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File metadata and controls

73 lines (49 loc) · 2.43 KB



The application has 3 extra Rails environments, in addition to the default 3.

  1. development - used for local development
  2. test - used for running the test suites in an isolated manner
  3. production - the 'live' production copy of the application
  4. rolling - 'production-like' - continuously delivered, reflects current master
  5. preprod - 'production-like' - stage before release to final production
  6. pagespeed - 'production-like' - pipes page speed metrics to Prometheus on boot

NOTE: It is important if checking for the production environment to also check for other 'production-like' environments unless you really intend to only check for production, ie.

if Rails.env.rolling? || Rails.env.preprod? || Rails.production?

Public Configuration

First its worth mentioning that all config from production.rb is inherited by both rolling.rb, preprod.rb and pagespeed.rb so separate configuration may not be required.

Publicly visible Environment Variables can be added to the relevant .env files for each environment

  1. /.env.production
  2. /.env.rolling
  3. /.env.preprod

Private Configuration - ie secrets

All secrets are stored in Azure keyvaults. You can use the Makefile to view/edit secrets:

az login
make test edit-app-secrets
make test print-app-secrets

To setup the local environment with secrets you need to run:

az login
make local setup-local-env

This will populate .env.development with local development secrets. It also combines any non-secret environment variables from .env.development.yml.

HTTP Basic authentication

The app uses HTTP Basic authentication for three purposes:

  • To restrict access (site-wide) to any of the production-like environments (except production itself).

  • To restrict access to the /internal/ path, which is not intended for public use. Access is granted to users with either a publisher or author role (see ./lib/user.rb). The publisher user type has elevated permissions.

  • To restrict access to the /teacher-training-advisers/feedbacks portal used for exporting feedback submissions. The feedback user type has access to this functionalityl

Users are stored as comma separated list in the following format:


If a user does not require a role (site-wide authentication), the role credential can be omitted:
