diff --git a/config/VehicleConfigurations.xml b/config/VehicleConfigurations.xml
index 65890fa2f..b58b8e625 100644
--- a/config/VehicleConfigurations.xml
+++ b/config/VehicleConfigurations.xml
@@ -185,7 +185,6 @@ You can define the following custom settings:
@@ -406,7 +402,6 @@ You can define the following custom settings:
turnRadius = "7.5"
implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = "true"
workingWidth = "10.5"
- noReverse = "true"
---@return boolean, boolean, number the second one is true when the first is valid, and the distance to the work start
--- in meters (<0) when driving forward, nil when driving backwards.
-function AIDriveStrategyFieldWorkCourse:shouldLowerThisImplement(object, turnEndNode, reversing)
+function AIDriveStrategyFieldWorkCourse:shouldLowerThisImplement(object, workStartNode, reversing)
local aiLeftMarker, aiRightMarker, aiBackMarker = WorkWidthUtil.getAIMarkers(object, true)
if not aiLeftMarker then return false, false, nil end
- local dxLeft, _, dzLeft = localToLocal(aiLeftMarker, turnEndNode, 0, 0, 0)
- local dxRight, _, dzRight = localToLocal(aiRightMarker, turnEndNode, 0, 0, 0)
- local dxBack, _, dzBack = localToLocal(aiBackMarker, turnEndNode, 0, 0, 0)
+ local dxLeft, _, dzLeft = localToLocal(aiLeftMarker, workStartNode, 0, 0, 0)
+ local dxRight, _, dzRight = localToLocal(aiRightMarker, workStartNode, 0, 0, 0)
+ local dxBack, _, dzBack = localToLocal(aiBackMarker, workStartNode, 0, 0, 0)
local loweringDistance
if AIUtil.hasAIImplementWithSpecialization(self.vehicle, SowingMachine) then
-- sowing machines are stopped while lowering, but leave a little reserve to allow for stopping
@@ -362,10 +362,14 @@ function AIDriveStrategyFieldWorkCourse:shouldLowerThisImplement(object, turnEnd
loweringDistance = math.min(self.vehicle.lastSpeed, self.settings.turnSpeed:getValue() / 3600) *
self.loweringDurationMs + 0.5 -- vehicle.lastSpeed is in meters per millisecond
- local dzFront = (dzLeft + dzRight) / 2
+ local aligned = CpMathUtil.isSameDirection(object.rootNode, workStartNode, 15)
+ -- some implements, especially plows may have the left and right markers offset longitudinally
+ -- so if the implement is aligned with the row direction already, then just take the front one
+ -- if not aligned, work with an average
+ local dzFront = aligned and math.max(dzLeft, dzRight) or (dzLeft + dzRight) / 2
local dxFront = (dxLeft + dxRight) / 2
- self:debug('%s: dzLeft = %.1f, dzRight = %.1f, dzFront = %.1f, dxFront = %.1f, dzBack = %.1f, loweringDistance = %.1f, reversing %s',
- CpUtil.getName(object), dzLeft, dzRight, dzFront, dxFront, dzBack, loweringDistance, tostring(reversing))
+ self:debug('%s: dzLeft = %.1f, dzRight = %.1f, aligned = %s, dzFront = %.1f, dxFront = %.1f, dzBack = %.1f, loweringDistance = %.1f, reversing %s',
+ CpUtil.getName(object), dzLeft, dzRight, aligned, dzFront, dxFront, dzBack, loweringDistance, tostring(reversing))
local dz = self:getImplementLowerEarly() and dzFront or dzBack
if reversing then
return dz < 0, true, nil
@@ -397,7 +401,7 @@ end
function AIDriveStrategyFieldWorkCourse:isThisImplementAligned(object, node)
local aiFrontMarker, _, _ = WorkWidthUtil.getAIMarkers(object, true)
if not aiFrontMarker then return true end
- return CpMathUtil.isSameDirection(aiFrontMarker, node, 2)
+ return CpMathUtil.isSameDirection(aiFrontMarker, node, 5)
diff --git a/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyPlowCourse.lua b/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyPlowCourse.lua
index 71a0c998d..178b4c5fc 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyPlowCourse.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyPlowCourse.lua
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ function AIDriveStrategyPlowCourse.new(customMt)
local self = AIDriveStrategyFieldWorkCourse.new(customMt)
AIDriveStrategyFieldWorkCourse.initStates(self, AIDriveStrategyPlowCourse.myStates)
self.debugChannel = CpDebug.DBG_FIELDWORK
+ -- the plow offset is automatically calculated on each waypoint and if it wasn't calculated for a while
+ -- or when some event (like a turn) invalidated it
+ self.plowOffsetUnknown = CpTemporaryObject(true)
return self
@@ -86,6 +89,9 @@ function AIDriveStrategyPlowCourse:getDriveData(dt, vX, vY, vZ)
self:debug('Plow is unfolded and ready to start')
+ if self.plowOffsetUnknown:get() then
+ self:updatePlowOffset()
+ end
return AIDriveStrategyFieldWorkCourse.getDriveData(self, dt, vX, vY, vZ)
@@ -104,15 +110,23 @@ end
function AIDriveStrategyPlowCourse:updatePlowOffset()
local xOffset = 0
for _, controller in pairs(self.controllers) do
- if controller.getAutomaticXOffset then
- xOffset = xOffset + controller:getAutomaticXOffset()
+ if controller.getAutomaticXOffset then
+ local autoOffset = controller:getAutomaticXOffset()
+ if autoOffset == nil then
+ self:debugSparse('Plow offset can\'t be calculated now, leaving offset at %.2f', self.aiOffsetX)
+ return
+ end
+ xOffset = xOffset + autoOffset
local oldOffset = self.aiOffsetX
-- set to the average of old and new to smooth a little bit to avoid oscillations
- self.aiOffsetX = (0.5 * self.aiOffsetX + 1.5 * xOffset) / 2
- self:debug("Plow offset calculated was %.2f and it changed from %.2f to %.2f",
- xOffset, oldOffset, self.aiOffsetX)
+ -- when we have a valid previous value
+ self.aiOffsetX = self.plowOffsetUnknown:get() and xOffset or ((0.5 * self.aiOffsetX + 1.5 * xOffset) / 2)
+ if math.abs(oldOffset - xOffset) > 0.05 then
+ self:debug("Plow offset calculated was %.2f and it changed from %.2f to %.2f", xOffset, oldOffset, self.aiOffsetX)
+ end
+ self.plowOffsetUnknown:set(false, 3000)
--- Is a plow currently rotating?
