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DfE School Experience

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Legacy documentation is available on Confluence; whilst some of this is still relevant its largely only useful as a historical reference.

Confluence Development page

We also have markdown pages within the doc folder of this git repo


  • Ruby 3.1.4 - easiest with rbenv and ruby-build
    • brew install rbenv
    • brew install ruby-build
    • rbenv install 3.1.4
  • Bundler 2.3.10 - gem install bundler --version 2.3.10
  • PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension
    • brew install postgis
    • brew services start postgresql
  • Redis
    • brew install redis
    • brew services start redis
  • NodeJS 18.x
  • Yarn
  • Chrome (for javascript tests in Cucumber)

Setting up the app in development

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Check your dependencies
  3. ruby -v
  4. node -v
  5. bundler -v
  6. yarn -v
  7. Run bundle install to install ruby dependencies
  8. Run npx yarn to install node dependencies
  9. Run bin/rails db:setup to set up the database development and test schemas, and seed with test data.
  10. If you don't wish to use the first available Redis Database, set the REDIS_URL, eg in the .env file
  11. Create SSL certificates - bundle exec rake dev:ssl:generate
  12. Get a copy of .env.local from another team member
  13. Run rspec to run the spec tests.
  14. Run cucumber to run the cucumber tests.
  15. Run yarn spec to run the Javascript tests.
  16. Run rails s to launch the app on https://localhost:3000.
  17. If running with RAILS_ENV=production, Sidekiq is needed for background job processing a. running bundle exec sidekiq --config config/sidekiq.yml will start a Sidekiq Worker

If Chrome give a certificates error and will not let you proceed

  1. Add the Root Certificate to macOS Keychain

    Via the CLI

    Run sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain config/ssl/localhost.crt

    Via the UI

    1. Double click on ./config/ssl/localhost.crt
    2. Right click and select "Get Info"
    3. Open "Trust" Panel
    4. Change "When using this certificate" to "Always Trust"
  2. Reload the webpage

  3. Open the "Advanced" pane at the bottom

  4. Click "Proceed to website"

Whats included in this App?

  • Rails 7 app with Shakapacker
  • SassC (replacement for deprecated sass-rails)
  • GOV.UK Frontend
  • GOV.UK Lint
  • Autoprefixer rails
  • RSpec
  • Cucumber
  • Dotenv (managing environment variables)
  • Dockerfile to package app for deployment
  • GOV.UK terraform files

Getting started

  1. The Get school experience service (the candidate facing part), is publicly available but you'll need to setup School profiles to search for school.
    1. That can be done from the Manage school experience service
  2. The Manage school experience service requires a DfE Sign In account attached to a School. You can sign up for an account from the login page, but you'll need to get the DfE Sign-in team to approve you for a school.


It's best to lint just your app directories and not those belonging to the framework, e.g.

bundle exec rubocop app config lib features spec

You can copy the script/pre-commit to .git/hooks/pre-commit and git will then lint check your commits prior to committing.

Configuring the application

This can be controlled from various environment variables, see Env Vars for more information.

Monitoring health and deployment version

There is a JSON /healthcheck endpoint which will verify connectivity to each of the service dependencies to confirm whether the service is healthy.

The endpoint also includes the git commit SHA of the codebase deployed as well as a copy of the DEPLOYMENT_ID to allow checking when the deployed version has changed. This is retrieved from the following environment variable.

DEPLOYMENT_ID - identifier for the current deployment.

Feature flags

We store feature flags in a JSON config (./feature-flags.json), so that flags are visible across all environments.

To add a feature flag, add an object to the features array in the following format. The name key is used to enable the feature (e.g., Feature.enabled? :sms)

  "features": [
      "name": "sms",
      "description": "Sends reminder text messages",
      "enabled_for": {
        "environments": ["production", "staging"]

This config is read into a dashboard available at /feature_flags in any of the non-production environments.


If you have plenty of cpu cores, it is faster to run tests with parallel_tests

  1. Create the databases - bundle exec rake parallel:create
  2. Copy the schema over from the main database - bundle exec rake parallel:prepare
  3. Run RSpecs - bundle exec rake parallel:spec
  4. Run Cucumber features - bundle exec rake parallel:features

Feature tests in headed mode

To run feature tests in a headed configuration for easier troubleshooting, add an .env.test.local file to the root of the project with the following environment variable:


Common issues running tests

  1. If you find your tests are failing with a notice about application.css not being declared to be precompiled in production, run the following command
rake tmp:clear
  1. IF you find your tests are failing with a notice about Failure/Error: require File.expand_path('../config/environment', __dir__) you will need to make sure you have an instance of Redis running a simple way to do this in a separate terminal is to run the following command
brew services start redis

