diff --git a/.htmltest.yml b/.htmltest.yml
index e493ef0fa..d026940f4 100644
--- a/.htmltest.yml
+++ b/.htmltest.yml
@@ -33,3 +33,6 @@ IgnoreDirs:
- "docs/2023.7/?.*/"
- "docs/2023.9/?.*/"
- "docs/2023.11/?.*/"
+- "docs/2024.3/?.*/"
+- "docs/2024.5/?.*/"
+- "docs/2024.7/?.*/"
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/_index.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99505f19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title: "2024.9 to 2024.11"
+linkTitle: "2024.9 to 2024.11"
+description: "Instructions to upgrade {{% ctx %}} 2024.9 to 2024.11"
+weight: 996
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/_index.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10ed76d03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title: "Multiple Server - With HA"
+linkTitle: "Multiple Server - With HA"
+description: "Upgrade instructions for multiple on-premise servers with high availability (HA)."
+weight: 10
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/try-it-out.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/try-it-out.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aed628acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/try-it-out.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+title: "Try it out"
+linkTitle: "Try it out"
+description: "Information about trying out {{% ctx %}} after upgrade."
+weight: 60
+# {{% param title %}}
+This guide describes how to try out an upgraded {{% ctx %}} to make sure it is working. Please ensure that both the [Application Servers and Load Balancer Upgrade][] and [Web Application Server Upgrade][] has been completed before taking these steps.
+{{< section "/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/test-upgrade.md" >}}
+## Test Executing Production Flows
+{{< section "/upgrade/try-it-out/multi-server/test-executing-production-flows.md" >}}
+[Application Servers and Load Balancer Upgrade]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.MultipleServerWithHA.UpgradeApplicationAndLoadBalancerServers" >}}
+[Web Application Server Upgrade]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.MultipleServerWithHA.UpgradeWebApplicationServer" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-application-and-loadbalancer-servers.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-application-and-loadbalancer-servers.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..deac8d9e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-application-and-loadbalancer-servers.md
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+title: "Upgrade Application Servers and Load Balancer"
+linkTitle: "Upgrade Application Servers and Load Balancer"
+description: "Information about upgrading the Application Servers and Load Balancer Server."
+weight: 30
+# {{< param title >}}
+This guide describes how to upgrade the Application Servers and Load Balancer Server from 2024.9 to 2024.11.
+## Make Installation Artefacts Available
+1. Choose one of the Application Servers to be used to perform the upgrade from, and copy the following artefacts to a folder on it:
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Server Install Scripts.zip
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Services.zip
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Block Packages.zip
+1. Extract the `Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Server Install Scripts.zip` file to a folder with the same name.
+## Configure Upgrade Script
+1. In the `Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Server Install Scripts\Upgrade Application Server` folder, locate the `Cortex.Innovation.Upgrade.ps1` script and open it with a text editor.
+1. Choose the tab below that matches the configuration for this upgrade, then update the script to match, changing the parameters according to the details given below:
+ {{% alert title="Note" %}}
+To check the previous configuration values open the `Cortex.Upgrade.ApplicationConfig.json` file located in `%ProgramData%\Cortex\Upgrade`. If the file does not exist or the values should be changed then use the `Use New Configuration Values` tab.
+ {{% /alert %}}
+ {{< tabpane lang="powershell" >}}
+ {{< tab header="Use Previous Configuration Values" >}}
+.\Cortex.Upgrade.ps1 `
+ -AppServicesPath "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Services.zip" `
+ -BlockPackagesPath "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Block Packages.zip" `
+ -Credential $Credential `
+ -AcceptEULA:$AcceptEULA `
+ *>&1 | Tee-Object -FilePath "cortex-ha-upgrade-log.txt"
+ {{< /tab >}}
+ {{< tab header="Use New Configuration Values">}}
+.\Cortex.Upgrade.ps1 `
+ -AppServicesPath "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Services.zip" `
+ -BlockPackagesPath "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Block Packages.zip" `
+ -ApplicationServerIPv4Addresses @(",,") `
+ -LoadBalancerServerIPv4Address "" `
+ -Credential $Credential `
+ -AcceptEULA:$AcceptEULA `
+ *>&1 | Tee-Object -FilePath "cortex-ha-upgrade-log.txt"
+ {{< /tab >}}
+ {{< /tabpane >}}
+ | Name | Description |
+ |----------------------------------------------|-------------|
+ |`AppServicesPath` | Configure this value with the location of the Application Services zip file on the Application Server being used for the upgrade. |
+ |`BlockPackagesPath` | Configure this value with the location of the Block Packages zip file on the Application Server being used for the upgrade. |
+ |`ApplicationServerIPv4Addresses` | The IPv4 addresses of the Application Servers. The first of these must be the Application Server being used for the upgrade.|
+ |`LoadBalancerServerIPv4Address` | The IPv4 address of the Load Balancer Server. If the built-in load balancer is not being used, this should be removed.|
+ |`Credential` | The credentials of the user which will be used to perform remote operations on the Application Servers. It must be a domain user that is a member of the local Administrators group on all servers.