@@ -173,8 +187,6 @@ end
--- When we return from a turn, the offset is reverted and should immediately set, not waiting
--- for the first waypoint to pass as it is on the wrong side right after the turn
function AIDriveStrategyPlowCourse:resumeFieldworkAfterTurn(ix)
- -- call twice to trick the smoothing and reach the desired value sooner.
- self:updatePlowOffset()
- self:updatePlowOffset()
+ self.plowOffsetUnknown:reset()
AIDriveStrategyPlowCourse.superClass().resumeFieldworkAfterTurn(self, ix)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/ai/AIReverseDriver.lua b/scripts/ai/AIReverseDriver.lua
index d29df38cc..a8c4eb3da 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/AIReverseDriver.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/AIReverseDriver.lua
@@ -18,6 +18,22 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
The AIReverseDriver takes over the steering if there is a towed implement
or a trailer to be reversed.
+We control the Giants vehicles by passing a goal point (in the vehicle's reference frame)
+to the AIVehicleUtil.driveToPoint() function. The goal point is calculated by the
+PurePursuitController and when driving forward or backward without a towed implement,
+it can directly be used.
+When driving backwards with a towed implement, we want the implement to follow the path
+so the PurePursuitController uses a reference node on the implement to calculate a goal point
+towards which the implement needs to be steered to stay on the path.
+We can't use this goal point to directly control the tractor, we need to calculate a
+'virtual' goal point for the tractor to be able to use AIVehicleUtil.driveToPoint().
+This works by calculating the hitch angle (angle between the tractor and the trailer) that
+would result in turning the implement towards the goal point. For the details, see the
+papers referenced below.
---@class AIReverseDriver
@@ -25,231 +41,239 @@ AIReverseDriver = CpObject()
---@param course Course
function AIReverseDriver:init(vehicle, ppc)
- self.vehicle = vehicle
- self.settings = vehicle:getCpSettings()
- ---@type PurePursuitController
- self.ppc = ppc
- -- the main implement (towed) or trailer we are controlling
- self.reversingImplement = AIUtil.getFirstReversingImplementWithWheels(self.vehicle)
- if self.reversingImplement then
- self.steeringLength = AIUtil.getTowBarLength(self.vehicle)
- self:setReversingProperties(self.reversingImplement)
- else
- self:debug('No towed implement found.')
- end
- self:debug('AIReverseDriver created.')
- -- TODO_22
- -- handle HookLift
+ self.vehicle = vehicle
+ self.settings = vehicle:getCpSettings()
+ ---@type PurePursuitController
+ self.ppc = ppc
+ -- the main implement (towed) or trailer we are controlling
+ self.reversingImplement = AIUtil.getFirstReversingImplementWithWheels(self.vehicle)
+ if self.reversingImplement then
+ self.steeringLength = AIUtil.getTowBarLength(self.vehicle)
+ self:setReversingProperties(self.reversingImplement)
+ else
+ self:debug('No towed implement found.')
+ end
+ self:debug('AIReverseDriver created.')
+ -- TODO_22
+ -- handle HookLift
function AIReverseDriver:debug(...)
- CpUtil.debugVehicle(CpDebug.DBG_REVERSE, self.vehicle, ...)
+ CpUtil.debugVehicle(CpDebug.DBG_REVERSE, self.vehicle, ...)
function AIReverseDriver:getDriveData()
- if self.reversingImplement == nil then
- -- no wheeled implement, simple reversing the PPC can handle by itself
- return nil
- end
- local trailerNode = self.reversingImplement.steeringAxleNode
- local xTipper, yTipper, zTipper = getWorldTranslation(trailerNode);
- local trailerFrontNode = self.reversingImplement.reversingProperties.frontNode
- local xFrontNode,yFrontNode,zFrontNode = getWorldTranslation(trailerFrontNode)
- local tx, ty, tz = self.ppc:getGoalPointPosition()
- local lxTipper, lzTipper = AIVehicleUtil.getDriveDirection(trailerNode, tx, ty, tz)
- self:showDirection(trailerNode, lxTipper, lzTipper, 1, 0, 0)
- local lxFrontNode, lzFrontNode = AIVehicleUtil.getDriveDirection(trailerFrontNode, xTipper, yTipper, zTipper)
- local lxTractor, lzTractor = 0, 0
- local maxTractorAngle = math.rad(75)
- -- for articulated vehicles use the articulated axis' rotation node as it is a better indicator or the
- -- vehicle's orientation than the direction node which often turns/moves with an articulated vehicle part
- -- TODO: consolidate this with AITurn:getTurnNode() and if getAIDirectionNode() considers this already
- local tractorNode
- local useArticulatedAxisRotationNode =
- SpecializationUtil.hasSpecialization(ArticulatedAxis, self.vehicle.specializations) and self.vehicle.spec_articulatedAxis.rotationNode
