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Ethan Bacurio edited this page Jan 17, 2022 · 3 revisions

Text Prompt

A text prompt is the most basic prompt type for CommandPrompter. It simply uses chat to get answers from the player.

Text Prompt
Prompt Argument None
Break lines Yes, {br} signifies a break-line and CommandPrompter will send each line one by one
Color Support Yes


The example below shows the command with a prompt and a corresponding image of its appearance

/gamemode <&6&lWhat gamemode?{br}0. Survival{br}1. Creative{br}2. Adventure{br}3. Creative>

Anvil Prompt

As the name suggests, anvil prompt uses the native anvil interface to prompt the player.

Anvil Prompt
Prompt Argument -a (space after is required)
Break lines Yes, {br} signifies a break-line and CommandPrompter will put every line (except the first one, since it's the title/item display name) and make them as the item's lore.
Color Support Yes
Configurable Yes (prompt-config.yml)


The example below shows the command with a prompt and a corresponding image of its appearance

/gamemode <-a &6&lWhat gamemode?{br}0. Survival{br}1. Creative{br}2. Adventure{br}3. Creative>

PlayerUI Prompt

The player UI prompt uses the native inventory interface and places all of the online players into it to allow players to select a player.

PlayerUI Prompt
Prompt Argument -p (space after is required)
Break lines No
Color Support Yes, UI colors configuration can be found in prompt-config.yml
Configurable Yes (prompt-config.yml)


The example below shows the command with a prompt and a corresponding image of its appearance

/mute <-p Who do you want to mute?>

SignUI Prompt

Sign UI is a new addition that was introduced on Project Secundum and was only tested on 1.17+ versions of Minecraft.

SignUI Prompt
Prompt Argument -s (space after is required)
Break lines Yes
Color Support No. Due to limitations, for now, SignGUI does not support colors.
Configurable No. (Will be configurable in the future)
Dependency ProtocolLib

Notable feature (Subject to change)

  • Two types: Single Argument and Multi Argument
    • Single Argument: A single argument SignUI prompt is the default type. It will simply put the prompt on the very first line of the sign and will combine every following line into one (separated by spaces).
    • Multi Argument: A multi argument SignUI is determined by an occurrence of the character :. Everything typed after the : is considered an answer.


The examples below shows the command with a prompt and a corresponding image of its appearance

  • Single Argument:

    /gamemode <-s What gamemode?>

  • Multi Argument:

    /time <-s Time Command{br}Add or Set:{br}Value:>

    Let's say I typed add and 1600, the command to dispatch is going to be /time add 1600