diff --git a/src/main/java/impl/CommandClientImpl.java b/src/main/java/impl/CommandClientImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c88aa2c3..000000000
--- a/src/main/java/impl/CommandClientImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1058 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2016-2018 John Grosh (jagrosh) & Kaidan Gustave (TheMonitorLizard)
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * スラッシュコマンドが正常に動作しない不具合修正のために一時的に置いて置くファイルです。
- */
-package impl;
-import com.jagrosh.jdautilities.command.*;
-import com.jagrosh.jdautilities.command.Command.Category;
-import com.jagrosh.jdautilities.commons.utils.FixedSizeCache;
-import com.jagrosh.jdautilities.commons.utils.SafeIdUtil;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDA;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.OnlineStatus;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Activity;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Guild;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Message;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.channel.ChannelType;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.GenericEvent;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.guild.GuildJoinEvent;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.guild.GuildLeaveEvent;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.interaction.command.CommandAutoCompleteInteractionEvent;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.interaction.command.MessageContextInteractionEvent;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.interaction.command.SlashCommandInteractionEvent;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.interaction.command.UserContextInteractionEvent;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.message.MessageDeleteEvent;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.message.MessageReceivedEvent;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.session.ReadyEvent;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.session.ShutdownEvent;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.hooks.EventListener;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.build.CommandData;
-import net.dv8tion.jda.internal.utils.Checks;
-import okhttp3.*;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
-import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
-import org.json.JSONObject;
-import org.json.JSONTokener;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.Reader;
-import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
-import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
-import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
-import java.util.function.BiFunction;
-import java.util.function.Consumer;
-import java.util.function.Function;
-import java.util.stream.Collectors;
- * An implementation of {@link CommandClient CommandClient} to be used by a bot.
- *
- *
This is a listener usable with {@link JDA JDA}, as it implements
- * {@link EventListener EventListener} in order to catch and use different kinds of
- * {@link net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.Event Event}s. The primary usage of this is where the CommandClient implementation
- * takes {@link MessageReceivedEvent MessageReceivedEvent}s, and automatically
- * processes arguments, and provide them to a {@link Command Command} for
- * running and execution.
- *
- * @author John Grosh (jagrosh)
- */
-public class CommandClientImpl implements CommandClient, EventListener {
- private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommandClient.class);
- private static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX = "@mention";
- private final OffsetDateTime start;
- private final Activity activity;
- private final OnlineStatus status;
- private final String ownerId;
- private final String[] coOwnerIds;
- private final String prefix;
- private final String altprefix;
- private final String[] prefixes;
- private final Function prefixFunction;
- private final Function commandPreProcessFunction;
- private final BiFunction commandPreProcessBiFunction;
- private final String serverInvite;
- private final HashMap commandIndex;
- private final HashMap slashCommandIndex;
- private final ArrayList commands;
- private final ArrayList slashCommands;
- private final ArrayList slashCommandIds;
- private final ArrayList contextMenus;
- private final HashMap contextMenuIndex;
- private final String forcedGuildId;
