.Http.ColorMC.Error2": "Error getting update log",
- "Core.Http.ColorMC.Error3": "Error pushing mapping information",
- "Core.Http.ColorMC.Error4": "Error getting mapping list",
+ "Core.Http.Forge.Error4": "Failed to download Forge installer",
+ "Core.Http.Forge.Error5": "Error fetching Forge support version",
+ "Core.Http.Forge.Error6": "Error fetching Forge version",
+ "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error1": "Error fetching CurseForge data",
+ "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error2": "Error fetching Mod information for CurseForge",
+ "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error3": "Error fetching CurseForge ModPack Mod information",
+ "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error4": "Error fetching CurseForge version information",
+ "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error5": "Error fetching CurseForge version type information",
+ "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error6": "Error fetching CurseForge file information",
+ "Core.Http.CurseForge.Error7": "Error fetching CurseForge Categories information",
+ "Core.Http.Modrinth.Error1": "Error fetching Modrinth data",
+ "Core.Http.Modrinth.Error2": "Error fetching Modrinth version",
+ "Core.Http.Modrinth.Error3": "Error fetching Modrinth file list",
+ "Core.Http.Modrinth.Error4": "Error fetching Modrinth game version",
+ "Core.Http.Modrinth.Error5": "Error fetching Modrinth type data",
+ "Core.Http.Fabric.Error1": "Error fetching Fabric-Loader information",
+ "Core.Http.Fabric.Error2": "Error fetching Fabric-Loader version information",
+ "Core.Http.Fabric.Error3": "Error fetching Fabric support version information",
+ "Core.Http.Quilt.Error1": "Error fetching Quilt support version",
+ "Core.Http.Quilt.Error2": "Error fetching Quilt version information",
+ "Core.Http.Quilt.Error3": "Error fetching Quilt-Loader version information",
+ "Core.Http.Quilt.Error4": "Error fetching Quilt-Loader information",
+ "Core.Http.OptiFine.Error1": "Failed to get Optifine's data",
+ "Core.Http.OptiFine.Error2": "Failed to get optifine's download address",
+ "Core.Http.OptiFine.Error3": "Failed to get optifine's download",
+ "Core.Http.OptiFine.Error4": "Failed to download Optifine.",
+ "Core.Http.ColorMC.Error1": "Error fetching McMod information",
+ "Core.Http.ColorMC.Error2": "Error fetching update log",
+ "Core.Http.ColorMC.Error3": "Error Push Mapping Information",
+ "Core.Http.ColorMC.Error4": "Map list fetch error",
"Core.Http.Mclo.Error1": "Error uploading log file",
- "Core.Pack.Error1": "Error reading archive",
- "Core.Pack.Error2": "Error importing archive",
- "Core.Jvm.Error1": "Java check failed",
- "Core.Jvm.Error2": "Old Java name does not exist",
- "Core.Jvm.Error3": "New Java name already exists",
- "Core.Jvm.Error4": "Java check failed",
- "Core.Jvm.Error5": "Java download failed",
+ "Core.Pack.Error1": "Error: Reading Archive",
+ "Core.Pack.Error2": "Error: Importing Archive",
+ "Core.Jvm.Error1": "Failed to check Java",
+ "Core.Jvm.Error5": "Failed to download Java",
"Core.Jvm.Error6": "Java not found",
- "Core.Jvm.Error7": "Java download error",
- "Core.Jvm.Error8": "Java addition error",
- "Core.Jvm.Error9": "Java permission elevation error",
- "Core.Jvm.Error10": "Java verification error",
- "Core.Jvm.Error11": "Java archive opening failed {0}",
- "Core.Jvm.Error12": "Java extraction failed",
- "Core.Jvm.Info1": "Reading Java information",
- "Core.Jvm.Info2": "Java: {0} {1}",
+ "Core.Jvm.Error7": "Error: Downloading Java",
+ "Core.Jvm.Error8": "Error: Adding Java",
+ "Core.Jvm.Error9": "Error: Promoting Java Permission",
+ "Core.Jvm.Error10": "Error: Java Validation",
+ "Core.Jvm.Error11": "Failed to open Java Package{0}",
+ "Core.Jvm.Error12": "Failed to extract Java",
+ "Core.Jvm.Info1": "Loading Java information",
+ "Core.Jvm.Info2": "Java:{0} {1}",
"Core.Jvm.Info3": "Java found {0}",
- "Core.Jvm.Info4": "Reading Java information",
"Core.Jvm.Info5": "Adding Java {0}",
- "Core.Path.Info1": "Launcher's Minecraft folder is at {0}",
- "Core.Path.Error2": "Error getting local version information",
- "Core.Path.Error3": "Error getting online version information",
- "Core.Login.Error1": "Microsoft login: OAuth verification error",
- "Core.Login.Error2": "Microsoft login: XboxLive verification error",
- "Core.Login.Error3": "Microsoft login: XSTS verification error",
- "Core.Login.Error4": "Microsoft login: Minecraft verification error",
- "Core.Login.Error5": "Microsoft login: Minecraft account retrieval error",
- "Core.Login.Error6": "Microsoft login: An error occurred",
- "Core.Login.Error8": "Microsoft login: Refresh error",
- "Core.Login.Error9": "Nide8: Login failed {0}",
- "Core.Login.Error10": "Nide8: Login error occurred",
- "Core.Login.Error11": "Nide8: Refresh login failed",
- "Core.Login.Error12": "Nide8: Refresh login error",
- "Core.Login.Error13": "AuthlibInjector: Login failed {0}",
- "Core.Login.Error14": "AuthlibInjector: Login error occurred",
- "Core.Login.Error15": "AuthlibInjector: Refresh login failed",
- "Core.Login.Error16": "AuthlibInjector: Refresh login error",
- "Core.Login.Error17": "LittleSkin: Login failed {0}",
- "Core.Login.Error18": "LittleSkin: Login error occurred",
- "Core.Login.Error19": "LittleSkin: Refresh login failed",
- "Core.Login.Error20": "LittleSkin: Refresh login error",
- "Core.Login.Error21": "Failed to retrieve login code",
- "Core.Login.Error22": "Data parsing error",
- "Core.Login.Error23": "No account data",
- "Core.Game.Error1": "Game instance: Mod parsing failed",
- "Core.Game.Error2": "Game instance: Texture pack parsing failed",
- "Core.Game.Error3": "Game instance: Import failed",
- "Core.Game.Error4": "Game instance: Map read failed",
- "Core.Game.Error7": "Game instance: Server data retrieval error",
- "Core.Game.Error8": "Game instance: Reading mod information error",
- "Core.Game.Error9": "Game instance: Reading game time information error",
- "Core.Game.Error10": "Game instance: File deletion error",
- "Core.Game.Error11": "Game instance: World restoration error",
- "Core.Game.Error12": "Game instance: Structure file read error",
- "Core.Game.Error13": "Game instance: File copy error",
- "Core.Game.Error14": "Game instance: Reading log file {0} error",
- "Core.Game.Error15": "Game instance: Creating game instance {0} error",
- "Core.Game.Info": "{0} members",
- "Core.Zip.Info1": "Illegal name encountered while extracting file {0}\nWould you like to replace it with a legal name?",
- "Core.ServerPack.Info1": "Downloading server instance",
+ "Core.Jvm.Info6": "Unknown Java version",
+ "Core.Jvm.Info7": "Unknown Java type",
+ "Core.Path.Info1": "Launcher Minecraft folder at{0}",
+ "Core.Path.Error2": "Error: Acquiring Local Information",
+ "Core.Path.Error3": "Error: Acquiring Online Version Information",
+ "Core.Login.Error1": "Error! Microsoft Login: OAuth Authentication",
+ "Core.Login.Error2": "Error! Microsoft Login: XboxLive Authentication Error",
+ "Core.Login.Error3": "Error! Microsoft Login: XSTS Authentication",
+ "Core.Login.Error4": "Error! Microsoft Login: Minecraft Authentication",
+ "Core.Login.Error5": "Error! Microsoft Login: Acquiring Minecraft Account",
+ "Core.Login.Error6": "Error! Microsoft Login",
+ "Core.Login.Error8": "Error! Microsoft Login: Refreshing",
+ "Core.Login.Error9": "Nide8: Login failed{0}",
+ "Core.Login.Error10": "Error! Nide8: Logging",
+ "Core.Login.Error11": "Nide8:failed to refresh login to {0}",
+ "Core.Login.Error12": "Error! Nide8: Refreshing Login",
+ "Core.Login.Error13": "AuthlibInjector: Login Failed{0}",
+ "Core.Login.Error14": "Error! AuthlibInjector: Logging",
+ "Core.Login.Error15": "AuthlibInjector: Failed to Refresh Login {0}",
+ "Core.Login.Error16": "Error! AuthlibInjector: Refreshing Login",
+ "Core.Login.Error17": "LittleSkin: Login Failed{0}",
+ "Core.Login.Error18": "Error! LittleSkin: Login",
+ "Core.Login.Error19": "LittleSkin:failed to refresh login with {0}",
+ "Core.Login.Error20": "Error! LittleSkin: Refreshing Login",
+ "Core.Login.Error21": "Failed to Access Login code",
+ "Core.Login.Error22": "Error: Data Parsing",
+ "Core.Login.Error23": "No account data available",
+ "Core.Login.Error24": "Data is empty",
+ "Core.Game.Error1": "Game instance:mod parse failed",
+ "Core.Game.Error2": "Game Instance: Failed to Parse Texture Pack",
+ "Core.Game.Error3": "Game Instance: Failed to Import",
+ "Core.Game.Error4": "Game Instance: Failed to Read Map",
+ "Core.Game.Error7": "Game Instance: Failed to Acquire Data",
+ "Core.Game.Error8": "Game Instance: Failed to Acquire Mod Information",
+ "Core.Game.Error9": "Game Instance: Failed to Read Game Time",
+ "Core.Game.Error10": "Game Instance: Failed to Delete File",
+ "Core.Game.Error11": "Game Instance: Failed to Restore World",
+ "Core.Game.Error12": "Game Instance: Failed to Read Structure File",
+ "Core.Game.Error14": "Game instance:Error reading log file {0}",
+ "Core.Game.Error15": "Game instance:Error creating game instance {0}",
+ "Core.Game.Error16": "Game instance:Custom loader file does not exist",
+ "Core.Game.Error17": "Custom loader not supported by game instance:",
+ "Core.Game.Error18": "Game instance:failed to fetch icons",
+ "Core.Game.Error19": "Error reading instance:",
+ "Core.Game.Error20": "The game instance name conflict, if auto-modify is allowed",
+ "Core.Game.Info": "{0} Members",
+ "Core.Zip.Info1": "Whether the illegal name {0}\nwas replaced with a valid name while extracting the file",
+ "Core.ServerPack.Info1": "Downloading retrieval server instance",
"Core.ServerPack.Info2": "Comparing server instance files",
- "Core.ServerPack.Info3": "Downloading server instance files",
+ "Core.ServerPack.Info3": "Downloading server instance file",
"Core.ServerPack.Error1": "Server instance generation failed",
"Core.Launch.Info1": "Game launch parameters",
- "Core.Launch.Info2": "Game libraries in use",
- "Core.Launch.Info3": "Java in use for the game",
- "Core.Launch.Info4": "Game instance {0} login time {1}",
- "Core.Launch.Info5": "Game instance {0} check time {1}",
- "Core.Launch.Info6": "Game instance {0} launch time {1}",
- "Core.Launch.Info7": "Game instance {0} download time {1}",
- "Core.Launch.Info8": "Game instance {0} pre-launch execution time {1}",
- "Core.Launch.Info9": "Game instance {0} post-launch execution time {1}",
- "Core.Launch.Info10": "Game instance {0} pre-launch execution error",
- "Core.Launch.Info11": "Game instance {0} post-launch execution error",
- "Core.Launch.Info12": "Download missing library files?",
- "Core.Launch.Info13": "Game instance {0} added Mods but did not use a Mod loader, do you want to continue launching?",
- "Core.Launch.Info14": "Game instance {0} server instance check {1}",
- "Core.Launch.Info15": "Game instance {0} server instance check error, do you want to continue launching?",
- "Core.Launch.Error1": "Game version information read failed",
- "Core.Launch.Error2": "Game resource information retrieval failed",
- "Core.Launch.Error3": "Game Mod loader information read error",
- "Core.Launch.Error4": "Missing required files and unable to download",
- "Core.Launch.Error5": "Required file download failed",
- "Core.Launch.Error6": "Suitable Java not found, need version {0} JAVA",
+ "Core.Launch.Info2": "The library used by game",
+ "Core.Launch.Info3": "Java used by game",
+ "Core.Launch.Info4": "Game instance {0} login used {1}",
+ "Core.Launch.Info5": "Game instance {0} checked for {1}",
+ "Core.Launch.Info6": "Game instance {0} launch used {1}",
+ "Core.Launch.Info7": "Game instance {0} download used {1}",
+ "Core.Launch.Info8": "Game instance {0} before launch used {1}",
+ "Core.Launch.Info9": "Game instance {0} after launch used {1}",
+ "Core.Launch.Info10": "Error! Game Instance {0}: Pre-Launch Message",
+ "Core.Launch.Info11": "Error! Game Instance {0}: After-Launch Message",
+ "Core.Launch.Info12": "Do you want to download the missing runtime file",
+ "Core.Launch.Info13": "Game instance {0} added Mod, but no mod loader is used, do you want to continue",
+ "Core.Launch.Info14": "Game instance {0} Server Instance Check {1}",
+ "Core.Launch.Info15": "Game instance {0} server instance check error, whether to continue starting",
+ "Core.Launch.Info16": "Game Instance {0}: Server Instance Check Error",
+ "Core.Launch.Error1": "Failed to read game version information",
+ "Core.Launch.Error2": "Failed to acquire game assets",
+ "Core.Launch.Error3": "Error: Reading Game Mod Loader Message",
+ "Core.Launch.Error5": "Failed to download required file",
+ "Core.Launch.Error6": "No suitable Java found, required version of {0} JAVA",
"Core.Launch.Error7": "No version number information",
- "Core.Launch.Error8": "Launch canceled",
+ "Core.Launch.Error8": "Canceled Launch",
"Core.Launch.Error9": "Java 8 not found, launch failed",
- "Core.Launch.Error10": "Forge installation failed",
- "Core.Launch.Error11": "External launcher information retrieval failed",
- "Core.Tool.Error1": "mcaselector download failed",
- "Core.Tool.Error2": "mcaselector launch failed, no java",
- "Core.GameCount.Error1": "Statistics information read error",
- "Core.DataPack.Error1": "Data pack {0} information read error",
- "Core.DataPack.Error2": "Data pack operation error",
+ "Core.Launch.Error10": "Failed on Forge installation",
+ "Core.Launch.Error11": "Failed to Acquire External Login Data",
+ "Core.Tool.Error1": "Failed to download mcaselector",
+ "Core.Tool.Error2": "Failed to start mcaselector, Java not found.",
+ "Core.Check.Error1": "No Minecraft Version Information for {0}",
+ "Core.GameCount.Error1": "Error reading statistics",
+ "Core.DataPack.Error1": "Packet {0} information read error",
+ "Core.DataPack.Error2": "Error in packet operation",
"Type.AuthType.Offline": "Offline",
"Type.AuthType.OAuth": "Microsoft Login",
- "Type.AuthType.Nide8": "Nide8",
- "Type.AuthType.AuthlibInjector": "AuthlibInjector",
- "Type.AuthType.LittleSkin": "LittleSkin Skin",
- "Type.AuthType.SelfLittleSkin": "Self Skin",
+ "Type.AuthType.Nide8": "Unified laissez-passer",
+ "Type.AuthType.AuthlibInjector": "External Login",
+ "Type.AuthType.LittleSkin": "LittleSkin Skin Station",
+ "Type.AuthType.SelfLittleSkin": "Self-build Skin Station",
"Type.AuthType.Other": "Account",
- "AuthState.OAuth": "OAuth",
- "AuthState.XBox": "XBoxLive",
- "AuthState.XSTS": "XSTS",
- "AuthState.Token": "Token",
- "AuthState.Profile": "Profile",
- "AuthState.Other": "Unknown login state",
- "Type.LoginState.Done": "Done",
+ "Type.LoginState.Done": "Finished",
"Type.LoginState.TimeOut": "Timeout",
- "Type.LoginState.JsonError": "Data error",
+ "Type.LoginState.DataError": "Data Error",
"Type.LoginState.Error": "Unknown error",
- "Type.LoginState.Crash": "Crash",
- "Type.LoginState.Other": "Unknown login result",
- "Type.LaunchState.Check": "Verifying game integrity",
- "Type.LaunchState.CheckVersion": "Verifying game core",
- "Type.LaunchState.CheckLib": "Verifying game libraries",
- "Type.LaunchState.CheckAssets": "Verifying game resource files",
- "Type.LaunchState.CheckLoader": "Verifying game Mod loader",
- "Type.LaunchState.CheckLoginCore": "Verifying external login core",
- "Type.LaunchState.LostVersion": "Missing game core",
- "Type.LaunchState.LostLib": "Missing libraries",
- "Type.LaunchState.LostLoader": "Missing Mod loader",
- "Type.LaunchState.LostFile": "Missing required launch files",
- "Type.LaunchState.LostLoginCore": "Missing external login core",
- "Type.LaunchState.Download": "Downloading files",
+ "Type.LoginState.Crash": "Collapse",
+ "Type.LoginState.Other": "Login results unknown",
+ "Type.LaunchState.Check": "Verify the integrity of the game",
+ "Type.LaunchState.CheckVersion": "Verify Game Core",
+ "Type.LaunchState.CheckLib": "Verify Game Run Library",
+ "Type.LaunchState.CheckAssets": "Verify Game Resource Files",
+ "Type.LaunchState.CheckLoader": "Verify game mod loader",
+ "Type.LaunchState.CheckLoginCore": "Verify External Login Core",
+ "Type.LaunchState.LostVersion": "Missing Game Core",
+ "Type.LaunchState.LostLib": "Missing library",
+ "Type.LaunchState.LostLoader": "Mod Loader Missing",
+ "Type.LaunchState.LostFile": "Missing required file for startup",
+ "Type.LaunchState.LostLoginCore": "External Login Core Missing",
+ "Type.LaunchState.Download": "Download File",
"Type.LaunchState.DownloadFail": "Download failed",
"Type.LaunchState.JvmPrepare": "Preparing Jvm parameters",
- "Type.LaunchState.VersionError": "Game core error",
- "Type.LaunchState.AssetsError": "Game resource files error",
- "Type.LaunchState.LoaderError": "Mod loader error",
+ "Type.LaunchState.VersionError": "Game Core Error",
+ "Type.LaunchState.AssetsError": "Game resource file error",
+ "Type.LaunchState.LoaderError": "Mod Loader Error",
"Type.LaunchState.JvmError": "No suitable Java",
- "Type.LaunchState.LaunchPre": "Executing pre-launch program",
- "Type.LaunchState.LaunchPost": "Executing post-launch program",
- "Type.LaunchState.Other": "Unknown launch state",
- "Type.DownloadState.Init": "Initializing",
- "Type.DownloadState.GetInfo": "Getting information",
+ "Type.LaunchState.LaunchPre": "Perform pre-run programs",
+ "Type.LaunchState.LaunchPost": "Run after run",
+ "Type.LaunchState.Other": "Startup status unknown",
+ "Type.DownloadState.Init": "Initialize",
+ "Type.DownloadState.GetInfo": "Access to information",
"Type.DownloadState.End": "End",
- "Type.DownloadState.Other": "Unknown download state",
+ "Type.DownloadState.Other": "Unknown download status",
"Type.DownloadItemState.Wait": "Waiting",
- "Type.DownloadItemState.GetInfo": "Getting information",
+ "Type.DownloadItemState.GetInfo": "Fetching information",
"Type.DownloadItemState.Download": "Downloading...",
"Type.DownloadItemState.Init": "Initializing",
- "Type.DownloadItemState.Pause": "Paused",
- "Type.DownloadItemState.Action": "Executing subsequent actions",
- "Type.DownloadItemState.Done": "Done",
- "Type.DownloadItemState.Error": "Error occurred",
- "Type.DownloadItemState.Other": "Unknown download item state",
+ "Type.DownloadItemState.Pause": "Pause",
+ "Type.DownloadItemState.Action": "Executing a follow-up",
+ "Type.DownloadItemState.Done": "Finished",
+ "Type.DownloadItemState.Error": "An error occurred",
+ "Type.DownloadItemState.Other": "Unknown download status",
"Type.CurseForge.SortField.Featured": "Featured",
- "Type.CurseForge.SortField.Popularity": "Popularity",
- "Type.CurseForge.SortField.LastUpdated": "Last Updated",
- "Type.CurseForge.SortField.Name": "Name",
+ "Type.CurseForge.SortField.Popularity": "Heat",
+ "Type.CurseForge.SortField.LastUpdated": "Last updated",
+ "Type.CurseForge.SortField.Name": "First name",
"Type.CurseForge.SortField.Author": "Author",
- "Type.CurseForge.SortField.TotalDownloads": "Total Downloads",
- "Type.CurseForge.SortField.Category": "Category",
+ "Type.CurseForge.SortField.TotalDownloads": "Downloads",
+ "Type.CurseForge.SortField.Category": "Categories",
"Type.CurseForge.SortField.GameVersion": "Game Version",
- "Type.CurseForge.SortField.Other": "Unknown category",
- "Type.Release.Release": "Release",
- "Type.Release.Beta": "Beta",
- "Type.Release.Alpha": "Alpha",
- "Type.Release.Other": "Unknown release type",
+ "Type.CurseForge.SortField.Other": "Unknown Category",
+ "Type.Release.Release": "Release Version",
+ "Type.Release.Beta": "Beta Version",
+ "Type.Release.Alpha": "Alpha Beta",
+ "Type.Release.Other": "Unknown Publish Type",
"Type.SourceLocal.Offical": "Official",
"Type.SourceLocal.BMCLAPI": "BmclApi",
"Type.SourceLocal.Other": "Unknown download source",
- "Type.GCType.G1GC": "G1 Garbage Collector",
- "Type.GCType.SerialGC": "Serial Garbage Collector",
- "Type.GCType.ParallelGC": "Parallel Garbage Collector",
- "Type.GCType.CMSGC": "Concurrent Mark Sweep Garbage Collector",
- "Type.GCType.User": "User setting",
- "Type.GCType.Other": "Unknown GC type",
+ "Type.GCType.G1GC": "G1 Trash Recyclers",
+ "Type.GCType.SerialGC": "Serial Trash Recyclers",
+ "Type.GCType.ParallelGC": "Parallel Trash Recyclers",
+ "Type.GCType.CMSGC": "Scan trash trash with markers",
+ "Type.GCType.User": "User Settings",
+ "Type.GCType.Other": "Unknown GC-type",
"Type.ArchEnum.x64": "x64",
"Type.ArchEnum.x32": "x32",
"Type.ArchEnum.aarch64": "Arm64",
"Type.ArchEnum.armV7": "Arm32",
- "Type.ArchEnum.Other": "Unknown architecture",
- "Type.OsType.Windows": "Windows",
- "Type.OsType.Linux": "Linux",
- "Type.OsType.MacOS": "MacOS",
- "Type.OsType.Other": "Unknown OS type",
- "Type.GameType.Survival": "Survival",
- "Type.GameType.Creative": "Creative",
- "Type.GameType.Adventure": "Adventure",
- "Type.GameType.Spectator": "Spectator",
+ "Type.ArchEnum.Other": "Unknown digit",
+ "Type.OsType.Windows": "Windows system",
+ "Type.OsType.Linux": "Linux system",
+ "Type.OsType.MacOS": "Mac System",
+ "Type.OsType.Other": "Unknown system type",
+ "Type.GameType.Survival": "Survival mode",
