diff --git a/config/VehicleConfigurations.xml b/config/VehicleConfigurations.xml
index fb9794ab..712a8126 100644
--- a/config/VehicleConfigurations.xml
+++ b/config/VehicleConfigurations.xml
@@ -246,6 +246,10 @@ You can define the following custom settings:
raiseLate = "true"
lowerEarly = "true"
diff --git a/scripts/Course.lua b/scripts/Course.lua
index c8fb4c41..e921fc4a 100644
--- a/scripts/Course.lua
+++ b/scripts/Course.lua
@@ -273,9 +273,12 @@ function Course:enrichWaypointData(startIx)
'Course with %d waypoints created/updated, %.1f meters, %d turns', #self.waypoints, self.length, self.totalTurns)
+function Course:getDeltaAngle(ix)
+ return CpMathUtil.getDeltaAngle(self.waypoints[ix].yRot, self.waypoints[ix - 1].yRot)
function Course:calculateSignedRadius(ix)
- local deltaAngle = CpMathUtil.getDeltaAngle(self.waypoints[ix].yRot, self.waypoints[ix - 1].yRot)
- return CpMathUtil.divide(self:getDistanceToNextWaypoint(ix), (2 * math.sin(deltaAngle / 2)))
+ return CpMathUtil.divide(self:getDistanceToNextWaypoint(ix), (2 * math.sin(self:getDeltaAngle(ix) / 2)))
function Course:calculateRadius(ix)
@@ -493,8 +496,12 @@ function Course:getTurnControls(ix)
return self.waypoints[ix].turnControls
-function Course:useTightTurnOffset(ix)
- return self.waypoints[ix].useTightTurnOffset
+function Course:setUseTightTurnOffset(ix)
+ return self.waypoints[ix]:setUseTightTurnOffset()
+function Course:getUseTightTurnOffset(ix)
+ return self.waypoints[ix]:getUseTightTurnOffset()
--- Returns the position of the waypoint at ix with the current offset applied.
@@ -559,18 +566,6 @@ function Course:getYRotationCorrectedForDirectionChanges(ix)
--- This is the radius from the course generator. For now ony island bypass waypoints nodes have a
--- radius.
-function Course:getRadiusAtIx(ix)
- local r = self.waypoints[ix].radius
- if r ~= r then
- -- radius can be nan
- return nil
- else
- return r
- end
-- This is the radius calculated when the course is created.
function Course:getCalculatedRadiusAtIx(ix)
local r = self.waypoints[ix].calculatedRadius
@@ -1242,7 +1237,9 @@ function Course:draw()
Utils.renderTextAtWorldPosition(x, y + 3.2, z, tostring(i), getCorrectTextSize(0.012), 0, color)
if i < self:getNumberOfWaypoints() then
local nx, ny, nz = self:getWaypointPosition(i + 1)
- DebugUtil.drawDebugLine(x, y + 3, z, nx, ny + 3, nz, 0, 0, 100)
+ -- cyan, darker blue with tight turn offset
+ color = self:getUseTightTurnOffset(i) and {0, 0, 0.5} or {0, 0.5, 0.5}
+ DebugUtil.drawDebugLine(x, y + 3, z, nx, ny + 3, nz, table.unpack(color))
@@ -1287,7 +1284,7 @@ end
function Course:setUseTightTurnOffsetForLastWaypoints(d)
self:executeFunctionForLastWaypoints(d, function(wp)
- wp.useTightTurnOffset = true
+ wp:setUseTightTurnOffset()
diff --git a/scripts/Waypoint.lua b/scripts/Waypoint.lua
index 834e976d..e08b386f 100644
--- a/scripts/Waypoint.lua
+++ b/scripts/Waypoint.lua
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ function Waypoint:init(wp)
---@type CourseGenerator.WaypointAttributes
self.attributes = wp.attributes and wp.attributes:clone() or CourseGenerator.WaypointAttributes()
self.angle = wp.angle or nil
- self.radius = wp.radius or nil
self.rev = wp.rev or wp.reverse or false
self.rev = self.rev or wp.gear and wp.gear == Gear.Backward
-- dynamically added/calculated properties
@@ -286,6 +285,14 @@ function Waypoint:setOnConnectingPath(onConnectingPath)
+function Waypoint:setUseTightTurnOffset()
+ self.useTightTurnOffset = true
+function Waypoint:getUseTightTurnOffset()
+ return self.useTightTurnOffset
function Waypoint:copyRowData(other)
self.attributes.rowNumber = other.attributes.rowNumber
self.attributes.leftSideWorked = other.attributes.leftSideWorked
diff --git a/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyBunkerSilo.lua b/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyBunkerSilo.lua
index 3c93eb83..ead8452d 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyBunkerSilo.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyBunkerSilo.lua
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ function AIDriveStrategyBunkerSilo:startTransitionToNextLane()
local path = PathfinderUtil.findAnalyticPath(ReedsSheppSolver(), self.vehicle:getAIDirectionNode(),
- 0, self.turnNode, 0, 0, self.turningRadius)
+ 0, 0, self.turnNode, 0, 0, self.turningRadius)
if not path or #path == 0 then
self:debug("No valid turn was found!")