- private final boolean manualUpsert;
- private final String success;
- private final String warning;
- private final String error;
- private final String botsKey, carbonKey;
- private final HashMap cooldowns;
- private final HashMap uses;
- private final FixedSizeCache> linkMap;
- private final boolean useHelp;
- private final boolean shutdownAutomatically;
- private final Consumer helpConsumer;
- private final String helpWord;
- private final ScheduledExecutorService executor;
- private final AnnotatedModuleCompiler compiler;
- private final GuildSettingsManager manager;
- private String textPrefix;
- private CommandListener listener = null;
- private int totalGuilds;
- public CommandClientImpl(String ownerId, String[] coOwnerIds, String prefix, String altprefix, String[] prefixes, Function prefixFunction, Function commandPreProcessFunction, BiFunction commandPreProcessBiFunction, Activity activity, OnlineStatus status, String serverInvite,
- String success, String warning, String error, String carbonKey, String botsKey, ArrayList commands, ArrayList slashCommands, ArrayList contextMenus, String forcedGuildId, boolean manualUpsert,
- boolean useHelp, boolean shutdownAutomatically, Consumer helpConsumer, String helpWord, ScheduledExecutorService executor,
- int linkedCacheSize, AnnotatedModuleCompiler compiler, GuildSettingsManager manager) {
- Checks.check(ownerId != null, "Owner ID was set null or not set! Please provide an User ID to register as the owner!");
- if (!SafeIdUtil.checkId(ownerId))
- LOG.warn(String.format("The provided Owner ID (%s) was found unsafe! Make sure ID is a non-negative long!", ownerId));
- if (coOwnerIds != null) {
- for (String coOwnerId : coOwnerIds) {
- if (!SafeIdUtil.checkId(coOwnerId))
- LOG.warn(String.format("The provided CoOwner ID (%s) was found unsafe! Make sure ID is a non-negative long!", coOwnerId));
- }
- }
- this.start = OffsetDateTime.now();
- this.ownerId = ownerId;
- this.coOwnerIds = coOwnerIds;
- this.prefix = prefix == null || prefix.isEmpty() ? DEFAULT_PREFIX : prefix;
- this.altprefix = altprefix == null || altprefix.isEmpty() ? null : altprefix;
- this.prefixes = prefixes == null || prefixes.length == 0 ? null : prefixes;
- if (this.prefixes != null) {
- Arrays.sort(this.prefixes, Comparator.reverseOrder());
- }
- this.prefixFunction = prefixFunction;
- this.commandPreProcessFunction = commandPreProcessFunction;
- this.commandPreProcessBiFunction = commandPreProcessBiFunction;
- this.textPrefix = prefix;
- this.activity = activity;
- this.status = status;
- this.serverInvite = serverInvite;
- this.success = success == null ? "" : success;
- this.warning = warning == null ? "" : warning;
- this.error = error == null ? "" : error;
- this.carbonKey = carbonKey;
- this.botsKey = botsKey;
- this.commandIndex = new HashMap<>();
- this.slashCommandIndex = new HashMap<>();
- this.commands = new ArrayList<>();
- this.slashCommands = new ArrayList<>();
- this.slashCommandIds = new ArrayList<>();
- this.contextMenus = new ArrayList<>();
- this.contextMenuIndex = new HashMap<>();
- this.forcedGuildId = forcedGuildId;
- this.manualUpsert = manualUpsert;
- this.cooldowns = new HashMap<>();
- this.uses = new HashMap<>();
- this.linkMap = linkedCacheSize > 0 ? new FixedSizeCache<>(linkedCacheSize) : null;
- this.useHelp = useHelp;
- this.shutdownAutomatically = shutdownAutomatically;
- this.helpWord = helpWord == null ? "help" : helpWord;
- this.executor = executor == null ? Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor() : executor;
- this.compiler = compiler;
- this.manager = manager;
- this.helpConsumer = helpConsumer == null ? (event) -> {
- StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("**" + event.getSelfUser().getName() + "** commands:\n");
- Category category = null;
- for (Command command : commands) {
- if (!command.isHidden() && (!command.isOwnerCommand() || event.isOwner())) {
- if (!Objects.equals(category, command.getCategory())) {
- category = command.getCategory();
- builder.append("\n\n __").append(category == null ? "No Category" : category.getName()).append("__:\n");
- }
- builder.append("\n`").append(textPrefix).append(prefix == null ? " " : "").append(command.getName())
- .append(command.getArguments() == null ? "`" : " " + command.getArguments() + "`")
- .append(" - ").append(command.getHelp());
- }
- }
- User owner = event.getJDA().getUserById(ownerId);
- if (owner != null) {
