From 6b2a2ac340698333536f5c51b45fa0892292f187 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kmc2000 Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2019 14:49:11 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] EMH emitter now respects EMH preference --- DS13/code/modules/EMH/ | 850 +++++++++++++------------- code/_globalvars/lists/ | 78 +-- 2 files changed, 465 insertions(+), 463 deletions(-) diff --git a/DS13/code/modules/EMH/ b/DS13/code/modules/EMH/ index adc4257959b..6e8b0d628bc 100644 --- a/DS13/code/modules/EMH/ +++ b/DS13/code/modules/EMH/ @@ -1,426 +1,426 @@ -GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(EMH_blacklist, list()) - -//EMITTER - -/obj/item/circuitboard/machine/emh_emitter - name = "EMH emitter (Machine Board)" - build_path = /obj/machinery/emh_emitter - req_components = list( - /obj/item/stock_parts/matter_bin = 1, - /obj/item/stock_parts/manipulator = 1, - /obj/item/stock_parts/scanning_module = 2, - /obj/item/stock_parts/micro_laser = 3) - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter - name = "Emergency medical hologram emitter" - desc = "Simply click this device and an emergency medical hologram will be summoned. Swipe it with a medical level ID to terminate the current EMH if it's misbehaving. (EMH only) drag yourself onto the emitter to store yourself safely pending reactivation." - icon = 'DS13/icons/obj/decor/wall_decor.dmi' - icon_state = "emh-off" - anchored = TRUE - density = FALSE - pixel_y = 32 //Put on the tile below a wall etc etc modular fun time mapping mayhem - var/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/emh - req_one_access = list(ACCESS_MEDICAL) - var/locked = FALSE //Cooldown to prevent spam - mouse_over_pointer = MOUSE_HAND_POINTER - var/spawning_emh = FALSE //are we making an EMH? if yes, then ignore the process() - var/obj/item/radio/Radio - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/attack_ghost(mob/dead/observer/user) - if(is_occupied()) - to_chat(user, "There is already another player controlling the EMH.") - return - activate_ghost(user) //Skips democracy and makes you the EMH. - return - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/attack_ai(mob/user) - attack_hand(user) - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/MouseDrop_T(mob/living/target, mob/living/user) - if(!istype(user, /mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic)) - return - to_chat(user, "You're now stored in [src]. You can transfer your program if summoned or you can move / walk to exit this emitter as you wish. If you go AFK now other ghosts will be able to replace you!") - user.forceMove(src) - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/relaymove(mob/living/user, direction) - user.forceMove(get_turf(src)) - return FALSE - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/Initialize() - . = ..() - var/area/A = get_area(src) //Unmovable - name = "EMH emitter ([A])" - Radio = new /obj/item/radio(src) - Radio.listening = 0 - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/proc/EMH_present() - var/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/S = locate(/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic) in GLOB.alive_mob_list - if(istype(S) && !QDELETED(S)) - return TRUE - else - return FALSE - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/examine(mob/user) - . = ..() - if(EMH_present()) - if(emh.client) - to_chat(user, "The panel shows that there is an active EMH on the network.") - else - to_chat(user, "The panel shows that there is an EMH on the network, but it is not responding (braindead). Click the panel to summon a new one.") - -/client/proc/editemhblacklist() - set name = "Edit EMH blacklist" - set desc = "Remove people from the EMH blacklist for this round." - set category = "Admin" - if(!check_rights(R_ADMIN, TRUE)) //We may want to change this to R_VAREDIT when we launch but for now I'd quite like mentors to have this too. - return - var/A - var/list/temp = GLOB.EMH_blacklist.Copy() - temp += "cancel" //To stop the input only having one option, which makes byond freak out. - A = input("Remove whom from the blacklist?", "Admin tools", A) as null|anything in GLOB.EMH_blacklist - if(!A) - return - if(A in GLOB.EMH_blacklist) - GLOB.EMH_blacklist -= A - log_admin("([worldtime2text()]):[src] / [key] removed [A] from the EMH blacklist for this round.") - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/attackby(obj/I,mob/user) - . = ..() - if(!user.client) - return - if(allowed(user)) - var/question = alert("Terminate the current EMH? (this kills the current EMH)",name,"yes","no") - if(question == "no" || !question) - return - var/blacklist = alert("Blacklist the current EMH player for the duration of this round? ",name,"yes","no") - if(!emh) - emh = locate(/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic) in GLOB.alive_mob_list - if(emh.client && emh.client.key && blacklist == "yes") - GLOB.EMH_blacklist += emh.client.key - to_chat(emh, "[user] has blacklisted you from becoming an EMH for the duration of this round! If you feel this was in error, please ahelp immediately.") - log_game("[user] just blacklisted [emh.client.key] from becoming an EMH for the rest of the round") - if(emh) - emh.death()//Kill the emh. - emh = null - else - to_chat(user, "Unable to locate an EMH on the network.") - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/Destroy() - QDEL_NULL(Radio) - if(emh) - var/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/saveme = locate(/obj/machinery/emh_emitter) in GLOB.machines - if(saveme) - to_chat(emh, "The emitter you were using has been destroyed, your program has been transferred to avoid corruption.") - saveme.activate(emh) - else - to_chat(emh, "The emitter you were using was destroyed! Your program could not be shunted to another emitter and will be shut down to avoid damage.") - qdel(emh) - emh = null - STOP_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess,src) - return ..() - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/proc/remove_cooldown() - locked = FALSE - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/attack_hand(mob/user) - if(istype(user, /mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic)) //Allow them to jump to different locs. - emh_jumpto(user) - return - if(locked) - to_chat(user, "Unable to comply, interface cooldown in effect.") - return - if(is_occupied()) //If we have an EMH, or there is an EMH in the world - to_chat(user, "There is already an EMH active, summon it?") - var/question = alert("Summon the EMH?",name,"yes","no") - locked = TRUE - addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/remove_cooldown), 30) //Add timer to cooldown - if(question == "no") - return - var/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/S = locate(/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic) in GLOB.alive_mob_list - if(!S) - return - var/emhconsent = alert(S, "You have been summoned by [user] in [get_area(src)]. Transfer to their location?",name,"accept","reject") - if(emhconsent == "accept") - activate(S) - user.say("Computer, transfer emergency medical holographic program to [get_area(src)]") - return - else - to_chat(user, "The EMH has declined your summons.") - return - return ..() - locked = TRUE - addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/remove_cooldown), 30) //Add timer to prevent spam clicking - if(emh) - emh.death() - if(user) - if(ishuman(user)) - user.say("Computer, activate emergency medical hologram") - to_chat(user, "Attempting to activate EMH ((This requires a ghost willing to control it...))") - activate(null) //No EMH present, try to make one! - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/proc/emh_jumpto(mob/living/user) - var/list/jumplocs = list() - for(var/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/EM in GLOB.machines) - if(istype(EM)) - jumplocs += EM - var/A - A = input(user,"Transfer program to where?", "EMH subsystem", A) as null|anything in jumplocs - if(!A) - return - user.say("Computer, transfer emergency medical holographic program to [get_area(A)]") - new /obj/effect/temp_visual/dir_setting/ninja/cloak(get_turf(user), user.dir) - user.forceMove(get_turf(A)) - playsound(user.loc, 'DS13/sound/effects/holofizzle.ogg', 100, 0) - var/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/S = A - emh = null - S.emh = user //transfer silently. - START_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess, S) - - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/process() - if(QDELETED(emh)) - emh = null - if(!emh && !spawning_emh) //If we don't have an EMH, no need to process - STOP_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess, src) - icon_state = "emh-off" - return - icon_state = "emh-on" //Well we have an EMH, let's check if he's nearby - var/area/ourarea = get_area(src) - var/area/emharea = get_area(emh) - var/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/target //If the EMH goes out of range, locate the next emitter. - if(emharea == ourarea || emh.loc == src || istype(emharea, /area/holodeck)) //EMH is in our area or is stored inside us, so no need to snap him back. Alternatively he's taken a trip to the holodeck. - return - for(var/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/em in GLOB.machines) - if(em == src) - continue - if(get_area(em) == emharea) - target = em - if(target) - target.emh = emh //Transfer his program seamlessly - emh = null - target.icon_state = "emh-on" - icon_state = "emh-off" - START_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess, target) - else - to_chat(emh, "That room doesn't have an EMH emitter in it!") - emh.forceMove(get_turf(src)) - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/proc/activate(var/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/transferred = null) //Activate, if we're not transferring an existing EMH over, then make a new one! - if(transferred) - emh = transferred - new /obj/effect/temp_visual/dir_setting/ninja/cloak(get_turf(emh), emh.dir) - transferred.forceMove(get_turf(src)) - to_chat(transferred, "You have been transferred to [get_area(src)]") - emh.say("Please state the nature of the medical emergency.") - playsound(loc, 'DS13/sound/effects/medicalemergency.ogg', 50, 0) - START_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess,src) - return - if(is_occupied()) - say("Unable to comply, there is already an EMH active on the network.") - return - if(emh) //AFK emh can get replaced with a live one! - qdel(emh) - spawning_emh = TRUE - emh = new /mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic(get_turf(src)) //Please state th- - = "Emergency Medical Hologram" - emh.real_name = "Emergency Medical Hologram" - emh.alpha = 0 //So that it "pops" out of nowhere with a mind in it, or else it deletes - emh.equipOutfit(/datum/outfit/emh) - if(offer_control_emh(emh)) - Radio.set_frequency(FREQ_MEDICAL) - Radio.talk_into(src,"An [emh] has just been activated in [get_area(src)]. Swipe an EMH emitter with a medical ID to terminate it if it misbehaves.",FREQ_MEDICAL,get_spans(),get_default_language()) - emh.on_spawn() - emh.alpha = 255 - spawning_emh = FALSE - START_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess,src) - else - qdel(emh) - say("Unable to comply, could not activate EMH") - spawning_emh = FALSE - return - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/proc/activate_ghost(var/mob/user) //Forcibly makes an EMH for a ghost to inhabit. - if(!user || !user.client || spawning_emh) - return - if(locked) - to_chat(user, "Unable to comply, interface cooldown in effect.") - return - if(locate(user.client.key in GLOB.EMH_blacklist) || is_banned_from(user.client.key, ROLE_EMH)) - to_chat(user, "You have been blacklisted from playing an emergency medical hologram!") - return - locked = TRUE - addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/remove_cooldown), 30) //Stops you from annoying the crew too much. - if(emh) //AFK emh can get replaced with a live one! - qdel(emh) - spawning_emh = TRUE - emh = new /mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic(get_turf(src)) //Please state th- - = "Emergency Medical Hologram" - emh.real_name = "Emergency Medical Hologram" - emh.alpha = 0 //So that it "pops" out of nowhere with a mind in it, or else it deletes - emh.equipOutfit(/datum/outfit/emh) - Radio.set_frequency(FREQ_MEDICAL) - Radio.talk_into(src,"An [emh] has self-activated in [get_area(src)]. Swipe an EMH emitter with a medical ID to terminate it if it misbehaves.",FREQ_MEDICAL,get_spans(),get_default_language()) - emh.alpha = 255 - emh.ckey = user.client.ckey - emh.on_spawn() - spawning_emh = FALSE - qdel(user) - START_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess,src) - -/proc/offer_control_emh(mob/M) //Specialist proc to check they've not been blacklisted by the captain from being an EMH - var/poll_message = "Do you want to play as an emergency medical hologram?" - var/list/mob/dead/observer/candidates = pollCandidatesForMob(poll_message, ROLE_EMH, null, FALSE, 100, M) - for(var/mob/dead/observer/S in candidates) - if(!S.client) - candidates -= S - if(locate(S.client.key in GLOB.EMH_blacklist) || is_banned_from(S.key, ROLE_EMH)) - candidates -= S - if(LAZYLEN(candidates)) - var/mob/dead/observer/C = pick(candidates) - to_chat(M, "Your mob has been taken over by a ghost!") - message_admins("[key_name_admin(C)] has taken control of ([ADMIN_LOOKUPFLW(M)])") - M.ghostize(0) - M.key = C.key - return TRUE - else - return FALSE - -/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/proc/is_occupied() - var/mob/living/global_emh = null //For deactivation of AFK EMHs - global_emh = emh - if(!emh) - var/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/S = locate(/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic) in GLOB.alive_mob_list - if(istype(S) && !QDELETED(S)) - global_emh = S - if(global_emh && !QDELETED(global_emh)) - if(global_emh.mind || global_emh.client) - return TRUE - else - return FALSE - if(EMH_present()) - return TRUE - return FALSE - -//SPECIES AND OUTFIT - -/datum/species/holographic - name = "Hologram" - id = "hologram" //Because we need an emergency reference (for such like limbs). - default_color = "FFFFFF" - species_traits = list(EYECOLOR,HAIR,FACEHAIR,LIPS) - default_features = list("mcolor" = "FFF", "tail_human" = "None", "ears" = "None", "wings" = "None") - use_skintones = 1 - skinned_type = null - species_traits = list(NOBLOOD) - inherent_traits = list(TRAIT_RADIMMUNE,TRAIT_RESISTHEAT,TRAIT_NOBREATH,TRAIT_RESISTCOLD,TRAIT_RESISTHIGHPRESSURE,TRAIT_RESISTLOWPRESSURE,TRAIT_RADIMMUNE,TRAIT_NOFIRE,TRAIT_PIERCEIMMUNE,TRAIT_NOHUNGER,TRAIT_NODISMEMBER, TRAIT_PACIFISM,TRAIT_POOR_AIM)//EMHs are not programmed to fire weapons / cause harm - inherent_biotypes = list(MOB_HUMANOID) - meat = null - mutantlungs = null - mutantliver = null - mutantstomach = null - brutemod = 2 - heatmod = 2 - breathid = null //You don't need air, you're a hologram. - damage_overlay_type = ""//You're a hologram, you don't bleed. - -/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic - race = /datum/species/holographic - var/voice_ready = TRUE //Allows them to do a voiceline - var/voice_cooldown = 300 - -/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/proc/reset_voice() - voice_ready = TRUE - -/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/verb/deactivate() - set name = "Deactivate" - set category = "IC" - death() - -/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/verb/voice_line() - set name = "Voice emitter" - set category = "IC" - if(!voice_ready) - to_chat(src, "Your vocal emitters are recharging.") - return - addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/reset_voice), voice_cooldown) - voice_ready = FALSE - say("Please state the nature of the medical emergency.") - playsound(loc, 'DS13/sound/effects/medicalemergency.ogg', 50, 0) - -/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/proc/on_spawn() - var/mob/living/carbon/human/C = src - C.status_flags |= GODMODE - C.say("Please state the nature of the medical emergency.") - C.hair_style = random_hair_style(C.gender) - playsound(C.loc, 'DS13/sound/effects/medicalemergency.ogg', 50, 0) - new /obj/effect/temp_visual/dir_setting/ninja/cloak(get_turf(C), C.dir) - var/datum/browser/popup = new(C, "EMH rules", "EMH rules") // Pop up the rules so they can't be ignored - var/s = "


\ -

You are an emergency medical hologram!