- if useArticulatedAxisRotationNode then
- tractorNode = self.vehicle.spec_articulatedAxis.rotationNode
- else
- tractorNode = self.vehicle:getAIDirectionNode()
- end
- local lx, lz, angleDiff
- if self.reversingImplement.reversingProperties.isPivot then
- self:showDirection(trailerFrontNode, lxFrontNode, lzFrontNode, 0, 1, 0)
- lxTractor, lzTractor = AIVehicleUtil.getDriveDirection(tractorNode, xFrontNode, yFrontNode, zFrontNode)
- self:showDirection(tractorNode,lxTractor, lzTractor, 0, 0.7, 0)
- local rotDelta = (self.reversingImplement.reversingProperties.nodeDistance *
- (0.5 - (0.023 * self.reversingImplement.reversingProperties.nodeDistance - 0.073)))
- local trailerToWaypointAngle = self:getLocalYRotationToPoint(trailerNode, tx, ty, tz, -1) * rotDelta
- trailerToWaypointAngle = MathUtil.clamp(trailerToWaypointAngle, -math.rad(90), math.rad(90))
- local dollyToTrailerAngle = self:getLocalYRotationToPoint(trailerFrontNode, xTipper, yTipper, zTipper, -1)
- local tractorToDollyAngle = self:getLocalYRotationToPoint(tractorNode, xFrontNode, yFrontNode, zFrontNode, -1)
- local rearAngleDiff = (dollyToTrailerAngle - trailerToWaypointAngle)
- rearAngleDiff = MathUtil.clamp(rearAngleDiff, -math.rad(45), math.rad(45))
- local frontAngleDiff = (tractorToDollyAngle - dollyToTrailerAngle)
- frontAngleDiff = MathUtil.clamp(frontAngleDiff, -math.rad(45), math.rad(45))
- angleDiff = (frontAngleDiff - rearAngleDiff) *
- (1.5 - (self.reversingImplement.reversingProperties.nodeDistance * 0.4 - 0.9) + rotDelta)
- angleDiff = MathUtil.clamp(angleDiff, -math.rad(45), math.rad(45))
- lx, lz = MathUtil.getDirectionFromYRotation(angleDiff)
- else
- local crossTrackError, orientationError, curvatureError, currentHitchAngle = self:calculateErrors(tractorNode, trailerNode)
- angleDiff = self:calculateHitchCorrectionAngle(crossTrackError, orientationError, curvatureError, currentHitchAngle)
- angleDiff = MathUtil.clamp(angleDiff, -maxTractorAngle, maxTractorAngle)
- lx, lz = MathUtil.getDirectionFromYRotation(angleDiff)
- end
- self:showDirection(tractorNode, lx, lz, 0.7, 0, 1)
- -- do a little bit of damping if using the articulated axis as lx tends to oscillate around 0 which results in the
- -- speed adjustment kicking in and slowing down the vehicle.
- if useArticulatedAxisRotationNode and math.abs(lx) < 0.04 then lx = 0 end
- -- construct an artificial goal point to drive to
- lx, lz = -lx * self.ppc:getLookaheadDistance(), -lz * self.ppc:getLookaheadDistance()
- -- AIDriveStrategy wants a global position to drive to (which it later converts to local, but whatever...)
- local gx, _, gz = localToWorld(self.vehicle:getAIDirectionNode(), lx, 0, lz)
- return gx, gz, false, self.settings.reverseSpeed:getValue()
+ if self.reversingImplement == nil then
+ -- no wheeled implement, simple reversing the PPC can handle by itself
+ return nil
+ end
+ -- if there's a reverser node on the tool, use that, otherwise the steering node
+ -- the reverser direction node, if exists, works better for tools with offset or for
+ -- rotating plows where it remains oriented and placed correctly
+ local trailerNode = AIVehicleUtil.getAIToolReverserDirectionNode(self.vehicle) or self.reversingImplement.steeringAxleNode
+ local trailerFrontNode = self.reversingImplement.reversingProperties.frontNode
+ local tx, ty, tz = self.ppc:getGoalPointPosition()
+ local lxTrailer, lzTrailer = AIVehicleUtil.getDriveDirection(trailerNode, tx, ty, tz)
+ self:showDirection(trailerNode, lxTrailer, lzTrailer, 1, 0, 0)
+ local maxTractorAngle = math.rad(75)
+ -- for articulated vehicles use the articulated axis' rotation node as it is a better indicator or the
+ -- vehicle's orientation than the direction node which often turns/moves with an articulated vehicle part
+ -- TODO: consolidate this with AITurn:getTurnNode() and if getAIDirectionNode() considers this already
+ local tractorNode
+ local useArticulatedAxisRotationNode = SpecializationUtil.hasSpecialization(ArticulatedAxis, self.vehicle.specializations) and self.vehicle.spec_articulatedAxis.rotationNode
+ if useArticulatedAxisRotationNode then
+ tractorNode = self.vehicle.spec_articulatedAxis.rotationNode
+ else
+ tractorNode = self.vehicle:getAIDirectionNode()
+ end
+ local lx, lz, angleDiff
+ if self.reversingImplement.reversingProperties.isPivot then
+ -- The trailer/implement has a front axle (or dolly) with a draw bar.
+ -- The current Courseplay dev team has no idea how this works :), this is magic
+ -- from the old code, written by Satissis (Claus).