diff --git a/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyFieldWorkCourse.lua b/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyFieldWorkCourse.lua
index c4ec2224..d865284d 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyFieldWorkCourse.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyFieldWorkCourse.lua
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ function AIDriveStrategyFieldWorkCourse:calculateTightTurnOffset()
if self.state == self.states.WORKING or self.state == self.states.DRIVING_TO_WORK_START_WAYPOINT then
-- when rounding small islands or to start on a course with curves
self.tightTurnOffset = AIUtil.calculateTightTurnOffset(self.vehicle, self.turningRadius, self.course,
- self.tightTurnOffset, true)
+ self.tightTurnOffset)
self.tightTurnOffset = 0
diff --git a/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyUnloadCombine.lua b/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyUnloadCombine.lua
index 9ef44703..25b58a0e 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyUnloadCombine.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/AIDriveStrategyUnloadCombine.lua
@@ -2829,7 +2829,7 @@ function AIDriveStrategyUnloadCombine:onFieldUnloadPositionReached()
self:debug("Starting pathfinding to the reverse unload turn end node with align length: %.2f and steering length: %.2f, turn radius: %.2f",
alignLength, steeringLength, self.turningRadius)
local path = PathfinderUtil.findAnalyticPath(PathfinderUtil.dubinsSolver, self.fieldUnloadTurnStartNode,
- 0, self.fieldUnloadTurnEndNode, 0, 3, self.turningRadius)
+ 0, 0, self.fieldUnloadTurnEndNode, 0, 3, self.turningRadius)
if not path or #path == 0 then
self:debug("Reverse alignment course creation failed!")
diff --git a/scripts/ai/AIUtil.lua b/scripts/ai/AIUtil.lua
index 190336d7..bf0e6dc4 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/AIUtil.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/AIUtil.lua
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ end
--- making sure that the towed implement's trajectory remains closer to the
--- course.
---@param course Course
-function AIUtil.calculateTightTurnOffset(vehicle, vehicleTurningRadius, course, previousOffset, useCalculatedRadius)
+function AIUtil.calculateTightTurnOffset(vehicle, vehicleTurningRadius, course, previousOffset)
local tightTurnOffset
local function smoothOffset(offset)
@@ -58,12 +58,7 @@ function AIUtil.calculateTightTurnOffset(vehicle, vehicleTurningRadius, course,
-- first of all, does the current waypoint have radius data?
- local r
- if useCalculatedRadius then
- r = course:getCalculatedRadiusAtIx(course:getCurrentWaypointIx())
- else
- r = course:getRadiusAtIx(course:getCurrentWaypointIx())
- end
+ local r = course:getCalculatedRadiusAtIx(course:getCurrentWaypointIx())
if not r then
return smoothOffset(0)
@@ -104,13 +99,54 @@ function AIUtil.calculateTightTurnOffset(vehicle, vehicleTurningRadius, course,
-- smooth the offset a bit to avoid sudden changes
tightTurnOffset = smoothOffset(offset)
- CpUtil.debugVehicle(CpDebug.DBG_AI_DRIVER, vehicle,
+ CpUtil.debugVehicle(CpDebug.DBG_TURN, vehicle,
'Tight turn, r = %.1f, tow bar = %.1f m, currentAngle = %.0f, nextAngle = %.0f, offset = %.1f, smoothOffset = %.1f',
r, towBarLength, currentAngle, nextAngle, offset, tightTurnOffset )
-- remember the last value for smoothing
return tightTurnOffset
+function AIUtil.calculateTightTurnOffsetForTurnManeuver(vehicle, steeringLength, course, ix, previousOffset)
+ local tightTurnOffset
+ local function smoothOffset(offset)
+ -- smooth more for articulated axis or track vehicle
+ -- as those usually have a very small turn radius anyway, causing jackknifing
+ -- TODO: use the vehicle's solo radius instead?
+ local factor = AIUtil.hasArticulatedAxis(vehicle) and 6 or 4
+ return (offset + factor * (previousOffset or 0 )) / (factor + 1)
+ end
+ -- first of all, does the current waypoint have radius data?
+ local r = course:getCalculatedRadiusAtIx(ix)
+ if not r then
+ return smoothOffset(0)
+ end
+ local offset = AIUtil.getTractorRadiusFromImplementRadius(r, steeringLength) - r
+ if offset ~= offset then
+ -- check for nan
+ return smoothOffset(0)
+ end
+ -- figure out left or right now?
+ local nextAngle = course:getWaypointAngleDeg(ix + 1)
+ local currentAngle = course:getWaypointAngleDeg(ix)
+ if not nextAngle or not currentAngle then
+ return smoothOffset(0)
+ end
+ if CpMathUtil.getDeltaAngle(math.rad(nextAngle), math.rad(currentAngle)) > 0 then offset = -offset end
+ -- smooth the offset a bit to avoid sudden changes
+ tightTurnOffset = smoothOffset(offset)
+ CpUtil.debugVehicle(CpDebug.DBG_TURN, vehicle,
+ 'Tight turn, r = %.1f, tow bar = %.1f m, currentAngle = %.0f, nextAngle = %.0f, offset = %.1f, smoothOffset = %.1f',
+ r, steeringLength, currentAngle, nextAngle, offset, tightTurnOffset )
+ -- remember the last value for smoothing
+ return tightTurnOffset
function AIUtil.getTowBarLength(vehicle)
-- is there a wheeled implement behind the tractor and is it on a pivot?
local implement = AIUtil.getFirstReversingImplementWithWheels(vehicle, true)
@@ -141,8 +177,29 @@ function AIUtil.getSteeringParameters(vehicle)
function AIUtil.getOffsetForTowBarLength(r, towBarLength)
- local rTractor = math.sqrt( r * r + towBarLength * towBarLength ) -- the radius the tractor should be on
- return rTractor - r
+ return AIUtil.getTractorRadiusFromImplementRadius(r, towBarLength) - r
+--- When a tractor is towing an implement in a turn, on what radius will the implement be if
+--- the radius the tractor is driving is known?
