Releases: Countly/countly-sdk-flutter-bridge
Releases · Countly/countly-sdk-flutter-bridge
- Fixed a race condition bug in Android where a recorded event would have the wrong user properties in the drill database on the server. Now event queue is emptied (formed into a request) before recording any user profile changes.
- Events are now recorded with an internal ID in Android.
- Updated Underlying android SDK version to 22.09.0
- Updated Underlying iOS SDK version to 23.02.0
- !! Major breaking change !! Resolved issue with handling push notification actions on iOS.
- To handle push notification actions, add the following call "CountlyFlutterPlugin.startObservingNotifications();" to "AppDelegate.swift"
- For further information, refer to the "Handling Push Callbacks" section of the Countly SDK documentation at:
- Fixed a race condition bug in Android where a recorded event would have the wrong user properties in the drill database on the server. Now event queue is emptied (formed into a request) before recording any user profile changes.
- Events are now recorded with an internal ID in Android.
- Updated Underlying android SDK version to 22.09.0
- Updated Underlying iOS SDK version to 23.02.0
- Fixed "isInitialized" variable reset on hot reload.
- Updated underlying android SDK version is 22.06.2
- Updated underlying iOS SDK version is 22.09.0
22.02.1 (no-push)
This flavor is a "no push notification" variant of the Countly SDK.
Underlying android SDK version is 22.02.1
Underlying iOS SDK version is 22.06.0
SDK has been internally slightly reworked to support a "no push notification" variant.
Fixed incorrect iOS push token type when passing "Countly.messagingMode.PRODUCTION" as token type.
Underlying android SDK version is 22.02.1
Underlying iOS SDK version is 22.06.0
- Fixed notification trampoline restrictions in Android 12 using reverse activity trampolining implementation.
- Adding a call to provide user properties during initialization.
- Updated underlying android SDK version to 22.02.1
- Updated underlying iOS SDK version to 22.06.0
- !! Major breaking change !! Changing device ID without merging will now clear all consent. It has to be given again after this operation.
- !! Major breaking change !! Entering temporary ID mode will now clear all consent. It has to be given again after this operation.
- Added mitigations for potential push notification issue where some apps might be unable to display push notifications in their kill state.
- Added 'CountlyConfig' class for init time configurations.
- Added a way to retrieve feedback widget data and manually report them for iOS also
- Added Appear and dismiss callback for nps/survey widgets
- Added an optional 'onFinished' callback to 'getFeedbackWidgetData' method
- Added "getDeviceIDType" method to get current device id type
- Added "recordIndirectAttribution" method
- Added "recordDirectAttribution" method
- Added "setUserLocation" method to set user location
- Added platform information to push actioned events
- Fixed potential deadlock issue in Android.
- Fixed possible SecTrustCopyExceptions leak in iOS
- Fixed bug that occurred when recording user profile values. Parameters not provided would be deleted from the server.
- Deprecated old init config methods. You should use the config object now. Those methods are:
- init
- manualSessionHandling
- updateSessionPeriod
- updateSessionInterval
- eventSendThreshold
- storedRequestsLimit
- setOptionalParametersForInitialization
- setLoggingEnabled
- enableParameterTamperingProtection
- setHttpPostForced
- setLocationInit
- setRequiresConsent
- giveConsentInit
- setRemoteConfigAutomaticDownload
- setStarRatingDialogTexts
- enableCrashReporting
- setCustomCrashSegment
- enableApm
- Deprecated "setLocation" method
- Deprecated recordAttributionID method
- Deprecated enableAttribution method
- Deprecated 'askForFeedback' method. Added 'presentRatingWidgetWithID' method that should be used as it's replacement.
- Device ID can now be changed when no consent is given
- Push notification now display/use the sent badge number in Android. It's visualization depends on the launcher.
- When recording internal events with 'recordEvent', the respective feature consent will now be checked instead of the 'events' consent.
- Consent changes will now send the whole consent state and not just the "delta"
- Updated minimum supported iOS versions to 10.0
- Updated underlying android SDK to 21.11.0
- Updated underlying iOS SDK to 21.11.2