+ "Type.GameType.Creative": "Creative Mode",
+ "Type.GameType.Adventure": "Adventure Mode",
+ "Type.GameType.Spectator": "Bypass mode",
"Type.GameType.Other": "Other modes",
- "Type.Difficulty.Peaceful": "Peaceful",
- "Type.Difficulty.Normal": "Normal",
- "Type.Difficulty.Hard": "Hard",
- "Type.Difficulty.Easy": "Easy",
- "Type.Difficulty.Other": "Other difficulty",
- "Type.Modrinth.SortingType.relevance": "Popularity",
+ "Type.Difficulty.Peaceful": "Peace Difficulty",
+ "Type.Difficulty.Normal": "Normal Difficulty",
+ "Type.Difficulty.Hard": "Difficulty",
+ "Type.Difficulty.Easy": "Easy Difficulty",
+ "Type.Difficulty.Other": "Other Difficulty",
+ "Type.Modrinth.SortingType.relevance": "Top Rated",
"Type.Modrinth.SortingType.downloads": "Downloads",
- "Type.Modrinth.SortingType.follows": "Follows",
- "Type.Modrinth.SortingType.newest": "Creation Time",
+ "Type.Modrinth.SortingType.follows": "Number of Tracks",
+ "Type.Modrinth.SortingType.newest": "Created on",
"Type.Modrinth.SortingType.updated": "Update Time",
"Type.SourceType.CurseForge": "CurseForge",
- "Type.SourceType.Modrinth": "Modrinth",
- "Type.SourceType.McMod": "MCMod",
+ "Type.SourceType.Modrinth": "Modernth",
+ "Type.SourceType.McMod": "MC Encyclopedia",
"Type.SourceType.Other": "Unknown download source",
- "Type.PackType.ColorMC": "ColorMC Pack",
- "Type.PackType.CurseForge": "CurseForge Modpack",
- "Type.PackType.Modrinth": "Modrinth Modpack",
- "Type.PackType.MMC": "MMC Pack",
- "Type.PackType.HMCL": "HMCL Pack",
- "Type.PackType.ZipPack": "Direct Unzip Pack",
+ "Type.PackType.ColorMC": "ColorMC Compression",
+ "Type.PackType.CurseForge": "CurseForge Integration Package",
+ "Type.PackType.Modrinth": "Modrinth integration package",
+ "Type.PackType.MMC": "MMC archive",
+ "Type.PackType.HMCL": "HMCL Packages",
+ "Type.PackType.ZipPack": "Directly Unpack",
"Type.Modrinth.Facets.categories": "Categories",
- "Type.Modrinth.Facets.versions": "Game Versions",
- "Type.Modrinth.Facets.project_type": "Project Type",
- "Type.FileType.ModPack": "Modpack",
- "Type.FileType.Mod": "Mod",
+ "Type.Modrinth.Facets.versions": "Game Version",
+ "Type.Modrinth.Facets.project_type": "Item Type",
+ "Type.FileType.ModPack": "Integrate Package",
+ "Type.FileType.Mod": "Modules",
"Type.FileType.World": "World",
- "Type.FileType.Shaderpack": "Shaderpack",
- "Type.FileType.Resourcepack": "Resourcepack",
- "Type.FileType.DataPacks": "Datapacks",
- "Type.FileType.Optifne": "Optifine",
+ "Type.FileType.Shaderpack": "Light Pack",
+ "Type.FileType.Resourcepack": "Resource Pack",
+ "Type.FileType.DataPacks": "Packets",
+ "Type.FileType.Optifne": "HD Fix",
"Type.FileType.Other": "Unknown resource type",
- "AuthlibInjector.Error1": "AuthlibInjector information retrieval failed",
"Type.Loaders.Normal": "None",
"Type.Loaders.Custom": "Custom"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ColorMC.Gui/ColorMC.Gui.csproj b/src/ColorMC.Gui/ColorMC.Gui.csproj
index cc07b526e..a46354dd3 100644
--- a/src/ColorMC.Gui/ColorMC.Gui.csproj
+++ b/src/ColorMC.Gui/ColorMC.Gui.csproj
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@
@@ -255,7 +254,6 @@
diff --git a/src/ColorMC.Gui/Resource/Icon/resize.svg b/src/ColorMC.Gui/Resource/Icon/resize.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 304b34912..000000000
--- a/src/ColorMC.Gui/Resource/Icon/resize.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ColorMC.Gui/Resource/Language/gui_en-us.json b/src/ColorMC.Gui/Resource/Language/gui_en-us.json
index fc7f022c2..5fc8b0ee3 100644
--- a/src/ColorMC.Gui/Resource/Language/gui_en-us.json
+++ b/src/ColorMC.Gui/Resource/Language/gui_en-us.json
@@ -1,1133 +1,1200 @@
- "Name": "ColorMC",
- "MainWindow.Text1": "Welcome to ColorMC Launcher",
"MainWindow.Text2": "1. Add Account",
- "MainWindow.Text3": "Click to add account",
"MainWindow.Text4": "2. Set JAVA",
- "MainWindow.Text5": "Click to set JAVA",
"MainWindow.Text6": "3. Add Game",
- "MainWindow.Text7": "Quick Start Guide for ColorMC",
- "MainWindow.Text8": "Add Instance",
- "MainWindow.Text9": "Switch Game Group",
+ "MainWindow.Text7": "Launcher Quick Configuration",
+ "MainWindow.Text8": "Add instance",
+ "MainWindow.Text9": "Toggle game group",
"MainWindow.Text10": "Add Group",
"MainWindow.Text11": "Move to this game group",
- "MainWindow.Text12": "Welcome",
- "MainWindow.Error3": "Please enter a name",
- "MainWindow.Error4": "Failed to add game group",
- "MainWindow.Error5": "Failed to copy game instance",
- "MainWindow.Error6": "You must log in with at least one official account to use the mapping feature",
+ "MainWindow.Text12": "Welcome to",
+ "MainWindow.Text13": "Search:",
+ "MainWindow.Text14": "Launcher Background Music",
+ "MainWindow.Text15": "Launcher update found!",
+ "MainWindow.Text16": "Upgrade Now",
+ "MainWindow.Text17": "changelog",
+ "MainWindow.Text18": "Map lobby to connect together!",
+ "MainWindow.Text19": "View List",
+ "MainWindow.Text20": "Minecraft News",
+ "MainWindow.Text21": "No News",
+ "MainWindow.Text22": "Newsletter loading",
+ "MainWindow.Text23": "Welcome to ColorMC",
+ "MainWindow.Text24": "Start instance not found, please contact server administrator",
+ "MainWindow.Text25": "Import Game Compress",
"MainWindow.Flyouts.Text1": "Run Log",
- "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text2": "Modify Instance",
+ "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text2": "Edit instance",
"MainWindow.Flyouts.Text3": "Add Resource",
- "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text4": "View Mods",
- "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text6": "View Map",
- "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text7": "Modify Group",
+ "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text4": "View mods",
+ "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text6": "View map",
+ "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text7": "Modify group",
"MainWindow.Flyouts.Text8": "Set Icon",
- "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text9": "Export Instance",
+ "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text9": "Export Instances",
"MainWindow.Flyouts.Text10": "Rename",
- "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text11": "Delete Instance",
- "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text12": "Copy Instance",
- "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text13": "Force Stop",
+ "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text11": "Delete instance",
+ "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text12": "Copy Instances",
+ "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text13": "Force stop",
"MainWindow.Flyouts.Text14": "Cloud Sync",
- "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text15": "Create Shortcut",
- "Live2dControl.Flyouts.Text1": "Play Animation",
- "Live2dControl.Flyouts.Text2": "Switch Expression",
- "Live2dControl.Error1": "Live2D model does not exist",
- "Live2dControl.Error2": "Failed to load Live2D model",
- "Text.Group": "Group Name",
- "MainWindow.Info2": "Launched",
- "MainWindow.Info3": "Launching Game",
- "MainWindow.Info8": "Logging in to account",
+ "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text15": "Create Quick Start",
+ "MainWindow.Flyouts.Text16": "handle settings",
+ "MainWindow.Info2": "Started",
+ "MainWindow.Info3": "Starting game",
+ "MainWindow.Info8": "Logging in account",
"MainWindow.Info9": "Checking game files",
- "MainWindow.Info10": "Checking game core files",
- "MainWindow.Info11": "Checking game runtime libraries",
+ "MainWindow.Info10": "Checking game core file",
+ "MainWindow.Info11": "Checking game running library",
"MainWindow.Info12": "Checking game resource files",
- "MainWindow.Info13": "Checking game mod loaders",
- "MainWindow.Info14": "Checking game external logins",
- "MainWindow.Info15": "Downloading required files",
- "MainWindow.Info16": "Preparing JVM arguments",
- "MainWindow.Info17": "Checking integrated package mods",
- "MainWindow.Text24": "Launch instance not found, please contact the server administrator",
- "MainWindow.Info19": "Do you want to delete the game instance {0}",
- "MainWindow.Info20": "Default Group",
- "MainWindow.Info21": "Account {0} login failed, would you like to run offline",
- "MainWindow.Info23": "Modify instance name",
- "MainWindow.Info24": "Copy of",
- "MainWindow.Info25": "Copy complete",
- "MainWindow.Info26": "Waiting for window to launch",
- "MainWindow.Info28": "Starting to launch instance {0}",
- "MainWindow.Info29": "Would you like to execute pre-run program",
- "MainWindow.Info30": "Would you like to execute post-run program",
- "MainWindow.Info31": "Executing pre-run program",
- "MainWindow.Info32": "Executing post-run program",
- "MainWindow.Info33": "Background music playing…",
- "MainWindow.Info34": "Game is launching, do you want to close the launcher",
- "MainWindow.Info35": "Empty Account",
- "MainWindow.Info36": "No Account",
- "MainWindow.Info37": "Some files failed to delete",
- "MainWindow.Info38": "Installing Forge Loader",
+ "MainWindow.Info13": "Checking Mod loader",
+ "MainWindow.Info14": "Checking for external login",
+ "MainWindow.Info15": "Downloading required file",
+ "MainWindow.Info16": "Preparing Jvm parameters",
+ "MainWindow.Info17": "Checking Modpack's Mod",
+ "MainWindow.Info19": "Delete game instance {0}",
+ "MainWindow.Info20": "Default group",
+ "MainWindow.Info21": "{0} login failed, run offline",
+ "MainWindow.Info23": "Change instance name",
+ "MainWindow.Info24": "Copy",
+ "MainWindow.Info25": "Duplicate Complete",
+ "MainWindow.Info26": "Waiting for window to start",
+ "MainWindow.Info28": "Start instance {0}",
+ "MainWindow.Info29": "Execute pre-run program",
+ "MainWindow.Info30": "Execute the post-run program",
+ "MainWindow.Info31": "Running pre-run procedure",
+ "MainWindow.Info32": "After running",
+ "MainWindow.Info33": "Background music playing...",
+ "MainWindow.Info34": "Game is running. Turn off launcher",
+ "MainWindow.Info35": "Empty account",
+ "MainWindow.Info36": "No account",
+ "MainWindow.Info37": "Something went wrong deleting the file",
+ "MainWindow.Info38": "Install Forge",
+ "MainWindow.Info39": "Handle adjusted",
+ "MainWindow.Info40": "Launcher changelog",
+ "MainWindow.Error1": "Launcher update log fetch failed",
+ "MainWindow.Error2": "Error running launcher update, back to old version",
+ "MainWindow.Error3": "Please enter the name",
+ "MainWindow.Error4": "Failed to add game group",
+ "MainWindow.Error5": "Game instance copy failed",
+ "MainWindow.Error6": "Sign in to at least one positive account to use mapping",
+ "MainWindow.Error7": "Unknown user type",
+ "MainWindow.Error8": "{0}\nDo you want to log back into the account?",
"UserWindow.Title": "User List",
- "UserWindow.DataGrid.Text1": "Use",
- "UserWindow.DataGrid.Text3": "Account Type",
- "UserWindow.Info13": "UUID",
- "UserWindow.DataGrid.Text5": "Additional Data 1",
- "UserWindow.DataGrid.Text6": "Additional Data 2",
- "UserWindow.Flyouts.Text1": "Switch User",
- "UserWindow.Flyouts.Text2": "Refresh Key",
- "UserWindow.Flyouts.Text3": "Re-login",
- "UserWindow.Flyouts.Text4": "Delete User",
- "UserWindow.Flyouts.Text5": "Modify Account",
"UserWindow.Text2": "Password",
"UserWindow.Text3": "Account Type",
"UserWindow.Text5": "Add Account",
- "UserWindow.Text6": "Double-click to switch accounts, right-click to open the account menu",
- "UserWindow.Error1": "Please select an account first",
- "UserWindow.Error3": "Server UUID error",
- "UserWindow.Error4": "Server address error",
- "UserWindow.Error5": "Please select a type",
- "UserWindow.Error6": "Refresh failed",
- "UserWindow.Error7": "User information cannot be empty",
- "UserWindow.Error8": "UUID must be 32 alphanumeric characters",
+ "UserWindow.Text7": "Register Account",
+ "UserWindow.Text8": "Add External Login",
+ "UserWindow.Text9": "Account Type",
+ "UserWindow.Text10": "Username",
"UserWindow.Info1": "Loading",
"UserWindow.Info2": "Logging in",
"UserWindow.Info3": "Refreshing login",
"UserWindow.Info4": "Refreshed",
"UserWindow.Info5": "Switch successful",
- "UserWindow.Info6": "Open URL: {0}",
- "UserWindow.Info7": "Enter code: {0} to continue login",
+ "UserWindow.Info6": "Open URL:{0}",
+ "UserWindow.Info7": "Enter code:{0} to continue login",
"UserWindow.Info9": "Server UUID",
"UserWindow.Info10": "Server Address",
"UserWindow.Info11": "Skin Station Address",
+ "UserWindow.Info12": "Successfully added",
+ "UserWindow.Info13": "UID",
+ "UserWindow.Error1": "Please select account first",
+ "UserWindow.Error3": "Server UUID Error",
+ "UserWindow.Error4": "Server Url Error",
+ "UserWindow.Error5": "Please select a type",
+ "UserWindow.Error6": "Refresh failed",
+ "UserWindow.Error7": "User information cannot be empty",
+ "UserWindow.Error8": "UUID must be 32 digits in English",
+ "UserWindow.Error9": "No login model found for this account",
+ "UserWindow.Flyouts.Text1": "Switch User",
+ "UserWindow.Flyouts.Text2": "Refresh Key",
+ "UserWindow.Flyouts.Text3": "Log in again",
+ "UserWindow.Flyouts.Text4": "Delete user",
+ "UserWindow.Flyouts.Text5": "Modify Account",
"SettingWindow.Title": "Launcher Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Flyouts.Text1": "Delete Java",
- "SettingWindow.Tabs.Text1": "Configuration Files",
+ "SettingWindow.Tabs.Text1": "Profile",
"SettingWindow.Tabs.Text2": "Interface Settings",
"SettingWindow.Tabs.Text3": "Network Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tabs.Text4": "Launch Settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tabs.Text4": "Start Settings",
"SettingWindow.Tabs.Text5": "Java Path",
- "SettingWindow.Tabs.Text6": "Client Customization",
+ "SettingWindow.Tabs.Text6": "Client customization",
"SettingWindow.Tabs.Text7": "About",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text1": "Reset All Configurations",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text2": "Clear All Accounts",
+ "SettingWindow.Tabs.Text8": "handle settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text1": "Reset all configurations",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text2": "Clear all accounts",
"SettingWindow.Tab1.Text3": "Run Folder",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text4": "Import Existing Configuration File",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text5": "Configuration File Path",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text6": "Import Existing Account Storage Database",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text7": "Account Storage Database Path",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text8": "Import Existing Graphics Configuration File",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text9": "Graphics Configuration File Path",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text10": "Import Existing Mapping Configuration File",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text11": "Mapping File Path",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text12": "Clear Content",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text13": "Open Directory",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info1": "Are you sure you want to reset all configurations?",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info2": "Reset Complete",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info3": "Are you sure you want to delete all accounts?",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info4": "Cleared",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info5": "Loading Configuration",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info6": "Configuration File Loaded",
- "PathBinding.Text30": "Select Configuration File",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info8": "Loading Account Database",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info9": "Account Database Loaded",
- "PathBinding.Text32": "Select Account Database",
- "PathBinding.Text31": "Configuration File",
- "PathBinding.Text33": "Account Database",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text4": "Import existing profiles",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text5": "Profile Path",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text6": "Import an existing account store database",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text7": "Database path to account store",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text8": "Import existing graphics profiles",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text9": "Path to graph config file",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text10": "Import existing mapping profiles",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text11": "Profile Path",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text14": "Run Path",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text15": "Change directory",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text16": "Note that:this directory is a launcher running directory, it is a directory where the game files, launcher configurations, launcher parameters, etc. changes to this directory and work in multiple launchers if there are multiple copies (copying ColorMC to paste and running in multiple locations).",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Text17": "Restore directory",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info1": "Reset all configurations",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info2": "Reset",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info3": "Delete all accounts",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info4": "Empty",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info5": "Loading configuration",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info6": "Profile loaded",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info8": "Loading account database",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info9": "Account database loaded",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info13": "The files in the old directory will not be copied to the new directory. You will need to copy them manually. Do you want to continue",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info14": "Launcher Run Directory",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Info16": "Restore old directories will not copy files to the old directory. You need to copy them manually. Do you want to continue",
"SettingWindow.Tab1.Error1": "Input file is empty",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Error2": "Configuration file read error",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Error3": "Failed to read configuration file",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Error4": "Account database read error",
