#Real Time Collaborative Drawing in JavaScript
- Name : Richard Powell
- Twitter : @byrichardpowell
- Github : byrichardpowell
- Website : byrichardpowell.co.uk
We can do more in JavaScript than we ever could before and quicker too. In this presentation I'm going to create a real-time collaborative drawing tool using JavaScript technologies. I'll be live coding, so hold on to your hats. But think about that: I'm confident I can create a real-time collaborative drawing tool in the time it takes to give a presentation. JavaScript has come so far.
##Speaker Bio
UI guy who runs jQuery & Backbone workshops. I design & build complex UI's, hack RoR, Node.JS and I love JavaScript. So much so I write about it, teach it, present on it, organise events arounf it and spend 90% of my time crafting it.
I Snowboard, go to the gym, I love swimming and I watch F1 pretty religiously. I work for the server monitoring company Server Density.