diff --git a/modDesc.xml b/modDesc.xml
index 73f81840d..f8510e82c 100644
--- a/modDesc.xml
+++ b/modDesc.xml
@@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ Changelog
diff --git a/scripts/CpObject.lua b/scripts/CpObject.lua
index 64cda0a00..02f8dccf0 100644
--- a/scripts/CpObject.lua
+++ b/scripts/CpObject.lua
@@ -59,10 +59,47 @@ function CpObject(base, init)
return false
+ c.__tostring = function (self)
+ -- Default tostring function for printing all attributes and assigned functions.
+ local str = '[ '
+ for attribute, value in pairs(self) do
+ str = str .. string.format('%s: %s ', attribute, value)
+ end
+ str = str .. ']'
+ return str
+ end
setmetatable(c, mt)
return c
+---@class CpObjectUtil
+CpObjectUtil = {
+--- Registers a builder api for a class.
+--- The attributes are set as private variables with "_" before the variable name
+--- and the builder functions are named like the attribute.
+--- Nil values have to be replaced with CpObjectUtil.BUILDER_API_NIL !!
+---@param class table
+---@param attributesToDefault table
+function CpObjectUtil.registerBuilderAPI(class, attributesToDefault)
+ for attributeName, default in pairs(attributesToDefault) do
+ if default == CpObjectUtil.BUILDER_API_NIL then
+ default = nil
+ end
+ --- Applies the default value to the private variable
+ class["_" .. attributeName] = default
+ --- Creates the builder functions/ setters with the public variable name
+ class[attributeName] = function(self, value)
+ self["_" .. attributeName] = value
+ return self
+ end
+ end
--- Object that holds a value temporarily. You can tell when to set the value and how long it should keep that
--- value, in milliseconds. Great for timers.
---@class CpTemporaryObject
diff --git a/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyCourse.lua b/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyCourse.lua
index f53cdbd49..1849d55d6 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyCourse.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyCourse.lua
@@ -111,6 +111,10 @@ function AIDriveStrategyCourse:setAIVehicle(vehicle, jobParameters)
self.ppc = PurePursuitController(vehicle)
self.ppc:registerListeners(self, 'onWaypointPassed', 'onWaypointChange')
+ self.pathfinderController = PathfinderController(vehicle)
+ self.pathfinderController:registerListeners(self, self.onPathfindingFinished, self.onPathfindingRetry)
self.storage = vehicle.spec_cpAIWorker
self.settings = vehicle:getCpSettings()
@@ -428,8 +432,9 @@ function AIDriveStrategyCourse:getCurrentCourse()
return self.ppc:getCourse() or self.course
-function AIDriveStrategyCourse:update()
+function AIDriveStrategyCourse:update(dt)
+ self.pathfinderController:update(dt)
@@ -579,6 +584,24 @@ end
function AIDriveStrategyCourse:onWaypointPassed(ix, course)
+--- Pathfinding has finished
+---@param controller PathfinderController
+---@param success boolean
+---@param course Course|nil
+---@param goalNodeInvalid boolean|nil
+function AIDriveStrategyCourse:onPathfindingFinished(controller, success, course, goalNodeInvalid)
+ -- override
+--- Pathfinding failed, but a retry attempt is leftover.
+---@param controller PathfinderController
+---@param lastContext PathfinderControllerContext
+---@param wasLastRetry boolean
+---@param currentRetryAttempt number
+function AIDriveStrategyCourse:onPathfindingRetry(controller, lastContext, wasLastRetry, currentRetryAttempt)
+ -- override
--- Pathfinding
diff --git a/scripts/ai/PathfinderController.lua b/scripts/ai/PathfinderController.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3a874627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/ai/PathfinderController.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+This file is part of Courseplay (https://github.com/Courseplay/Courseplay_FS22)
+Copyright (C) 2023 Courseplay Dev Team
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see .
+--- Pathfinder controller
+PathfinderController for easy access to the pathfinder.
+- Enables retrying with adjustable parameters compared to the last try, like fruit allowed and so..
+- Handles the pathfinder coroutines if needed.
+- One callback when the path finding finished.
+ - Triggered if a valid path was found.
+ - Gets triggered if the goal node is invalid.
+ - Also gets triggered if no valid path was found and all retry attempts are used.
+- Every time the path finding failed a callback gets triggered, if there are retry attempts left over.
+ - Enabled the changing of the pathfinder context and restart with the new context.