+---@param r number the radius the tractor is on
+---@param towBarLength number the length of the tow bar
+---@return number the radius the implement will be on. Can be negative, meaning the implement will be
+--- moving backwards in the turn
+function AIUtil.getImplementRadiusFromTractorRadius(r, towBarLength)
+ local rSquared = r * r - towBarLength * towBarLength
+ local rImplement = rSquared > 0 and math.sqrt(rSquared) or -math.sqrt(-rSquared)
+ return rImplement
+--- When a tractor is towing an implement in a turn, on what radius will the tractor be if
+--- the radius the implement is known?
+---@param r number the radius the implement is following
+---@param towBarLength number the length of the tow bar
+---@return number the radius the tractor will be on
+function AIUtil.getTractorRadiusFromImplementRadius(r, towBarLength)
+ local rTractor = math.sqrt( r * r + towBarLength * towBarLength )
+ return rTractor
function AIUtil.getArticulatedAxisVehicleReverserNode(vehicle)
@@ -359,9 +416,9 @@ function AIUtil.getFirstAttachedImplement(vehicle, suppressLog)
-- the distance from the vehicle's root node to the front of the implement
local _, _, d = localToLocal(implement.object.rootNode, AIUtil.getDirectionNode(vehicle), 0, 0,
implement.object.size.length / 2 + implement.object.size.lengthOffset)
- if implement.object.spec_leveler then
+ if implement.object.spec_leveler then
local nodeData = ImplementUtil.getLevelerNode(implement.object)
- if nodeData then
+ if nodeData then
_, _, d = localToLocal(nodeData.node, AIUtil.getDirectionNode(vehicle), 0, 0, 0)
@@ -388,9 +445,9 @@ function AIUtil.getLastAttachedImplement(vehicle,suppressLog)
-- the distance from the vehicle's root node to the back of the implement
local _, _, d = localToLocal(implement.object.rootNode, AIUtil.getDirectionNode(vehicle), 0, 0,
- implement.object.size.length / 2 + implement.object.size.lengthOffset)
- if implement.object.spec_leveler then
+ if implement.object.spec_leveler then
local nodeData = ImplementUtil.getLevelerNode(implement.object)
- if nodeData then
+ if nodeData then
_, _, d = localToLocal(nodeData.node, AIUtil.getDirectionNode(vehicle), 0, 0, 0)
@@ -452,7 +509,7 @@ function AIUtil.getNumberOfChildVehiclesWithSpecialization(vehicle, specializati
return #vehicles
---- Gets all child vehicles with a given specialization.
+--- Gets all child vehicles with a given specialization.
--- This can include the rootVehicle and implements
--- that are not directly attached to the rootVehicle.
---@param vehicle table
@@ -462,7 +519,7 @@ end
---@return boolean at least one vehicle/implement was found
function AIUtil.getAllChildVehiclesWithSpecialization(vehicle, specialization, specializationReference)
if vehicle == nil then
- printCallstack()
+ printCallstack()
CpUtil.info("Vehicle is nil!")
return {}, false
@@ -661,7 +718,7 @@ function AIUtil.getLength(vehicle)
if vehicle.getAIAgentSize then
local width, length, lengthOffset, frontOffset, height = vehicle:getAIAgentSize()
- for _, attachment in ipairs(vehicle.spec_aiDrivable.attachments) do
+ for _, attachment in ipairs(vehicle.spec_aiDrivable.attachments) do
length = length + attachment.length
return length
@@ -697,7 +754,7 @@ function AIUtil.hasCutterOnTrailerAttached(vehicle)
--- Checks if a cutter is attached and it's not registered as a valid combine cutter.
---- A Example is the New Holland Superflex header, when it is attached as transport trailer.
+--- A Example is the New Holland Superflex header, when it is attached as transport trailer.
function AIUtil.hasCutterAsTrailerAttached(vehicle)
local cutters, found = AIUtil.getAllChildVehiclesWithSpecialization(vehicle, Cutter)
if not found then
@@ -705,12 +762,12 @@ function AIUtil.hasCutterAsTrailerAttached(vehicle)
return false
local combines, found = AIUtil.getAllChildVehiclesWithSpecialization(vehicle, Combine)
- if not found then
+ if not found then
--- No valid combine object was found.
return false
local spec = combines[1].spec_combine
- if spec.numAttachedCutters <= 0 then
+ if spec.numAttachedCutters <= 0 then
--- The cutter is not available for threshing in this combination.