This does not need to be changed, a prompt will appear to enter this information when the script is run. |
+ |`AcceptEULA` | This does not need to be changed, the EULA will be accepted at a later stage. |
+ |`FilePath` | The filename that upgrade logs are written to. If this should be written to a different location than where the installation files are then a full path should be specified. |
+1. Save and close `Cortex.Innovation.Upgrade.ps1`.
+## Run Upgrade Script
+{{< section "/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/multi-server/run-upgrade-script.md" >}}
+## Check Application Services
+{{< section "/upgrade/upgrade-application-server/multi-server/check-application-services.md" >}}
+## Preserve installation files
+{{< section "/preserve-installation-files.md" >}}
+## Next Steps?
+1. [Upgrade Web Application Server][]
+[Upgrade Web Application Server]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.MultipleServerWithHA.UpgradeWebApplicationServer" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/_index.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08f3e4269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+title: "Upgrade the Web Application Server"
+linkTitle: "Upgrade Web Application Server"
+description: "Information about upgrading the Web Application Server."
+weight: 40
+This guide describes how to upgrade the Web Application Server. Please ensure that [Upgrade Application Servers and Load Balancer][] has been completed before starting this installation. These steps assume that the v2024.9 version of Gateway and its prerequisites have already been installed.
+[Upgrade Application Servers and Load Balancer]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.MultipleServerWithHA.UpgradeApplicationAndLoadBalancerServers" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/prerequisites.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/prerequisites.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7416f7ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/prerequisites.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+title: "Prerequisites"
+linkTitle: "Prerequisites"
+description: "Information about performing the prerequisities for the Upgrade of the Web Application Server."
+weight: 10
+# {{% param title %}}
+Please ensure that [Upgrade Application Servers and Load Balancer][] has been completed before starting this installation. These steps assume that the v2024.9 version of Gateway and its prerequisites have already been installed.
+## Make Installation Artefacts Available
+1. Copy the following artefacts to a folder on the machine:
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Services.zip
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Server Install Scripts.zip
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Block Packages.zip
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Gateway.zip
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Web App Server Install Scripts.zip
+1. Extract the `Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Server Install Scripts.zip` file to a folder with the same name.
+1. Extract the `Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Web App Server Install Scripts.zip` zip file to a folder with the same name.
+## Next Steps?
+1. [Upgrade Flow Debugger][]
+[Upgrade Application Servers and Load Balancer]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.MultipleServerWithHA.UpgradeApplicationAndLoadBalancerServers" >}}
+[Upgrade Flow Debugger]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.MultipleServerWithHA.UpgradeDebugger" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/upgrade-debugger.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/upgrade-debugger.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd6767e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/upgrade-debugger.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+title: "Upgrade Flow Debugger"
+linkTitle: "Upgrade Flow Debugger"
+description: "Information about upgrading the Flow Debugger."
+weight: 30
+# {{< param title >}}
+This guide describes how to upgrade the Flow Debugger on the Web Application Server from 2024.9 to 2024.11. Please ensure that the [prerequisites][] have been completed before starting this upgrade.
+## Configure Upgrade Script
+{{< section "/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/configure-upgrade-script.md" >}}
+## Run Upgrade Script
+{{< section "/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/run-upgrade-script.md">}}
+## Check Application Services
+{{< section "/upgrade/upgrade-application-server/single-server/check-application-services.md">}}
+## Preserve installation files
+{{< section "/preserve-installation-files.md">}}
+## Next Steps?