- builder.append("\n\nFor additional help, contact **").append(owner.getName()).append("**#").append(owner.getDiscriminator());
- if (serverInvite != null)
- builder.append(" or join ").append(serverInvite);
- }
- event.replyInDm(builder.toString(), unused ->
- {
- if (event.isFromType(ChannelType.TEXT))
- event.reactSuccess();
- }, t -> event.replyWarning("Help cannot be sent because you are blocking Direct Messages."));
- } : helpConsumer;
- // Load commands
- for (Command command : commands) {
- addCommand(command);
- }
- // Load slash commands
- for (SlashCommand command : slashCommands) {
- addSlashCommand(command);
- }
- // Load context menus
- for (ContextMenu menu : contextMenus) {
- addContextMenu(menu);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public CommandListener getListener() {
- return listener;
- }
- @Override
- public void setListener(CommandListener listener) {
- this.listener = listener;
- }
- @Override
- public List getCommands() {
- return commands;
- }
- @Override
- public List getSlashCommands() {
- return slashCommands;
- }
- @Override
- public List getContextMenus() {
- return contextMenus;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isManualUpsert() {
- return manualUpsert;
- }
- @Override
- public String forcedGuildId() {
- return forcedGuildId;
- }
- @Override
- public OffsetDateTime getStartTime() {
- return start;
- }
- @Override
- public OffsetDateTime getCooldown(String name) {
- return cooldowns.get(name);
- }
- @Override
- public int getRemainingCooldown(String name) {
- if (cooldowns.containsKey(name)) {
- int time = (int) Math.ceil(OffsetDateTime.now().until(cooldowns.get(name), ChronoUnit.MILLIS) / 1000D);
- if (time <= 0) {
- cooldowns.remove(name);
- return 0;
- }
- return time;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- @Override
- public void applyCooldown(String name, int seconds) {
- cooldowns.put(name, OffsetDateTime.now().plusSeconds(seconds));
- }
- @Override
- public void cleanCooldowns() {
- OffsetDateTime now = OffsetDateTime.now();
- cooldowns.keySet().stream().filter((str) -> (cooldowns.get(str).isBefore(now)))
- .collect(Collectors.toList()).forEach(cooldowns::remove);
- }
- @Override
- public int getCommandUses(Command command) {
- return getCommandUses(command.getName());
- }
- @Override
- public int getCommandUses(String name) {
- return uses.getOrDefault(name, 0);
- }
- @Override
- public void addCommand(Command command) {
- addCommand(command, commands.size());
- }
- @Override
- public void addCommand(Command command, int index) {
- if (index > commands.size() || index < 0)
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Index specified is invalid: [" + index + "/" + commands.size() + "]");
- synchronized (commandIndex) {
- String name = command.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
- //check for collision
- if (commandIndex.containsKey(name))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Command added has a name or alias that has already been indexed: \"" + name + "\"!");
- for (String alias : command.getAliases()) {
- if (commandIndex.containsKey(alias.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Command added has a name or alias that has already been indexed: \"" + alias + "\"!");
- }
- //shift if not append
- if (index < commands.size()) {
- commandIndex.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue() >= index).collect(Collectors.toList())
- .forEach(entry -> commandIndex.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() + 1));
- }
- //add
- commandIndex.put(name, index);
- for (String alias : command.getAliases())
- commandIndex.put(alias.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), index);
- }
- commands.add(index, command);
- }
- @Override
- public void addSlashCommand(SlashCommand command) {
- addSlashCommand(command, slashCommands.size());
- }
- @Override
- public void addSlashCommand(SlashCommand command, int index) {
- if (index > slashCommands.size() || index < 0)
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Index specified is invalid: [" + index + "/" + slashCommands.size() + "]");
- synchronized (slashCommandIndex) {
- String name = command.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
- //check for collision
- if (slashCommandIndex.containsKey(name))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Command added has a name that has already been indexed: \"" + name + "\"!");
- //shift if not append
- if (index < slashCommands.size()) {