return true
diff --git a/scripts/ai/turns/AITurn.lua b/scripts/ai/turns/AITurn.lua
index f9524b0d..fd50e5d8 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/turns/AITurn.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/turns/AITurn.lua
@@ -649,10 +649,10 @@ end
function CourseTurn:onWaypointChange(ix)
AITurn.onWaypointChange(self, ix)
if self.turnCourse then
- if self.forceTightTurnOffset or (self.enableTightTurnOffset and self.turnCourse:useTightTurnOffset(ix)) then
+ if self.forceTightTurnOffset or (self.enableTightTurnOffset and self.turnCourse:getUseTightTurnOffset(ix)) then
-- adjust the course a bit to the outside in a curve to keep a towed implement on the course
- self.tightTurnOffset = AIUtil.calculateTightTurnOffset(self.vehicle, self.turningRadius, self.turnCourse,
- self.tightTurnOffset, true)
+ self.tightTurnOffset = AIUtil.calculateTightTurnOffsetForTurnManeuver(self.vehicle, self.steeringLength,
+ self.turnCourse, self.turnCourse:getCurrentWaypointIx(), self.tightTurnOffset)
self.turnCourse:setOffset(self.tightTurnOffset, 0)
-- reset offset to 0 if tight turn offset is not on
@@ -734,9 +734,8 @@ function CourseTurn:generateCalculatedTurn()
turnManeuver = ReedsSheppTurnManeuver(self.vehicle, self.turnContext, self.vehicle:getAIDirectionNode(),
self.turningRadius, self.workWidth, self.steeringLength, distanceToFieldEdge)
- -- only use tight turn offset if we are towing something and not an articulated axis or track vehicle
- -- as those usually have a very small turn radius anyway, causing jackknifing
- if self.steeringLength > 0 and not AIUtil.hasArticulatedAxis(self.vehicle) then
+ -- only use tight turn offset if we are towing something
+ if self.steeringLength > 0 then
self:debug('Enabling tight turn offset')
self.enableTightTurnOffset = true
@@ -769,7 +768,8 @@ function CourseTurn:onPathfindingDone(path)
self.turnCourse = Course(self.vehicle, CpMathUtil.pointsToGameInPlace(path), true)
-- make sure we use tight turn offset towards the end of the course so a towed implement is aligned with the new row
- local endingTurnLength = self.turnContext:appendEndingTurnCourse(self.turnCourse, nil, true)
+ local endingTurnLength = self.turnContext:appendEndingTurnCourse(self.turnCourse, nil)
+ self.turnCourse:setUseTightTurnOffsetForLastWaypoints(endingTurnLength)
local x = AIUtil.getDirectionNodeToReverserNodeOffset(self.vehicle)
self:debug('Extending course at direction switch for reversing to %.1f m (or at least 1m)', -x)
self.turnCourse:adjustForReversing(math.max(1, -x))
@@ -1013,12 +1013,12 @@ function StartRowOnly:init(vehicle, driveStrategy, ppc, turnContext, startRowCou
self.forceTightTurnOffset = false
local _, steeringLength = AIUtil.getSteeringParameters(self.vehicle)
- self.enableTightTurnOffset = steeringLength > 0 and not AIUtil.hasArticulatedAxis(self.vehicle)
+ self.enableTightTurnOffset = steeringLength > 0
-- TODO: do we need tight turn offset here?
-- add a turn ending section into the row to make sure the implements are lowered correctly
local endingTurnLength = self.turnContext:appendEndingTurnCourse(self.turnCourse, 3, true)
+ self.turnCourse:setUseTightTurnOffsetForLastWaypoints(endingTurnLength)
TurnManeuver.setLowerImplements(self.turnCourse, endingTurnLength, true)
self.state = self.states.DRIVING_TO_ROW
diff --git a/scripts/ai/turns/TurnContext.lua b/scripts/ai/turns/TurnContext.lua
index ae6d3e9a..c00846c0 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/turns/TurnContext.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/turns/TurnContext.lua
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ end
---@return number angle (radian) between the row and the headland, 90 degrees means the headland is perpendicular to the row
function TurnContext:getHeadlandAngle()
+ print(self.turnEndWp.angle, self.turnStartWp.angle)
return math.abs(CpMathUtil.getDeltaAngle(math.rad(self.turnEndWp.angle), math.rad(self.turnStartWp.angle)))
@@ -382,7 +383,7 @@ end
---@param extraLength number add so many meters to the calculated course (for example to allow towed implements to align
--- before reversing)
---@return number length added to the course in meters
-function TurnContext:appendEndingTurnCourse(course, extraLength, useTightTurnOffset)
+function TurnContext:appendEndingTurnCourse(course, extraLength)
-- make sure course reaches the front marker node so end it well behind that node
local _, _, dzFrontMarker = course:getWaypointLocalPosition(self.vehicleAtTurnEndNode, course:getNumberOfWaypoints())
local _, _, dzWorkStart = course:getWaypointLocalPosition(self.workStartNode, course:getNumberOfWaypoints())
@@ -398,7 +399,7 @@ function TurnContext:appendEndingTurnCourse(course, extraLength, useTightTurnOff
dzFrontMarker, dzWorkStart, extraLength)
for d = math.min(dzFrontMarker, dzWorkStart) + 1, extraLength, 1 do
local x, y, z = localToWorld(startNode, 0, 0, d)
- table.insert(waypoints, {x = x, y = y, z = z, useTightTurnOffset = useTightTurnOffset or nil})
+ table.insert(waypoints, {x = x, y = y, z = z})
local oldLength = course:getLength()
diff --git a/scripts/ai/turns/TurnManeuver.lua b/scripts/ai/turns/TurnManeuver.lua
index 3dbf1d59..d249e66a 100644
--- a/scripts/ai/turns/TurnManeuver.lua
+++ b/scripts/ai/turns/TurnManeuver.lua
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ TurnManeuver.CHANGE_TO_FWD_WHEN_REACHED = 'changeToFwdWhenReached'
-- making sure it is lowered when we reach the start of the next row)
TurnManeuver.LOWER_IMPLEMENT_AT_TURN_END = 'lowerImplementAtTurnEnd'