+ -- TODO: adapt a documented algorithm for these trailers
+ local xTrailer, yTrailer, zTrailer = getWorldTranslation(trailerNode);
+ local xFrontNode, yFrontNode, zFrontNode = getWorldTranslation(trailerFrontNode)
+ local lxFrontNode, lzFrontNode = AIVehicleUtil.getDriveDirection(trailerFrontNode, xTrailer, yTrailer, zTrailer)
+ self:showDirection(trailerFrontNode, lxFrontNode, lzFrontNode, 0, 1, 0)
+ local lxTractor, lzTractor = AIVehicleUtil.getDriveDirection(tractorNode, xFrontNode, yFrontNode, zFrontNode)
+ self:showDirection(tractorNode, lxTractor, lzTractor, 0, 0.7, 0)
+ local rotDelta = (self.reversingImplement.reversingProperties.nodeDistance *
+ (0.5 - (0.023 * self.reversingImplement.reversingProperties.nodeDistance - 0.073)))
+ local trailerToWaypointAngle = self:getLocalYRotationToPoint(trailerNode, tx, ty, tz, -1) * rotDelta
+ trailerToWaypointAngle = MathUtil.clamp(trailerToWaypointAngle, -math.rad(90), math.rad(90))
+ local dollyToTrailerAngle = self:getLocalYRotationToPoint(trailerFrontNode, xTrailer, yTrailer, zTrailer, -1)
+ local tractorToDollyAngle = self:getLocalYRotationToPoint(tractorNode, xFrontNode, yFrontNode, zFrontNode, -1)
+ local rearAngleDiff = (dollyToTrailerAngle - trailerToWaypointAngle)
+ rearAngleDiff = MathUtil.clamp(rearAngleDiff, -math.rad(45), math.rad(45))
+ local frontAngleDiff = (tractorToDollyAngle - dollyToTrailerAngle)
+ frontAngleDiff = MathUtil.clamp(frontAngleDiff, -math.rad(45), math.rad(45))
+ angleDiff = (frontAngleDiff - rearAngleDiff) *
+ (1.5 - (self.reversingImplement.reversingProperties.nodeDistance * 0.4 - 0.9) + rotDelta)
+ angleDiff = MathUtil.clamp(angleDiff, -math.rad(45), math.rad(45))
+ lx, lz = MathUtil.getDirectionFromYRotation(angleDiff)
+ else
+ -- the trailer/implement is like a semi-trailer, has a rear axle only, the front of the implement
+ -- is supported by the tractor
+ local crossTrackError, orientationError, curvatureError, currentHitchAngle = self:calculateErrors(tractorNode, trailerNode)
+ angleDiff = self:calculateHitchCorrectionAngle(crossTrackError, orientationError, curvatureError, currentHitchAngle)
+ angleDiff = MathUtil.clamp(angleDiff, -maxTractorAngle, maxTractorAngle)
+ lx, lz = MathUtil.getDirectionFromYRotation(angleDiff)
+ end
+ self:showDirection(tractorNode, lx, lz, 0.7, 0, 1)
+ -- do a little bit of damping if using the articulated axis as lx tends to oscillate around 0 which results in the
+ -- speed adjustment kicking in and slowing down the vehicle.
+ if useArticulatedAxisRotationNode and math.abs(lx) < 0.04 then
+ lx = 0
+ end
+ -- construct an artificial goal point to drive to
+ lx, lz = -lx * self.ppc:getLookaheadDistance(), -lz * self.ppc:getLookaheadDistance()
+ -- AIDriveStrategy wants a global position to drive to (which it later converts to local, but whatever...)
+ local gx, _, gz = localToWorld(self.vehicle:getAIDirectionNode(), lx, 0, lz)
+ return gx, gz, false, self.settings.reverseSpeed:getValue()
function AIReverseDriver:getLocalYRotationToPoint(node, x, y, z, direction)
- direction = direction or 1
- local dx, _, dz = worldToLocal(node, x, y, z)
- dx = dx * direction
- dz = dz * direction
- return MathUtil.getYRotationFromDirection(dx, dz)
+ direction = direction or 1
+ local dx, _, dz = worldToLocal(node, x, y, z)
+ dx = dx * direction
+ dz = dz * direction
+ return MathUtil.getYRotationFromDirection(dx, dz)
function AIReverseDriver:showDirection(node, lx, lz, r, g, b)
- if CpDebug:isChannelActive(CpDebug.DBG_REVERSE, self.vehicle) then
- local x,y,z = getWorldTranslation(node)
- local tx,_, tz = localToWorld(node,lx*5,y,lz*5)
- DebugUtil.drawDebugLine(x, y+5, z, tx, y+5, tz, r or 1, g or 0, b or 0)
- end
+ if CpDebug:isChannelActive(CpDebug.DBG_REVERSE, self.vehicle) then
+ local x, y, z = getWorldTranslation(node)
+ local tx, _, tz = localToWorld(node, lx * 5, y, lz * 5)
+ DebugUtil.drawDebugLine(x, y + 5, z, tx, y + 5, tz, r or 1, g or 0, b or 0)
+ end
+--- Another Claus magic code to determine if the trailer has a front axle and find a node
+--- for it to control.