+1. [Upgrade Gateway][]
+[prerequisites]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.MultipleServerWithHA.WebApplicationServerPreqrequisites" >}}
+[Upgrade Gateway]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.MultipleServerWithHA.UpgradeGateway" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/upgrade-gateway.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/upgrade-gateway.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ede222eee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/upgrade-gateway.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+title: "Upgrade Gateway"
+linkTitle: "Upgrade Gateway"
+description: "Information about upgrading {{% ctx %}} Gateway from 2024.9 to 2024.11."
+weight: 30
+# {{% param title %}}
+This guide describes how to upgrade {{% ctx %}} Gateway from 2024.9 to 2024.11. Please ensure that the [Flow Debugger upgrade][] has been completed before starting this upgrade.
+## Configure Upgrade Script
+{{< section "/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/configure-gateway-script.md" >}}
+## Run Upgrade Script
+{{< section "/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/run-gateway-script.md" >}}
+## Preserve installation files
+{{< section "/preserve-installation-files.md" >}}
+## Next Steps?
+1. [Try It Out][]
+[Flow Debugger upgrade]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.MultipleServerWithHA.UpgradeDebugger" >}}
+[Try It Out]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.MultipleServerWithHA.TryItOut" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/_index.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a43e88369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title: "Single Server - Without HA"
+linkTitle: "Single Server - Without HA"
+description: "Upgrade instructions for a single on-premise server without high availability (HA)."
+weight: 500
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/try-it-out.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/try-it-out.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89ee414ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/try-it-out.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+title: "Try it out"
+linkTitle: "Try it out"
+description: "Information about trying out {{% ctx %}} after upgrade."
+weight: 60
+# {{% param title %}}
+This guide describes how to try out an upgraded {{% ctx %}} to make sure it is working. Please ensure that both the [Application Server Upgrade][] and [Web Application Server Upgrade][] has been completed before taking these steps.
+{{< section "/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/test-upgrade.md" >}}
+## Test Executing Production Flows
+{{< section "/upgrade/try-it-out/single-server/test-executing-production-flows.md" >}}
+[Application Server Upgrade]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.SingleServerWithoutHA.UpgradeApplicationServer" >}}
+[Web Application Server Upgrade]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.SingleServerWithoutHA.UpgradeWebApplicationServer" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/upgrade-application-server.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/upgrade-application-server.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96f9a427c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/upgrade-application-server.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+title: "Upgrade Application Server"
+linkTitle: "Upgrade Application Server"
+description: "Information about upgrading the Application Server."
+weight: 30
+# {{< param title >}}
+This guide describes how to upgrade the Application Server components on the server from 2024.9 to 2024.11.
+## Make Installation Artefacts Available
+{{< section "/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/make-installation-artefacts-available.md" >}}
+## Configure Upgrade Script
+{{< section "/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/configure-upgrade-script.md" >}}
+## Run Upgrade Script
+{{< section "/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/run-upgrade-script.md" >}}
+## Check Application Services
+{{< section "/upgrade/upgrade-application-server/single-server/check-application-services.md" >}}
+## Preserve installation files
+{{< section "/preserve-installation-files.md" >}}
+## Next Steps?
+1. [Upgrade Web Application Server][]
+[Upgrade Web Application Server]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.SingleServerWithoutHA.UpgradeWebApplicationServer" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/upgrade-web-application-server.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/upgrade-web-application-server.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3505c9655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/Guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/upgrade-web-application-server.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: "Upgrade Web Application Server"
+linkTitle: "Upgrade Web Application Server"
+description: "Information about upgrading the Web Application Server from 2024.9 to 2024.11."
+weight: 30
+# {{% param title %}}
+This guide describes how to upgrade {{% ctx %}} Gateway from 2024.9 to 2024.11. Please ensure that the [Upgrade Application Server][] has been completed before starting this upgrade.
+## Make Installation Artefacts Available
+1. Copy the following artefacts to a folder on the server:
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Gateway.zip
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Web App Server Install Scripts.zip
+1. Extract the `Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Web App Server Install Scripts.zip` zip file to a folder with the same name.
+## Configure Upgrade Script
+{{< section "/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/configure-gateway-script.md" >}}
+## Run Upgrade Script
+{{< section "/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/run-gateway-script.md" >}}
+## Preserve installation files
+{{< section "/preserve-installation-files.md" >}}
+## Next Steps?