- slashCommandIndex.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue() >= index).collect(Collectors.toList())
- .forEach(entry -> slashCommandIndex.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() + 1));
- }
- //add
- slashCommandIndex.put(name, index);
- }
- slashCommands.add(index, command);
- }
- @Override
- public void addContextMenu(ContextMenu menu) {
- addContextMenu(menu, contextMenus.size());
- }
- @Override
- public void addContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, int index) {
- if (index > contextMenus.size() || index < 0)
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Index specified is invalid: [" + index + "/" + contextMenus.size() + "]");
- synchronized (contextMenuIndex) {
- String name = menu.getName();
- //check for collision
- if (contextMenuIndex.containsKey(name)) {
- // Compare the existing menu's class to the new menu's class
- if (contextMenuIndex.get(name).getClass().getName().equals(menu.getClass().getName())) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context Menu added has a name and class that has already been indexed: \"" + name + "\"!");
- }
- }
- //shift if not append
- if (index < contextMenuIndex.size()) {
- contextMenuIndex.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue() >= index).collect(Collectors.toList())
- .forEach(entry -> contextMenuIndex.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() + 1));
- }
- //add
- contextMenuIndex.put(name, index);
- }
- contextMenus.add(index, menu);
- }
- @Override
- public void removeCommand(String name) {
- synchronized (commandIndex) {
- if (!commandIndex.containsKey(name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name provided is not indexed: \"" + name + "\"!");
- int targetIndex = commandIndex.remove(name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
- Command removedCommand = commands.remove(targetIndex);
- for (String alias : removedCommand.getAliases()) {
- commandIndex.remove(alias.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
- }
- commandIndex.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue() > targetIndex).collect(Collectors.toList())
- .forEach(entry -> commandIndex.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() - 1));
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void addAnnotatedModule(Object module) {
- compiler.compile(module).forEach(this::addCommand);
- }
- @Override
- public void addAnnotatedModule(Object module, Function mapFunction) {
- compiler.compile(module).forEach(command -> addCommand(command, mapFunction.apply(command)));
- }
- @Override
- public String getOwnerId() {
- return ownerId;
- }
- @Override
- public long getOwnerIdLong() {
- return Long.parseLong(ownerId);
- }
- @Override
- public String[] getCoOwnerIds() {
- return coOwnerIds;
- }
- @Override
- public long[] getCoOwnerIdsLong() {
- // Thought about using java.util.Arrays#setAll(T[], IntFunction)
- // here, but as it turns out it's actually the same thing as this but
- // it throws an error if null. Go figure.
- if (coOwnerIds == null)
- return null;
- long[] ids = new long[coOwnerIds.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
- ids[i] = Long.parseLong(coOwnerIds[i]);
- return ids;
- }
- @Override
- public String getSuccess() {
- return success;
- }
- @Override
- public String getWarning() {
- return warning;
- }
- @Override
- public String getError() {
- return error;
- }
- @Override
- public ScheduledExecutorService getScheduleExecutor() {
- return executor;
- }
- @Override
- public String getServerInvite() {
- return serverInvite;
- }
- @Override
- public String getPrefix() {
- return prefix;
- }
- @Override
- public String[] getPrefixes() {
- return prefixes;
- }
- @Override
- public Function getPrefixFunction() {
- return prefixFunction;
- }
- @Override
- public String getAltPrefix() {
- return altprefix;
- }
- @Override
- public String getTextualPrefix() {
- return textPrefix;
- }
- @Override
- public int getTotalGuilds() {
- return totalGuilds;
- }
- @Override
- public String getHelpWord() {
- return helpWord;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean usesLinkedDeletion() {
- return linkMap != null;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- @Override
- public S getSettingsFor(Guild guild) {
- if (manager == null)
- return null;
- return (S) manager.getSettings(guild);
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- @Override
- public M getSettingsManager() {
- return (M) manager;
- }
- @Override
- public void shutdown() {
