diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ce522c8..17e2be5 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/action.yml b/action.yml
index 0f534cb..859efed 100644
--- a/action.yml
+++ b/action.yml
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ runs:
       run: |
         cd ${{ github.action_path }}
         echo "Running workflows: ${{inputs.workflow_filenames}}"
-        python3 queue_prompt.py --comfy-workflow-names ${{ inputs.workflow_filenames }} --github-action-workflow-name "${{ github.workflow }}" --os "${{ inputs.os }}" --run-id "${{ github.run_id }}" --gsc-bucket-name "${{ inputs.gcs_bucket_name }}" --workspace-path "${{ github.workspace }}" --output-file-prefix "output" --repo "${{ github.repository }}" --commit-hash "${{ steps.unix_get_commit_details.outputs.commit_hash }}" --commit-time "${{ steps.unix_get_commit_details.outputs.commit_time }}" --commit-message "${{ steps.unix_get_commit_details.outputs.commit_title }}" --branch-name "${{ github.ref_name }}" --api-endpoint "${{ inputs.api_endpoint }}" 
+        python3 queue_prompt.py --comfy-workflow-names ${{ inputs.workflow_filenames }} --github-action-workflow-name "${{ github.workflow }}" --os "${{ inputs.os }}" --run-id "${{ github.run_id }}" --gsc-bucket-name "${{ inputs.gcs_bucket_name }}" --workspace-path "${{ github.workspace }}" --output-file-prefix ${{ inputs.output_prefix }} --repo "${{ github.repository }}" --commit-hash "${{ steps.unix_get_commit_details.outputs.commit_hash }}" --commit-time "${{ steps.unix_get_commit_details.outputs.commit_time }}" --commit-message "${{ steps.unix_get_commit_details.outputs.commit_title }}" --branch-name "${{ github.ref_name }}" --api-endpoint "${{ inputs.api_endpoint }}" 
     - name: '[Unix] Debug print out commit timestamp and commit message'
       if: ${{ inputs.os != 'windows' }}