+1. [Try It Out][]
+[Try It Out]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.SingleServerWithoutHA.TryItOut" >}}
+[Upgrade Application Server]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.SingleServerWithoutHA.UpgradeApplicationServer" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/multi-server/run-upgrade-script.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/multi-server/run-upgrade-script.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ef4f1378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/multi-server/run-upgrade-script.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+1. Open a Windows PowerShell (x64) window as administrator.
+ {{< alert title="Important" color="warning" >}}It is critical to make sure this is a new PowerShell window. If any Service Fabric cmdlets have been run previously to running the `Cortex.Innovation.Upgrade.ps1` script, the upgrade will close halfway through due to the PowerShell module being updated.{{< /alert >}}
+1. Navigate PowerShell to inside the `Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Server Install Scripts\Upgrade Application Server` folder using the following command, modifying the path as necessary:
+ ```powershell
+ cd "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Server Install Scripts\Upgrade Application Server"
+ ```
+1. Type the following command into PowerShell:
+ ```powershell
+ .\Cortex.Innovation.Upgrade.ps1
+ ```
+1. Please read the End User Licence Agreement which can be found [here][Eula]. Once you agree to the terms, add the flag `-AcceptEULA` to the command entered above, e.g:
+ ```powershell
+ .\.ps1 -AcceptEULA
+ ```
+1. Run the PowerShell command to upgrade the HA Services and required infrastructure.
+1. A credentials prompt will appear. Enter credentials of a domain user that is a member of the local Administrators group on all servers and press OK.
+1. Wait for the script to finish running. This should take approximately 10 minutes.
+1. Check that there have been no errors in the script; these would appear in red in the console.
+ If the errors do not give any instructions on how to rectify, see [Troubleshooting During Upgrade][] for further information; if this does not help then please contact [{{% ctx %}} Service Portal][CORTEX Service Portal] for assistance.
+[CORTEX Service Portal]: {{< url path="Cortex.ServicePortal.MainDoc" >}}
+[Eula]: {{< url path="Cortex.Website.Eula.MainDoc" >}}
+[Troubleshooting During Upgrade]: {{< url path="Cortex.Reference.Troubleshooting.Upgrade.TroubleshootingDuringUpgrade" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/configure-upgrade-script.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/configure-upgrade-script.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5896b106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/configure-upgrade-script.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+1. In the `Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Server Install Scripts\Upgrade Application Server` folder, locate the `Cortex.Innovation.Upgrade.ps1` script and open it with a text editor.
+1. Choose the tab below that matches the configuration for this upgrade, then update the script to match, changing the parameters according to the details given below:
+ {{% alert title="Note" %}}
+To check the previous configuration values open the `Cortex.Upgrade.ApplicationConfig.json` file located in `%ProgramData%\Cortex\Upgrade`. If the file does not exist or the values should be changed then use the `Use New Configuration Values` tab.
+ {{% /alert %}}
+ {{< tabpane lang="powershell" >}}
+ {{< tab header="Use Previous Configuration Values" >}}
+.\Cortex.Upgrade.ps1 `
+ -AppServicesPath "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Services.zip" `
+ -BlockPackagesPath "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Block Packages.zip" `
+ -Credential $Credential `
+ -AcceptEULA:$AcceptEULA `
+ *>&1 | Tee-Object -FilePath "cortex-ha-upgrade-log.txt"
+ {{< /tab >}}
+ {{< tab header="Use New Configuration Values">}}
+.\Cortex.Upgrade.ps1 `
+ -AppServicesPath "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Services.zip" `
+ -BlockPackagesPath "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Block Packages.zip" `
+ -ApplicationServerIPv4Addresses @("") `
+ -Credential $Credential `
+ -AcceptEULA:$AcceptEULA `
+ *>&1 | Tee-Object -FilePath "cortex-app-upgrade-log.txt"
+ {{< /tab >}}
+ {{< /tabpane >}}
+ | Name | Description |
+ |----------------------------------------------|-------------|
+ |`AppServicesPath` | Configure this value with the location of the Application Services zip file on the server. |
+ |`BlockPackagesPath` | Configure this value with the location of the Block Packages zip file on the server. |
+ |`ApplicationServerIPv4Addresses` | The IPv4 address of the server.|
+ |`Credential` | The credentials of the user which will be used to perform remote operations on the server. It must be a domain user that is a member of the local Administrators group on the server.