---@param implement table implement.object
function AIReverseDriver:setReversingProperties(implement)
- if implement.reversingProperties and implement.reversingProperties.frontNode then return end
- self:debug('setReversingProperties for %s', CpUtil.getName(implement))
- implement.reversingProperties = {}
- local attacherVehicle = self.reversingImplement:getAttacherVehicle()
- if attacherVehicle == self.vehicle or ImplementUtil.isAttacherModule(attacherVehicle) then
- implement.reversingProperties.frontNode = ImplementUtil.getRealTrailerFrontNode(implement)
- else
- implement.reversingProperties.frontNode = ImplementUtil.getRealDollyFrontNode(attacherVehicle)
- if implement.reversingProperties.frontNode then
- self:debug('--> self.reversingImplement %s has dolly', CpUtil.getName(implement))
- else
- self:debug('--> self.reversingImplement %s has invalid dolly -> use implement own front node',
- CpUtil.getName(implement))
- implement.reversingProperties.frontNode = ImplementUtil.getRealTrailerFrontNode(implement)
- end
- end
- implement.reversingProperties.nodeDistance = ImplementUtil.getRealTrailerDistanceToPivot(implement)
- self:debug("--> tz: %.1f real trailer distance to pivot: %s",
- implement.reversingProperties.nodeDistance, tostring(implement.steeringAxleNode))
- if implement.steeringAxleNode == implement.reversingProperties.frontNode then
- self:debug('--> implement.steeringAxleNode == implement.reversingProperties.frontNode')
- implement.reversingProperties.isPivot = false
- else
- implement.reversingProperties.isPivot = true
- end
- self:debug('--> isPivot=%s, frontNode=%s',
- tostring(implement.reversingProperties.isPivot), tostring(implement.reversingProperties.frontNode))
+ if implement.reversingProperties and implement.reversingProperties.frontNode then
+ return
+ end
+ self:debug('setReversingProperties for %s', CpUtil.getName(implement))
+ implement.reversingProperties = {}
+ local attacherVehicle = self.reversingImplement:getAttacherVehicle()
+ if attacherVehicle == self.vehicle or ImplementUtil.isAttacherModule(attacherVehicle) then
+ implement.reversingProperties.frontNode = ImplementUtil.getRealTrailerFrontNode(implement)
+ else
+ implement.reversingProperties.frontNode = ImplementUtil.getRealDollyFrontNode(attacherVehicle)
+ if implement.reversingProperties.frontNode then
+ self:debug('--> self.reversingImplement %s has dolly', CpUtil.getName(implement))
+ else
+ self:debug('--> self.reversingImplement %s has invalid dolly -> use implement own front node',
+ CpUtil.getName(implement))
+ implement.reversingProperties.frontNode = ImplementUtil.getRealTrailerFrontNode(implement)
+ end
+ end
+ implement.reversingProperties.nodeDistance = ImplementUtil.getRealTrailerDistanceToPivot(implement)
+ self:debug("--> tz: %.1f real trailer distance to pivot: %s",
+ implement.reversingProperties.nodeDistance, tostring(implement.steeringAxleNode))
+ if implement.steeringAxleNode == implement.reversingProperties.frontNode then
+ self:debug('--> implement.steeringAxleNode == implement.reversingProperties.frontNode')
+ implement.reversingProperties.isPivot = false
+ else
+ implement.reversingProperties.isPivot = true
+ end
+ self:debug('--> isPivot=%s, frontNode=%s',
+ tostring(implement.reversingProperties.isPivot), tostring(implement.reversingProperties.frontNode))
--- The reversing algorithm here is based on the papers:
---- Peter Ridley and Peter Corke. Load haul dump vehicle kinematics and control.
---- Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control, 125(1):54–59, 2003.
+--- Peter Ridley and Peter Corke. Load haul dump vehicle kinematics and control.
+--- Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control, 125(1):54–59, 2003.
--- and
---- Amro Elhassan. Autonomous driving system for reversing an articulated vehicle, 2015
+--- Amro Elhassan. Autonomous driving system for reversing an articulated vehicle, 2015
--- Calculate the path following errors (also called path disturbance inputs in the context of a controller)
function AIReverseDriver:calculateErrors(tractorNode, trailerNode)
- -- PPC already has the cross track error (lateral error)
- local crossTrackError = self.ppc:getCrossTrackError()
+ -- PPC already has the cross track error (lateral error)
+ local crossTrackError = self.ppc:getCrossTrackError() --+ self.settings.toolOffsetX:getValue()
- -- Calculate the orientation error, the angle between the trailers current direction and
- -- the path direction
- local referencePathAngle = self.ppc:getCurrentWaypointYRotation()
+ -- Calculate the orientation error, the angle between the trailers current direction and
+ -- the path direction
+ local referencePathAngle = self.ppc:getCurrentWaypointYRotation()
- local dx, _, dz = localDirectionToWorld(trailerNode, 0, 0, -1)
- local trailerAngle = MathUtil.getYRotationFromDirection(dx, dz)
+ local dx, _, dz = localDirectionToWorld(trailerNode, 0, 0, -1)
+ local trailerAngle = MathUtil.getYRotationFromDirection(dx, dz)
- local orientationError = getDeltaAngle(trailerAngle, referencePathAngle)
+ local orientationError = getDeltaAngle(trailerAngle, referencePathAngle)
- -- The curvature (1/r) error is between the curvature of the path and the curvature of the tractor-trailer.
- -- This is really needed only when we are trying to follow a curved path in reverse
- local _, tractorAngle, _ = getWorldRotation(tractorNode)
- dx, _, dz = localDirectionToWorld(tractorNode, 0, 0, -1)
- tractorAngle = MathUtil.getYRotationFromDirection(dx, dz)
+ -- The curvature (1/r) error is between the curvature of the path and the curvature of the tractor-trailer.
+ -- This is really needed only when we are trying to follow a curved path in reverse
+ local _, tractorAngle, _ = getWorldRotation(tractorNode)
+ dx, _, dz = localDirectionToWorld(tractorNode, 0, 0, -1)
+ tractorAngle = MathUtil.getYRotationFromDirection(dx, dz)
- local currentHitchAngle = getDeltaAngle(tractorAngle, trailerAngle)
+ local currentHitchAngle = getDeltaAngle(tractorAngle, trailerAngle)
- local curvature = ( 2 * math.sin(currentHitchAngle / 2 )) / calcDistanceFrom(tractorNode, trailerNode)
- local currentWp = self.ppc:getCurrentWaypoint()
- local curvatureError = currentWp.curvature - curvature
+ local curvature = (2 * math.sin(currentHitchAngle / 2)) / calcDistanceFrom(tractorNode, trailerNode)
+ local currentWp = self.ppc:getCurrentWaypoint()
+ local curvatureError = currentWp.curvature - curvature
- return crossTrackError, orientationError, curvatureError, currentHitchAngle
+ return crossTrackError, orientationError, curvatureError, currentHitchAngle
--- Based on the current errors, calculate the required correction (in controller terms, use different gains for
--- different disturbances to calculate the controller's output, which in our case is just an angle the tractor
--- needs to drive to, in the tractor's local coordinate system.)
function AIReverseDriver:calculateHitchCorrectionAngle(crossTrackError, orientationError, curvatureError, currentHitchAngle)
- -- the following constants must be tuned based on experiments.