+Example implementations:
+function Strategy:startPathfindingToGoal()
+ local numRetries = 2
+ local context = PathfinderControllerContext(self.vehicle, numRetries)
+ context:set(
+ ...
+ )
+ self.pathfinderController:setCallbacks(self, self.onPathfingFinished, self.onPathfindingFailed)
+ self.pathfinderController:findPathToNode(context, ...)
+function Strategy:onPathfingFinished(controller : PathfinderController, success : boolean,
+ course : Course, goalNodeInvalid : boolean|nil)
+ if success then
+ // Path finding finished successfully
+ ...
+ else
+ if goalNodeInvalid then
+ // Goal position can't be reached!
+ else
+ // Num retries reached without path!
+ end
+ end
+function Strategy:onPathfindingFailed(controller : PathfinderController, lastContext : PathfinderControllerContext,
+ wasLastRetry : boolean, currentRetryAttempt : number)
+ if currentRetryAttempt == 1 then
+ // Reduced fruit impact:
+ lastContext:ignoreFruit()
+ self.pathfinderController:findPathToNode(lastContext, ...)
+ else
+ // Something else ...
+ self.pathfinderController:findPathToNode(lastContext, ...)
+ end
+--- Pathfinder controller context
+PathfinderControllerContext implements all pathfinder parameters and the number of retries allowed.
+- Other Context Classes could be derived for commonly used contexts.
+- Only the attributesToDefaultValue table has to be changed in the derived class.
+Example usage of the builder api:
+local context = PathfinderControllerContext():maxFruitPercent(100):useFieldNum(true):vehiclesToIgnore({vehicle})
+---@class PathfinderControllerContext
+---@field maxFruitPercent function
+---@field offFieldPenalty function
+---@field useFieldNum function
+---@field areaToAvoid function
+---@field allowReverse function
+---@field vehiclesToIgnore function
+---@field mustBeAccurate function
+---@field areaToIgnoreFruit function
+---@field _maxFruitPercent number
+---@field _offFieldPenalty number
+---@field _useFieldNum number
+---@field _areaToAvoid PathfinderUtil.NodeArea|nil
+---@field _allowReverse boolean
+---@field _vehiclesToIgnore table[]|nil
+---@field _mustBeAccurate boolean
+---@field _areaToIgnoreFruit table[]
+PathfinderControllerContext = CpObject()
+PathfinderControllerContext.defaultNumRetries = 0
+PathfinderControllerContext.attributesToDefaultValue = {
+ -- If an 4 x 4 m area around a pathfinder node has more than this fruit, a penalty of 0.5 * actual fruit
+ -- percentage will be applied to that node.
+ -- TODO: check if the fruitValue returned by FSDensityMapUtil.getFruitArea() really is a percentage
+ ["maxFruitPercent"] = 50,
+ -- This penalty is added to the cost of each step, which is about 12% of the turning radius when using
+ -- the hybrid A* and 3 with the simple A*.
+ -- Simple A* is used for long-range pathfinding, in that case we are willing to drive about 3 times longer
+ -- to stay on the field. Hybrid A* is more restrictive, TODO: review if these should be balanced
+ ["offFieldPenalty"] = 7.5,
+ -- If useFieldNum > 0, fields that are not owned have a 20% greater penalty.
+ ["useFieldNum"] = 0,
+ -- Pathfinder nodes in this area have a prohibitive penalty (2000)
+ ["areaToAvoid"] = CpObjectUtil.BUILDER_API_NIL,
+ ["allowReverse"] = false,
+ ["vehiclesToIgnore"] = CpObjectUtil.BUILDER_API_NIL,
+ -- If false, as we reach the maximum iterations, we relax our criteria to reach the goal: allow for arriving at
+ -- bigger angle differences, trading off accuracy for speed. This usually results in a direction at the goal
+ -- being less then 30ยบ off which in many cases isn't a problem.
+ -- Otherwise, for example when a combine self unloading must accurately find the trailer, set this to true.
+ ["mustBeAccurate"] = false,
+ -- No fruit penalty in this area (e.g. when we know the goal is in fruit but want to avoid fruit all the way there)
+ ["areaToIgnoreFruit"] = CpObjectUtil.BUILDER_API_NIL
+function PathfinderControllerContext:init(vehicle, numRetries)
+ self._vehicle = vehicle
+ self._numRetries = numRetries or self.defaultNumRetries
+ CpObjectUtil.registerBuilderAPI(self, self.attributesToDefaultValue)
+--- Disables the fruit avoidance
+function PathfinderControllerContext:ignoreFruit()
+ self._maxFruitPercent = math.huge
+ return self
+--- Uses the field number of the vehicle to restrict path finding.
