From 4a74ca2d6de41fb582b57e6d08e7d22176d22336 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Remco de Boer <> Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:00:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] MAINT: update lock files and dev environment * DX: only support Python 3.12 --- .constraints/.gitignore | 1 - .constraints/py3.10.txt | 222 -- .constraints/py3.11.txt | 221 -- .constraints/py3.12.txt | 220 -- .constraints/py3.9.txt | 223 -- .cspell.json | 5 +- .editorconfig | 2 +- .envrc | 12 +- .gitattributes | 1 - .github/release-drafter.yml | 39 - .github/workflows/cd.yml | 32 - .github/workflows/ci.yml | 9 +- .github/workflows/clean-caches.yml | 4 +- .../workflows/{requirements.yml => lock.yml} | 10 +- .github/workflows/pr-linting.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/release-drafter.yml | 16 - .gitignore | 3 - .pre-commit-config.yaml | 28 +- .python-version | 1 + .readthedocs.yml | 30 +- .vscode/settings.json | 9 +- | 25 +- | 1 + docs/ | 6 +- environment.yml | 9 - pyproject.toml | 300 +- src/pwa_pages/ | 10 +- tox.ini | 143 - uv.lock | 3405 +++++++++++++++++ 29 files changed, 3641 insertions(+), 1348 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .constraints/.gitignore delete mode 100644 .constraints/py3.10.txt delete mode 100644 .constraints/py3.11.txt delete mode 100644 .constraints/py3.12.txt delete mode 100644 .constraints/py3.9.txt delete mode 100644 .gitattributes delete mode 100644 .github/release-drafter.yml delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/cd.yml rename .github/workflows/{requirements.yml => lock.yml} (68%) delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/release-drafter.yml create mode 100644 .python-version delete mode 100644 environment.yml delete mode 100644 tox.ini create mode 100644 uv.lock diff --git a/.constraints/.gitignore b/.constraints/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 36a07ad0..00000000 --- a/.constraints/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -!py3.*.txt diff --git a/.constraints/py3.10.txt b/.constraints/py3.10.txt deleted file mode 100644 index 4ebbbbb2..00000000 --- a/.constraints/py3.10.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,222 +0,0 @@ -# This file was autogenerated by uv via the following command: -# uv pip compile pyproject.toml -o .constraints/py3.10.txt --all-extras --no-annotate --python-version=3.10 --no-emit-package setuptools -accessible-pygments==0.0.5 -alabaster==1.0.0 -annotated-types==0.7.0 -anyio==4.4.0 -argon2-cffi==23.1.0 -argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0 -arrow==1.3.0 -asttokens==2.4.1 -async-lru==2.0.4 -attrs==24.2.0 -babel==2.16.0 -beautifulsoup4==4.12.3 -bleach==6.1.0 -cachetools==5.5.0 -cattrs==24.1.0 -certifi==2024.8.30 -cffi==1.17.1 -cfgv==3.4.0 -chardet==5.2.0 -charset-normalizer==3.3.2 -click==8.1.7 -colorama==0.4.6 -comm==0.2.2 -contourpy==1.3.0 -coverage==7.6.1 -cryptography==43.0.1 -cycler==0.12.1 -dataproperty==1.0.1 -debugpy==1.8.5 -decorator==5.1.1 -defusedxml==0.7.1 -deprecated==1.2.14 -distlib==0.3.8 -docstring-to-markdown==0.15 -docutils==0.21.2 -dominate==2.9.1 -exceptiongroup==1.2.2 -execnet==2.1.1 -executing==2.1.0 -fastjsonschema==2.20.0 -feynman==2.1.0 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+To contribute to the project, you need to install the package in a virtual environment. This can be done best with [`uv`]( (see installation instructions [here]( For this, you first need to get the source code with [Git]( + +```shell +git clone +cd PWA-pages +``` + +Now it's simply a matter of creating and activating the [virtual environment]( with [`uv sync`]( The dependencies for the project are 'pinned' in each commit through the [`uv.lock` file]( + +```shell +uv sync +source .venv/bin/activate +``` + +Formatting and linting checks are automatically performed when committing changes. This is done with [pre-commit]( To install the hooks in your local repository, run [`pre-commit install`]( **once**: + +```shell +pre-commit install --install-hooks +``` diff --git a/ b/ index 7b896321..f558b73f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ [![Spelling checked](]( [![code style: prettier](]( [![Ruff](]( +[![uv](]( This repository contains the source code for the []( pages. diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index 525b6650..3055a480 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ } html_title = "Partial Wave Analysis" intersphinx_mapping = { - "IPython": (f"{pin('IPython')}", None), - "matplotlib": (f"{pin('matplotlib')}", None), + "IPython": (f"{pin("IPython")}", None), + "matplotlib": (f"{pin("matplotlib")}", None), "python": ("", None), - "pydantic": (f"{pin_minor('pydantic')}", None), + "pydantic": (f"{pin_minor("pydantic")}", None), "sympy": ("", None), } linkcheck_anchors = False diff --git a/environment.yml b/environment.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 808374c5..00000000 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:: Python :: 3.9", - "Programming Language :: Python", - "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Physics", - "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering", - "Typing :: Typed", -] dependencies = [ "PyGithub", "PyYAML", - "attrs >=17.3.0", # auto_attribs + "attrs", "pydantic >=2", "pytablewriter[html]", "python-dateutil", "python-gitlab", ] description = "A central knowledge-base for Partial Wave Analysis" -dynamic = ["version"] keywords = [ "HEP", "PWA", @@ -47,7 +22,8 @@ keywords = [ license = {file = "LICENSE"} maintainers = [{email = ""}] name = "PWA-pages" -requires-python = ">=3.9" +requires-python = ">=3.12" +version = "0.0.0" [project.optional-dependencies] dev = [ @@ -56,16 +32,16 @@ dev = [ "PWA-pages[sty]", "PWA-pages[test]", "sphinx-autobuild", - "tox >=1.9", # for skip_install, use_develop + "tox", ] doc = [ - "Sphinx >=3", "feynman", "ipywidgets", "jupyter", "matplotlib", - "myst-nb >=0.11", # myst_enable_extensions - "sphinx-api-relink >=0.0.8", + "myst-nb", + "sphinx", + 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--re-ignore docs/.