- -- base cross track error gain. 0.6-0.7 for longer implements, 0.5 for shorter ones, should be adjusted based on
- -- the steering length
- local kXeBase = -0.5 - self.steeringLength / 50
- -- base orientation error gain
- local kOeBase = 6
- -- base curvature error gain. 0 for now, as currently we only drive straight reverse
- local kCeBase = 0
- -- gain correction
- local gainCorrection = 1.5
- local hitchAngle = gainCorrection * (
- kXeBase * crossTrackError +
- kOeBase * orientationError +
- kCeBase * curvatureError
- )
- hitchAngle = MathUtil.clamp(hitchAngle, -math.rad(35), math.rad(35))
- local correctionAngle = -(hitchAngle - currentHitchAngle)
- if CpDebug:isChannelActive(CpDebug.DBG_REVERSE, self.vehicle) then
- local text = string.format('xte=%.1f oe=%.1f ce=%.1f current=%.1f reference=%.1f correction=%.1f',
- crossTrackError, math.deg(orientationError), curvatureError, math.deg(currentHitchAngle), math.deg(hitchAngle), math.deg(correctionAngle))
- setTextColor(1, 1, 0, 1)
- renderText(0.3, 0.3, 0.015, text)
- end
- return correctionAngle
+ -- the following constants must be tuned based on experiments.
+ -- base cross track error gain. 0.6-0.7 for longer implements, 0.5 for shorter ones, should be adjusted based on
+ -- the steering length
+ local kXeBase = -0.5 - self.steeringLength / 50
+ -- base orientation error gain
+ local kOeBase = 6
+ -- base curvature error gain. 0 for now, as currently we only drive straight reverse
+ local kCeBase = 0
+ -- gain correction
+ local gainCorrection = 1.5
+ local hitchAngle = gainCorrection * (
+ kXeBase * crossTrackError +
+ kOeBase * orientationError +
+ kCeBase * curvatureError
+ )
+ local maxHitchAngle = math.rad(35)
+ hitchAngle = MathUtil.clamp(hitchAngle, -maxHitchAngle, maxHitchAngle)
+ local correctionAngle = -(hitchAngle - currentHitchAngle)
+ if CpDebug:isChannelActive(CpDebug.DBG_REVERSE, self.vehicle) then
+ local text = string.format('xte=%.1f oe=%.1f ce=%.1f current=%.1f reference=%.1f correction=%.1f',
+ crossTrackError, math.deg(orientationError), curvatureError, math.deg(currentHitchAngle), math.deg(hitchAngle), math.deg(correctionAngle))
+ setTextColor(1, 1, 0, 1)
+ renderText(0.3, 0.3, 0.015, text)
+ end
+ return correctionAngle
diff --git a/scripts/ai/AIUtil.lua b/scripts/ai/AIUtil.lua
index 7ce7464ca..8ec5dfb2a 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/AIUtil.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/AIUtil.lua
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function AIUtil.calculateTightTurnOffset(vehicle, vehicleTurningRadius, course,
local tightTurnOffset
local function smoothOffset(offset)
- return (offset + 3 * (previousOffset or 0 )) / 4
+ return (offset + 4 * (previousOffset or 0 )) / 5
-- first of all, does the current waypoint have radius data?
@@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ end
function AIUtil.getReverserNode(vehicle, reversingImplement, suppressLog)
local reverserNode, debugText
-- if there's a reverser node on the tool, use that
- reversingImplement = reversingImplement and reversingImplement or AIUtil.getFirstReversingImplementWithWheels(vehicle, suppressLog)
- if reversingImplement and reversingImplement.steeringAxleNode then
- reverserNode, debugText = reversingImplement.steeringAxleNode, 'implement steering axle node'
- end
+ reverserNode, debugText = AIVehicleUtil.getAIToolReverserDirectionNode(vehicle), 'AIToolReverserDirectionNode'
if not reverserNode then
- reverserNode, debugText = AIVehicleUtil.getAIToolReverserDirectionNode(vehicle), 'AIToolReverserDirectionNode'
+ reversingImplement = reversingImplement and reversingImplement or AIUtil.getFirstReversingImplementWithWheels(vehicle, suppressLog)
+ if reversingImplement and reversingImplement.steeringAxleNode then
+ reverserNode, debugText = reversingImplement.steeringAxleNode, 'implement steering axle node'
+ end
if not reverserNode and vehicle.getAIReverserNode then
reverserNode, debugText = vehicle:getAIReverserNode(), 'AIReverserNode'
diff --git a/scripts/ai/PurePursuitController.lua b/scripts/ai/PurePursuitController.lua
index 3d187801a..9aa92d1c4 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/PurePursuitController.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/PurePursuitController.lua
@@ -241,15 +241,6 @@ function PurePursuitController:switchControlledNode()
---- Compatibility function to return the original waypoint index as in vehicle.Waypoints. This
--- is the same as self.currentWpNode.ix unless we have combined courses where the legacy CP code
--- concatenates all courses into one Waypoints array (as opposed to the AIDriver which splits these
--- combined courses into its parts). The rest of the CP code however (HUD, reverse, etc.) works with
--- vehicle.Waypoints and vehicle.cp.waypointIndex and therefore expects the combined index
-function PurePursuitController:getCurrentOriginalWaypointIx()
- return self.course.waypoints[self:getCurrentWaypointIx()].cpIndex
function PurePursuitController:update()
if not self.course then
self:debugSparse('no course set.')