- "SettingWindow.Tab1.Error5": "Failed to read account database",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text1": "Language Selection",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Error2": "Profile read error",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Error3": "Failed to read profile",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Error4": "Error reading account database",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab1.Error5": "Account database read failed",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text1": "Language selection",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text2": "Background Image Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text3": "Background Image Address",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text4": "Background Blur Level",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text5": "Background Transparency",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text6": "Note: Not all systems support transparency effects. Windows systems require enabling transparency effects in the system settings.",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text3": "Background image address",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text4": "Background Blur",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text5": "Background transparency",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text6": "Note that:does not all systems support semi-transparent effects, Windows systems need to enable transparency in the system",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text7": "Color Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text8": "Theme Color",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text9": "Window Transparency Effects",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text10": "Background Color",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text11": "Transparent Background Color",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text12": "Reset Colors",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text13": "RGB Mode",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text8": "Theme color",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text9": "Window Transparency Effect",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text12": "Reset colors",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text13": "RGB mode",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text14": "Saturation",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text15": "Hue",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text16": "Font Color 1",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text17": "Font Color 2",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text18": "Note: The larger the background image size, the more lag the launcher may experience.",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text20": "Use Built-in Fonts",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text21": "Note: Language changes will take full effect after restarting the launcher.",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text15": "Color",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text18": "Note that:background graph size is greater, launcher cross",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text20": "Use built-in font",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text21": "Note that reboot the launcher is required to take full effect on:",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text22": "Single Window Mode",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text24": "Resize background image to original size",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text26": "Follow System",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text27": "Light Mode",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text28": "Dark Mode",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text29": "Live2D Character Settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text24": "Adjust background graph size to original",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text26": "Follow system",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text27": "Light color",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text28": "Dark color",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text29": "Live2D Personal Settings",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text30": "Live2DCubismCore Status",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text31": "Download Core",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text32": "Live2DCubismCore runtime library must be downloaded and placed in the launcher root directory to work properly, otherwise Live2D will not be available.",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text32": "Live2D will not work until you download and place Live2DCubismCore in launcher root",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text33": "Live2D Model",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text34": "Width",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text35": "Height",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text39": "Style and Animation Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text40": "Corner Roundness",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text39": "Animation Settings",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text41": "Animation Duration",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text42": "Fade Effect",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text43": "Phone Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text44": "Show Window Background Image",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text42": "Fade effect",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text43": "Mobile Settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text44": "Show Window Background Graph",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text46": "Window Settings",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text47": "Language and Font Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text48": "Display Live2D Character Model",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text48": "Show Live2D People Model",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Text49": "Import Core",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text50": "Image Corner Roundness",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text51": "Border Corner Roundness",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text52": "Display Position",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Info1": "Switching Language",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Info2": "Applying Settings",
- "PathBinding.Text34": "Select Image File",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Info4": "Reset Complete",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Info5": "Applying Transparency Effect",
- "PathBinding.Text35": "Background Image",
- "PathBinding.Text36": "Select Live2D Model JSON",
- "PathBinding.Text37": "Model JSON",
- "PathBinding.Text38": "Select Live2DCore ZIP file",
- "PathBinding.Text39": "Live2DCore ZIP file",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text52": "Show location",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text53": "Low Frame Mode",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text54": "Avatar Settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text55": "2D Avatar",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text56": "3D avatar - still",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text57": "3D Avatar - Rotate",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text58": "Rotate X axis",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text59": "Rotate Y",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text60": "Settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text61": "Apps",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Info1": "Changing language",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Info2": "Setting up",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Info4": "Reset",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Info5": "Setting Transparency Effect",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Info11": "Importing Live2DCore",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Error2": "Initialization Error",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Info12": "set",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Error2": "Initialization error",
"SettingWindow.Tab2.Error3": "No Live2D Model",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Error4": "Live2DCore Import Failed",
- "PathBinding.Error1": "Background Image Import Failed",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text2": "Thread Count",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text3": "Proxy Port Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text4": "Proxy IP Address",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab2.Error4": "Live2DCore import failed",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text2": "Number of Threads",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text3": "Port Proxy Settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text4": "Proxy IP address",
"SettingWindow.Tab3.Text5": "Proxy Port",
"SettingWindow.Tab3.Text6": "Proxy Username",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text7": "Proxy Password",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text8": "Proxy Login Process",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text9": "Proxy Download Process",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text10": "Proxy Game Process",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text11": "Verify Integrity After Download",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text12": "Note: By default, the system proxy is used and cannot be disabled.",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text7": "Proxy password",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text8": "Proxy login process",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text9": "Proxy download process",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text10": "Proxy game process",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text11": "Verify integrity after download",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text12": "Note that:uses system proxies by default and cannot be cancelled",
"SettingWindow.Tab3.Text13": "Download Cache Folder",
"SettingWindow.Tab3.Text14": "Launcher Update Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text15": "Automatically Check for Updates",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text16": "Check for Updates",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text15": "Automatically check for updates",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text16": "Check for updates",
"SettingWindow.Tab3.Text17": "Force Update",
"SettingWindow.Tab3.Text18": "Image Cache Folder",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text19": "Automatically Download Missing Files",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text20": "Cloud Sync Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text21": "Server Key",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text22": "Verify Key",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text19": "Auto-download missing files",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text20": "Sync settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text21": "Server Secret Key",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text22": "Verify Token",
"SettingWindow.Tab3.Text23": "Download Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text24": "Note: Changing the thread count requires restarting the launcher to take effect. The more threads, the more resources consumed.",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text25": "Note: It is recommended to use the official download source to obtain resources. Other sources cannot guarantee the integrity of the required files.",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text26": "Settings cannot be modified during download.",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Info1": "Checking for Updates",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Info2": "New Version Detected, Would You Like to Update?",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Info3": "You Have the Latest Version",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text1": "Jvm Argument Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text2": "Garbage Collector Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text3": "Manual GC Arguments",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text24": "It is recommended to use the official download source to fetch the resource. Other download sources do not guarantee the complete\nto modify the download thread number to take effect with the restart. The larger the thread will consume the resources",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Text26": "Settings cannot be modified during download",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Info1": "Updating check in progress",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Info2": "A new version was detected. Do you want to update",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Info3": "is up to date",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Info4": "The cloud sync key was successfully verified",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Error1": "Cloud sync key validation failed",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab3.Error2": "Error checking updates for launcher",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text1": "Jvm Arguments Settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text2": "Trash Recycler Settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text3": "Manual GC parameters",
"SettingWindow.Tab4.Text4": "Minimum Memory (MB)",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text5": "Maximum Memory (MB)",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text6": "Additional JavaAgent",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text7": "Additional JVM Arguments",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text8": "Additional Game Arguments",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text5": "Max. memory (MB)",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text6": "Attach JavaAgent",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text7": "Attach Jvm parameters",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text8": "Attach game parameters",
"SettingWindow.Tab4.Text9": "Game Window Settings",
"SettingWindow.Tab4.Text10": "Horizontal Size",
"SettingWindow.Tab4.Text11": "Vertical Size",
"SettingWindow.Tab4.Text12": "Fullscreen",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text13": "Pre-launch Settings",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text14": "Game Core Files",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text13": "Set before startup",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text14": "Game Core File",
"SettingWindow.Tab4.Text15": "Resource Files",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text16": "Runtime Library Files",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text17": "Mod Files",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text18": "Close Launcher",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text19": "Post-launch Settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text16": "Run Library File",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text17": "Modules File",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text18": "Close launcher",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text19": "Set after startup",
"SettingWindow.Tab4.Text20": "Execute Program",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text21": "Command of the Executed Program",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text21": "Executed Program Commands",
"SettingWindow.Tab4.Text22": "Verify Integrity",
- "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text23": "Enable Secure log4j",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab4.Text23": "Enable security log 4j",
"SettingWindow.Tab4.Text24": "Game File Check",
- "SettingWindow.Tab5.Text1": "Add Java Path",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab5.Text1": "Add JavaScript Path",
"SettingWindow.Tab5.Text2": "Java Name",
"SettingWindow.Tab5.Text3": "Java Path",
"SettingWindow.Tab5.Text4": "Download Java",
"SettingWindow.Tab5.Text5": "Delete All",
- "SettingWindow.Tab5.Text6": "Java Download Directory",
- "SettingWindow.Tab5.Text7": "Scan and Add",
- "SettingWindow.Tab5.Text8": "ZIP Import",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab5.Text6": "Java download directory",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab5.Text7": "Scan and add",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab5.Text8": "Import archieve",
"SettingWindow.Tab5.Text9": "Main Version",
"SettingWindow.Tab5.Text10": "Type",
"SettingWindow.Tab5.Text11": "Release",
"SettingWindow.Tab5.Info1": "Checking Java",
- "PathBinding.Text26": "Select Java",
- "SettingWindow.Tab5.Info3": "Are you sure you want to delete all Java?",
- "SettingWindow.Tab5.Info4": "Automatically Imported",
- "PathBinding.Text28": "Select Java ZIP File",
- "SettingWindow.Tab5.Info6": "Java Import Complete",
- "SettingWindow.Tab5.Info7": "Importing Java ZIP File",
- "SettingWindow.Tab5.Error1": "Unable to Detect Java",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text1": "Server Information and Auto-Join Settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab5.Info3": "Delete all Java",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab5.Info4": "Automatically imported",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab5.Info6": "Java import completed",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab5.Info7": "Importing Java archive",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab5.Info8": "Scanning Java",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab5.Error1": "Could not detect Java",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab5.Error2": "Please enter the required information",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text1": "Server Info & AutoDown Settings",
"SettingWindow.Tab6.Text2": "Server Address",
"SettingWindow.Tab6.Text3": "Server Port",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text4": "Auto-Join Server",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text5": "Information Background Color",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text6": "Information Font Color",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text7": "Lock Launch Instance",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text8": "Customize Main Interface",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text9": "Configuration File Path",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text10": "Export Template",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text11": "Test Launch",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text16": "Enable Custom Music",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text4": "Auto-join server",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text5": "Message background color",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text6": "Message font color",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text7": "Lock startup instance",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text8": "Custom Main Interface",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text10": "Tutorial",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text11": "Test Start",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text16": "Enable custom music",
"SettingWindow.Tab6.Text17": "Custom File Address",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text18": "Volume Level",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text18": "Volume size",
"SettingWindow.Tab6.Text19": "Play",
"SettingWindow.Tab6.Text20": "Stop",
"SettingWindow.Tab6.Text21": "Pause",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text22": "Volume Fade",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text23": "Resume",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text22": "Gradient volume",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text23": "Continue",
"SettingWindow.Tab6.Text24": "Lock Login Model",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text25": "Login URL Parameters",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text26": "Pause After Game Launch",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text26": "Pause after game starts",
"SettingWindow.Tab6.Text27": "Lock Settings",
"SettingWindow.Tab6.Text29": "Launcher Background Music",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text30": "Start with Custom Main Interface",
- "BaseBinding.Error8": "Custom Main Interface Window Launch Error",
- "Gui.Error55": "Export Main Interface File Error",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Info1": "Save Main Interface File",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Info2": "Select Main Interface File",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Info3": "Main Interface File",
- "SettingWindow.Tab6.Info4": "Main Interface File Exported",
- "PathBinding.Text11": "Select Background Music File",
- "PathBinding.Text12": "Background Music",
- "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text1": "A Cross-Platform Minecraft Launcher",
- "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text2": "Author: Coloryr",
- "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text3": "Launcher Official Website",
- "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text4": "Minecraft Official Website",
- "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text5": "Donation Channel",