+function PathfinderControllerContext:useVehicleFieldNumber()
+ self._useFieldNum = CpFieldUtil.getFieldNumUnderVehicle(self._vehicle)
+ return self
+function PathfinderControllerContext:getNumRetriesAllowed()
+ return self._numRetries
+---@class DefaultFieldPathfinderControllerContext : PathfinderControllerContext
+DefaultFieldPathfinderControllerContext = CpObject(PathfinderControllerContext)
+function DefaultFieldPathfinderControllerContext:init(...)
+ PathfinderControllerContext.init(self, ...)
+---@class PathfinderController
+PathfinderController= CpObject()
+PathfinderController.SUCCESS_FOUND_VALID_PATH = 0
+PathfinderController.ERROR_NO_PATH_FOUND = 1
+PathfinderController.ERROR_INVALID_GOAL_NODE = 2
+function PathfinderController:init(vehicle)
+ self.vehicle = vehicle
+ ---@type PathfinderInterface
+ self.pathfinder = nil
+ ---@type PathfinderControllerContext
+ self.lastContext = nil
+ self:reset()
+function PathfinderController:__tostring()
+ return string.format("PathfinderController(failCount=%d, numRetries=%s, active=%s)",
+ self.failCount, self.numRetries, tostring(self.pathfinder ~= nil))
+function PathfinderController:reset()
+ self.numRetries = 0
+ self.failCount = 0
+ self.startedAt = 0
+ self.timeTakenMs = 0
+ self.lastContext = nil
+function PathfinderController:update(dt)
+ if self:isActive() then
+ --- Applies coroutine for path finding
+ local done, path, goalNodeInvalid = self.pathfinder:resume()
+ if done then
+ self:onFinish(path, goalNodeInvalid)
+ end
+ end
+function PathfinderController:getDriveData()
+ local maxSpeed
+ if self:isActive() then
+ --- Pathfinder is active, so we stop the driver.
+ maxSpeed = 0
+ end
+ return nil, nil, nil, maxSpeed
+function PathfinderController:isActive()
+ return self.pathfinder and self.pathfinder:isActive()
+---@return PathfinderControllerContext
+function PathfinderController:getLastContext()
+ return self.lastContext
+--- Registers listeners for pathfinder success and failures.
+--- TODO: Decide if multiple registered listeners are needed or not?
+---@param object table
+---@param successFunc function func(PathfinderController, success, Course, goalNodeInvalid)
+---@param retryFunc function func(PathfinderController, last context, was last retry, retry attempt number)
+function PathfinderController:registerListeners(object, successFunc, retryFunc)
+ self.callbackObject = object
+ self.callbackSuccessFunction = successFunc
+ self.callbackRetryFunction = retryFunc
+--- Pathfinder was started
+---@param context PathfinderControllerContext
+function PathfinderController:onStart(context)
+ self:debug("Started pathfinding with context: %s.", tostring(context))
+ self.startedAt = g_time
+ self.lastContext = context
+ self.numRetries = context:getNumRetriesAllowed()
+--- Path finding has finished
+---@param path table|nil
+---@param goalNodeInvalid boolean|nil
+function PathfinderController:onFinish(path, goalNodeInvalid)
+ self.pathfinder = nil
+ self.timeTakenMs = g_time - self.startedAt
+ local retValue = self:isValidPath(path, goalNodeInvalid)
+ if retValue == self.ERROR_NO_PATH_FOUND then
+ if self.callbackRetryFunction then
+ --- Retry is allowed, so check if any tries are leftover
+ if self.failCount < self.numRetries then
+ self:debug("Failed with try %d of %d.", self.failCount, self.numRetries)
+ --- Retrying the path finding
+ self.failCount = self.failCount + 1
+ self:callCallback(self.callbackRetryFunction,
+ self.lastContext, self.failCount == self.numRetries, self.failCount)
+ return
+ elseif self.numRetries > 0 then
+ self:debug("Max number of retries already reached!")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self:callCallback(self.callbackSuccessFunction,
+ retValue == self.SUCCESS_FOUND_VALID_PATH,
+ self:getTemporaryCourseFromPath(path), goalNodeInvalid)
+ self:reset()
+--- Is the path found and valid?