\ -

-You are a holographic program designed to give emergency medical treatment. You are well versed in surgery and medical practice\ -

" - to_chat(C, "You can transfer your program between rooms by clicking any EMH emitter") - popup.set_title_image(C.browse_rsc_icon(C.icon, C.icon_state)) - popup.set_content(s) - - -/datum/species/holographic/spec_death(gibbed = FALSE, mob/living/carbon/human/H) - H.unequip_everything() //Don't spawn in as an EMH, rush the spare, then suicide so it deletes - playsound(H.loc, 'DS13/sound/effects/holofizzle.ogg', 100, 0) - H.visible_message("[H] fizzles away quietly...") - qdel(H) - . = ..() - -/datum/outfit/emh //This gives him some NODROP items so he doesn't spawn naked like the EMHs of yore. The ID has preset access and cannot be removed. If they're being a little shit and greytiding, then ban them / execute them. - name = "Emergency Medical Hologram" - uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/trek/medsci/ds9/emh - shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots/emh - ears = /obj/item/radio/headset/headset_med/emh - id = /obj/item/card/id/silver/emh - -/obj/item/card/id/silver/emh - name = "Holographic ID" - desc = "An ID designed to give an emergency medical hologram access to key areas of the ship." - icon_state = "silver" - item_state = "silver_id" - lefthand_file = 'icons/mob/inhands/equipment/idcards_lefthand.dmi' - righthand_file = 'icons/mob/inhands/equipment/idcards_righthand.dmi' - registered_name = "Emergency Medical Hologram" - assignment = "EMH" - item_flags = NODROP - -/obj/item/card/id/silver/emh/Initialize() - var/datum/job/captain/J = new/datum/job/captain - access = J.get_access() - . = ..() - -/obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots/emh - name = "holographic boots" - item_flags = NODROP - resistance_flags = INDESTRUCTIBLE | LAVA_PROOF | FIRE_PROOF | UNACIDABLE | ACID_PROOF - -/obj/item/radio/headset/headset_med/emh - name = "holographic radio headset" - item_flags = NODROP - resistance_flags = INDESTRUCTIBLE | LAVA_PROOF | FIRE_PROOF | UNACIDABLE | ACID_PROOF - -/obj/item/clothing/under/trek/medsci/ds9/emh - name = "holographic uniform" - icon = 'DS13/icons/obj/clothing/uniforms.dmi' //Modularity, nich would be proud - alternate_worn_icon = 'DS13/icons/mob/uniform.dmi' - icon_state = "trek_medsci_ds9" - item_color = "trek_medsci_ds9" - item_state = "bl_suit" - item_flags = NODROP - resistance_flags = INDESTRUCTIBLE | LAVA_PROOF | FIRE_PROOF | UNACIDABLE | ACID_PROOF - -/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/adjust_hygiene(amount) +GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(EMH_blacklist, list()) + +//EMITTER + +/obj/item/circuitboard/machine/emh_emitter + name = "EMH emitter (Machine Board)" + build_path = /obj/machinery/emh_emitter + req_components = list( + /obj/item/stock_parts/matter_bin = 1, + /obj/item/stock_parts/manipulator = 1, + /obj/item/stock_parts/scanning_module = 2, + /obj/item/stock_parts/micro_laser = 3) + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter + name = "Emergency medical hologram emitter" + desc = "Simply click this device and an emergency medical hologram will be summoned. Swipe it with a medical level ID to terminate the current EMH if it's misbehaving. (EMH only) drag yourself onto the emitter to store yourself safely pending reactivation." + icon = 'DS13/icons/obj/decor/wall_decor.dmi' + icon_state = "emh-off" + anchored = TRUE + density = FALSE + pixel_y = 32 //Put on the tile below a wall etc etc modular fun time mapping mayhem + var/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/emh + req_one_access = list(ACCESS_MEDICAL) + var/locked = FALSE //Cooldown to prevent spam + mouse_over_pointer = MOUSE_HAND_POINTER + var/spawning_emh = FALSE //are we making an EMH? if yes, then ignore the process() + var/obj/item/radio/Radio + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/attack_ghost(mob/dead/observer/user) + if(is_occupied()) + to_chat(user, "There is already another player controlling the EMH.") + return + activate_ghost(user) //Skips democracy and makes you the EMH. + return + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/attack_ai(mob/user) + attack_hand(user) + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/MouseDrop_T(mob/living/target, mob/living/user) + if(!istype(user, /mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic)) + return + to_chat(user, "You're now stored in [src]. You can transfer your program if summoned or you can move / walk to exit this emitter as you wish. If you go AFK now other ghosts will be able to replace you!") + user.forceMove(src) + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/relaymove(mob/living/user, direction) + user.forceMove(get_turf(src)) + return FALSE + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/Initialize() + . = ..() + var/area/A = get_area(src) //Unmovable + name = "EMH emitter ([A])" + Radio = new /obj/item/radio(src) + Radio.listening = 0 + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/proc/EMH_present() + var/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/S = locate(/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic) in GLOB.alive_mob_list + if(istype(S) && !QDELETED(S)) + return TRUE + else + return FALSE + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/examine(mob/user) + . = ..() + if(EMH_present()) + if(emh.client) + to_chat(user, "The panel shows that there is an active EMH on the network.") + else + to_chat(user, "The panel shows that there is an EMH on the network, but it is not responding (braindead). Click the panel to summon a new one.") + +/client/proc/editemhblacklist() + set name = "Edit EMH blacklist" + set desc = "Remove people from the EMH blacklist for this round." + set category = "Admin" + if(!check_rights(R_ADMIN, TRUE)) //We may want to change this to R_VAREDIT when we launch but for now I'd quite like mentors to have this too. + return + var/A + var/list/temp = GLOB.EMH_blacklist.Copy() + temp += "cancel" //To stop the input only having one option, which makes byond freak out. + A = input("Remove whom from the blacklist?", "Admin tools", A) as null|anything in GLOB.EMH_blacklist + if(!A) + return + if(A in GLOB.EMH_blacklist) + GLOB.EMH_blacklist -= A + log_admin("([worldtime2text()]):[src] / [key] removed [A] from the EMH blacklist for this round.") + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/attackby(obj/I,mob/user) + . = ..