- "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text7": "Open Source Address",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text30": "Start using custom main interface",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text31": "Login Model Name",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text32": "Login Model Additional Information",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text33": "Add Model",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text34": "Model Name",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text35": "Login Type",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Text36": "Additional information",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Error4": "This login type can only be added once",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Error5": "Please enter the required information",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab6.Error6": "Change name already exists",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text2": "Author:Coloryr",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text3": "Launch organ network",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text4": "Network of Minecraft officials",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text5": "Sponsorship Channel",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text7": "Open source address",
"SettingWindow.Tab7.Text8": "User Manual",
- "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text9": "MC Wiki",
- "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text10": "Run Mode",
- "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text11": "Apache 2.0 License",
- "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text12": "MIT License",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text9": "MCMods",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text10": "Runs",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text11": "Apache 2.0 Protocol",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text12": "MIT Protocol",
"SettingWindow.Tab7.Text13": "Misans Font",
- "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text14": "BSD License",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text14": "BSD Protocol",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text15": "OpenFrp OPENAPI",
"SettingWindow.Tab7.Info1": "Native Binary",
"SettingWindow.Tab7.Info2": "Dynamic Mode",
- "CountWindow.Title": "Statistics Information",
- "CountWindow.Text1": "Launch Statistics",
- "CountWindow.Text2": "Total Launches:",
- "CountWindow.Text3": "Successful Launches:",
- "CountWindow.Text4": "Failed Launches:",
- "CountWindow.Text5": "Today's Launches:",
- "CountWindow.Text6": "Date:",
- "CountWindow.Text7": "Game Launch Count for:",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Info3": "Whether to open domestic documents",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab7.Info4": "Minimize Mode",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text1": "Handle Support",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text2": "Enable in-game handle support",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text3": "Number of handles:",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text4": "List of handles",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text5": "Handle Configuration",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text6": "Enable configuration",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text7": "Failed to initialize handle input",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text8": "Key Binding",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text9": "Enter key",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text10": "Bind key",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text11": "Note that an:button can bind only one button. A key can be a combination key, e.g. Alt+F4, or a mouse button, but not a mouse wheel",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text12": "The trigger is bound to the pole",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text13": "Stress lens",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text14": "Resume canceled",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text15": "Resume Threshold",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text16": "Note that:binds can set trigger strength, a trigger or pole can set multiple triggers with different buttons using\nbackups and can be reactivated only if triggers are below the threshold of the round; otherwise, keys will be sent as long as they are in the trigger strength",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text17": "Shake Settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text18": "Perspective pole",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text19": "Cursor Pole",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text20": "Sensitivity tuning",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text21": "Cursor Threshold",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text22": "Perspective Threshold",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text23": "Rotation Multiplier",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text24": "Cursor Multiplier",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text25": "Additional feature settings",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text26": "Enable Item Cycle (send up and down wheel)",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text27": "Previous item buttons:",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text28": "Set Button",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text29": "Next Item Button:",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text30": "Shake Speed",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text31": "Export",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Text32": "Rename",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Info1": "Do you want to delete handle plan {0}",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Info2": "Configuration Name",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Info3": "Press the handle trigger to bind",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Info4": "Press keyboard or mouse button to bind",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Info5": "The trigger or shake binding has been added",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Info6": "Press the handle to bind",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Info7": "Key binding added",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Info8": "Refresh handle",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Info9": "Key binding modified",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Info10": "Key binding removed",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Info14": "Handle Configuration Exported",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Info15": "Handle Configuration Imported",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Error1": "Handle open failed",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Error2": "Unable to import handle configuration file",
+ "SettingWindow.Tab8.Error4": "Error exporting handle configuration file",
+ "SettingWindow.Flyouts.Text1": "Delete Java",
+ "SettingWindow.Flyouts.Text2": "Modify Bind",
+ "SettingWindow.Flyouts.Text3": "Delete keys",
+ "CountWindow.Title": "Statistics",
+ "CountWindow.Text1": "Start stats",
+ "CountWindow.Text2": "Cumulative startups:",
+ "CountWindow.Text3": "Number of successful startups:",
+ "CountWindow.Text4": "Number of failed startups:",
+ "CountWindow.Text5": "Number of startups today:",
+ "CountWindow.Text6": "Date:",
+ "CountWindow.Text7": "The number of times the game started is:",
"CountWindow.Text8": "Game Time Statistics",
- "CountWindow.Text9": "Total Game Time:",
- "CountWindow.Text10": "Today's Game Time:",
- "CountWindow.Text11": "Game Time for:",
+ "CountWindow.Text9": "Cumulative game time:",
+ "CountWindow.Text10": "Today's game time:",
+ "CountWindow.Text11": "Game time is:",
"CountWindow.Text12": "Game Instance Statistics",
- "CountWindow.Text13": "Select Game Instance:",
+ "CountWindow.Text13": "Select game instance:",
"GameEditWindow.Title": "Game Instance Settings {0}",
"GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text1": "Version Settings",
- "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text2": "Launch Arguments",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text2": "Start Parameters",
"GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text4": "Mods",
- "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text5": "Maps",
- "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text6": "Resource Packs",
- "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text7": "Game Screenshots",
- "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text10": "Servers",
- "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text11": "Shader Packs",
- "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text12": "Structure Files",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text5": "Map",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text6": "Resource Pack",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text7": "Screenshot",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text10": "Server",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text11": "Light Pack",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tabs.Text12": "Structure File",
"GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text2": "Refresh Version",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text3": "Mark as Integrated Package",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text5": "Generate Server Instance",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text6": "Modify Configuration File",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text3": "Mark as integration package",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text5": "Generate Server Instances",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text6": "Edit profile",
"GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text7": "View Run Log",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text8": "Integrated Package ID",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text9": "Integrated Package Version Number",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text10": "Check for Integrated Package Updates",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text11": "Export Game Instance",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text12": "Integrated Package Information",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text13": "Game Language",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info1": "Are you sure you want to delete instance {0}?",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text8": "Integrate package ID",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text9": "Integrate package version",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text10": "Check for updates",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text11": "Export Game Instances",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text12": "Integrate package information",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text13": "Game language",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text14": "Generate Instance Information",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text15": "Custom Loader Information:",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Text16": "Delete instance",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info1": "Do you want to delete instance {0}",
"GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info2": "Checking for updates",
"GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info3": "Check failed",
"GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info4": "No new version",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info5": "Already the latest version",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info6": "New version of integrated package available, would you like to update?\nNote: This operation will delete old mods, install new mods, and overwrite all configuration files.",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info7": "Update complete",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info8": "Updating integrated package",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info5": "is now the latest version",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info6": "Modpack has a new version exist, update or not\nNotify: This operation will delete old mods, install new mods, and override all configuration",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info7": "Update completed",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info8": "Integrate package updates",
"GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info9": "Reading game instance language information",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Error1": "Unable to delete, game is running",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info10": "Generating game instance information",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info11": "Deleting game instance",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info12": "Reading game version",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Error1": "Cannot delete game while running",
"GameEditWindow.Tab1.Error2": "Update failed",
"GameEditWindow.Tab1.Error3": "Unable to detect, no version information",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text1": "Jvm Argument Settings",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text2": "Garbage Collector Settings",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text3": "Manual GC Arguments",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Error4": "Version read failed",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text1": "Jvm Arguments Settings",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text2": "Trash Recycler Settings",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text3": "Manual GC parameters",
"GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text4": "Minimum Memory (MB)",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text5": "Maximum Memory (MB)",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text6": "Additional JavaAgent",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text7": "Additional JVM Arguments",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text8": "Additional Game Arguments",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text5": "Max. memory (MB)",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text6": "Attach JavaAgent",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text7": "Attach Jvm parameters",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text8": "Attach game parameters",
"GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text9": "Game Window Settings",
"GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text10": "Horizontal Size",
"GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text11": "Vertical Size",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text12": "Fullscreen",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text13": "This setting only applies to game instance {0}",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text14": "Auto-Join Server",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text13": "The following settings apply only to game instance {0}",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text14": "Auto-join server",
"GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text15": "Server Address",
"GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text16": "Server Port",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text17": "Proxy Port Settings",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text18": "Proxy IP Address",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text17": "Port Proxy Settings",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text18": "Proxy IP address",
"GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text19": "Proxy Port",
"GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text20": "Proxy Username",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text21": "Proxy Password",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text22": "Java Used",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text23": "Specify Java Path",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text24": "Java Basic Settings",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text25": "Note: Custom additional parameters are separated by ; (semicolon)",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text21": "Proxy password",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text22": "Used Java",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text23": "Specify JavaScript Path",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text24": "Java Base Settings",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text25": "Note that:additional parameters will not be separated unless (English semicolon)",
"GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text27": "Custom mainclass",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text28": "Delete All Configurations",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text29": "Execute Program After Launch",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text30": "Command of the Executed Program",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text31": "Execute Program Before Launch",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text32": "Additional classpath",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text33": "Custom Execution",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text34": "Custom Environment Variables",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text35": "Note: Custom environment variables are separated by \\n (newline)",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Info1": "Are you sure you want to delete all configurations?",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text1": "Filter Content",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text2": "Filter Options",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text3": "Check for Updates",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text4": "Add Tags",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text28": "Delete all configurations",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text29": "Execute execution after startup",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text30": "Executed Program Commands",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text31": "Execute pre-startup implementation",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text32": "Attached classpath",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text33": "Custom execution",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text34": "Additional Environment Variables",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text35": "Note that:attached environment variable will be split as long as \\n(newline)",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text36": "Delete old Jvm parameters",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text37": "Delete old game parameters",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text38": "Multiple titles can be split with \\n(newline)",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text39": "Cycle display window title",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text40": "Loop delay",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text41": "Random Window Title",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text42": "Window title",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Text43": "If \\n(newline) appears then the contents will be split into startup arguments",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab2.Info1": "Do you want to delete all configurations",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text1": "Filter content",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text2": "Filter",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text3": "Check for updates",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text4": "Manual Marker",
"GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text5": "Detect Dependencies",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text9": "Enable",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text6": "Import mods",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text7": "Automark",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text8": "Import mods",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text9": "Enabled",
"GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text10": "Link",
"GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text11": "Loader",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text12": "Project ID",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text12": "Item ID",
"GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text13": "File ID",
"GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info1": "Loading mod list",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info2": "Addition complete",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info3": "Deletion complete",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info4": "Are you sure you want to delete mod {0}?",
- "GameBinding.Info15": "Unrecognizable mod",
- "PathBinding.Text16": "Please select the mod file to import",
- "PathBinding.Text17": "Mod File",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info9": "Are you sure you want to delete these {0} mods?",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info10": "Detecting mod version updates",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info11": "Detected {0} mods with new versions, would you like to update?",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info2": "Add Complete",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info3": "Delete complete",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info4": "Do you want to delete mod {0}",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info9": "Do you want to delete {0} amount of mods",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info10": "Checking for mod updates",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info11": "New version of {0} mod detected",
"GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info12": "Updating mods",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info13": "All tagged mods are up to date",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info14": "Found {0} sets of the same modid enabled, would you like to view them?",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info15": "Detecting mod dependencies",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info13": "Marked mods are up-to-date",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info14": "The same modification as the existing group of {0} is enabled, see if you want to see them",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info15": "Checking mod dependency",
"GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info16": "No missing dependencies",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info17": "Would you like to disable the {0} mods that depend on this one as well?",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Error1": "Mod list loading failed",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Error2": "Mod import failed",
- "GameBinding.Error14": "Mod enable/disable failed {0}",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Text1": "Backup Folder",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Text2": "Restore World Backup",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info17": "Whether to disable this {0} mods at the same time",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info18": "Overwrite existing flags",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info19": "Marking mods automatically",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info20": "Marked {0} mods",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info21": "New version available",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Error1": "Failed to load mod list",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Error2": "Failed to load mod",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Error4": "Failed to flag {0} mod",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Error5": "This mod is not marked and cannot be downloaded online.",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Text1": "Backup directory",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Text2": "Restore Map Backup",
"GameEditWindow.Tab5.Text3": "Map Editor",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info1": "Are you sure you want to delete world {0}?",
- "PathBinding.Text18": "Select map zip file",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info3": "Map export successful",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Text4": "Import map archive",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Text5": "No map archive",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Text6": "Filter Name",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info1": "Do you want to delete map {0}",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info3": "Map exported successfully",
"GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info4": "Exporting map",
"GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info5": "Loading map list",
- "PathBinding.Text19": "Map Zip File",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info7": "Backing up world",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info8": "World backed up",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info9": "Select backup world zip file",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info10": "This operation will delete the old world, would you like to continue?",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info11": "Restoring world",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info7": "Backing up map",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info8": "Map backed up",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info9": "Select backup map archive",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info10": "This operation will delete the old map and continue",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info11": "Restoring map",
"GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info12": "Backup restored",
"GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info13": "Opening",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info14": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected {0} data packs?",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info15": "Are you sure you want to delete data pack {0}?",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info16": "Loading data pack list",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Error1": "Map export error",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Error2": "World import failed",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Error3": "World backup failed",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Error4": "Backup restoration failed",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Error5": "No worlds available for restoration",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab8.Info1": "Are you sure you want to delete resource pack {0}?",
- "PathBinding.Text20": "Select the resource pack to import",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info14": "Delete selected{0}packets",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info15": "Delete data pack {0}",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Info16": "Loading packet list",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Error1": "Map Export Error",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Error2": "Failed to import map",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Error3": "Map backup failed",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Error4": "Failed to restore backup",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Error5": "No maps to restore",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab8.Text1": "Import Resource Pack",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab8.Text2": "No Resource Packs",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab8.Text3": "Texture package format:",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab8.Info1": "Do you want to delete the resource pack {0}",
"GameEditWindow.Tab8.Info3": "Loading resource pack list",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab8.Info4": "Corrupted resource pack",
- "PathBinding.Text21": "Resource Pack",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab8.Error1": "Resource pack import failed",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab9.Text1": "Delete Screenshot",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab9.Info1": "Are you sure you want to delete screenshot {0}?",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab9.Info2": "Are you sure you want to clear all screenshots for instance {0}?",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab9.Info3": "Loading instance screenshots",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab8.Info4": "Bad Resource Pack",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab8.Error1": "Resource package imported by",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab9.Text1": "Remove screenshot",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab9.Text2": "No in-game screenshot",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab9.Text3": "Clear screenshot",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab9.Info1": "Do you want to delete screenshot {0}",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab9.Info2": "Do you want to empty the screenshot of instance {0}",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab9.Info3": "Loading instance screenshot",
"GameEditWindow.Tab10.Text1": "Address",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab10.Info1": "Server Name",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab10.Text2": "No server address",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab10.Text3": "Add Address",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab10.Info1": "Server name",
"GameEditWindow.Tab10.Info2": "Server Address",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab10.Info3": "Added successfully",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab10.Info4": "Retrieving",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab10.Info3": "Successfully added",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab10.Info4": "Fetching",
"GameEditWindow.Tab10.Info5": "Deleted successfully",
"GameEditWindow.Tab10.Info6": "Processing",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab10.Error1": "Invalid parameters",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab11.Text1": "Import Shader Pack",
- "PathBinding.Text22": "Shader Pack",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab11.Info1": "Import successful",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab10.Error1": "Wrong parameter",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab11.Text1": "Import Light Pack",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab11.Text2": "No Light Packs",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab11.Info1": "Import succeeded",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab11.Error1": "File already exists",
"GameEditWindow.Tab12.Text1": "Import Structure File",
- "PathBinding.Text23": "Structure File",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab11.Info1": "Import successful",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab12.Text2": "No structure file",
"GameEditWindow.Tab12.Text3": "Description",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab12.Text4": "Length",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab12.Text5": "Height",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab12.Text4": "Long",
+ "GameEditWindow.Tab12.Text5": "High",
"GameEditWindow.Tab12.Text6": "Width",
- "WorldControl.Text1": "Game Mode:",
- "WorldControl.Text4": "Last Played:",
- "WorldControl.Text2": "Game Difficulty:",
- "WorldControl.Text3": "Hardcore Mode:",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab8.Text3": "Integrated Package Format:",
- "WorldControl.Text5": "Data Pack List",
- "WorldControl.Text6": "Enable",
- "WorldControl.Text8": "No Data Packs",
- "WorldControl.Text7": "Description",
"GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text1": "Enable/Disable",
- "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text2": "Delete Mod",
- "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text3": "Search on mcmod",
- "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text4": "Open Link",
+ "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text2": "Delete mod",
+ "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text3": "mcmodsearch",
+ "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text4": "Open link",
"GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text5": "Change Version",
- "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text6": "Copy to Clipboard",
- "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text7": "Export World",
- "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text8": "Delete World",
- "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text9": "Backup World",
- "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text10": "Modify Configuration",
- "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text11": "Quick Launch",
+ "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text6": "Copy to clipboard",
+ "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text7": "Export Map",
+ "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text8": "Delete map",
+ "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text9": "Backup map",
+ "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text10": "Modify configuration",
+ "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text11": "Quick Start",
"GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text12": "Delete Resource Pack",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab9.Text3": "Clear Screenshots",
- "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text13": "Copy to Clipboard",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info12": "Reading game versions",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Error4": "Version read failed",
+ "GameEditWindow.Flyouts.Text13": "Copy to clipboard",
"ErrorWindow.Title": "Run Error",
- "ErrorWindow.Text1": "Save Error",
- "ErrorWindow.Text2": "Upload Error",
- "DownloadWindow.Title": "Download List",
- "DownloadWindow.DataGrid.Text2": "Status",
- "DownloadWindow.DataGrid.Text4": "Total Size (Mb)",
- "DownloadWindow.Text8": "Error Count",
- "DownloadWindow.Text1": "Pause Download",
- "DownloadWindow.Text2": "Stop Download",
- "DownloadWindow.Text3": "Download Progress",
- "DownloadWindow.Text4": "Continue Download",
- "DownloadWindow.Info1": "Do you want to stop the download?",
+ "ErrorWindow.Text1": "Save Content",
+ "ErrorWindow.Text2": "Upload content",
+ "DownloadWindow.Title": "Download list",
+ "DownloadWindow.Text1": "Pause download",
+ "DownloadWindow.Text2": "Stop downloading",
+ "DownloadWindow.Text4": "Continue downloading",
+ "DownloadWindow.Text5": "Download Thread",
+ "DownloadWindow.Text6": "Remaining downloads:",
+ "DownloadWindow.Text7": "Current task progress:",
+ "DownloadWindow.Text8": "Errors:",
+ "DownloadWindow.Info1": "Do you want to stop downloading",
"DownloadWindow.Info2": "Download paused",
- "DownloadWindow.Info3": "Download resumed",
+ "DownloadWindow.Info3": "Download continued",
+ "DownloadWindow.Info4": "idle",
"AddGameWindow.Title": "Add Game Instance",
- "AddGameWindow.Tabs.Text1": "New Instance",
- "AddGameWindow.Tabs.Text2": "Import from Zip",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tabs.Text1": "New From New",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tabs.Text2": "Import from archive",
"AddGameWindow.Tabs.Text3": "Import from Folder",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text2": "Instance Name",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text4": "Mod Loader",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text5": "Game Group",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text5": "Group game",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text6": "Type",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text9": "Add Group",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text10": "Search Modpacks",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text11": "Refresh Loader",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text11": "Reload",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text12": "Refresh Version",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text13": "Download Cloud Sync Instance",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text14": "Download Server Instance",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text15": "Installer (install.jar) location for Mod Loader",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text16": "Load Vanilla Libraries After",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info1": "Getting Forge version information",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info2": "Getting Fabric version information",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info3": "Getting Quilt version information",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info4": "Getting Mod Loader information",
- "Text.Group": "Group Name",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text14": "Download Server Instances",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text15": "Installer (install.jar) for mod loader",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text16": "Load original library after",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text19": "Download integration package",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text20": "Download Instance",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text21": "Select Loader",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text22": "Finished",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info1": "Fetching Forge Version Information",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info2": "Retrieving Fabric's version information",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info3": "Fetching Quilt version information",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info4": "Acquiring mod loader information",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info6": "Game group added successfully",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info7": "Game instance added successfully",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info8": "Installing modpack",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info9": "Getting instance list",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info10": "Select a game instance to sync",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info8": "Installing integration packages",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info9": "Acquiring instance list",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info10": "Select game instance to sync",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info11": "Downloading instance",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info12": "Instance name conflict, please modify",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info13": "Enter server instance URL",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info14": "Detecting server instance",
- "GameBinding.Info16": "Downloading server instance files",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info16": "Getting Optifine version information",
- "PathBinding.Text24": "Select installer for custom loader",
- "PathBinding.Text25": "Installer for loader",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info14": "Detecting server instances",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info16": "Fetching Optifine's version information",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info19": "Retrieving NeoForge version information",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info20": "Keep the window open. Set the name and group information of the integration package",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info21": "Unpacking",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error1": "Failed to get loader version information",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error2": "Please enter a name",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error3": "Failed to add game group",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error4": "Unable to add, downloading resources",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error5": "Instance name duplicate",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error5": "Instance name repeats",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error6": "No instance name",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error7": "No version selected",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error8": "Modpack installation failed",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error8": "Integration package installation failed",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error9": "Failed to get instance list",
- "GameBinding.Error9": "Game instance creation failed",
- "Gui.Error61": "Game instance configuration download failed",