This does not need to be changed, a prompt will appear to enter this information when the script is run. |
+ |`AcceptEULA` | This does not need to be changed, the EULA will be accepted at a later stage. |
+ |`FilePath` | The filename that upgrade logs are written to. If this should be written to a different location than where the installation files are then a full path should be specified. |
+1. Save and close `Cortex.Innovation.Upgrade.ps1`.
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/make-installation-artefacts-available.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/make-installation-artefacts-available.md
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+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/make-installation-artefacts-available.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+1. Copy the following artefacts to a folder on the server:
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Block Packages.zip
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Services.zip
+ * Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Server Install Scripts.zip
+1. Extract the `Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Server Install Scripts.zip` file to a folder with the same name.
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/run-upgrade-script.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/run-upgrade-script.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-application-server/single-server/run-upgrade-script.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+1. Open a Windows PowerShell (x64) window as administrator.
+ {{< alert title="Important" color="warning" >}}It is critical to make sure this is a new PowerShell window. If any Service Fabric cmdlets have been run previously to running the `Cortex.Innovation.Upgrade.ps1` script, the upgrade will close halfway through due to the PowerShell module being updated.{{< /alert >}}
+1. Navigate PowerShell to inside the `Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Server Install Scripts\Upgrade Application Server` folder using the following command, modifying the path as necessary:
+ ```powershell
+ cd "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - App Server Install Scripts\Upgrade Application Server"
+ ```
+1. Type the following command into PowerShell:
+ ```powershell
+ .\Cortex.Innovation.Upgrade.ps1
+ ```
+1. Please read the End User Licence Agreement which can be found [here][Eula]. Once you agree to the terms, add the flag `-AcceptEULA` to the command entered above, e.g:
+ ```powershell
+ .\.ps1 -AcceptEULA
+ ```
+1. Run the PowerShell command to upgrade the application services and required infrastructure.
+1. A credentials prompt will appear. Enter credentials of a domain user that is a member of the local Administrators group on the server and press OK.
+1. Wait for the script to finish running. This should take approximately 10 minutes.
+1. Check that there have been no errors in the script; these would appear in red in the console.
+ If the errors do not give any instructions on how to rectify, see [Troubleshooting During Upgrade][] for further information; if this does not help then please contact [{{% ctx %}} Service Portal][CORTEX Service Portal] for assistance.
+[Eula]: {{< url path="Cortex.Website.Eula.MainDoc" >}}
+[CORTEX Service Portal]: {{< url path="Cortex.ServicePortal.MainDoc" >}}
+[Troubleshooting During Upgrade]: {{< url path="Cortex.Reference.Troubleshooting.Upgrade.TroubleshootingDuringUpgrade" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/configure-gateway-script.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/configure-gateway-script.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/configure-gateway-script.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+1. In the `Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Web App Server Install Scripts` folder, locate the `Cortex.Innovation.Install.Gateway.ps1` script and open it with a text editor.
+1. Choose the tab below that matches the configuration for this upgrade, then update the script to match, changing the parameters according to the details given below:
+ {{% alert title="Note" %}}
+To check the previous configuration values open the `Cortex.Upgrade.GatewayConfig.json` file located in `%ProgramData%\Cortex\Upgrade`. If the file does not exist or any of the values should be changed then use the `Use New Configuration Values` tab removing any of the parameters that do need need to change leaving the minimum required parameters as can be seen in the `Use Previous Configuration Values` tab.