-- Mark waypoints for dynamic tight turn offset
-TurnManeuver.applyTightTurnOffset = true
+TurnManeuver.tightTurnOffsetEnabled = true
---@param course Course
function TurnManeuver.hasTurnControl(course, ix, control)
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ function TurnManeuver:init(vehicle, turnContext, vehicleDirectionNode, turningRa
-- how far the furthest point of the maneuver is from the vehicle's direction node, used to
-- check if we can turn on the field
self.dzMax = -math.huge
+ self.turnEndXOffset = self.turnEndXOffset or 0
function TurnManeuver:getCourse()
@@ -284,8 +285,9 @@ function TurnManeuver:adjustCourseToFitField(course, dBack, ixBeforeEndingTurnSe
self:debug('Reverse to work start (implement in back)')
-- vehicle in front of the work start node at turn end
local forwardAfterTurn = Course.createFromNode(self.vehicle, self.turnContext.vehicleAtTurnEndNode, 0,
- dFromTurnEnd + 1, dFromTurnEnd + 1 + self.steeringLength, 0.8, false)
+ dFromTurnEnd + 1 + self.steeringLength / 2, dFromTurnEnd + 1 + self.steeringLength, 0.8, false)
+ self:applyTightTurnOffset(forwardAfterTurn:getLength())
-- allow early direction change when aligned
TurnManeuver.setTurnControlForLastWaypoints(courseWithReversing, forwardAfterTurn:getLength(),
@@ -306,6 +308,7 @@ function TurnManeuver:adjustCourseToFitField(course, dBack, ixBeforeEndingTurnSe
local forwardAfterTurn = Course.createFromNode(self.vehicle, self.turnContext.workStartNode, 0,
dFromWorkStart, 1, 0.8, false)
+ self:applyTightTurnOffset(forwardAfterTurn:getLength())
TurnManeuver.setTurnControlForLastWaypoints(courseWithReversing, forwardAfterTurn:getLength(),
@@ -315,45 +318,90 @@ function TurnManeuver:adjustCourseToFitField(course, dBack, ixBeforeEndingTurnSe
endingTurnLength = reverseAfterTurn:getLength()
self:debug('Reverse to work start not needed')
- endingTurnLength = self.turnContext:appendEndingTurnCourse(courseWithReversing, self.steeringLength, self.applyTightTurnOffset)
+ endingTurnLength = self.turnContext:appendEndingTurnCourse(courseWithReversing, self.steeringLength)
+ self:applyTightTurnOffset(endingTurnLength)
return courseWithReversing, endingTurnLength
+function TurnManeuver:applyTightTurnOffset(length)
+ if self.tightTurnOffsetEnabled then
+ -- use the default length (a half circle) unless there is a configured value
+ length = length or self.turningRadius * math.pi
+ self.course:setUseTightTurnOffsetForLastWaypoints(
+ g_vehicleConfigurations:getRecursively(self.vehicle, 'tightTurnOffsetDistanceInTurns') or length)
+ end
+-- Apply tight turn offset to an analytically generated 180 turn section. The goal is to align a towed
+-- implement properly with the next row
+function TurnManeuver:applyTightTurnOffsetToAnalyticPath(course)
+ if self.tightTurnOffsetEnabled then
+ local totalDeltaAngle = 0
+ local totalDistance = 0
+ local previousDeltaAngle = course:getDeltaAngle(course:getNumberOfWaypoints())
+ for i = course:getNumberOfWaypoints(), 2, -1 do
+ course:setUseTightTurnOffset(i)
+ local deltaAngle = course:getDeltaAngle(i)
+ totalDeltaAngle = totalDeltaAngle + deltaAngle
+ -- check for configured distance
+ totalDistance = totalDistance + course:getDistanceToNextWaypoint(i - 1)
+ if totalDistance >
+ (g_vehicleConfigurations:getRecursively(self.vehicle, 'tightTurnOffsetDistanceInTurns') or math.huge) then
+ self:debug('Total distance %.1f > configured, stop applying tight turn offset', totalDistance)
+ break
+ end
+ -- Check for direction change: this is to have offset only at the foot of an omega turn and not
+ -- around the body, only when the foot is significantly narrower than the body.
+ -- This is for the case when the turn diameter is significantly bigger than the working width
+ if math.abs(totalDeltaAngle) > math.pi / 6 and
+ math.abs(deltaAngle) > 0.01 and math.sign(deltaAngle) ~= math.sign(previousDeltaAngle) then
+ self:debug('Curve direction change at %d (total delta angle %.1f, stop applying tight turn offset',
+ i, math.deg(totalDeltaAngle))
+ break
+ end
+ -- in all other cases, apply to half circle
+ if math.abs(totalDeltaAngle) > math.pi / 2 then
+ self:debug('Total direction change more than 90, stop applying tight turn offset')
+ break
+ end
+ previousDeltaAngle = deltaAngle
+ end
+ end
---@class AnalyticTurnManeuver : TurnManeuver
AnalyticTurnManeuver = CpObject(TurnManeuver)
function AnalyticTurnManeuver:init(vehicle, turnContext, vehicleDirectionNode, turningRadius, workWidth, steeringLength, distanceToFieldEdge)
TurnManeuver.init(self, vehicle, turnContext, vehicleDirectionNode, turningRadius, workWidth, steeringLength)
self:debug('Start generating')
- self:debug('r=%.1f, w=%.1f, steeringLength=%.1f, distanceToFieldEdge=%.1f',
- turningRadius, workWidth, steeringLength, distanceToFieldEdge)
- local turnEndNode, goalOffset = self.turnContext:getTurnEndNodeAndOffsets(self.steeringLength)
- self.course = self:findAnalyticPath(vehicleDirectionNode, 0, turnEndNode, 0, goalOffset, self.turningRadius)
+ local turnEndNode, endZOffset = self.turnContext:getTurnEndNodeAndOffsets(self.steeringLength)
+ local _, _, dz = localToLocal(vehicleDirectionNode, turnEndNode, 0, 0, 0)
+ -- zOffset from the turn end (work start). If there is a negative zOffset in the turn, that is, the turn end is behind the
+ -- turn start due to an angled headland, we still want to make the complete 180 turn as close to the field edge
+ -- as we can, so a towed implement, with an offset arc is turned 180 as soon as possible and has time to align.