- "GameBinding.Error10": "Game file download failed",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error13": "Please enter a valid instance name",
"AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error14": "Please enter a valid server instance URL",
- "GameBinding.Error11": "Server instance verification failed",
- "GameBinding.Error12": "Error in server instance download",
- "GameBinding.Error8": "Cloud archive configuration file extraction failed",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Text1": "Zip Location",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Text2": "Zip Type",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Text3": "Select Zip",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Info1": "Importing zip",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Info2": "Reading zip",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Info3": "Parsing zip",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Info4": "Downloading files",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Info5": "Import complete",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Info6": "Importing zip",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Error1": "Import error",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Error2": "No zip selected",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Error3": "No zip type selected",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Error18": "Unsupported custom mod loader. Requires manual reconfiguration",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Text1": "Compressor location",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Text2": "Compression Type",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Text3": "Select Archive",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Info1": "Importing archive",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Info2": "Reading archive",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Info3": "Resolving archive",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Info4": "Downloading file",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Info5": "Import completed",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Info6": "Importing archive",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Error1": "Import Error",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Error2": "No archive selected",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab2.Error3": "No package type selected",
"AddGameWindow.Tab3.Text1": "Import Path",
"AddGameWindow.Tab3.Text2": "Select Path",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab3.Info1": "Importing folder",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab3.Info2": "Scanning files",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab3.Info3": "Is it allowed to scan the folder {0}?",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab3.Error1": "Instance creation failed",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab3.Error2": "Path {0} scan failed",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab3.Text3": "Scan files",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab3.Info1": "Importing folders",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab3.Info2": "Scanning for files",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab3.Info3": "Allow to scan folder {0}",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab3.Info4": "{0} game instances were scanned. Do you want to import them?",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab3.Error1": "Import Instance New",
+ "AddGameWindow.Tab3.Error2": "Path {0} scanning failed",
"AddGameWindow.Tab3.Error3": "No import path selected",
"AddGameWindow.Tab3.Error4": "No scan path",
- "AddGameWindow.Text1": "Import Zip",
- "AddGameWindow.Info2": "Game instance: {0} conflict, overwrite?",
- "AddModPackWindow.Title": "Add Modpack",
- "AddModPackWindow.Text1": "Category",
- "AddModPackWindow.Text4": "Sort",
- "AddModPackWindow.Text5": "Page",
- "AddModPackWindow.Text6": "Select Version File",
+ "AddGameWindow.Text1": "Import Packages",
+ "AddGameWindow.Text2": "Import Game Folder",
+ "AddGameWindow.Info2": "Game instance:{0}conflict, overwrite",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Title": "Add integration package",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Text1": "Categories",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Text4": "Sort by",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Text5": "Pages",
"AddModPackWindow.Text8": "Search",
- "AddModPackWindow.Text9": "Version List",
- "AddModPackWindow.Text10": "Get Versions",
- "AddModPackWindow.Text12": "Download Selected",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Text10": "Get Version",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Text12": "Install Selected",
"AddModPackWindow.Text13": "No resources",
- "AddModPackWindow.Text15": "Download Count",
- "AddModPackWindow.Text16": "Release Time",
- "AddModPackWindow.Info1": "Install modpack {0}?",
- "AddModPackWindow.Info2": "Searching for modpacks",
- "AddModPackWindow.Info3": "Getting modpack versions",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Text14": "Next page",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Text15": "Downloads",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Text16": "Publish Date",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Info1": "Install integration package {0}",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Info2": "Searching for integration packages",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Info3": "Fetching integration package version",
"AddModPackWindow.Info4": "Loading version data",
- "AddModPackWindow.Error1": "You have not selected a modpack",
- "AddModPackWindow.Error2": "Modpack data load failed",
- "AddModPackWindow.Error3": "Modpack version data load failed",
- "AddModPackWindow.Error4": "Game version load failed",
- "AddModPackWindow.Error5": "Image download failed",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Info5": "Whether to switch to next download source",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Error1": "You have not selected integration packages",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Error2": "Failed to load package data",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Error3": "Failed to load package version data",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Error4": "Game version loading failed, reload",
+ "AddModPackWindow.Error5": "Failed to get image",
"AddModPackWindow.Error6": "Please enter enough search information",
- "AddModPackWindow.Control.Text1": "Author: ",
- "FileItemControl.Text1": "Download Count: ",
- "FileItemControl.Text2": "Last Updated: ",
- "AddWindow.Title": "Add Resources to Game Instance {0}",
- "AddWindow.Text1": "Resource Type",
- "AddWindow.Text2": "Search Source",
- "AddWindow.Text4": "Sort",
- "AddWindow.Text5": "Category",
+ "AddWindow.Title": "Game instance added resource {0}",
+ "AddWindow.Text2": "Search source",
+ "AddWindow.Text4": "Sort by",
+ "AddWindow.Text5": "Categories",
"AddWindow.Text6": "Download All",
- "AddWindow.Text7": "Select mods and their dependencies to download",
- "AddWindow.Text8": "Open Link",
- "AddWindow.Text9": "Extended Dependencies",
- "AddWindow.Text10": "Download Optifine",
- "AddWindow.Text11": "Download?",
- "AddWindow.Text12": "Dependency Name",
- "AddWindow.Info1": "Download resource {0}?",
+ "AddWindow.Text7": "Select prefix to download with other mods",
+ "AddWindow.Text8": "Open link",
+ "AddWindow.Text9": "Show optional mods",
+ "AddWindow.Text11": "Download",
+ "AddWindow.Text12": "Required Front",
+ "AddWindow.Text13": "Open MC Encyclopedia",
+ "AddWindow.Text14": "Forge Version",
+ "AddWindow.Info1": "Download resource {0}",
"AddWindow.Info2": "Searching for resources",
- "AddWindow.Info3": "Getting resource versions",
- "AddWindow.Info4": "Loading version data…",
- "AddWindow.Info5": "Downloading resources…",
- "AddWindow.Info7": "Please select the world to add",
- "AddWindow.Info8": "Do you want to tag mod {0}?",
- "AddWindow.Info9": "Downloading resources…",
- "AddWindow.Info10": "Do you want to install {0}?",
- "AddWindow.Info11": "Downloading…",
- "AddWindow.Info13": "Loading Optifine list…",
- "AddWindow.Info14": "Select download source…",
- "AddWindow.Error1": "You have not selected any resources",
+ "AddWindow.Info3": "Fetching resource version",
+ "AddWindow.Info5": "Downloading resource",
+ "AddWindow.Info7": "Please select the map to add",
+ "AddWindow.Info8": "Mark mod {0}",
+ "AddWindow.Info9": "Downloading resource",
+ "AddWindow.Info10": "Do you want to install {0}",
+ "AddWindow.Info11": "Downloading",
+ "AddWindow.Info13": "Loading Optifine list",
+ "AddWindow.Info14": "Select download source",
+ "AddWindow.Error1": "You have not selected resources",
"AddWindow.Error2": "Resource data loading failed",
"AddWindow.Error3": "Resource version data loading failed",
- "AddWindow.Error4": "Game version loading failed",
"AddWindow.Error5": "Resource download failed",
- "AddWindow.Error6": "No worlds to add",
- "AddWindow.Error7": "Data pack download error",
+ "AddWindow.Error6": "No map to add",
+ "AddWindow.Error7": "Package download error",
"AddWindow.Error8": "Resource download error",
- "AddWindow.Error9": "Failed to obtain mod download information",
- "AddWindow.Error10": "Optifine version loading failed",
+ "AddWindow.Error9": "Failed to get mod download information",
+ "AddWindow.Error10": "Optifine's version load failed",
"AddWindow.Error11": "No download source",
- "FileItemControl.Text3": "Downloading…",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text14": "Open webpage",
- "AddWindow.Text13": "Open MC Wiki",
"AddJavaWindow.Title": "Download Java",
"AddJavaWindow.Text2": "System",
"AddJavaWindow.Text4": "Build",
- "AddJavaWindow.Text5": "Apple’s M series, Arm64 systems should download aarch64; you should choose jdk or jre to download; double-click to select download",
- "AddJavaWindow.Text6": "Too many versions, please refine your selection",
- "AddJavaWindow.Info1": "Do you want to download {0}?",
- "AddJavaWindow.Info2": "Downloading Java…",
- "AddJavaWindow.Info3": "Java downloaded successfully",
- "AddJavaWindow.Info4": "Getting version information…",
- "AddJavaWindow.Info5": "Extracting…",
- "AddJavaWindow.Error1": "Acquisition failed",
- "AddJavaWindow.Text4": "Build",
- "AddJavaWindow.Text2": "System",
+ "AddJavaWindow.Text5": "Apple series M, Arm64 should download aarch64; download should select jdk or jre; double click to select download",
+ "AddJavaWindow.Text6": "Too many versions, please disaggregate the selection",
+ "AddJavaWindow.Text7": "Type",
"AddJavaWindow.Text8": "Main Version",
+ "AddJavaWindow.Info1": "Do you want to download {0}",
+ "AddJavaWindow.Info2": "Downloading Java",
+ "AddJavaWindow.Info3": "Java successfully downloaded",
+ "AddJavaWindow.Info4": "Fetching version",
+ "AddJavaWindow.Info5": "Unpacking",
+ "AddJavaWindow.Error1": "Fetch failed",
"SkinWindow.Title": "Skin Preview",
- "SkinWindow.Text1": "Reset Viewpoint",
- "SkinWindow.Text3": "Edit Skin",
+ "SkinWindow.Text1": "Reset View",
+ "SkinWindow.Text3": "Modify skin",
"SkinWindow.Text4": "Export Skin",
- "SkinWindow.Text5": "Show Second Layer",
- "SkinWindow.Text6": "Show Cape",
+ "SkinWindow.Text5": "Show second layer",
+ "SkinWindow.Text6": "Show winds",
"SkinWindow.Text7": "Walking Animation",
- "SkinWindow.Text8": "Reset Animation",
+ "SkinWindow.Text8": "Reset action",
+ "SkinWindow.Text9": "MSAA X8 Antialiasing",
"SkinWindow.Info1": "You cannot select this type",
- "SkinWindow.Info2": "No skin available",
+ "SkinWindow.Info2": "No skin",
"SkinWindow.Info3": "Unknown skin type",
- "SkinWindow.Error1": "Shader Error",
- "SkinWindow.Error2": "Shader Compilation Error",
- "ServerPackWindow.Title": "Generate Server Instance {0}",
+ "SkinWindow.Error1": "Colorize program error",
+ "SkinWindow.Error2": "Colorize programming error",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Title": "Generate server instance {0}",
"ServerPackWindow.Tabs.Text1": "General Settings",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tabs.Text2": "Mod Selection",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tabs.Text3": "Resource Pack Selection",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tabs.Text4": "Configuration File Selection",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab1.Text1": "The server pack will copy all settings of the game instance, including JVM arguments, pre-launch operations, etc.",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab1.Text6": "Update Notes",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab1.Text10": "Generate Server Instance",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab1.Text11": "Proceed to Next Settings",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab1.Error3": "Generation failed, please check the log for details",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tabs.Text2": "Modules",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tabs.Text3": "Resource Pack",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tabs.Text4": "Profile",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab1.Text1": "Server pack will copy all game instance settings, including JVM parameters, start before running.",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab1.Text6": "Update Description",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab1.Text10": "Start Generating",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab1.Error3": "Failed to generate, see log for details",
"ServerPackWindow.Tab1.Info1": "Generating server instance",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab1.Info2": "Generation complete",
- "Button.SelectAll": "Select All",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab1.Info2": "Generated",
"ServerPackWindow.Tab2.Text3": "Clear Selection",
"ServerPackWindow.Tab2.Text4": "Synchronize",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab2.Text5": "Project ID",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab2.Text5": "Item ID",
"ServerPackWindow.Tab2.Text6": "File ID",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab2.Text7": "Download URL",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab2.Text8": "Hash Value",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab2.Text7": "Download address",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab2.Text8": "Hash",
"ServerPackWindow.Tab2.Text9": "Synchronize",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab2.Text10": "Download URL",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab4.Text1": "Select configuration files to synchronize",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab4.Text2": "Synchronization Method",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab4.Text3": "Archive Sync: Download and unzip the archive to overwrite, Full Sync: Download each file individually",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab4.Text4": "Synchronization Method",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab4.DataGrid.Text3": "Download URL",
- "ServerPackWindow.Tab4.Text5": "Archive Sync",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab2.Text10": "Download address",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab4.Text1": "Select configuration file to sync",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab4.Text2": "Sync Method",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab4.Text3": "The package synchronizes with:downloads of zips, full sync of:file downloads",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab4.Text4": "Sync Method",
+ "ServerPackWindow.Tab4.Text5": "Package synchronization",
"ServerPackWindow.Tab4.Text6": "Full Sync",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Title": "Game Instance Configuration Modification {0}",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Title1": "Game Instance Configuration Modification {0} World {1}",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Title": "Game instance modification configuration {0} ",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Title1": "Game instance modification configuration {0} map {1} ",
"ConfigEditWindow.Text1": "Filter",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Text2": "Close Modification",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Text2": "Save File",
"ConfigEditWindow.Text3": "Refresh List",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Text4": "Data Type:",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Text5": "Find Block",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Text6": "Find Entity",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Text4": "Data type:",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Text5": "Find blocks",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Text6": "Find Entities",
"ConfigEditWindow.Text7": "Block Name",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Text8": "Calculated Chunk Coordinates:",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Text9": "Calculated File:",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Text10": "Start Search",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Text8": "Computed block coordinates:",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Text9": "Calculated file:",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Text10": "Start lookup",
"ConfigEditWindow.Text11": "Entity Name",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Text12": "Hex Edit",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Text13": "File Selection",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Text14": "Index",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Text12": "Edit hex",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Text14": "Label",
"ConfigEditWindow.Text15": "Value",
"ConfigEditWindow.Flyouts.Text3": "Modify Key",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Flyouts.Text4": "Modify Value",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Flyouts.Text4": "Modify value",
"ConfigEditWindow.Flyouts.Text5": "Search Key",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Info1": "Do you want to delete the NBT tag?",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Info2": "Add NBT Tag",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Info3": "Key Name",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Info1": "Delete NBT Tags",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Info2": "Add NBT Label",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Info3": "Key name",
"ConfigEditWindow.Info4": "Value",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Info5": "Modify Key Name",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Info6": "Modify Value",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Info7": "Reading in Progress",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Error1": "Key Name is Empty",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Error2": "Duplicate Key Name",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Error3": "Illegal Value",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Error4": "Chunk Does Not Exist: {0}",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Error5": "Chunk File Does Not Exist: {0}",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Error6": "Block Does Not Exist: {0}",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Error7": "Entity File Does Not Exist: {0}",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Error8": "Entity Does Not Exist: {0}",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Error9": "NBT Tag File Reading Failed",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Error10": "Chunk File Reading Failed",
- "GameLogWindow.Title": "Game Instance Run Log {0}",
- "GameLogWindow.Text1": "Auto Wrap",
- "GameLogWindow.Text2": "Auto Scroll",
- "GameLogWindow.Text3": "Force Stop",
- "GameLogWindow.Text4": "Test Launch",
- "GameLogWindow.Text5": "History Log",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Info5": "Change key name",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Info6": "Modify value",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Info7": "Reading",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Info8": "Change unsaved, abort",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Info9": "Saved",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Error1": "Key name is empty",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Error2": "Repeat key name",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Error3": "Invalid value",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Error4": "No block:{0}",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Error5": "Block file:{0} does not exist",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Error6": "No block:{0}",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Error7": "Entity file:{0} does not exist",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Error8": "Entity:{0} does not exist",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Error9": "NBT tag file read failed",
