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Refresh IG

Refreshing the IG includes two steps:

(note that the first step is only required periodically, to get the latest version of the tooling that refreshes the IG)

  • run _updateRefreshIG: as noted, this will download the latestest version of the CQF Tooling to the input-cache directory, in the form of a java jar.

  • run _refresh: by default, this uses the CQF Tooling to perform the following steps:

    • for each .cql and Measure resource combination in the IG:
      • create or update the Library resource
      • bundle the associated Patient Scenario resources
      • create a "master" bundle that includes:
        • primary Library resource
        • Measure resource
        • Library resource dependencies
        • ValueSet resource dependencies
        • associated Patient Scenario resources bundles
      • post the "master" bundle to the Connectathon FHIR Server (
      • save the following to the bundles directory of the IG:
        • "master" bundle
        • .cql file
        • primary Library resource
        • Measure resource
        • Library resource dependencies bundle
        • ValueSet resource dependencies bundle
        • a separate bundle for each set of associated Patient Scenario resources
        • a separate MeasureReport resource for each assocaited Patient Scenario (if present)
  • The default behavior of running _refresh can be adjusted by changing the options in the _refresh file. One such usage is to post to a differnt FHIR Server (ex: local). To do so, modify the -fs (FHIR Server) option in _refresh. For more details on other options, run the CQF Tooling from the command line with -RefreshIG -help.


  • If new ValueSet resources are posted to a CQF Ruler FHIR Server, they must be manually updated with {{serverurl}}$updateCodeSystems. Due to the potentially long duration of invoking $updateCodeSystems, the tooling does not run it as part of posting new ValueSet resources.
  • Updating generated content for Measures is not currenlty implemented in the tooling. If a new cql file is introduced the tooling will NOT create a Measure resource, nor will it refresh existing Measure resources. Those operations need to be done manually.