- GuildSettingsManager> manager = getSettingsManager();
- if (manager != null)
- manager.shutdown();
- executor.shutdown();
- }
- @Override
- public void onEvent(GenericEvent event) {
- if (event instanceof MessageReceivedEvent)
- onMessageReceived((MessageReceivedEvent) event);
- else if (event instanceof SlashCommandInteractionEvent)
- onSlashCommand((SlashCommandInteractionEvent) event);
- else if (event instanceof MessageContextInteractionEvent)
- onMessageContextMenu((MessageContextInteractionEvent) event);
- else if (event instanceof UserContextInteractionEvent)
- onUserContextMenu((UserContextInteractionEvent) event);
- else if (event instanceof CommandAutoCompleteInteractionEvent)
- onCommandAutoComplete((CommandAutoCompleteInteractionEvent) event);
- else if (event instanceof MessageDeleteEvent && usesLinkedDeletion())
- onMessageDelete((MessageDeleteEvent) event);
- else if (event instanceof GuildJoinEvent) {
- if (((GuildJoinEvent) event).getGuild().getSelfMember().getTimeJoined()
- .plusMinutes(10).isAfter(OffsetDateTime.now()))
- sendStats(event.getJDA());
- } else if (event instanceof GuildLeaveEvent)
- sendStats(event.getJDA());
- else if (event instanceof ReadyEvent)
- onReady((ReadyEvent) event);
- else if (event instanceof ShutdownEvent) {
- if (shutdownAutomatically)
- shutdown();
- }
- }
- private void onReady(ReadyEvent event) {
- if (!event.getJDA().getSelfUser().isBot()) {
- LOG.error("JDA-Utilities does not support CLIENT accounts.");
- event.getJDA().shutdown();
- return;
- }
- textPrefix = prefix.equals(DEFAULT_PREFIX) ? "@" + event.getJDA().getSelfUser().getName() + " " : prefix;
- if (activity != null)
- event.getJDA().getPresence().setPresence(status == null ? OnlineStatus.ONLINE : status,
- "default".equals(activity.getName()) ? Activity.playing("Type " + textPrefix + helpWord) : activity);
- // Start SettingsManager if necessary
- GuildSettingsManager> manager = getSettingsManager();
- if (manager != null)
- manager.init();
- // Upsert slash commands, if not manual
- if (!manualUpsert) {
- upsertInteractions(event.getJDA());
- }
- sendStats(event.getJDA());
- }
- @Override
- public void upsertInteractions(JDA jda) {
- upsertInteractions(jda, forcedGuildId);
- }
- @Override
- public void upsertInteractions(JDA jda, String serverId) {
- // Get all commands
- List data = new ArrayList<>();
- List slashCommands = getSlashCommands();
- Map slashCommandMap = new HashMap<>();
- List contextMenus = getContextMenus();
- Map contextMenuMap = new HashMap<>();
- // Build the command and privilege data
- for (SlashCommand command : slashCommands) {
- data.add(command.buildCommandData());
- slashCommandMap.put(command.getName(), command);
- }
- for (ContextMenu menu : contextMenus) {
- data.add(menu.buildCommandData());
- contextMenuMap.put(menu.getName(), menu);
- }
- // Upsert the commands
- if (serverId != null) {
- // Attempt to retrieve the provided guild
- Guild server = jda.getGuildById(serverId);
- if (server == null) {
- LOG.error("Specified forced guild is null! Slash Commands will NOT be added! Is the bot added?");
- return;
- }
- // Upsert the commands + their privileges
- server.updateCommands().addCommands(data)
- .queue(
- priv -> LOG.debug("Successfully added " + commands.size() + " slash commands and " + contextMenus.size() + " menus to server " + server.getName()),
- error -> LOG.error("Could not upsert commands! Does the bot have the applications.commands scope?" + error)
- );
- } else
- jda.updateCommands().addCommands(data)
- .queue(commands -> LOG.debug("Successfully added " + commands.size() + " slash commands!"));
- }
- private void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event) {
- // Return if it's a bot
- if (event.getAuthor().isBot())
- return;
- final MessageParts parts = getParts(event);
- if (parts != null) //starts with valid prefix
- {
- if (useHelp && parts.command.equalsIgnoreCase(helpWord)) {
- CommandEvent cevent = new CommandEvent(event, parts.prefixUsed, parts.args, this);
- if (listener != null)
- listener.onCommand(cevent, null);
- helpConsumer.accept(cevent); // Fire help consumer
- if (listener != null)
- listener.onCompletedCommand(cevent, null);
- return; // Help Consumer is done
- } else if (event.isFromType(ChannelType.PRIVATE) || event.getChannel().canTalk()) {
- String name = parts.command;
- String args = parts.args;
- final Command command; // this will be null if it's not a command
- synchronized (commandIndex) {