+ "ConfigEditWindow.Error10": "Block file read failed",
+ "GameLogWindow.Title": "Game Instance Run Log {0} ",
+ "GameLogWindow.Text1": "Wrap lines automatically",
+ "GameLogWindow.Text2": "Auto pulldown",
+ "GameLogWindow.Text3": "Force stop",
+ "GameLogWindow.Text4": "Test Start",
"GameLogWindow.Text6": "Refresh List",
"GameLogWindow.Text7": "Search",
"GameLogWindow.Text8": "Upload Log",
- "GameLogWindow.Info1": "Reading in Progress",
- "GameLogWindow.Info2": "Read Failed",
- "GameLogWindow.Info3": "Game Running...",
- "GameLogWindow.Info4": "Do you want to upload the current log file?",
+ "GameLogWindow.Info1": "Reading",
+ "GameLogWindow.Info2": "Failed to read",
+ "GameLogWindow.Info3": "Running game...",
+ "GameLogWindow.Info4": "Whether to upload the current log file",
"GameLogWindow.Info5": "Log URL {0}",
- "GameLogWindow.Info6": "Uploading in Progress",
- "GameLogWindow.Info7": "URL Copied to Clipboard",
- "GameLogWindow.Error1": "Log Upload Failed",
- "GameLogWindow.Error2": "Cannot Upload Empty Content",
+ "GameLogWindow.Info6": "Uploading",
+ "GameLogWindow.Info7": "URL copied to clipboard",
+ "GameLogWindow.Error1": "Log upload failed",
+ "GameLogWindow.Error2": "Content is empty to upload",
"GameExportWindow.Title": "Game Instance Export {0}",
"GameExportWindow.Tabs.Text1": "Export Settings",
- "GameExportWindow.Tabs.Text2": "Mods Online Download",
- "GameExportWindow.Tabs.Text3": "File Selection",
- "GameExportWindow.Tabs.Text4": "Files Online Download",
+ "GameExportWindow.Tabs.Text2": "Mod Settings",
+ "GameExportWindow.Tabs.Text3": "Package of documents",
+ "GameExportWindow.Tabs.Text4": "File Downloads",
+ "GameExportWindow.Tabs.Text5": "Note that after:export please make sure other settings have been set",
"GameExportWindow.Tab1.Text1": "Export Type",
"GameExportWindow.Tab1.Text2": "Start Export",
- "GameExportWindow.Tab1.Text3": "Modpack Name",
- "GameExportWindow.Tab1.Text4": "Modpack Version",
+ "GameExportWindow.Tab1.Text3": "Integrate package name",
+ "GameExportWindow.Tab1.Text4": "Integrate package version",
"GameExportWindow.Tab1.Text6": "Description",
- "GameExportWindow.Tab2.Text1": "Online Download",
+ "GameExportWindow.Tab2.Text1": "Download online",
"GameExportWindow.Tab4.Text1": "Relative Path",
- "GameExportWindow.Tab4.Text2": "Download Link",
- "GameExportWindow.Info1": "Exporting Instance",
- "GameExportWindow.Info2": "Instance Export Successful",
- "GameExportWindow.Info5": "Modification Time",
- "GameExportWindow.Info6": "Reading Information",
- "GameExportWindow.Info7": "Loading in Progress",
- "GameExportWindow.Error1": "Instance Export Failed",
- "GameExportWindow.Error2": "Name and Version Not Entered",
- "GameCloudWindow.Title": "Game Instance Cloud Sync {0}",
+ "GameExportWindow.Tab4.Text2": "Download URL",
+ "GameExportWindow.Info1": "Exporting instances",
+ "GameExportWindow.Info2": "Instance exported successfully",
+ "GameExportWindow.Info5": "Modify time",
+ "GameExportWindow.Info6": "Reading version information",
+ "GameExportWindow.Info7": "Loading",
+ "GameExportWindow.Error1": "Instance export failed",
+ "GameExportWindow.Error2": "No name or version entered",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Title": "Game instance cloud sync {0}",
"GameCloudWindow.Tabs.Text1": "General Settings",
- "GameCloudWindow.Tabs.Text2": "Configuration Files",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Tabs.Text2": "Profiles",
"GameCloudWindow.Tabs.Text3": "Map List",
- "GameCloudWindow.Tab1.Text1": "Enable Cloud Sync",
- "GameCloudWindow.Tab1.Text2": "Game Instance UUID",
- "GameCloudWindow.Tab1.Text3": "Disable Cloud Sync",
- "GameCloudWindow.Tab1.Text4": "Online Configuration File Sync Time:",
- "GameCloudWindow.Tab1.Text5": "Local Configuration File Sync Time:",
- "GameCloudWindow.Tab2.Text1": "Upload Configuration File",
- "GameCloudWindow.Tab2.Text2": "Download Configuration File",
- "WorldCloudControl.Text1": "Local Save Time",
- "WorldCloudControl.Text2": "Cloud Sync Time",
- "GameCloudWindow.Tab3.Info1": "No Cloud Save",
- "GameCloudWindow.Tab3.Info2": "No Local Path",
- "GameCloudWindow.Tab3.Info3": "No Local Save",
- "GameCloudWindow.Flyouts.Text1": "Upload Save",
- "GameCloudWindow.Flyouts.Text2": "Download Save",
- "GameCloudWindow.Flyouts.Text3": "Delete Cloud Save",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info1": "Checking Cloud Sync",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info2": "No Sync",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info3": "Enabling Cloud Sync",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info4": "Sync Enabled",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info5": "Disabling Cloud Sync",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info6": "Sync Disabled",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info7": "Disabling cloud sync will delete everything on the server, continue?",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Tab1.Text1": "Enable cloud sync",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Tab1.Text2": "UUIDs of instances",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Tab1.Text3": "Disable cloud sync",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Tab1.Text4": "Online configuration file synchronization time:",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Tab1.Text5": "Local config file synchronization time:",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Tab2.Text1": "Upload Profile",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Tab2.Text2": "Download profile",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Tab3.Info1": "No cloud archive",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Tab3.Info2": "No local path",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Tab3.Info3": "No local archive",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Flyouts.Text1": "Upload Archive",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Flyouts.Text2": "Download Archive",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Flyouts.Text3": "Delete cloud archive",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info1": "Checking cloud sync",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info2": "No sync",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info3": "Enabling cloud sync",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info4": "Sync enabled",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info5": "Disabling cloud sync",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info6": "Sync disabled",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info7": "Disable cloud sync will delete all data from server. Continue?",
"GameCloudWindow.Info8": "Packing",
"GameCloudWindow.Info9": "Uploading",
"GameCloudWindow.Info10": "Downloading",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info11": "Unzipping",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info12": "Getting Cloud Save Data",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info13": "Already Up-to-Date",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info14": "Upload Complete",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info15": "Download Complete",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info16": "Do you want to delete the cloud data for this save?",
- "GameCloudWindow.Info17": "Deletion Complete",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info11": "Extracting",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info12": "Acquiring cloud save data",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info13": "Already latest",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info14": "Upload complete",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info15": "Download complete",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info16": "Delete the cloud data of save?",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Info17": "Delete complete",
"GameCloudWindow.Info18": "Deleting",
- "GameCloudWindow.Error1": "Cloud Server Not Connected",
- "GameCloudWindow.Error2": "Incomplete Parameters",
- "GameCloudWindow.Error3": "Cloud Server Error",
- "GameCloudWindow.Error4": "No Game Instance",
- "GameCloudWindow.Error5": "Insufficient Cloud Space",
- "GameCloudWindow.Error6": "Configuration File Extraction Failed",
- "GameCloudWindow.Error7": "Cloud Save Data Retrieval Failed",
- "GameCloudWindow.Error8": "No Cloud Save",
- "GameCloudWindow.Error9": "Cloud Save Extraction Failed",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Error2": "Incomplete parameters",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Error3": "Error: Cloud Server",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Error4": "No game instance",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Error5": "Not enough cloud space",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Error6": "Failed to extract configuration file",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Error7": "Failed to acquire cloud save data",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Error8": "No cloud save",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Error9": "Cloud Archive Extract Failed",
+ "GameCloudWindow.Error10": "Cloud sync not enabled",
"NetFrpWindow.Title": "Port Mapping",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tabs.Text1": "Sakura Mapping",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tabs.Text1": "SakuraFrp",
"NetFrpWindow.Tabs.Text2": "LAN Games",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tabs.Text3": "Mapping Process",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tabs.Text4": "Online Mapping List",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tabs.Text5": "OpenFrp Mapping",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tabs.Text3": "Map process",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tabs.Text4": "Map List",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tabs.Text5": "OpenFrp",
"NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text1": "Access Key",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text2": "Verification Key",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text3": "User ID:",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text4": "Username:",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text5": "No Tunnel",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text6": "Refresh Tunnel List",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text8": "Clear Results",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text9": "Tunnel Name",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text5": "No tunnels",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text6": "Refresh tunnel list",
"NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text10": "Tunnel ID",
"NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text11": "Tunnel Type",
"NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text12": "Remote Port",
"NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text13": "Availability",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Info1": "Retrieving User Information",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Info2": "Retrieving Tunnel Information",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Error1": "User Information Retrieval Failed",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Error2": "Retrieving Tunnel Information",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Error3": "Please Enter Key",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Text1": "No Local LAN Games Detected",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Text2": "Clear Results",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Text14": "Open web page",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Info1": "Fetching user information",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Info2": "Getting tunnel information",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Error2": "Failed to get tunnel information",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab1.Error3": "Please enter a key",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Text1": "No local area network game scanned",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Text2": "Clear results",
"NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Text3": "Port",
"NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Text4": "Display Information",
"NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Text5": "Start Mapping",
"NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Info1": "Select Channel",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Info2": "Mapping Initialization Successful",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Error1": "Mapping Initialization Failed",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Error2": "No Available Mapping Channels",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Text1": "Process Log",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Text2": "End Mapping",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Info2": "Map initialization successful",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Error1": "Map initialization failed",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab2.Error2": "No mapping channels available",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Text2": "End mapping",
"NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Text3": "Share Mapping",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Info1": "Started Successfully, Quickly Share the Address with Your Friends for Multiplayer!",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Info2": "Mapping in Progress, Do You Want to Close?",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Info3": "This Operation Will Send the Key (token) and Server Address to ColorMCAPI, Continue?",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Info4": "Share Successful",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Info5": "Sharing Mapping in Progress",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Error1": "Share Mapping Failed",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Text1": "No Online Servers",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Info1": "Successfully enabled, send an address to your partner online!",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Info2": "Map running, close",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Info3": "This will send the key (token) and the server address to ColorMCAPI, will continue",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Info4": "Share successful",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Info5": "Sharing mapping",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab3.Error1": "Failed to share map",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Text1": "No online servers",
"NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Text2": "Refresh List",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Text3": "Join",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Text4": "Copy Address",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Info1": "Retrieving Online Server List",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Info1": "Getting online server list",
"NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Info2": "Verifying Microsoft Account",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Info3": "Please Select a Game Instance to Join",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Error1": "No Microsoft Account Selected",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Error2": "Microsoft Account Refresh Login Failed",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Error3": "Online Server List Retrieval Failed",
- "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Error4": "Error Occurred While Joining",
- "SettingWindow.Tab7.Text15": "OpenFrp OPENAPI",
- "ServerMotdControl.Text1": "Player Count:",
- "ServerMotdControl.Text2": "Server Version:",
- "ServerMotdControl.Text3": "Latency:",
- "ServerMotdControl.Text4": "Retrieving Server Information",
- "ServerMotdControl.Text5": "Server Information Retrieval Failed",
- "Type.SkinRotate.Item1": "Arm Rotation",
- "Type.SkinRotate.Item2": "Leg Rotation",
- "Type.SkinRotate.Item3": "Head Rotation",
- "ModFilter.Item4": "modid",
- "Type.ExportPack.Item1": "ColorMC Integration Pack",
- "Type.ExportPack.Item2": "CurseForge Integration Pack",
- "Type.ExportPack.Item3": "Modrinth Integration Pack",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Info3": "Please select a game instance to join",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Error1": "No Microsoft account selected",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Error2": "Microsoft's account refresh login failed",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Error3": "Server list fetch failed",
+ "NetFrpWindow.Tab4.Error4": "An error occurred while joining",
+ "JoystickSettingControl.Text2": "Select handle",
+ "JoystickSettingControl.Text3": "Select configuration",
+ "ServerMotdControl.Text1": "Number of players:",
+ "ServerMotdControl.Text2": "Server version:",
+ "ServerMotdControl.Text3": "Delay:",
+ "ServerMotdControl.Text4": "Fetching server information",
+ "ServerMotdControl.Text5": "Server information fetch failed",
+ "WorldControl.Text1": "Game mode:",
+ "WorldControl.Text2": "Game Difficulty:",
+ "WorldControl.Text3": "Maximum mode:",
+ "WorldControl.Text4": "Last game at:",
+ "WorldControl.Text5": "List of packets",
+ "WorldControl.Text6": "Enabled",
+ "WorldControl.Text7": "Description",
+ "WorldControl.Text8": "No packets",
+ "Live2dControl.Text1": "Welcome back",
+ "Live2dControl.Text2": "The game started a long time",
+ "Live2dControl.Text3": "The game crashed the Mall",
+ "Live2dControl.Error1": "Live2D model does not exist",
+ "Live2dControl.Error2": "Live2D model loading failed",
+ "Live2dControl.Error3": "Live2D initialization failed",
+ "Live2dControl.Flyouts.Text1": "Play animation",
+ "Live2dControl.Flyouts.Text2": "Toggle Emote",
+ "FileItemControl.Text1": "Downloads:",
+ "FileItemControl.Text2": "Last updated:",
+ "FileItemControl.Text3": "Downloading",
+ "WorldCloudControl.Text1": "Local Archive Time",
+ "WorldCloudControl.Text2": "Cloud Sync Time",
+ "HeadControl.Text1": "country_go",
+ "Type.SkinRotate.Item1": "Rotate your arm",
+ "Type.SkinRotate.Item2": "Rotate Leg",
+ "Type.SkinRotate.Item3": "Rotate Head",
+ "Type.ExportPack.Item1": "ColorMC integration package",
+ "Type.ExportPack.Item2": "CurseForge Integration Package",
+ "Type.ExportPack.Item3": "Modrinth integration package",
"Type.ExportPack.Item4": "MMC Import Pack",
"Type.ExportPack.Item5": "HMCL Import Pack",
- "Type.TranTypes.Item1": "Normal Transparency",
+ "Type.TranTypes.Item1": "Normal transparency",
"Type.TranTypes.Item2": "Blur",
- "Type.TranTypes.Item3": "Acrylic Blur",
- "Type.TranTypes.Item4": "Forced Acrylic Blur",
- "Type.TranTypes.Item5": "Mica",
- "Type.SortOrder.Item1": "Ascending",
- "Type.SortOrder.Item2": "Descending",
+ "Type.TranTypes.Item3": "Jacket Blur",
+ "Type.TranTypes.Item4": "Force Jacket Blur",
+ "Type.TranTypes.Item5": "Cloud Mother",
+ "Type.SortOrder.Item1": "Order",
+ "Type.SortOrder.Item2": "Reverse",
"Type.SkinType.Old": "Old Skin",
- "Type.SkinType.New": "New Skin",
- "Type.SkinType.New_Slim": "New Slim Skin",
- "Type.SkinType.Other": "Unknown Skin Type",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Info12": "Configured",
- "UserWindow.Info12": "Added Successfully",
- "BaseBinding.Info2": "A new version is available, would you like to update?",
- "UserWindow.Text8": "Add External Settings",
- "MainWindow.Text25": "Import Game Archive",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Info21": "New Version Available",
+ "Type.SkinType.New": "New version of skin",
+ "Type.SkinType.New_Slim": "New fibre skin",
+ "Type.SkinType.Other": "Unknown skin type",
+ "Type.VersionType.Item1": "Official",
+ "Type.VersionType.Item2": "Snapshot",
+ "Type.VersionType.Item3": "Other versions",
+ "Type.VersionType.Item4": "All",
+ "Type.Postion.Item1": "Top left",
+ "Type.Postion.Item2": "Up",
+ "Type.Postion.Item3": "Top Right",
+ "Type.Postion.Item4": "Left",
+ "Type.Postion.Item5": "Center",
+ "Type.Postion.Item6": "Right",
+ "Type.Postion.Item7": "Bottom Left",
+ "Type.Postion.Item8": "Down",
+ "Type.Postion.Item9": "Bottom Right",
+ "Type.AxisType.Item1": "Left-Rail",
+ "Type.AxisType.Item2": "Rail right",