diff --git a/scripts/ai/controllers/ImplementController.lua b/scripts/ai/controllers/ImplementController.lua
index 85db23932..753cef243 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/controllers/ImplementController.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/controllers/ImplementController.lua
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ end
function ImplementController:onFinishRow(isHeadlandTurn)
-function ImplementController:onTurnEndProgress(workStartNode, isLeftTurn)
+function ImplementController:onTurnEndProgress(workStartNode, reversing, shouldLower, isLeftTurn)
--- Any object this controller wants us to ignore, can register here a callback at the proximity controller
diff --git a/scripts/ai/controllers/PlowController.lua b/scripts/ai/controllers/PlowController.lua
index c2af7c043..3ee105001 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/controllers/PlowController.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/controllers/PlowController.lua
@@ -6,16 +6,28 @@ PlowController = CpObject(ImplementController)
function PlowController:init(vehicle, implement)
ImplementController.init(self, vehicle, implement)
self.plowSpec = self.implement.spec_plow
+ -- towed (not hitch mounted) and can reverse
+ self.towed = AIUtil.getFirstReversingImplementWithWheels(vehicle, true)
+ -- temporarily store the direction of the last turn. This hack is for the case when for some reason
+ -- the plow was not rotated into the working position before lowering. If that's the case, onLowering will
+ -- rotate it but it needs to know which direction to lower, which, however is not known at that point
+ -- anymore
+ self.lastTurnIsLeftTurn = CpTemporaryObject()
+---@return number|nil if an X offset could be calculated, return that, otherwise nil
function PlowController:getAutomaticXOffset()
+ if self:isRotatablePlow() and not self:isFullyRotated() then
+ self:debugSparse('Plow is not fully rotated, not calculating offset')
+ return nil
+ end
local aiLeftMarker, aiRightMarker, aiBackMarker = self.implement:getAIMarkers()
if aiLeftMarker and aiBackMarker and aiRightMarker then
local attacherJoint = self.implement:getActiveInputAttacherJoint()
local referenceNode = attacherJoint and attacherJoint.node or self.vehicle:getAIDirectionNode()
-- find out the left/right AI markers distance from the attacher joint (or, if does not exist, the
- -- vehicle's root node) to calculate the offset.
+ -- vehicle's direction node) to calculate the offset.
self.plowReferenceNode = referenceNode
local leftMarkerDistance, rightMarkerDistance = self:getOffsets(referenceNode,
aiLeftMarker, aiRightMarker)
@@ -28,7 +40,7 @@ function PlowController:getAutomaticXOffset()
leftMarkerDistance, rightMarkerDistance = -rightMarkerDistance, -leftMarkerDistance
local newToolOffsetX = -(leftMarkerDistance + rightMarkerDistance) / 2
- self:debug('Current Offset left = %.1f, right = %.1f, leftDx = %.1f, rightDx = %.1f, new = %.1f',
+ self:debugSparse('Current Offset left = %.1f, right = %.1f, leftDx = %.1f, rightDx = %.1f, new = %.1f',
leftMarkerDistance, rightMarkerDistance, leftDx, rightDx, newToolOffsetX)
return newToolOffsetX
@@ -98,17 +110,44 @@ function PlowController:onFinishRow(isHeadlandTurn)
+--- making sure the plow is in the working position when lowering
+-- TODO: this whole magic hack would not be necessary if we moved the actual lowering into onTurnEndProgress()
+function PlowController:onLowering()
+ -- if we just turned (that is, not starting to work)
+ local lastTurnIsLeftTurn = self.lastTurnIsLeftTurn:get()
+ if lastTurnIsLeftTurn ~= nil and
+ self:isRotatablePlow() and not self:isFullyRotated() and not self:isRotationActive() then
+ self:debug('Lowering, rotating plow to working position (last turn is left %s).', lastTurnIsLeftTurn)
+ -- rotation direction depends on the direction of the last turn
+ self.implement:setRotationMax(lastTurnIsLeftTurn)
+ end
--- This is called in every loop when we approach the start of the row, the location where
--- the plow must be lowered. Currently AIDriveStrategyFieldworkCourse takes care of the lowering,
--- here we only make sure that the plow is rotated to the work position (from the center position)
--- in time.
---@param workStartNode number node where the work starts as calculated by TurnContext
+---@param reversing boolean driving in reverse now
+---@param shouldLower boolean the implement should be lowered as we are close to the work start (this
+--- should most likely be calculated here in the controller, but for now, we get it from an argument
---@param isLeftTurn boolean is this a left turn?
-function PlowController:onTurnEndProgress(workStartNode, isLeftTurn)
+function PlowController:onTurnEndProgress(workStartNode, reversing, shouldLower, isLeftTurn)
+ self.lastTurnIsLeftTurn:set(isLeftTurn or false, 2000)
if self:isRotatablePlow() and not self:isFullyRotated() and not self:isRotationActive() then
-- more or less aligned with the first waypoint of the row, start rotating to working position
- if CpMathUtil.isSameDirection(self.implement.rootNode, workStartNode, 30) then
- self.implement:setRotationMax(isLeftTurn)
+ if CpMathUtil.isSameDirection(self.implement.rootNode, workStartNode, 30) or shouldLower then
+ if self.towed then
+ -- let towed plows remain in the center position while reversing to the start of the row
+ if not reversing then
+ self:debug('Rotating towed plow to working position.')
+ self.implement:setRotationMax(isLeftTurn)
+ end
+ else
+ self:debug('Rotating hitch-mounted plow to working position.')
+ self.implement:setRotationMax(isLeftTurn)
+ end
diff --git a/scripts/ai/turns/AITurn.lua b/scripts/ai/turns/AITurn.lua
index 21c4d99e8..2118efaee 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/turns/AITurn.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/turns/AITurn.lua
@@ -584,9 +584,9 @@ end
---@return boolean true if it is ok the continue driving, false when the vehicle should stop
function CourseTurn:endTurn(dt)
-- keep driving on the turn course until we need to lower our implements
- self.driveStrategy:raiseControllerEvent(AIDriveStrategyCourse.onTurnEndProgressEvent,
- self.turnContext.workStartNode, self.turnContext:isLeftTurn())
local shouldLower, dz = self.driveStrategy:shouldLowerImplements(self.turnContext.workStartNode, self.ppc:isReversing())
+ self.driveStrategy:raiseControllerEvent(AIDriveStrategyCourse.onTurnEndProgressEvent,
+ self.turnContext.workStartNode, self.ppc:isReversing(), shouldLower, self.turnContext:isLeftTurn())
if shouldLower then
if not self.implementsLowered then
-- have not started lowering implements yet
diff --git a/scripts/ai/turns/TurnManeuver.lua b/scripts/ai/turns/TurnManeuver.lua
index ef9884989..fa1510c70 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/turns/TurnManeuver.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/turns/TurnManeuver.lua
@@ -235,14 +235,11 @@ end
--- is to make sure that when the course changes to reverse and there is a reverse node, the first reverse
--- waypoint is behind the reverser node. Otherwise we'll just keep backing up until the emergency brake is triggered.