- int i = commandIndex.getOrDefault(name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), -1);
- command = i != -1 ? commands.get(i) : null;
- }
- if (command != null) {
- CommandEvent cevent = new CommandEvent(event, parts.prefixUsed, args, this);
- if (listener != null)
- listener.onCommand(cevent, command);
- uses.put(command.getName(), uses.getOrDefault(command.getName(), 0) + 1);
- if (commandPreProcessFunction != null || commandPreProcessBiFunction != null) {
- // Apply both pre-process functions
- if (commandPreProcessFunction != null && commandPreProcessFunction.apply(event)) {
- command.run(cevent);
- return;
- }
- if (commandPreProcessBiFunction != null && commandPreProcessBiFunction.apply(event, command)) {
- command.run(cevent);
- return;
- }
- // If we are here, neither function returned true, so we can just return
- return;
- } else {
- command.run(cevent);
- }
- return; // Command is done
- }
- }
- }
- if (listener != null)
- listener.onNonCommandMessage(event);
- }
- @Nullable
- private MessageParts getParts(MessageReceivedEvent event) {
- String rawContent = event.getMessage().getContentRaw();
- GuildSettingsProvider settings = event.isFromType(ChannelType.TEXT) ? provideSettings(event.getGuild()) : null;
- // Check for prefix or alternate prefix (@mention cases)
- if (prefix.equals(DEFAULT_PREFIX) || (altprefix != null && altprefix.equals(DEFAULT_PREFIX))) {
- if (rawContent.startsWith("<@" + event.getJDA().getSelfUser().getId() + ">") ||
- rawContent.startsWith("<@!" + event.getJDA().getSelfUser().getId() + ">")) {
- // Since we now use substring into makeMessageParts function and a indexOf here, we need to do a +1 to get the good substring
- // On top of that we need to do another +1 because the default @mention prefix will always be followed by a space
- // So we need to add 2 characters to get the correct substring
- final int prefixLength = rawContent.indexOf('>') + 2;
- return makeMessageParts(rawContent, prefixLength);
- }
- }
- // Check for prefix
- // Run Function check if there is one, then fallback to normal prefixes
- if (prefixFunction != null) {
- String prefix = prefixFunction.apply(event);
- // Don't lowercase, up to Function to handle this
- if (prefix != null && rawContent.startsWith(prefix)) {
- final int prefixLength = prefix.length();
- return makeMessageParts(rawContent, prefixLength);
- }
- }
- final String lowerCaseContent = rawContent.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
- // Check for default prefix
- if (lowerCaseContent.startsWith(prefix.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT))) {
- final int prefixLength = prefix.length();
- return makeMessageParts(rawContent, prefixLength);
- }
- // Check for alternate prefix
- if (altprefix != null && lowerCaseContent.startsWith(altprefix.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT))) {
- final int prefixLength = altprefix.length();
- return makeMessageParts(rawContent, prefixLength);
- }
- // Check for prefixes
- if (prefixes != null) {
- for (String pre : prefixes) {
- if (lowerCaseContent.startsWith(pre.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT))) {
- final int prefixLength = pre.length();
- return makeMessageParts(rawContent, prefixLength);
- }
- }
- }
- // Check for guild specific prefixes
- if (settings != null) {
- Collection prefixes = settings.getPrefixes();
- if (prefixes != null) {
- for (String prefix : prefixes) {
- if (lowerCaseContent.startsWith(prefix.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT))) {
- final int prefixLength = prefix.length();
- return makeMessageParts(rawContent, prefixLength);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Processes the message raw content and returns the "parts" of the message
- *
These parts include:
- *
- * - Used prefix
- * - Command name
- * - Arguments
- *
- *
- * @param rawContent The raw content of the incoming message
- * @param prefixLength The length of the prefix that has been successfully detected before calling this method
- * @return A MessageParts objects with all the parts cited above
- */
- @NotNull
- private MessageParts makeMessageParts(String rawContent, int prefixLength) {
- //Replacement method below
-// final String[] split = rawContent.substring(prefixLength).trim().split("\\s+", 2);
- //What we do is search for the first whitespace after the prefix, this gets us the command name
- // To then get the arguments, we find the first occurrence of a character other than a whitespace, after the command index, and take the string from that index
