This section describes the integration of MSolve with Korali.
The integration of MSolve into Korali is performed through files. To execute one MSolve simulation, corresponding to a Korali sample, Korali performs the following:
- Create a directory unique to the sample.
- Create an xml configuration file that contains the parameters values. This file is readable by MSolve and describes the simulation.
- Execute MSolve. Msolve produces an xml output file containing the results of the simulations.
- Parse the output file and extract the quantities of interest needed by the optimization or sampling process.
Here we describe the bridge python module and its functions.
.. autosummary:: integration.bridge.run_msolve integration.bridge.write_config_file integration.bridge.run_msolve_mock
.. autofunction:: integration.bridge.run_msolve
.. autofunction:: integration.bridge.write_config_file
.. autofunction:: integration.bridge.run_msolve_mock