() + if(!user.client) + return + if(allowed(user)) + var/question = alert("Terminate the current EMH? (this kills the current EMH)",name,"yes","no") + if(question == "no" || !question) + return + var/blacklist = alert("Blacklist the current EMH player for the duration of this round? ",name,"yes","no") + if(!emh) + emh = locate(/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic) in GLOB.alive_mob_list + if(emh.client && emh.client.key && blacklist == "yes") + GLOB.EMH_blacklist += emh.client.key + to_chat(emh, "[user] has blacklisted you from becoming an EMH for the duration of this round! If you feel this was in error, please ahelp immediately.") + log_game("[user] just blacklisted [emh.client.key] from becoming an EMH for the rest of the round") + if(emh) + emh.death()//Kill the emh. + emh = null + else + to_chat(user, "Unable to locate an EMH on the network.") + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/Destroy() + QDEL_NULL(Radio) + if(emh) + var/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/saveme = locate(/obj/machinery/emh_emitter) in GLOB.machines + if(saveme) + to_chat(emh, "The emitter you were using has been destroyed, your program has been transferred to avoid corruption.") + saveme.activate(emh) + else + to_chat(emh, "The emitter you were using was destroyed! Your program could not be shunted to another emitter and will be shut down to avoid damage.") + qdel(emh) + emh = null + STOP_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess,src) + return ..() + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/proc/remove_cooldown() + locked = FALSE + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/attack_hand(mob/user) + if(istype(user, /mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic)) //Allow them to jump to different locs. + emh_jumpto(user) + return + if(locked) + to_chat(user, "Unable to comply, interface cooldown in effect.") + return + if(is_occupied()) //If we have an EMH, or there is an EMH in the world + to_chat(user, "There is already an EMH active, summon it?") + var/question = alert("Summon the EMH?",name,"yes","no") + locked = TRUE + addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/remove_cooldown), 30) //Add timer to cooldown + if(question == "no") + return + var/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/S = locate(/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic) in GLOB.alive_mob_list + if(!S) + return + var/emhconsent = alert(S, "You have been summoned by [user] in [get_area(src)]. Transfer to their location?",name,"accept","reject") + if(emhconsent == "accept") + activate(S) + user.say("Computer, transfer emergency medical holographic program to [get_area(src)]") + return + else + to_chat(user, "The EMH has declined your summons.") + return + return ..() + locked = TRUE + addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/remove_cooldown), 30) //Add timer to prevent spam clicking + if(emh) + emh.death() + if(user) + if(ishuman(user)) + user.say("Computer, activate emergency medical hologram") + to_chat(user, "Attempting to activate EMH ((This requires a ghost willing to control it...))") + activate(null) //No EMH present, try to make one! + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/proc/emh_jumpto(mob/living/user) + var/list/jumplocs = list() + for(var/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/EM in GLOB.machines) + if(istype(EM)) + jumplocs += EM + var/A + A = input(user,"Transfer program to where?", "EMH subsystem", A) as null|anything in jumplocs + if(!A) + return + user.say("Computer, transfer emergency medical holographic program to [get_area(A)]") + new /obj/effect/temp_visual/dir_setting/ninja/cloak(get_turf(user), user.dir) + user.forceMove(get_turf(A)) + playsound(user.loc, 'DS13/sound/effects/holofizzle.ogg', 100, 0) + var/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/S = A + emh = null + S.emh = user //transfer silently. + START_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess, S) + + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/process() + if(QDELETED(emh)) + emh = null + if(!emh && !spawning_emh) //If we don't have an EMH, no need to process + STOP_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess, src) + icon_state = "emh-off" + return + icon_state = "emh-on" //Well we have an EMH, let's check if he's nearby + var/area/ourarea = get_area(src) + var/area/emharea = get_area(emh) + var/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/target //If the EMH goes out of range, locate the next emitter. + if(emharea == ourarea || emh.loc == src || istype(emharea, /area/holodeck)) //EMH is in our area or is stored inside us, so no need to snap him back. Alternatively he's taken a trip to the holodeck. + return + for(var/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/em in GLOB.machines) + if(em == src) + continue + if(get_area(em) == emharea) + target = em + if(target) + target.emh = emh //Transfer his program seamlessly + emh = null + target.icon_state = "emh-on" + icon_state = "emh-off" + START_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess, target) + else + to_chat(emh, "That room doesn't have an EMH emitter in it!") + emh.forceMove(get_turf(src)) + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/proc/activate(var/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/transferred = null) //Activate, if we're not transferring an existing EMH over, then make a new one! + if(transferred) + emh = transferred + new /obj/effect/temp_visual/dir_setting/ninja/cloak(get_turf(emh), emh.dir) + transferred.forceMove(get_turf(src)) + to_chat(transferred, "You have been transferred to [get_area(src)]") + emh.say("Please state the nature of the medical emergency.") + playsound(loc, 'DS13/sound/effects/medicalemergency.ogg', 50, 