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ROS [rclpy, rclcpp] 디펜던시 설명

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ROS 노드 만드는 4단계

  1. Initialization (초기화)
  2. Create one or more ROS nodes (최소 한개의 ROS 노드 만들기)
  3. Process node callbacks (콜백 만들기, 그냥 코드짜기)
  4. Shutdown (노드가 종료되었을때 뒷자리도 깔끔해야한다.)

1. 초기화

Inititalization is done by calling init() for a particular Context. This must be done before any ROS nodes can be created. 노드 만들기전에 초기화 (초기설정) 을 해줘야 한다. 관련 코드

rclpy.init(*, args=None, context=None)

Initialize ROS communications for a given context.

1. args (Optional[List[str]]) – List of command line arguments.
2. context (Optional[Context]) – The context to initialize. If None, then the default context is used (see get_default_context()).

2. 최소 한개의 ROS 노드 만들기

Creating a ROS node is done by calling create_node() or by instantiating a Node. A node can be used to create common ROS entities like publishers, subscriptions, services, and actions.

관련 코드

rclpy.create_node(node_name, *, context=None, cli_args=None, namespace=None, use_global_arguments=True, start_parameter_services=True, parameter_overrides=None, allow_undeclared_parameters=False, automatically_declare_parameters_from_overrides=False)   
Create an instance of Node.

Parameters : 

   node_name (str) – A name to give to the node. 노드이름, ROS에서 이걸로 구분한다. 보통 이것만 설정

   context (Context) – The context to associated with the node, or None for the default global context.

   cli_args (List[str]) – Command line arguments to be used by the node. Being specific to a ROS node, an implicit –ros-args scope flag always precedes these arguments.

   namespace (str) – The namespace prefix to apply to entities associated with the node (node name, topics, etc).

   use_global_arguments (bool) – False if the node should ignore process-wide command line arguments.

   start_parameter_services (bool) – False if the node should not create parameter services.

   parameter_overrides (List[Parameter]) – A list of Parameter which are used to override the
                    initial values of parameters declared on this node.

   param allow_undeclared_parameters –
          if True undeclared parameters are allowed, default False. This option doesn’t affect parameter_overrides.

   automatically_declare_parameters_from_overrides (bool) – If True, the “parameter overrides” will be used to implicitly declare parameters on the node during creation, default False.

  Return type

      An instance of the newly created node.