- String cmd = null;
- for (int i = prefixLength; i < rawContent.length(); i++) {
- if (Character.isWhitespace(rawContent.charAt(i))) { //If a whitespace assume we found the end of the command name
- cmd = rawContent.substring(prefixLength, i);
- break;
- }
- }
- String args = "";
- if (cmd == null) { //Assume there are no args since there were absolutely no whitespace
- cmd = rawContent.substring(prefixLength);
- } else {
- for (int i = prefixLength + cmd.length(); i < rawContent.length(); i++) {
- if (!Character.isWhitespace(rawContent.charAt(i))) { //If not a whitespace assume we found the start of the arguments
- args = rawContent.substring(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //Just in case something fucked up
- LOG.trace("Received command named '{}' with args '{}'", cmd, args);
- return new MessageParts(
- rawContent.substring(0, prefixLength),
- cmd,
- args
- );
- }
- private void onSlashCommand(SlashCommandInteractionEvent event) {
- // this will be null if it's not a command
- final SlashCommand command = findSlashCommand(event.getFullCommandName());
- // Wrap the event in a SlashCommandEvent
- final SlashCommandEvent commandEvent = new SlashCommandEvent(event, this);
- if (command != null) {
- if (listener != null)
- listener.onSlashCommand(commandEvent, command);
- uses.put(command.getName(), uses.getOrDefault(command.getName(), 0) + 1);
- command.run(commandEvent);
- // Command is done
- }
- }
- private void onCommandAutoComplete(CommandAutoCompleteInteractionEvent event) {
- // this will be null if it's not a command
- final SlashCommand command = findSlashCommand(event.getFullCommandName());
- if (command != null) {
- command.onAutoComplete(event);
- }
- }
- private SlashCommand findSlashCommand(String path) {
- //String[] parts = path.split(" ");
- String[] parts = path.split("/"); // JDAの次回バージョンから"/"ではなく" "になる
- final SlashCommand command; // this will be null if it's not a command
- synchronized (slashCommandIndex) {
- int i = slashCommandIndex.getOrDefault(parts[0].toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), -1);
- command = i != -1 ? slashCommands.get(i) : null;
- }
- if (command == null)
- return null;
- switch (parts.length) {
- case 1: // Slash command with no children
- return command;
- case 2: // Slash command with children
- // child check
- for (SlashCommand cmd : command.getChildren())
- if (cmd.isCommandFor(parts[1]))
- return cmd;
- return null;
- case 3: // Slash command with a group and a child
- for (SlashCommand cmd : command.getChildren())
- if (cmd.isCommandFor(parts[2]) && cmd.getSubcommandGroup().getName().equals(parts[1]))
- return cmd;
- return null;
- }
- // How did we get here?
- return null;
- }
- private void onUserContextMenu(UserContextInteractionEvent event) {
- final UserContextMenu menu; // this will be null if it's not a command
- synchronized (contextMenuIndex) {
- ContextMenu c;
- int i = contextMenuIndex.getOrDefault(event.getName(), -1);
- c = i != -1 ? contextMenus.get(i) : null;
- if (c instanceof UserContextMenu)
- menu = (UserContextMenu) c;
- else
- menu = null;
- }
- final UserContextMenuEvent menuEvent = new UserContextMenuEvent(event.getJDA(), event.getResponseNumber(), event, this);
- if (menu != null) {
- if (listener != null)
- listener.onUserContextMenu(menuEvent, menu);
- uses.put(menu.getName(), uses.getOrDefault(menu.getName(), 0) + 1);
- menu.run(menuEvent);
- // Command is done
- }
- }
- private void onMessageContextMenu(MessageContextInteractionEvent event) {
- final MessageContextMenu menu; // this will be null if it's not a command
- synchronized (contextMenuIndex) {
- ContextMenu c;
- // Do not lowercase, as there could be 2 menus with the same name, but different letter cases
- int i = contextMenuIndex.getOrDefault(event.getName(), -1);
- c = i != -1 ? contextMenus.get(i) : null;
- if (c instanceof MessageContextMenu)
- menu = (MessageContextMenu) c;
- else
- menu = null;
- }
- final MessageContextMenuEvent menuEvent = new MessageContextMenuEvent(event.getJDA(), event.getResponseNumber(), event, this);
- if (menu != null) {
- if (listener != null)
- listener.onMessageContextMenu(menuEvent, menu);
- uses.put(menu.getName(), uses.getOrDefault(menu.getName(), 0) + 1);
- menu.run(menuEvent);
- // Command is done
- }
- }
- private void sendStats(JDA jda) {
- OkHttpClient client = jda.getHttpClient();
- if (carbonKey != null) {