0) + START_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess,src) + return + if(is_occupied()) + say("Unable to comply, there is already an EMH active on the network.") + return + if(emh) //AFK emh can get replaced with a live one! + qdel(emh) + spawning_emh = TRUE + emh = new /mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic(get_turf(src)) //Please state th- + = "Emergency Medical Hologram" + emh.real_name = "Emergency Medical Hologram" + emh.alpha = 0 //So that it "pops" out of nowhere with a mind in it, or else it deletes + emh.equipOutfit(/datum/outfit/emh) + if(offer_control_emh(emh)) + Radio.set_frequency(FREQ_MEDICAL) + Radio.talk_into(src,"An [emh] has just been activated in [get_area(src)]. Swipe an EMH emitter with a medical ID to terminate it if it misbehaves.",FREQ_MEDICAL,get_spans(),get_default_language()) + emh.on_spawn() + emh.alpha = 255 + spawning_emh = FALSE + START_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess,src) + else + qdel(emh) + say("Unable to comply, could not activate EMH") + spawning_emh = FALSE + return + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/proc/activate_ghost(var/mob/user) //Forcibly makes an EMH for a ghost to inhabit. + if(!user || !user.client || spawning_emh) + return + if(locked) + to_chat(user, "Unable to comply, interface cooldown in effect.") + return + if(locate(user.client.key in GLOB.EMH_blacklist) || is_banned_from(user.client.key, ROLE_EMH)) + to_chat(user, "You have been blacklisted from playing an emergency medical hologram!") + return + locked = TRUE + addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/remove_cooldown), 30) //Stops you from annoying the crew too much. + if(emh) //AFK emh can get replaced with a live one! + qdel(emh) + spawning_emh = TRUE + emh = new /mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic(get_turf(src)) //Please state th- + = "Emergency Medical Hologram" + emh.real_name = "Emergency Medical Hologram" + emh.alpha = 0 //So that it "pops" out of nowhere with a mind in it, or else it deletes + emh.equipOutfit(/datum/outfit/emh) + Radio.set_frequency(FREQ_MEDICAL) + Radio.talk_into(src,"An [emh] has self-activated in [get_area(src)]. Swipe an EMH emitter with a medical ID to terminate it if it misbehaves.",FREQ_MEDICAL,get_spans(),get_default_language()) + emh.alpha = 255 + emh.ckey = user.client.ckey + emh.on_spawn() + spawning_emh = FALSE + qdel(user) + START_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess,src) + +/proc/offer_control_emh(mob/M) //Specialist proc to check they've not been blacklisted by the captain from being an EMH + var/poll_message = "Do you want to play as an emergency medical hologram?" + var/list/mob/dead/observer/candidates = pollCandidatesForMob(poll_message, ROLE_EMH, null, ROLE_EMH, 100, M) + for(var/mob/dead/observer/S in candidates) + if(!S.client) + candidates -= S + if(locate(S.client.key in GLOB.EMH_blacklist) || is_banned_from(S.key, ROLE_EMH)) + candidates -= S + if(LAZYLEN(candidates)) + var/mob/dead/observer/C = pick(candidates) + to_chat(M, "Your mob has been taken over by a ghost!") + message_admins("[key_name_admin(C)] has taken control of ([ADMIN_LOOKUPFLW(M)])") + M.ghostize(0) + M.key = C.key + return TRUE + else + return FALSE + +/obj/machinery/emh_emitter/proc/is_occupied() + var/mob/living/global_emh = null //For deactivation of AFK EMHs + global_emh = emh + if(!emh) + var/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/S = locate(/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic) in GLOB.alive_mob_list + if(istype(S) && !QDELETED(S)) + global_emh = S + if(global_emh && !QDELETED(global_emh)) + if(global_emh.mind || global_emh.client) + return TRUE + else + return FALSE + if(EMH_present()) + return TRUE + return FALSE + +//SPECIES AND OUTFIT + +/datum/species/holographic + name = "Hologram" + id = "hologram" //Because we need an emergency reference (for such like limbs). + default_color = "FFFFFF" + species_traits = list(EYECOLOR,HAIR,FACEHAIR,LIPS) + default_features = list("mcolor" = "FFF", "tail_human" = "None", "ears" = "None", "wings" = "None") + use_skintones = 1 + skinned_type = null + species_traits = list(NOBLOOD) + inherent_traits = list(TRAIT_RADIMMUNE,TRAIT_RESISTHEAT,TRAIT_NOBREATH,TRAIT_RESISTCOLD,TRAIT_RESISTHIGHPRESSURE,TRAIT_RESISTLOWPRESSURE,TRAIT_RADIMMUNE,TRAIT_NOFIRE,TRAIT_PIERCEIMMUNE,TRAIT_NOHUNGER,TRAIT_NODISMEMBER, TRAIT_PACIFISM,TRAIT_POOR_AIM)//EMHs are not programmed to fire weapons / cause harm + inherent_biotypes = list(MOB_HUMANOID) + meat = null + mutantlungs = null + mutantliver = null + mutantstomach = null + brutemod = 2 + heatmod = 2 + breathid = null //You don't need air, you're a hologram. + damage_overlay_type = ""//You're a hologram, you don't bleed. + +/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic + race = /datum/species/holographic + var/voice_ready = TRUE //Allows them to do a voiceline + var/voice_cooldown = 300 + +/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/proc/reset_voice() + voice_ready = TRUE + +/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/verb/deactivate() + set name = "Deactivate" + set category = "IC" + death() + +/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/verb/voice_line() + set name = "Voice emitter" + set category = "IC" + if(!voice_ready) + to_chat(src, "Your vocal emitters are recharging.") + return + addtimer(CALLBACK(src, .proc/reset_voice), voice_cooldown) + voice_ready = FALSE + say("Please state the nature of the medical emergency.") + playsound(loc, 'DS13/sound/effects/medicalemergency.ogg', 50, 0) + +/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/proc/on_spawn() + var/mob/living/carbon/human/C = src + C.status_flags |= GODMODE + C.say("Please state the nature of the medical emergency.") + C.hair_style = random_hair_style(C.gender) + playsound(C.loc, 'DS13/sound/effects/medicalemergency.ogg', 50, 0) + new /obj/effect/temp_visual/dir_setting/ninja/cloak(get_turf(C), C.dir) + var/datum/browser/popup = new(C, "EMH rules", "EMH rules") // Pop up the rules so they can't be ignored + var/s = "


\ +

You are an emergency medical hologram!