+ "BaseBinding.Info1": "Starting {0}",
+ "BaseBinding.Info2": "There is a new version. Do you want to update",
+ "BaseBinding.Error1": "Background music initialization failed",
+ "BaseBinding.Error2": "Game instance not found",
+ "BaseBinding.Error3": "Game started",
+ "BaseBinding.Error4": "Game start failed",
+ "BaseBinding.Error5": "Quick start creation failed",
+ "BaseBinding.Error6": "Frp failed to start",
+ "BaseBinding.Error7": "No handle configuration found. Continue using handle mode?",
+ "BaseBinding.Error8": "Custom host window startup error",
"PathBinding.Text1": "Save Skin",
- "ConfigEditWindow.Info9": "Saved",
- "PathBinding.Text2": "Select Server Instance Storage Folder",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab4.Text6": "Import Mods",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab5.Text4": "Import World Archive",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab8.Text1": "Import Resource Pack",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab11.Text1": "Import Shader Pack",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab12.Text1": "Import Structure File",
- "UpdateChecker.Info1": "No Update Messages",
+ "PathBinding.Text2": "Select server instance to store folders",
"PathBinding.Text3": "Save Text",
"PathBinding.Text4": "Select Archive",
- "PathBinding.Text5": "Archive",
+ "PathBinding.Text5": "Compression Pack",
"PathBinding.Text6": "Game Path",
- "GameBinding.Info1": "{0} Missing Dependency {1}",
- "GameBinding.Info2": "Missing Mods Detected",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Info21": "Extracting",
- "BaseBinding.Info1": "Launching {0}",
- "GameBinding.Info3": "Game Icon Set",
- "GameBinding.Info4": "Setting Game Icon",
- "HeadControl.Text1": "← Back",
- "MenuControl.Text1": "Collapse",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab1.Info11": "Deleting Game Instance",
- "MainWindow.Info40": "Launcher Update Log",
- "GameBinding.Error1": "Account is already in use, do you want to continue using this account?",
- "PathBinding.Text7": "Select Game Instance Icon to Set",
+ "PathBinding.Text7": "Select set game instance icons",
"PathBinding.Text8": "Game Instance Icon",
- "PathBinding.Text9": "Select Skin Import",
- "PathBinding.Text10": "Skin File",
- "Gui.Info41": "First game launch will encounter an error, please restart again afterwards to continue",
- "ImageUtils.Error1": "Background Image Loading Failed",
- "UserBinding.Error1": "Exception Occurred During Login",
- "JavaBinding.Error1": "Specified Java Not Found",
- "BaseBinding.Error4": "Game Launch Failed",
- "SettingWindow.Tab5.Error2": "Please Enter Required Information",
- "Gui.Error9": "Specified File Not Found",
- "WindowManager.Error1": "Custom UI Loading Failed",
- "Config.Error4": "Color Data Reading Failed",
- "GameEditWindow.Tab11.Error1": "File Already Exists",
- "GameBinding.Info17": "Corrupt Structure File",
- "WebBinding.Error1": "Mod Update Check Failed",
- "Config.Error2": "Error Reading Gui Configuration File",
- "GameBinding.Error7": "World Backup Error",
- "SettingWindow.Tab3.Error2": "Launcher Update Check Error",
- "UpdateChecker.Error1": "Launcher Download Update Failed",
- "ImageUtils.Error2": "Failed to Obtain Online Image",
- "App.Error1": "Thread Error",
- "Gui.Error26": "Error Occurred While Adding Instance",
- "BaseBinding.Error2": "Game Instance Not Found",
- "MediaPlayer.Error1": "Mp3 Decoding Error",
- "MediaPlayer.Error2": "Background Music Playback Error",
- "Live2dControl.Error3": "Live2D Initialization Failed",
- "BaseBinding.Error1": "Background Music Initialization Failed",
- "BaseBinding.Error5": "Quick Launch Creation Failed",
- "ImageManager.Error1": "Skin {0} Reading Failed",
- "ImageManager.Error2": "Cape {0} Reading Failed",
- "GameCloudUtils.Error1": "Game Cloud Sync Initialization Failed",
- "GameCloudUtils.Error3": "Game Cloud Sync Connection Failed",
- "MainWindow.Error1": "Launcher Update Log Retrieval Failed",
- "GameBinding.Error6": "No Game Instance Selected",
- "GameBinding.Error3": "No Account Selected",
+ "PathBinding.Text9": "Select skin import",
+ "PathBinding.Text10": "Skin file",
+ "PathBinding.Text11": "Select Background Music File",
+ "PathBinding.Text12": "Background music",
+ "PathBinding.Text13": "handle profile",
+ "PathBinding.Text14": "Handle Configuration",
+ "PathBinding.Text15": "Export Handle Configuration",
+ "PathBinding.Text16": "Please select a module file to import",
+ "PathBinding.Text17": "Modules File",
+ "PathBinding.Text18": "Select map archive",
+ "PathBinding.Text19": "Map Compression Pack",
+ "PathBinding.Text20": "Select Imported Resource Pack",
+ "PathBinding.Text21": "Resource Pack",
+ "PathBinding.Text22": "Light Pack",
+ "PathBinding.Text23": "Structure File",
+ "PathBinding.Text24": "Select Installer for Custom Loaders",
+ "PathBinding.Text25": "Loader Installer",
+ "PathBinding.Text26": "Select Java",
+ "PathBinding.Text27": "Java",
+ "PathBinding.Text28": "Select Java archive",
+ "PathBinding.Text29": "Java Compression Package",
+ "PathBinding.Text30": "Select Profile",
+ "PathBinding.Text31": "Profile",
+ "PathBinding.Text32": "Select account database",
+ "PathBinding.Text33": "Account Database",
+ "PathBinding.Text34": "Select Image File",
+ "PathBinding.Text35": "Background Image",
+ "PathBinding.Text36": "Select Live2D model json",
+ "PathBinding.Text37": "Model json",
+ "PathBinding.Text38": "Select Live2DCore Compression",
+ "PathBinding.Text39": "Live2DCove Compression",
+ "PathBinding.Text40": "Game Compression Pack",
+ "PathBinding.Error1": "Background image import failed",
+ "PathBinding.Errro2": "Error exporting skin file",
+ "PathBinding.Errro3": "Error exporting log file",
+ "PathBinding.Errro4": "Error exporting handle configuration file",
+ "PathBinding.Errro5": "Error exporting game compression",
+ "GameBinding.Info1": "{0} missing {1}",
+ "GameBinding.Info2": "Missing mods detected",
+ "GameBinding.Info3": "Game icon set",
+ "GameBinding.Info4": "Setting game icon",
+ "GameBinding.Info5": "Game instance:",
+ "GameBinding.Info6": "Game Version:",
+ "GameBinding.Info7": "Mod Loader:{0} Loader Version {1}",
+ "GameBinding.Info8": "Load raw library {1} after custom mod loader:{0}",
+ "GameBinding.Info9": "Game Instance Group List:",
+ "GameBinding.Info10": "Name:{0} Loader Type:{7} modid:{1} Author:{2} Filename:{3} Disabled:{4} CoreMod:{5} Sha1:{6}",
+ "GameBinding.Info11": "Mod Online Information:{0} Project Number:{1} File Number:{2}",
+ "GameBinding.Info12": "Integrate package type:{0} Integrate package item:{1} File number:{2}",
+ "GameBinding.Info13": "Game Instance Information",
+ "GameBinding.Info14": "Whether to limit image size to 100x100",
+ "GameBinding.Info15": "Unrecognized mods",
+ "GameBinding.Info16": "Downloading server instance file",
+ "GameBinding.Info17": "Broken Structure File",
+ "GameBinding.Error1": "Account already occupied, or continue to use this account",
+ "GameBinding.Error2": "Error setting icon",
+ "GameBinding.Error3": "No account selected",
+ "GameBinding.Error4": "At least one Microsoft account login is required to start using offline",
"GameBinding.Error5": "Account Conflict",
- "BaseBinding.Error3": "Game is Already Launched",
- "GameBinding.Error2": "Setting Icon Error",
- "GameBinding.Error4": "At least one Microsoft account is required for offline launch",
- "Gui.Error45": "Icon Retrieval Failed",
- "WebBinding.Error2": "Java List Retrieval Error",
- "UserBinding.Error3": "Your Minecraft account could not be found, please ensure your account has purchased Minecraft, and log in at https://minecraft.net to check your skin",
- "MainWindow.Error2": "Launcher update run error, reverted to old version",
- "ToolTip.Text5": "Open Sidebar",
- "ToolTip.Text7": "Please select the Java within the bin folder",
- "ToolTip.Text9": "Open Skin Viewer Window",
- "ToolTip.Text11": "Log in and Launch Game",
+ "GameBinding.Error6": "No game instance selected",
+ "GameBinding.Error7": "Map Backup Error",
+ "GameBinding.Error8": "Cloud archive configuration file unpacking failed",
+ "GameBinding.Error9": "Game instance creation failed",
+ "GameBinding.Error10": "Failed to download game file",
+ "GameBinding.Error11": "Server instance validation failed",
+ "GameBinding.Error12": "Error downloading server instance",
+ "GameBinding.Error13": "Custom Loader Detect Error",
+ "GameBinding.Error14": "Failed to enable/disable mod {0}",
+ "WindowManager.Info1": "You are using the custom launcher interface\nColorMC will not be responsible for issues arising from custom code",
+ "WindowManager.Error1": "Custom UI loading failed",
+ "WebBinding.Error1": "Module update check failed",
+ "WebBinding.Error2": "Error fetching Java list",
+ "UserBinding.Error1": "Login Exception",
+ "UserBinding.Error2": "Account type error",
+ "UserBinding.Error3": "Your Minecraft account was not found. Please make sure that your account has been purchased for Minecraft and login to your skin at https://minecraft.net",
+ "JavaBinding.Error1": "Could not find the specified Java",
+ "UpdateChecker.Info1": "No updated messages",
+ "UpdateChecker.Error1": "Failed to download update from launcher",
+ "MediaPlayer.Error1": "Mp3 decode error",
+ "MediaPlayer.Error2": "Background music playback error",
+ "ImageUtils.Error1": "Background image loading failed",
+ "ImageUtils.Error2": "Failed to get network image",
+ "ImageManager.Error1": "Failed to read skin {0}",
+ "ImageManager.Error2": "Failed to read cape {0}",
+ "GameCloudUtils.Info1": "Use space {0}/{1} Mb",
+ "GameCloudUtils.Error1": "Game cloud synchronization failed",
+ "GameCloudUtils.Error2": "Could not link cloud server",
+ "GameCloudUtils.Error3": "Game cloud sync failed",
+ "GameCloudUtils.Error4": "Error in cloud server key",
+ "GameCloudUtils.Error5": "Cloud server validation error",
+ "Config.Error1": "Error reading Frp profile",
+ "Config.Error2": "Error reading Gui profile",
+ "Config.Error3": "Error reading handle configuration file",
+ "Config.Error4": "Color data read failed",
+ "App.Error1": "Thread Error",
+ "ToolTip.Text7": "Please select java in the bin folder",
+ "ToolTip.Text9": "Open Skin View Window",
+ "ToolTip.Text11": "Log in and start the game",
"ToolTip.Text12": "Open Game Instance Settings",
- "ToolTip.Text13": "Open Launcher Configuration Editing",
- "ToolTip.Text14": "Reload Skin Files",
- "ToolTip.Text15": "Reset Camera to Default Position",
- "ToolTip.Text16": "Change Skin for this Account",
- "ToolTip.Text17": "Save Skin File",
- "ToolTip.Text18": "Reset Model Animation",
- "ToolTip.Text26": "Add an Account",
- "ToolTip.Text36": "Delete this Game Instance",
- "ToolTip.Text38": "Clear all Launch Configurations for the Current Instance",
- "ToolTip.Text39": "Open Containing Folder",
- "ToolTip.Text40": "Save Current Configuration File",
- "ToolTip.Text41": "Re-fetch Configuration File List",
- "ToolTip.Text42": "Restore from a Backed-up World",
- "ToolTip.Text44": "Force Close Game",
- "ToolTip.Text47": "Start Generation of a Folder for Auto-updating",
- "ToolTip.Text48": "Pause/Play Music",
- "ToolTip.Text49": "Double-click to Open File List",
- "ToolTip.Text50": "Open Window for Editing All Configuration Files of the Instance",
- "ToolTip.Text51": "Check for New Versions of Integration Packs",
- "ToolTip.Text52": "Check if Mods Required by the Mod are Present",
- "ToolTip.Text53": "Add Online Information for a Mod",
- "ToolTip.Text54": "Check for Updates for Marked Mods",
- "ToolTip.Text55": "Reload Mod Information",
- "ToolTip.Text56": "Download Mods Online",
- "ToolTip.Text57": "Add Mods from Existing Files",
- "ToolTip.Text58": "Add a Server Address",
- "ToolTip.Text60": "Import Shader Pack from Existing File",
- "ToolTip.Text61": "Download Shader Pack Online",
- "ToolTip.Text62": "Refresh Shader Pack List",
- "ToolTip.Text63": "Import Structure File from Existing File",
- "ToolTip.Text64": "Re-read Structure File List",
- "ToolTip.Text65": "Open Game Instance Log Window",
- "ToolTip.Text66": "Open Game Instance Export Window",
- "ToolTip.Text67": "Download Game Integration Packs from Major Platforms",
- "ToolTip.Text68": "Download Game Instance from Game Cloud Sync",
+ "ToolTip.Text13": "Open launcher configuration changes",
+ "ToolTip.Text14": "Reread skin file",
+ "ToolTip.Text15": "Adjust camera to default position",
+ "ToolTip.Text16": "Modify the skin of this account",
+ "ToolTip.Text17": "Save skin file",
+ "ToolTip.Text18": "Action to reset model",
+ "ToolTip.Text26": "Add an account",
+ "ToolTip.Text39": "Open Folder",
+ "ToolTip.Text40": "Save current profile",
+ "ToolTip.Text41": "Receive a list of profiles",
+ "ToolTip.Text44": "Force closed game",
+ "ToolTip.Text48": "Pause / play music",
+ "ToolTip.Text49": "Double-click to open file list",
+ "ToolTip.Text51": "Checks if there is a new version of the integration package",
+ "ToolTip.Text55": "Reread mod information",
"ToolTip.Text69": "Create Game Instance",
"ToolTip.Text70": "Open User Manual",
- "ToolTip.Text71": "Download Game Content Distribution Instances Created by Server Owners",
- "ToolTip.Text72": "Open Mapping Tool",
+ "ToolTip.Text72": "Open the mapping tool",
"ToolTip.Text73": "Upgrade Launcher",
- "ToolTip.Text74": "View Update Log",
- "ToolTip.Text75": "Start Searching for Resources",
- "ToolTip.Text76": "Get File Version List for Selected Item",
- "ToolTip.Text77": "Start Loading File List",
- "ToolTip.Text78": "Download Selected File to Game Instance",
- "ToolTip.Text79": "Download All Mod Files",
- "ToolTip.Text80": "Download Only Selected Mod Files",
- "ToolTip.Text81": "Refresh Game Version List",
- "ToolTip.Text82": "Refresh Loader Version List",
+ "ToolTip.Text74": "View changelog",
+ "ToolTip.Text75": "Start searching for resources",
+ "ToolTip.Text77": "Start loading file list",
+ "ToolTip.Text78": "Download selected files to game instance",
+ "ToolTip.Text79": "Download all mod files",
+ "ToolTip.Text80": "Download only selected mod files",
+ "ToolTip.Text81": "Refresh game version list",
+ "ToolTip.Text82": "Reload Releaser Version List",
"ToolTip.Text83": "Get Loader Type",
- "ToolTip.Text84": "Create Game Group",
- "ToolTip.Text85": "Select the Archive File to Import",
- "ToolTip.Text86": "Start Importing Game Archive",
- "ToolTip.Text87": "Select Original Game Storage Path",
- "ToolTip.Text88": "Start Refreshing and Reading File List",
- "ToolTip.Text89": "Start Creating New Instance and Import Selected Files",
- "ToolTip.Text90": "Refresh File List",
- "ToolTip.Text91": "Download and Install Selected Integration Pack",
- "ToolTip.Text92": "Open Game Statistics Window",
- "ToolTip.Text93": "Enable Cloud Sync for this Game Instance",
- "ToolTip.Text94": "Disable Cloud Sync for this Game Instance",
- "ToolTip.Text95": "Package and Upload Selected Configuration Files",
- "ToolTip.Text96": "Download Configuration Files from the Cloud and Unzip to Overwrite Local Files",
- "ToolTip.Text97": "Find Corresponding NBT Tags Based on Block Coordinates",
- "ToolTip.Text98": "Find Corresponding NBT Tags Based on Entity Coordinates",
- "ToolTip.Text99": "Re-fetch Game Language List",
- "ToolTip.Text100": "Import World from Existing Archive",
- "ToolTip.Text101": "Download World Online",
- "ToolTip.Text102": "Refresh Game Instance World List",
- "ToolTip.Text103": "Open Select World to Map Editor",
- "ToolTip.Text104": "Open World Backup Folder",
- "ToolTip.Text105": "Import Resource Pack from Existing File",
- "ToolTip.Text106": "Download Resource Pack Online",
- "ToolTip.Text107": "Refresh Game Instance Resource Pack List",
- "ToolTip.Text108": "Open Resource Pack Folder",
- "ToolTip.Text109": "Refresh In-game Screenshot List",
- "ToolTip.Text110": "Delete All In-game Screenshots",
- "ToolTip.Text111": "Open In-game Screenshot Folder",
- "ToolTip.Text112": "Start Instance Export Operation",
- "ToolTip.Text113": "Open Game Instance Mod Folder",
- "ToolTip.Text114": "Add New File for Online Download",
- "ToolTip.Text115": "Select All Mods",
- "ToolTip.Text116": "Deselect All Mods",
- "ToolTip.Text117": "Select All Files",
- "ToolTip.Text118": "Deselect All Files",
- "ToolTip.Text119": "Add a Configuration Sync",
- "ToolTip.Text120": "Select an Existing Configuration File",
- "ToolTip.Text121": "Import Selected Configuration File",
- "ToolTip.Text122": "Delete All Configuration Settings, Reverting to Initial State",
- "ToolTip.Text123": "Delete All Saved Accounts",
- "ToolTip.Text124": "Reset to Default Colors",
- "ToolTip.Text125": "Double-click to Launch Instance, Right-click to Open Instance Dropdown Menu\nInstance Added on {0}\nLast Launched on {1}\nLast Game Time {2}\nTotal Game Time {3}",
- "ToolTip.Text126": "Show Toolbar",
+ "ToolTip.Text84": "Create game group",
+ "ToolTip.Text85": "Select archive file to import",
+ "ToolTip.Text87": "Select the old game storage path",
+ "ToolTip.Text88": "Start refreshing and read file list",
+ "ToolTip.Text89": "Start new instance and import selected files",
+ "ToolTip.Text91": "Download and install selected integration packages",
+ "ToolTip.Text92": "Open game statistics window",
+ "ToolTip.Text93": "Enable cloud sync for this game instance",
+ "ToolTip.Text94": "Turn off cloud sync for this game instance",
+ "ToolTip.Text95": "Pack selected profile and upload",
+ "ToolTip.Text96": "Download cloud configuration file and extract overwrite local file",
+ "ToolTip.Text97": "Find NBT Label by block coordinates",
+ "ToolTip.Text98": "Found NBT labels by entity coordinates",
+ "ToolTip.Text99": "Receive the game language list again",
+ "ToolTip.Text102": "Refresh Game Instance Map List",
+ "ToolTip.Text107": "Refresh Game Instance Resource List",
+ "ToolTip.Text112": "Start the instance export operation",
+ "ToolTip.Text113": "Open Game Instance Group Folder",
+ "ToolTip.Text114": "Add New File Online Download",
+ "ToolTip.Text119": "Add a config sync",
+ "ToolTip.Text120": "Select an existing profile",
+ "ToolTip.Text121": "Import selected profiles",
+ "ToolTip.Text124": "Reset to default color",
+ "ToolTip.Text125": "Double tap to start an instance. Right-click to open instance dropdown\ninstances added to{0}\nlast started on{1}\nLast game time{2}\nTotal game time{3}",
"ToolTip.Text127": "Select Installer Location",
- "ToolTip.Text128": "Launch Game Instance and Join Server",
- "ToolTip.Text129": "Copy Address to Clipboard",
+ "ToolTip.Text128": "Start game instance and join server",
+ "ToolTip.Text129": "Copy address to clipboard",
"ToolTip.Text130": "Get Server Display Information",
- "AddWindow.Text14": "Forge Version",
+ "ToolTip.Text131": "Change the current launcher run directory",
+ "Hello.Text1": "Playback today",
+ "Text.Group": "Group Name",
"Text.GameVersion": "Game Version",
- "Text.Name": "Name",
- "UserWindow.Text10": "Username",
+ "Text.Name": "First name",
"Text.Version": "Version",
- "Text.FileName": "Filename",
+ "Text.FileName": "File Name",
"Text.Path": "Path",
"Text.Author": "Author",
"Text.Size": "Size",
"Text.Downloaded": "Downloaded",
"Text.DownloadSource": "Download Source",
"Button.OpFile": "Open Folder",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text60": "Set",
"Button.Select": "Select File",
"Button.Input": "Import",
- "SettingWindow.Tab2.Text61": "Apply",
- "Button.Next": "Next",
"Button.Cancel": "Cancel",
- "Button.Confirm": "Confirm",
+ "Button.Confirm": "OK",
"Button.Delete": "Delete",
+ "Button.RefashList": "Refresh List",
"Button.Refash": "Refresh",
"Button.Add": "Add",
- "AddGameWindow.Tab1.Text22": "Done",
- "Button.Filter": "| Filter",
- "Button.NetDownload": "Download Online",
- "Live2dControl.Text1": "Welcome Back Meow",
- "Live2dControl.Text2": "Game Launched Meow",
- "Live2dControl.Text3": "Game Crashed Meow",
- "GameCloudUtils.Info1": "Using Space {0}/{1} Mb",
- "GameCloudUtils.Error5": "Cloud Server Authentication Error",
- "GameCloudUtils.Error2": "Cannot Connect to Cloud Server",
- "GameCloudUtils.Error4": "Cloud Server Key Error",
- "Type.VersionType.Item1": "Release",
- "Type.VersionType.Item2": "Snapshot",
- "Type.VersionType.Item3": "Other",
- "Type.VersionType.Item4": "All",
- "Type.Postion.Item1": "Top Left",
- "Type.Postion.Item2": "Top",
- "Type.Postion.Item3": "Top Right",
- "Type.Postion.Item4": "Left",
- "Type.Postion.Item5": "Center",
- "Type.Postion.Item6": "Right",
- "Type.Postion.Item7": "Bottom Left",
- "Type.Postion.Item8": "Bottom",
- "Type.Postion.Item9": "Bottom Right"
+ "Button.NetDownload": "Download online",
+ "Button.SelectAll": "Select All",
+ "Button.UnSelectAll": "Unselect All"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ColorMC.Gui/UI/Windows/MultiLinuxWindow.axaml b/src/ColorMC.Gui/UI/Windows/MultiLinuxWindow.axaml
index bbc0e93b2..e411af6fc 100644
--- a/src/ColorMC.Gui/UI/Windows/MultiLinuxWindow.axaml
+++ b/src/ColorMC.Gui/UI/Windows/MultiLinuxWindow.axaml
@@ -70,26 +70,6 @@