+ {{% /alert %}}
+ {{< tabpane lang="powershell" >}}
+ {{< tab header="Use Previous Configuration Values" >}}
+.\Cortex.Install.Gateway.ps1 `
+ -GatewayPackagePath "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Gateway.zip" `
+ -ApplySecurityMeasures $true `
+ -AcceptEULA:$AcceptEula `
+ *>&1 | Tee-Object -FilePath "cortex-gateway-install-log.txt"
+ {{< /tab >}}
+ {{< tab header="Use New Configuration Values">}}
+.\Cortex.Install.Gateway.ps1 `
+ -GatewayPackagePath "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Gateway.zip" `
+ -GatewayApplicationPoolUsername "Domain\Username" `
+ -WebRootFolder "C:\inetpub\wwwroot" `
+ -WebsitePort "443" `
+ -ImportCertificate $false `
+ -CertificateFriendlyName "CertificateName" `
+ -ConfigureSiteRedirect $true `
+ -ApplySecurityMeasures $true `
+ -UsingWindowsDefender $false `
+ -AcceptEULA:$AcceptEula `
+ *>&1 | Tee-Object -FilePath "cortex-gateway-install-log.txt"
+ {{< /tab >}}
+ {{< /tabpane >}}
+ | Name | Description |
+ |------------------------------------------------|-------------|
+ |`GatewayPackagePath` | Configure this value with the location of the `Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Gateway.zip` file on the server. |
+ |`GatewayApplicationPoolUsername` | Replace `Domain\Username` with the user that is used to run the {{% ctx %}} Gateway application pool currently.|
+ |`WebRootFolder` | Replace this with the correct path for the Web Root Folder on the server. Typically this will be `C:\inetpub\wwwroot`.|
+ |`WebsitePort` | Replace this with the port that you wish the website to use. Typically this will be `443`.|
+ |`ImportCertificate` | This should be set to `$false`.|
+ |`CertificateFriendlyName` | Replace this with the friendly name that is allocated to the certificate that {{% ctx %}} Gateway is currently using.|
+ |`ConfigureSiteRedirect` | If the site hosting the {{% ctx %}} Gateway web application is an existing site that doesn’t have its own content, it is recommended to redirect the site URL to the {{% ctx %}} Gateway web application URL. The default behaviour of the script is to create a URL Rewrite redirect rule to achieve this.
To skip this rule creation change the value to `$false`.|
+ |`ApplySecurityMeasures` | Change this to `$false` if you do not require the latest recommended [Security Best Practices][] to be implemented as part of the installation process.|
+ |`UsingWindowsDefender` | Change this to `$false` if you are not using the Windows Defender firewall.
If Windows Defender is not being used but an alternative firewall is, it must be configured to allow communication inbound via TCP on the port configured for HTTPS (usually 443).|
+ |`AcceptEULA` | This does not need to be changed, the EULA will be accepted at a later stage. |
+ |`FilePath` | The filename that installation logs are written to. If this should be written to a different location than where the installation files are then a full path should be specified. |
+1. Save and close `Cortex.Innovation.Install.Gateway.ps1`.
+[Security Best Practices]: {{< url path="Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.Advanced.SSLBestPractices" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/run-gateway-script.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/run-gateway-script.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a56eac74e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/run-gateway-script.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+1. Open a Windows PowerShell (x64) window as administrator.
+1. Navigate PowerShell to inside the `Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Web App Server Install Scripts` folder using the following command, modifying the path as necessary:
+ ```powershell
+ cd "C:\Install\Cortex Innovation 2024.11 - Web App Server Install Scripts"
+ ```
+1. Type the following command into PowerShell:
+ ```powershell
+ .\Cortex.Innovation.Install.Gateway.ps1
+ ```
+1. Please read the End User Licence Agreement which can be found [here][Eula]. Once you agree to the terms, add the flag `-AcceptEULA` to the command entered above, e.g:
+ ```powershell
+ .\.ps1 -AcceptEULA
+ ```
+1. Run the PowerShell command to install {{% ctx %}} Gateway.
+1. Check that there have been no errors in the script; these would appear in red in the console.
+ If there are any errors, then please follow any instructions given within them to rectify the situation, and retry the upgrade.
+ If the errors do not give any instructions on how to rectify, please contact [{{% ctx %}} Service Portal][CORTEX Service Portal] for further assistance.
+1. Once the PowerShell script execution has completed, a prompt will appear to restart the machine. You can choose to restart now (`N`) or later (`L`).
+{{< alert type="note" title="Note" >}} It is recommended to choose to restart later after the final step of this section has completed to ensure that no issues occur.{{< /alert >}}
+1. In a browser, navigate to the {{% ctx %}} Gateway website, available at `://:/`, e.g. `https://localhost/gateway` and wait for the login page to load. This may take a few minutes.