- FormBody.Builder bodyBuilder = new FormBody.Builder()
- .add("key", carbonKey)
- .add("servercount", Integer.toString(jda.getGuilds().size()));
- if (jda.getShardInfo() != JDA.ShardInfo.SINGLE) {
- bodyBuilder.add("shard_id", Integer.toString(jda.getShardInfo().getShardId()))
- .add("shard_count", Integer.toString(jda.getShardInfo().getShardTotal()));
- }
- Request.Builder builder = new Request.Builder()
- .post(bodyBuilder.build())
- .url("https://www.carbonitex.net/discord/data/botdata.php");
- client.newCall(builder.build()).enqueue(new Callback() {
- @Override
- public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) {
- LOG.info("Successfully send information to carbonitex.net");
- response.close();
- }
- @Override
- public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
- LOG.error("Failed to send information to carbonitex.net ", e);
- }
- });
- }
- if (botsKey != null) {
- JSONObject body = new JSONObject().put("guildCount", jda.getGuilds().size());
- if (jda.getShardInfo() != JDA.ShardInfo.SINGLE) {
- body.put("shardId", jda.getShardInfo().getShardId())
- .put("shardCount", jda.getShardInfo().getShardTotal());
- }
- Request.Builder builder = new Request.Builder()
- .post(RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/json"), body.toString()))
- .url("https://discord.bots.gg/api/v1/bots/" + jda.getSelfUser().getId() + "/stats")
- .header("Authorization", botsKey)
- .header("Content-Type", "application/json");
- client.newCall(builder.build()).enqueue(new Callback() {
- @Override
- public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
- if (response.isSuccessful()) {
- LOG.info("Successfully sent information to discord.bots.gg");
- try (Reader reader = response.body().charStream()) {
- totalGuilds = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(reader)).getInt("guildCount");
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- LOG.error("Failed to retrieve bot shard information from discord.bots.gg ", ex);
- }
- } else
- LOG.error("Failed to send information to discord.bots.gg: " + response.body().string());
- response.close();
- }
- @Override
- public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
- LOG.error("Failed to send information to discord.bots.gg ", e);
- }
- });
- } else if (jda.getShardManager() != null) {
- totalGuilds = (int) jda.getShardManager().getGuildCache().size();
- } else {
- totalGuilds = (int) jda.getGuildCache().size();
- }
- }
- private void onMessageDelete(MessageDeleteEvent event) {
- // Check we are in a guild since there is no guild specific event now
- if (!event.isFromGuild()) return;
- // We don't need to cover whether or not this client usesLinkedDeletion() because
- // that is checked in onEvent(Event) before this is even called.
- synchronized (linkMap) {
- if (linkMap.contains(event.getMessageIdLong())) {
- Set messages = linkMap.get(event.getMessageIdLong());
- if (messages.size() > 1 && event.getGuild().getSelfMember()
- .hasPermission(event.getChannel().asTextChannel(), Permission.MESSAGE_MANAGE))
- event.getChannel().asTextChannel().deleteMessages(messages).queue(unused -> {
- }, ignored -> {
- });
- else if (messages.size() > 0)
- messages.forEach(m -> m.delete().queue(unused -> {
- }, ignored -> {
- }));
- }
- }
- }
- private GuildSettingsProvider provideSettings(Guild guild) {
- Object settings = getSettingsFor(guild);
- if (settings instanceof GuildSettingsProvider) //implicit null check
- return (GuildSettingsProvider) settings;
- else
- return null;
- }
- /**
- *
- * This is a method necessary for linking a bot's response messages
- * to their corresponding call message ID.
- *
Using this anywhere in your code can and will break your bot.
- *
- * @param callId The ID of the call Message
- * @param message The Message to link to the ID
- */
- public void linkIds(long callId, Message message) {
- // We don't use linked deletion, so we don't do anything.
- if (!usesLinkedDeletion())
- return;
- synchronized (linkMap) {
- Set stored = linkMap.get(callId);
- if (stored != null)
- stored.add(message);
- else {
- stored = new HashSet<>();
- stored.add(message);
- linkMap.add(callId, stored);
- }
- }
- }
- private static class MessageParts {
- private final String prefixUsed;
- private final String command;
- private final String args;
- private MessageParts(String prefixUsed, String command, String args) {
- this.prefixUsed = prefixUsed;
- this.command = command;
- this.args = args;
- }
- }
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