function TurnManeuver:getReversingOffset()
- if self.steeringLength == 0 then
- local reverserNode, debugText = AIUtil.getReverserNode(self.vehicle)
- if reverserNode then
- local _, _, dz = localToLocal(reverserNode, self.vehicleDirectionNode, 0, 0, 0)
- self:debug('Using the vehicle\'s steering length 0, use reverser node (%s) distance %.1f instead',
- debugText, dz)
- return math.abs(dz)
- end
+ local reverserNode, debugText = AIUtil.getReverserNode(self.vehicle)
+ if reverserNode then
+ local _, _, dz = localToLocal(reverserNode, self.vehicleDirectionNode, 0, 0, 0)
+ self:debug('Using reverser node (%s) distance %.1f', debugText, dz)
+ return math.abs(dz)
return self.steeringLength
@@ -283,9 +280,13 @@ function TurnManeuver:moveCourseBack(course, dBack, ixBeforeEndingTurnSection, e
-- allow early direction change when aligned
TurnManeuver.setTurnControlForLastWaypoints(movedCourse, endingTurnLength,
+ -- go all the way to the back marker distance so there's plenty of room for lower early too, also, the
+ -- reversingOffset may be even behind the back marker, especially for vehicles which have a AIToolReverserDirectionNode
+ -- which is then used as the PPC controlled node, and thus it must be far enough that we reach the lowering
+ -- point before the controlled node reaches the end of the course
local reverseAfterTurn = Course.createFromNode(self.vehicle, self.turnContext.vehicleAtTurnEndNode,
0, dFromTurnEnd + self.steeringLength,
- math.min(dFromTurnEnd, self.turnContext.frontMarkerDistance), -0.8, true)
+ math.min(dFromTurnEnd, self.turnContext.backMarkerDistance, -reversingOffset), -0.8, true)
elseif self.turnContext.turnEndForwardOffset <= 0 and dFromTurnEnd >= 0 then
self:debug('Reverse to work start (implement in front)')
diff --git a/scripts/dev/DevHelper.lua b/scripts/dev/DevHelper.lua
index e91645158..00c8fcc7a 100644
--- a/scripts/dev/DevHelper.lua
+++ b/scripts/dev/DevHelper.lua
@@ -47,10 +47,6 @@ function DevHelper:update()
-- make sure not calling this for something which does not have courseplay installed (only ones with spec_aiVehicle)
if g_currentMission.controlledVehicle and g_currentMission.controlledVehicle.spec_aiVehicle then
- if self.vehicle ~= g_currentMission.controlledVehicle then
- --self.vehicleData = PathfinderUtil.VehicleData(g_currentMission.controlledVehicle, true)
- end
self.vehicle = g_currentMission.controlledVehicle
self.node = g_currentMission.controlledVehicle:getAIDirectionNode()
lx, _, lz = localDirectionToWorld(self.node, 0, 0, 1)
@@ -169,6 +165,8 @@ function DevHelper:keyEvent(unicode, sym, modifier, isDown)
if ok then
self.course = course
+ elseif bitAND(modifier, Input.MOD_LALT) ~= 0 and isDown and sym == Input.KEY_n then
+ self:togglePpcControlledNode()
@@ -182,11 +180,13 @@ function DevHelper:draw()
for key, value in pairs(self.data) do
table.insert(data, {name = key, value = value})
- DebugUtil.renderTable(0.65, 0.3, 0.013, data, 0.05)
+ DebugUtil.renderTable(0.65, 0.27, 0.013, data, 0.05)
+ self:showDriveData()
if not self.tNode then
self.tNode = createTransformGroup("devhelper")
link(g_currentMission.terrainRootNode, self.tNode)
@@ -268,6 +268,25 @@ function DevHelper:showAIMarkers()
+function DevHelper:togglePpcControlledNode()
+ if not self.vehicle then return end
+ local strategy = self.vehicle:getCpDriveStrategy()
+ if not strategy then return end
+ if strategy.ppc:getControlledNode() == AIUtil.getReverserNode(self.vehicle) then
+ strategy.pcc:resetControlledNode()
+ else
+ strategy.ppc:setControlledNode(AIUtil.getReverserNode(self.vehicle))
+ end
+function DevHelper:showDriveData()
+ if not self.vehicle then return end
+ local strategy = self.vehicle:getCpDriveStrategy()
+ if not strategy then return end
+ strategy.ppc:update()
+ strategy.reverser:getDriveData()
-- make sure to recreate the global dev helper whenever this script is (re)loaded
if g_devHelper then
diff --git a/scripts/util/CpRemainingTime.lua b/scripts/util/CpRemainingTime.lua
index b037067b2..c6e2c6a53 100644
--- a/scripts/util/CpRemainingTime.lua
+++ b/scripts/util/CpRemainingTime.lua
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ end
function CpRemainingTime:update(dt)
if g_currentMission.controlledVehicle == self.vehicle and self.DEBUG_ACTIVE and CpDebug:isChannelActive(self.debugChannel, self.vehicle) then
- DebugUtil.renderTable(0.4, 0.4, 0.018, {
+ DebugUtil.renderTable(0.2, 0.2, 0.018, {
{name = "time", value = CpGuiUtil.getFormatTimeText(self.time)},
{name = "optimal speed", value = MathUtil.mpsToKmh(self:getOptimalSpeed())},
{name = "optimal time", value = CpGuiUtil.getFormatTimeText(self:getOptimalCourseTime(self.course, self.lastIx))},