+---@param path table|nil
+---@param goalNodeInvalid boolean|nil
+---@return integer
+function PathfinderController:isValidPath(path, goalNodeInvalid)
+ if path and #path > 2 then
+ self:debug('Found a path (%d waypoints, after %d ms)', #path, self.timeTakenMs)
+ end
+ if goalNodeInvalid then
+ self:error('No path found, goal node is invalid')
+ end
+ self:error("No path found after %d ms", self.timeTakenMs)
+ return self.ERROR_NO_PATH_FOUND
+function PathfinderController:callCallback(callbackFunc, ...)
+ if self.callbackObject then
+ callbackFunc(self.callbackObject, self, ...)
+ else
+ callbackFunc(self, ...)
+ end
+--- Finds a path to given goal node
+---@param context PathfinderControllerContext
+---@param goalNode number
+---@param xOffset number
+---@param zOffset number
+---@return boolean Was path finding started?
+function PathfinderController:findPathToNode(context,
+ goalNode, xOffset, zOffset)
+ if not self.callbackSuccessFunction then
+ self:error("No valid success callback was given!")
+ return false
+ end
+ self:onStart(context)
+ local pathfinder, done, path, goalNodeInvalid = PathfinderUtil.startPathfindingFromVehicleToNode(
+ context._vehicle,
+ goalNode,
+ xOffset,
+ zOffset,
+ context._allowReverse,
+ context._useFieldNum,
+ context._vehiclesToIgnore,
+ context._maxFruitPercent,
+ context._offFieldPenalty,
+ context._areaToAvoid,
+ context._mustBeAccurate
+ )
+ if done then
+ self:onFinish(path, goalNodeInvalid)
+ else
+ self:debug("Continuing as coroutine...")
+ self.pathfinder = pathfinder
+ end
+ return true
+--- Finds a path to a waypoint of a course.
+---@param context PathfinderControllerContext
+---@param course Course
+---@param waypointIndex number
+---@param xOffset number
+---@param zOffset number
+---@return boolean Was path finding started?
+function PathfinderController:findPathToWaypoint(context,
+ course, waypointIndex, xOffset, zOffset)
+ if not self.callbackSuccessFunction then
+ self:error("No valid success callback was given!")
+ return false
+ end
+ self:onStart(context)
+ local pathfinder, done, path, goalNodeInvalid = PathfinderUtil.startPathfindingFromVehicleToWaypoint(
+ context._vehicle,
+ course,
+ waypointIndex,
+ xOffset,
+ zOffset,
+ context._allowReverse,
+ context._useFieldNum,
+ context._vehiclesToIgnore,
+ context._maxFruitPercent,
+ context._offFieldPenalty,
+ context._areaToAvoid,
+ context._areaToIgnoreFruit)
+ if done then
+ self:onFinish(path, goalNodeInvalid)
+ else
+ self:debug("Continuing as coroutine...")
+ self.pathfinder = pathfinder
+ end
+ return true
+function PathfinderController:getTemporaryCourseFromPath(path)
+ return Course(self.vehicle, CourseGenerator.pointsToXzInPlace(path), true)
+--- Debug functions
+function PathfinderController:debugStr(str, ...)
+ return "Pathfinder controller: " .. str, ...
+function PathfinderController:debug(...)
+ CpUtil.debugVehicle(CpDebug.DBG_PATHFINDER, self.vehicle, self:debugStr(...))
+function PathfinderController:info(...)
+ CpUtil.infoVehicle(self.vehicle, self:debugStr(...))
+function PathfinderController:error(...)
+ self:info(...)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/pathfinder/PathfinderUtil.lua b/scripts/pathfinder/PathfinderUtil.lua
index 32b19e645..55ee89b12 100644
--- a/scripts/pathfinder/PathfinderUtil.lua
+++ b/scripts/pathfinder/PathfinderUtil.lua
@@ -938,8 +938,8 @@ end
--- Interface function to start the pathfinder in the game. The goal is a point at sideOffset meters from the goal node
--- (sideOffset > 0 is left)
----@param vehicle table, will be used as the start location/heading, turn radius and size
----@param goalNode table The goal node
+---@param vehicle table will be used as the start location/heading, turn radius and size
+---@param goalNode number The goal node
---@param xOffset number side offset of the goal from the goal node
---@param zOffset number length offset of the goal from the goal node
---@param allowReverse boolean allow reverse driving