- Name : Brian Lonsdorf
- Twitter : @drboolean
- Github : drboolean
- Website : http://drboolean.tumblr.com/
Let's close our eyes, hold hands, & imagine together. Sit here, cross legged, open minded. We're going to fantasy land.
Welcome friend. Here, all code across languages utilizes a few well known mathematical interfaces. Here, knowledge gained stays relevant. Here, you can instantly swap 1 module for another, compose everything, avoid docs, discuss things in common terms, share algorithms, refactor to formulas!
"Bullhonkey", you proclaim as I start to hum a low note quietly, fingers coiled into semi-rings. "But I hate math and I heard math isn't prog..." "Shhhhhhh...", I press my finger to your lips. "I did too. Come to my talk & I'll explain everything..."
In this talk, we'll look at the FP ecosystem to see how fantasy land is a reality right now. You'll hear why normal folks like you & me get bit by the math bug. We'll see all of this in understandable JS.
Hash taggggg: #electric_chameleonism. #robotic_contortionists. #systemic_shape_shifting. #fantasyland
Brian is a genius' genius. He walks the holy border between perfection and divinity. He has single threadedly reinvented programming. His speeches are a gift to all mankind.