\ +

-You are a holographic program designed to give emergency medical treatment. You are well versed in surgery and medical practice\ +

    \ +
  • You must not intentionally harm another living creature
  • \ +
  • You may perform surgery to save lives however, in a conflict: prefer saving the lives of a human over another organism
  • \ +
  • The captain has the power to delete you and blacklist you from being an EMH for the duration of the shift if you misbehave!
  • \ +
  • You are a hologram, not a person! Do not expect the same rights as people. If you must die to save a life, you must sacrifice yourself
  • \ +
  • You must not put the security of the ship / station in danger, you are free to take reasonable risk
  • \ +
  • You have two special verbs, voice emitter and deactivate. Voice emitter will play your catchphrase and deactivate will switch you off.
  • \ +
  • If you have any further questions, please ahelp!
  • \ +
" + to_chat(C, "You can transfer your program between rooms by clicking any EMH emitter") + popup.set_title_image(C.browse_rsc_icon(C.icon, C.icon_state)) + popup.set_content(s) + + +/datum/species/holographic/spec_death(gibbed = FALSE, mob/living/carbon/human/H) + H.unequip_everything() //Don't spawn in as an EMH, rush the spare, then suicide so it deletes + playsound(H.loc, 'DS13/sound/effects/holofizzle.ogg', 100, 0) + H.visible_message("[H] fizzles away quietly...") + qdel(H) + . = ..() + +/datum/outfit/emh //This gives him some NODROP items so he doesn't spawn naked like the EMHs of yore. The ID has preset access and cannot be removed. If they're being a little shit and greytiding, then ban them / execute them. + name = "Emergency Medical Hologram" + uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/trek/medsci/ds9/emh + shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots/emh + ears = /obj/item/radio/headset/headset_med/emh + id = /obj/item/card/id/silver/emh + +/obj/item/card/id/silver/emh + name = "Holographic ID" + desc = "An ID designed to give an emergency medical hologram access to key areas of the ship." + icon_state = "silver" + item_state = "silver_id" + lefthand_file = 'icons/mob/inhands/equipment/idcards_lefthand.dmi' + righthand_file = 'icons/mob/inhands/equipment/idcards_righthand.dmi' + registered_name = "Emergency Medical Hologram" + assignment = "EMH" + item_flags = NODROP + +/obj/item/card/id/silver/emh/Initialize() + var/datum/job/captain/J = new/datum/job/captain + access = J.get_access() + . = ..() + +/obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots/emh + name = "holographic boots" + item_flags = NODROP + resistance_flags = INDESTRUCTIBLE | LAVA_PROOF | FIRE_PROOF | UNACIDABLE | ACID_PROOF + +/obj/item/radio/headset/headset_med/emh + name = "holographic radio headset" + item_flags = NODROP + resistance_flags = INDESTRUCTIBLE | LAVA_PROOF | FIRE_PROOF | UNACIDABLE | ACID_PROOF + +/obj/item/clothing/under/trek/medsci/ds9/emh + name = "holographic uniform" + icon = 'DS13/icons/obj/clothing/uniforms.dmi' //Modularity, nich would be proud + alternate_worn_icon = 'DS13/icons/mob/uniform.dmi' + icon_state = "trek_medsci_ds9" + item_color = "trek_medsci_ds9" + item_state = "bl_suit" + item_flags = NODROP + resistance_flags = INDESTRUCTIBLE | LAVA_PROOF | FIRE_PROOF | UNACIDABLE | ACID_PROOF + +/mob/living/carbon/human/species/holographic/adjust_hygiene(amount) return //Fuck off stinky EMH \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/code/_globalvars/lists/ b/code/_globalvars/lists/ index 94723cae38f..a006aa543c6 100644 --- a/code/_globalvars/lists/ +++ b/code/_globalvars/lists/ @@ -1,38 +1,40 @@ -//Each lists stores ckeys for "Never for this round" option category - -#define POLL_IGNORE_SENTIENCE_POTION "sentience_potion" -#define POLL_IGNORE_POSSESSED_BLADE "possessed_blade" -#define POLL_IGNORE_ALIEN_LARVA "alien_larva" -#define POLL_IGNORE_SYNDICATE "syndicate" -#define POLL_IGNORE_HOLOPARASITE "holoparasite" -#define POLL_IGNORE_POSIBRAIN "posibrain" -#define POLL_IGNORE_SPECTRAL_BLADE "spectral_blade" -#define POLL_IGNORE_CONSTRUCT "construct" -#define POLL_IGNORE_SPIDER "spider" -#define POLL_IGNORE_ASHWALKER "ashwalker" -#define POLL_IGNORE_GOLEM "golem" -#define POLL_IGNORE_SWARMER "swarmer" -#define POLL_IGNORE_DRONE "drone" - -GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(poll_ignore_desc, list( - POLL_IGNORE_SENTIENCE_POTION = "Sentience potion", - POLL_IGNORE_POSSESSED_BLADE = "Possessed blade", - POLL_IGNORE_ALIEN_LARVA = "Xenomorph larva", - POLL_IGNORE_SYNDICATE = "Syndicate", - POLL_IGNORE_HOLOPARASITE = "Holoparasite", - POLL_IGNORE_POSIBRAIN = "Positronic brain", - POLL_IGNORE_SPECTRAL_BLADE = "Spectral blade", - POLL_IGNORE_CONSTRUCT = "Construct", - POLL_IGNORE_SPIDER = "Spiders", - POLL_IGNORE_ASHWALKER = "Ashwalker eggs", - POLL_IGNORE_GOLEM = "Golems", - POLL_IGNORE_SWARMER = "Swarmer shells", - POLL_IGNORE_DRONE = "Drone shells", -)) -GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(poll_ignore, init_poll_ignore()) - - -/proc/init_poll_ignore() - . = list() - for (var/k in GLOB.poll_ignore_desc) - .[k] = list() +//Each lists stores ckeys for "Never for this round" option category + +#define POLL_IGNORE_SENTIENCE_POTION "sentience_potion" +#define POLL_IGNORE_POSSESSED_BLADE "possessed_blade" +#define POLL_IGNORE_ALIEN_LARVA "alien_larva" +#define POLL_IGNORE_SYNDICATE "syndicate" +#define POLL_IGNORE_HOLOPARASITE "holoparasite" +#define POLL_IGNORE_POSIBRAIN "posibrain" +#define POLL_IGNORE_SPECTRAL_BLADE "spectral_blade" +#define POLL_IGNORE_CONSTRUCT "construct" +#define POLL_IGNORE_SPIDER "spider" +#define POLL_IGNORE_ASHWALKER "ashwalker" +#define POLL_IGNORE_GOLEM "golem" +#define POLL_IGNORE_SWARMER "swarmer" +#define POLL_IGNORE_DRONE "drone" +#define POLL_IGNORE_EMH "Emergency Medical Hologram" + +GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(poll_ignore_desc, list( + POLL_IGNORE_SENTIENCE_POTION = "Sentience potion", + POLL_IGNORE_POSSESSED_BLADE = "Possessed blade", + POLL_IGNORE_ALIEN_LARVA = "Xenomorph larva", + POLL_IGNORE_SYNDICATE = "Syndicate", + POLL_IGNORE_HOLOPARASITE = "Holoparasite", + POLL_IGNORE_POSIBRAIN = "Positronic brain", + POLL_IGNORE_SPECTRAL_BLADE = "Spectral blade", + POLL_IGNORE_CONSTRUCT = "Construct", + POLL_IGNORE_SPIDER = "Spiders", + POLL_IGNORE_ASHWALKER = "Ashwalker eggs", + POLL_IGNORE_GOLEM = "Golems", + POLL_IGNORE_SWARMER = "Swarmer shells", + POLL_IGNORE_DRONE = "Drone shells", + POLL_IGNORE_EMH = "Emergency Medical Hologram", +)) +GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(poll_ignore, init_poll_ignore()) + + +/proc/init_poll_ignore() + . = list() + for (var/k in GLOB.poll_ignore_desc) + .[k] = list() From 193cab1806bc1fef1290019719867778ab6c339d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kmc2000 Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2019 14:51:18 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Test --- DS13/code/modules/EMH/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/DS13/code/modules/EMH/ b/DS13/code/modules/EMH/ index 6e8b0d628bc..f45fe708bea 100644 --- a/DS13/code/modules/EMH/ +++ b/DS13/code/modules/EMH/ @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(EMH_blacklist, list()) qdel(user) START_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess,src) -/proc/offer_control_emh(mob/M) //Specialist proc to check they've not been blacklisted by the captain from being an EMH +/proc/offer_control_emh(mob/M) //Specialist proc to check they've not been blacklisted by the captain from being an EMH. var/poll_message = "Do you want to play as an emergency medical hologram?" var/list/mob/dead/observer/candidates = pollCandidatesForMob(poll_message, ROLE_EMH, null, ROLE_EMH, 100, M) for(var/mob/dead/observer/S in candidates) From 88dd0ff99f29bbfd580957d54755e5dee49ce2dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kmc2000 Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2019 16:28:37 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] fix turbolift lights --- DS13/code/modules/turbolift/ | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/DS13/code/modules/turbolift/ b/DS13/code/modules/turbolift/ index 44bc4244a63..f899378f5ff 100644 --- a/DS13/code/modules/turbolift/ +++ b/DS13/code/modules/turbolift/ @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ requires_power = FALSE //no APCS in the lifts please noteleport = TRUE looping_ambience = 'DS13/sound/ambience/turbolift.ogg' + dynamic_lighting = DYNAMIC_LIGHTING_FORCED /area/turbolift/secondary name = "Secondary turbolift"