+[Eula]: {{< url path="Cortex.Website.Eula.MainDoc" >}}
+[CORTEX Service Portal]: {{< url path="Cortex.ServicePortal.MainDoc" >}}
diff --git a/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/test-upgrade.md b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/test-upgrade.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/docs/2024.11/_shared/upgrade/2024.11/upgrade-web-application-server/test-upgrade.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+## Test Debugging Flows
+Test the platform by creating a new flow and executing it using the following steps:
+1. Click on the `Dev` charm, then the `+` button and click `Group` to open a dialog.
+1. Enter a name for the group, configure the `Permission Groups` and click `OK` to create the group.
+1. Click on the group to open it (refresh the page if it does not appear).
+1. Inside the group, click the `+` button again and click on `Activity` to open a dialog. If the menu item is not present, it means that the `FeatureFlags` in the `CortexGateway.SetParameters.xml` file was not set properly when installing Gateway. See [Troubleshooting][] for more information.
+1. Enter a name for the flow, configure the `Permission Groups` and click `OK` to create the flow.
+1. The flow should be displayed with a `Start Flow` block and `End Flow` block, if those blocks are not displayed see [Troubleshooting][]. A list of block palettes should be displayed down the left hand side:
+ {{< figure src="../../2024.11/images/New Innovation Flow View.PNG" title="New Flow - Number of palettes may differ" >}}
+1. Add a `Set Variable` block and connect it between the `Start Flow` and `End Flow` blocks.
+1. Click the `Set Variable` block to open the Property Editor.
+1. Set the `Value` property to the expression `DateTimeOffset.Now`.
+1. Type `Result` into the `Variable` property and click `Create Result`.
+1. In the Variables Grid, set `Is Output Variable?` to `true` for the new `Result` variable.
+1. Add a breakpoint to the `End Flow` block and start the flow. An execution token should appear.
+ If the token does not appear, try refreshing the page. Failing that, see [Troubleshooting][].
+1. Select the execution in the Executions Grid (bottom panel).
+1. The `Result` variable displayed in the Variables Viewer (right panel) should show the current time.
+1. Continue or stop the execution.
+1. Commit the flow.
+## Test Publishing Production Flows
+1. Log in to Gateway with a user that has the `Admin` role.
+1. Click on the `Admin` charm, then `Packages`.
+1. Click `Add Package Definition`. Enter a package name and select the new flow to add to the package. Click `Save` to save the new package.
+1. Click `Publish`. A success message should appear. If it doesn't it means that there is a problem with the configuration in the `web.config` file for {{% ctx %}} Gateway, or the Application Services aren't healthy. See [Troubleshooting][] for more information.
+[Troubleshooting]: {{< url path="Cortex.Reference.Troubleshooting.Upgrade.TroubleshootingDuringUpgrade" >}}
diff --git a/data/urls.toml b/data/urls.toml
index dd2702193..33f944535 100644
--- a/data/urls.toml
+++ b/data/urls.toml
@@ -563,6 +563,23 @@
TryItOut = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.7-to-2024.9/single-server-without-ha/try-it-out"
UpgradeApplicationServer = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.7-to-2024.9/single-server-without-ha/upgrade-application-server"
UpgradeWebApplicationServer = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.7-to-2024.9/single-server-without-ha/upgrade-web-application-server"
+ [Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11]
+ MainDoc = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/"
+ [Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.Advanced]
+ UpgradeFlows = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/advanced/upgrade-flows"
+ [Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.MultipleServerWithHA]
+ MainDoc = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/"
+ TryItOut = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/try-it-out"
+ UpgradeApplicationAndLoadBalancerServers = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-application-and-loadbalancer-servers"
+ UpgradeDebugger = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/upgrade-debugger"
+ UpgradeGateway = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/upgrade-gateway"
+ UpgradeWebApplicationServer = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server"
+ WebApplicationServerPreqrequisites = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/multiple-server-with-ha/upgrade-web-application-server/prerequisites"
+ [Cortex.Guides.UpgradeCortex.2024.9to2024.11.SingleServerWithoutHA]
+ MainDoc = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/"
+ TryItOut = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/try-it-out"
+ UpgradeApplicationServer = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/upgrade-application-server"
+ UpgradeWebApplicationServer = "/docs/guides/upgrade-cortex/2024.9-to-2024.11/single-server-without-ha/upgrade-web-application-server"
MainDoc = "/docs/guides/upgrade-observability/"