bundle exec rake
Dependencies: The Chrome and chromedriver need to be installed for the feature tests. Alternatively, install the chromium and chromium-chromedriver for smaller footprint.
To run the Ruby specs
bundle exec rspec
To run the Javascript specs
bundle exec yarn spec
It's best to lint just your app directories and not those belonging to the framework, e.g.
bundle exec rubocop app config db lib spec Gemfile --format clang -a
You can automatically run the Ruby linter on commit for any changed files with
the following pre-commit hook .git/hooks/pre-commit
if [ "x$SKIPLINT" == "x" ]; then
exec bundle exec rubocop $(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACM | egrep '\.rb|\.feature|\.rake' | grep -v 'db/schema.rb') Gemfile
Prettier is used for code formatting. ESLint is used for static analysis of JavaScript code quality. It is configured to ignore stylistic rules that conflict with Prettier, and uses the JavaScript Standard style.
To list any violations in the project's JavaScript:
yarn js-lint
To automatically fix any violations. Any violations that cannot be automatically fixed will be listed in the output (note: this will overwrite any file that needs formatting):
yarn js-lint-fix
StyleLint is used for CSS linting, it uses the GDS Stylelint Config.
To lint the ./app/webpacker/styles
# Run StyleLint
yarn scss-lint
# Automatically fix, where possible, violations reported by rules
yarn scss-lint --fix