+ -- This way, the tight turn offset can make its magic during the 180 turn. Otherwise, the Dubins generated will split
+ -- the 180 into two turns, one over 120 at the turn start, and one less than 60 at the turn end. This latter one
+ -- is not enough direction change for the tight turn offset to work.
+ endZOffset = math.min(dz, endZOffset)
+ self:debug('r=%.1f, w=%.1f, steeringLength=%.1f, distanceToFieldEdge=%.1f, goalOffset=%.1f, dz=%.1f',
+ turningRadius, workWidth, steeringLength, distanceToFieldEdge, endZOffset, dz)
+ self.course = self:findAnalyticPath(vehicleDirectionNode, 0, 0, turnEndNode, self.turnEndXOffset, endZOffset, self.turningRadius)
local endingTurnLength
local dBack = self:getDistanceToMoveBack(self.course, workWidth, distanceToFieldEdge)
local canReverse = AIUtil.canReverse(vehicle)
if dBack > 0 and canReverse then
dBack = dBack < 2 and 2 or dBack
self:debug('Not enough space on field, regenerating course back %.1f meters', dBack)
- self.course = self:findAnalyticPath(vehicleDirectionNode, -dBack, turnEndNode, 0, goalOffset + dBack, self.turningRadius)
- if self.applyTightTurnOffset then
- self.course:setUseTightTurnOffsetForLastWaypoints(
- g_vehicleConfigurations:getRecursively(vehicle, 'tightTurnOffsetDistanceInTurns') or 10)
- end
+ self.course = self:findAnalyticPath(vehicleDirectionNode, 0, -dBack, turnEndNode, self.turnEndXOffset, endZOffset + dBack, self.turningRadius)
+ self:applyTightTurnOffsetToAnalyticPath(self.course)
local ixBeforeEndingTurnSection = self.course:getNumberOfWaypoints()
self.course, endingTurnLength = self:adjustCourseToFitField(self.course, dBack, ixBeforeEndingTurnSection)
- if self.applyTightTurnOffset then
- self.course:setUseTightTurnOffsetForLastWaypoints(
- g_vehicleConfigurations:getRecursively(vehicle, 'tightTurnOffsetDistanceInTurns') or 10)
- end
- endingTurnLength = self.turnContext:appendEndingTurnCourse(self.course, steeringLength, self.applyTightTurnOffset)
- end
- if self.applyTightTurnOffset then
- -- make sure we use tight turn offset towards the end of the course so a towed implement is aligned with the new row
- self.course:setUseTightTurnOffsetForLastWaypoints(
- g_vehicleConfigurations:getRecursively(vehicle, 'tightTurnOffsetDistanceInTurns') or 10)
+ self:applyTightTurnOffsetToAnalyticPath(self.course)
+ endingTurnLength = self.turnContext:appendEndingTurnCourse(self.course, steeringLength)
+ self:applyTightTurnOffset(endingTurnLength)
TurnManeuver.setLowerImplements(self.course, endingTurnLength, true)
@@ -363,18 +411,19 @@ function AnalyticTurnManeuver:getDistanceToMoveBack(course, workWidth, distanceT
local dzMax = self:getDzMax(course)
local spaceNeededOnFieldForTurn = dzMax + workWidth / 2
distanceToFieldEdge = distanceToFieldEdge or 500 -- if not given, assume we have a lot of space
- if self.turnContext:getTurnEndForwardOffset() < 0 then
- -- in an offset turn, where the turn start (and thus, the vehicle) is on the longer leg,
- -- so the turn end is behind the turn start, we have in reality less space, as we measured the
- -- distance to the field edge from the turn start, but we need to measure it from the turn end,
- -- where there's less space
- distanceToFieldEdge = distanceToFieldEdge + self.turnContext:getTurnEndForwardOffset()
- end
+ local turnEndForwardOffset = self.turnContext:getTurnEndForwardOffset()
+ -- in an offset turn, where the turn start (and thus, the vehicle) is on the longer leg,
+ -- so the turn end is behind the turn start, we have in reality less space, as we measured the
+ -- distance to the field edge from the turn start, but we need to measure it from the middle of the turn,
+ -- where there's less space
+ distanceToFieldEdge = distanceToFieldEdge + turnEndForwardOffset / 2
-- with a headland at angle, we have to move further back, so the left/right edge of the swath also stays on
-- the field, not only the center
- distanceToFieldEdge = distanceToFieldEdge - (workWidth / 2 / math.abs(math.tan(self.turnContext:getHeadlandAngle())))
- self:debug('dzMax=%.1f, workWidth=%.1f, spaceNeeded=%.1f, distanceToFieldEdge=%.1f', dzMax, workWidth,
- spaceNeededOnFieldForTurn, distanceToFieldEdge)
+ local headlandAngle = self.turnContext:getHeadlandAngle()
+ distanceToFieldEdge = distanceToFieldEdge -
+ (headlandAngle > 0.0001 and (workWidth / 2 / math.abs(math.tan(headlandAngle))) or 0)
+ self:debug('dzMax=%.1f, workWidth=%.1f, spaceNeeded=%.1f, turnEndForwardOffset=%.1f, headlandAngle=%.1f, distanceToFieldEdge=%.1f', dzMax, workWidth,