*\\.csv \ + --re-ignore docs/.*\\.gif \ + --re-ignore docs/.*\\.gv \ + --re-ignore docs/.*\\.inv \ + --re-ignore docs/.*\\.json \ + --re-ignore docs/.*\\.pickle \ + --re-ignore docs/.*\\.png \ + --re-ignore docs/.*\\.svg \ + --re-ignore docs/.*\\.yaml \ + --re-ignore docs/.*\\.yml \ + --re-ignore docs/api \ + --watch docs \ + docs/ docs/_build/html +description = Set up a server to directly preview changes to the HTML pages + +[testenv:docnb] +allowlist_externals = + sphinx-build +commands = + sphinx-build \ + --builder dirhtml \ + --fail-on-warning \ + --keep-going \ + --show-traceback \ + docs/ docs/_build/html +description = Build documentation through Sphinx WITH output of Jupyter notebooks +setenv = + EXECUTE_NB = yes + +[testenv:docnblive] +allowlist_externals = + sphinx-autobuild +commands = + sphinx-autobuild \ + --builder dirhtml \ + --open-browser \ + --re-ignore .*/__pycache__/.* \ + --re-ignore .*/.ipynb_checkpoints/.* \ + --re-ignore .*\\.gitignore \ + 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{posargs:docs} +description = Run all notebooks with pytest +setenv = + PYTHONHASHSEED = 0 + +[testenv:sty] +allowlist_externals = + pre-commit +commands = + pre-commit run {posargs} --all-files +description = Perform all linting, formatting, and spelling checks +setenv = + SKIP = pyright +""" diff --git a/src/pwa_pages/ b/src/pwa_pages/ index bdd4b89f..4d2ff489 100644 --- a/src/pwa_pages/ +++ b/src/pwa_pages/ @@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ import argparse import json import re -import sys from functools import partial -from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional, Union +from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Self, Union import yaml from pydantic import BaseModel, model_validator @@ -16,15 +15,10 @@ from .repo import Repo, get_repo if TYPE_CHECKING: - from import Iterable, Sequence + from import Callable, Iterable, Sequence from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path -if sys.version_info < (3, 11): - from typing_extensions import Self -else: - from typing import Self - def load_yaml(path: Path | str) -> dict: with open(path) as stream: diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini deleted file mode 100644 index 028af9a8..00000000 --- a/tox.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ -[tox] -envlist = - py, - doc, - sty, -skip_install = True -skip_missing_interpreters = True -skipsdist = True - -[testenv] -allowlist_externals = - pytest -commands = - pytest {posargs} -description = Run all unit tests -passenv = * - -[testenv:cov] -allowlist_externals = - pytest -commands = - pytest {posargs:tests} \ - --cov-fail-under=90 \ - --cov-report=html \ - --cov-report=xml \ - --cov=pwa_pages -description = Compute test coverage - -[testenv:doc] -allowlist_externals = - sphinx-build -commands = - sphinx-build \ - --builder dirhtml \ - --fail-on-warning \ - --keep-going \ - --show-traceback \ - docs/ docs/_build/html -description = Build documentation and API through Sphinx - -[testenv:doclive] -allowlist_externals = - sphinx-autobuild -commands = - sphinx-autobuild \ - --builder dirhtml \ - --open-browser \ - --re-ignore .*/__pycache__/.* \ - --re-ignore .*/.ipynb_checkpoints/.* \ - --re-ignore .*\.gitignore \ - --re-ignore docs/_build/.* \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.csv \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.gif \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.gv \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.inv \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.json \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.pickle \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.png \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.svg \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.yaml \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.yml \ - --re-ignore docs/api \ - --watch docs \ - docs/ docs/_build/html -description = Set up a server to directly preview changes to the HTML pages - -[testenv:docnb] -allowlist_externals = - sphinx-build -commands = - sphinx-build \ - --builder dirhtml \ - --fail-on-warning \ - --keep-going \ - --show-traceback \ - docs/ docs/_build/html -description = Build documentation through Sphinx WITH output of Jupyter notebooks -setenv = - EXECUTE_NB = yes - -[testenv:docnblive] -allowlist_externals = - sphinx-autobuild -commands = - sphinx-autobuild \ - --builder dirhtml \ - --open-browser \ - --re-ignore .*/__pycache__/.* \ - --re-ignore .*/.ipynb_checkpoints/.* \ - --re-ignore .*\.gitignore \ - --re-ignore docs/_build/.* \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.csv \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.gif \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.gv \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.inv \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.json \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.pickle \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.png \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.svg \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.yaml \ - --re-ignore docs/.*\.yml \ - --re-ignore docs/api \ - --watch docs \ - docs/ docs/_build/html -description = Set up a server to directly preview changes to the HTML pages -setenv = - EXECUTE_NB = yes - -[testenv:jcache] -allowlist_externals = - jcache -changedir = docs/_build -commands = - jcache {posargs:notebook list} -description = Inspect Jupyter cache - -[testenv:linkcheck] -allowlist_externals = - sphinx-build -commands = - sphinx-build \ - --builder linkcheck \ - --show-traceback \ - docs/ docs/_build/linkcheck -description = Check external 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