+ spaceNeededOnFieldForTurn, turnEndForwardOffset, math.deg(headlandAngle), distanceToFieldEdge)
return spaceNeededOnFieldForTurn - distanceToFieldEdge
@@ -383,46 +432,35 @@ DubinsTurnManeuver = CpObject(AnalyticTurnManeuver)
function DubinsTurnManeuver:init(vehicle, turnContext, vehicleDirectionNode, turningRadius,
workWidth, steeringLength, distanceToFieldEdge)
self.debugPrefix = '(DubinsTurn): '
+ self.turnEndXOffset = 0
AnalyticTurnManeuver.init(self, vehicle, turnContext, vehicleDirectionNode, turningRadius,
workWidth, steeringLength, distanceToFieldEdge)
-function DubinsTurnManeuver:findAnalyticPath(vehicleDirectionNode, startOffset, turnEndNode,
- xOffset, goalOffset, turningRadius)
+function DubinsTurnManeuver:findAnalyticPath(startNode, startXOffset, startZOffset, endNode,
+ endXOffset, endZOffset, turningRadius)
local path = PathfinderUtil.findAnalyticPath(PathfinderUtil.dubinsSolver,
- vehicleDirectionNode, startOffset, turnEndNode, 0, goalOffset, self.turningRadius)
+ startNode, startXOffset, startZOffset, endNode, endXOffset, endZOffset, self.turningRadius)
return Course.createFromAnalyticPath(self.vehicle, path, true)
+-- This is an experiment to create turns with towed implements that better align with the next row.
+-- Instead of relying on the dynamic tight turn offset, we offset the turn end already while generating the turn
+-- to get the implement closer to the next row.
---@class TowedDubinsTurnManeuver : DubinsTurnManeuver
TowedDubinsTurnManeuver = CpObject(DubinsTurnManeuver)
-TowedDubinsTurnManeuver.applyTightTurnOffset = false
function TowedDubinsTurnManeuver:init(vehicle, turnContext, vehicleDirectionNode, turningRadius,
workWidth, steeringLength, distanceToFieldEdge)
self.debugPrefix = '(TowedDubinsTurn): '
- local offset = AIUtil.getOffsetForTowBarLength(turningRadius, steeringLength)
- turningRadius = turningRadius - offset
- self:debug('Towed implement, adjusting radius to %.1f to accommodate tight turn offset', turningRadius)
+ self.vehicle = vehicle
+ local implementRadius = AIUtil.getImplementRadiusFromTractorRadius(turningRadius, steeringLength)
+ local xOffset = turningRadius - implementRadius
+ self.turnEndXOffset = turnContext:isLeftTurn() and -xOffset or xOffset
+ self:debug('Towed implement, offsetting turn end %.1f to accommodate tight turn, implement radius %.1f ', xOffset, implementRadius)
AnalyticTurnManeuver.init(self, vehicle, turnContext, vehicleDirectionNode, turningRadius,
workWidth, steeringLength, distanceToFieldEdge)
-function TowedDubinsTurnManeuver:calculateTractorCourse(course)
- for _, wp in ipairs(course.waypoints) do
- local v = PathfinderUtil.getWaypointAsState3D(wp, 0, self.steeringLength)
- wp.x, wp.z = v.x, -v.y
- end
- course:enrichWaypointData()
- return course
-function TowedDubinsTurnManeuver:findAnalyticPath(vehicleDirectionNode, startOffset, turnEndNode,
- xOffset, goalOffset, turningRadius)
- local path = PathfinderUtil.findAnalyticPath(PathfinderUtil.dubinsSolver,
- vehicleDirectionNode, startOffset, turnEndNode, 0, goalOffset, self.turningRadius)
- return self:calculateTractorCourse(Course.createFromAnalyticPath(self.vehicle, path, true))
---@class LeftTurnReedsSheppSolver : ReedsSheppSolver
LeftTurnReedsSheppSolver = CpObject(ReedsSheppSolver)
function LeftTurnReedsSheppSolver:solve(start, goal, turnRadius)
@@ -451,8 +489,8 @@ function ReedsSheppTurnManeuver:init(vehicle, turnContext, vehicleDirectionNode,
workWidth, steeringLength, distanceToFieldEdge)
-function ReedsSheppTurnManeuver:findAnalyticPath(vehicleDirectionNode, startOffset, turnEndNode,
- xOffset, goalOffset, turningRadius)
+function ReedsSheppTurnManeuver:findAnalyticPath(vehicleDirectionNode, startXOffset, startZOffset, turnEndNode,
+ endXOffset, endZOffset, turningRadius)
local solver
if self.turnContext:isLeftTurn() then
self:debug('using LeftTurnReedsSheppSolver')
@@ -461,12 +499,12 @@ function ReedsSheppTurnManeuver:findAnalyticPath(vehicleDirectionNode, startOffs
self:debug('using RightTurnReedsSheppSolver')
solver = RightTurnReedsSheppSolver()
- local path = PathfinderUtil.findAnalyticPath(solver, vehicleDirectionNode, startOffset, turnEndNode,
- 0, goalOffset, self.turningRadius)
+ local path = PathfinderUtil.findAnalyticPath(solver, vehicleDirectionNode, startXOffset, startZOffset, turnEndNode,
+ 0, endZOffset, self.turningRadius)
if not path or #path == 0 then
self:debug('Could not find ReedsShepp path, retry with Dubins')
- path = PathfinderUtil.findAnalyticPath(PathfinderUtil.dubinsSolver, vehicleDirectionNode, startOffset,
- turnEndNode, 0, goalOffset, self.turningRadius)
+ path = PathfinderUtil.findAnalyticPath(PathfinderUtil.dubinsSolver, vehicleDirectionNode, startXOffset, startZOffset,
+ turnEndNode, 0, endZOffset, self.turningRadius)
local course = Course.createFromAnalyticPath(self.vehicle, path, true)
course:adjustForTowedImplements(1.5 * self.steeringLength + 1)
@@ -503,10 +541,7 @@ function TurnEndingManeuver:init(vehicle, turnContext, vehicleDirectionNode, tur
self:generateStraightSection(endArc, endStraight)
self.course = Course(vehicle, self.waypoints, true)
- if self.applyTightTurnOffset then
- self.course:setUseTightTurnOffsetForLastWaypoints(
- g_vehicleConfigurations:getRecursively(vehicle, 'tightTurnOffsetDistanceInTurns') or 20)
- end
+ self:applyTightTurnOffset()
TurnManeuver.setLowerImplements(self.course, math.max(math.abs(turnContext.frontMarkerDistance), steeringLength))
@@ -627,7 +662,7 @@ function VineTurnManeuver:init(vehicle, turnContext, vehicleDirectionNode, turni
turningRadius, workWidth, dz, startOffset, goalOffset)
local path = PathfinderUtil.findAnalyticPath(PathfinderUtil.dubinsSolver,
-- always move the goal a bit backwards to let the vehicle align
- vehicleDirectionNode, startOffset, turnEndNode, 0, goalOffset - turnContext.frontMarkerDistance, self.turningRadius)
+ vehicleDirectionNode, startOffset, 0, turnEndNode, 0, goalOffset - turnContext.frontMarkerDistance, self.turningRadius)
self.course = Course.createFromAnalyticPath(self.vehicle, path, true)
local endingTurnLength = self.turnContext:appendEndingTurnCourse(self.course, 0, false)
TurnManeuver.setLowerImplements(self.course, endingTurnLength, true)
diff --git a/scripts/pathfinder/PathfinderUtil.lua b/scripts/pathfinder/PathfinderUtil.lua
index 164552fb..f9800981 100644
--- a/scripts/pathfinder/PathfinderUtil.lua
+++ b/scripts/pathfinder/PathfinderUtil.lua
@@ -604,7 +604,9 @@ end
---@param solver AnalyticSolver for instance PathfinderUtil.dubinsSolver or PathfinderUtil.reedsSheppSolver
---@param vehicleDirectionNode number Giants node
----@param startOffset number offset in meters relative to the vehicle position (forward positive, backward negative) where
+---@param startXOffset number offset in meters relative to the vehicle position (left positive, right negative) where
+--- we want the turn to start
+---@param startZOffset number offset in meters relative to the vehicle position (forward positive, backward negative) where
--- we want the turn to start
---@param goalReferenceNode table node used to determine the goal
---@param xOffset number offset in meters relative to the goal node (left positive, right negative)
@@ -613,9 +615,9 @@ end
---@param turnRadius number vehicle turning radius
---@return table|nil path
---@return number length
-function PathfinderUtil.findAnalyticPath(solver, vehicleDirectionNode, startOffset, goalReferenceNode,
+function PathfinderUtil.findAnalyticPath(solver, vehicleDirectionNode, startXOffset, startZOffset, goalReferenceNode,
xOffset, zOffset, turnRadius)
- local x, z, yRot = PathfinderUtil.getNodePositionAndDirection(vehicleDirectionNode, 0, startOffset or 0)
+ local x, z, yRot = PathfinderUtil.getNodePositionAndDirection(vehicleDirectionNode, startXOffset, startZOffset or 0)
local start = State3D(x, -z, CpMathUtil.angleFromGame(yRot))
x, z, yRot = PathfinderUtil.getNodePositionAndDirection(goalReferenceNode, xOffset or 0, zOffset or 0)
local goal = State3D(x, -z, CpMathUtil.angleFromGame(yRot))
diff --git a/scripts/specializations/CpCourseManager.lua b/scripts/specializations/CpCourseManager.lua
index f941826f..35ea9220 100644
--- a/scripts/specializations/CpCourseManager.lua
+++ b/scripts/specializations/CpCourseManager.lua
@@ -217,8 +217,6 @@ end
function CpCourseManager:addCourse(course,noEventSend)
local spec = self.spec_cpCourseManager
- -- reset temporary offset field course, this will be regenerated based on the current settings when the job starts
- spec.offsetFieldWorkCourse = nil
@@ -226,10 +224,11 @@ end
function CpCourseManager:resetCourses()
local spec = self.spec_cpCourseManager
- spec.offsetFieldWorkCourse = nil
- spec.courses = {}
- spec.assignedCoursesID = nil
- SpecializationUtil.raiseEvent(self,"onCpCourseChange")
+ if spec.courses then
+ spec.courses = {}
+ spec.assignedCoursesID = nil
+ SpecializationUtil.raiseEvent(self,"onCpCourseChange")
+ end
function CpCourseManager:resetCpCoursesFromGui()