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A Python script I wrote to translate a GeMS geodatabase to a GeoPackage. See notes in code for more info.
It could probably use some error handling and cleanup, but it works as-is.
### Andrew L. Wunderlich
### [email protected]
### 8/15/2022
### 1/20/2023 Updated to handle annotation by converting the
### "AnnotationPolygonFeatureClass" features to points
### 2/27/2023 Ported to ArcGIS Pro GeMS toolbox
### Converts a geodatabase to an OGC GeoPackage. The script
### creates a prefix for input classes within feature datasets
### and appends it to the output class name in the GeoPackage
### so that they sort together in the output. If the input
### database is a GeMS-style database, the prefixes are
### defined (e.g., "GeologicMap" = "GM", "CrossSectionA =
### "CSA", etc.)
### The script can only convert feature classes, tables, and
### raster datasets. Other types of datasets including
### geometric network, mosaic, network, parcel fabric, raster
### catalog, schematic, terrain, tin, and topology will not be
### translated. Relationship classes are also incompatible
### with this script.
### When adding to a toolbox:
### Name: TranslateToGeoPackage
### Label: Translate To GeoPackage
### Description: Translates a file geodatabase (gdb) to an OGC GeoPackage
### Script File: point to this file
### "Input database", as a Workspace (gdb to be converted)
### "Output folder" as a Folder (folder to write the GeoPackage)
import arcpy
import os
import sys
import GeMS_utilityFunctions as guf
### Set up workspace
### Use sys.argv[1] and sys.argv[2] when running script from toolbox
#inWorkspace = r"c:\temp\testing\input.gdb"
#outfolder = r"c:\temp\testing\geopackage"
inWorkspace = sys.argv[1]
outFolder = sys.argv[2]
### Set the workspace for reading the input features
arcpy.env.workspace = inWorkspace
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' Input workspace ' + inWorkspace, 0)
### Create an empty GeoPackage in the outFolder
arcpy.CreateSQLiteDatabase_management(outFolder + '/' + os.path.basename(inWorkspace)[:-4] + '.gpkg', 'GEOPACKAGE')
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' Output GeoPackage: ' + outFolder + '\\' + os.path.basename(inWorkspace)[:-4] + '.gpkg')
outWorkspace = outFolder + '/' + os.path.basename(inWorkspace)[:-4] + '.gpkg'
### Create an empty list of all input datasets (paths) that are successfully translated
translatedDatasets = []
### Create an empty list of all input datasets (paths) that do not exist in output
untranslatedDatasets = []
### Walk through input database, find ALL datasets, translate with new name based on source fds
### ALL datasets includes: Coverage, Feature, GeometricNetwork, Mosaic, Network, ParcelFabric,
### Raster, RasterCatalog, Schematic, Terrain, Tin, Table, and Topology
### This tool only converts Feature Classes, Rasters, Tables, and Annotation (Anno to points)
for root, dirs, datasets in arcpy.da.Walk(inWorkspace):
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ', 0)
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' Items within feature datasets:', 0)
for fds in dirs:
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' Feature dataset: ' + fds, 0)
for root2, dirs2, datasets2 in arcpy.da.Walk(fds):
for ds2 in datasets2:
desc = arcpy.Describe(os.path.join(root, root2, ds2))
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ' + desc.dataType + ' ' + os.path.join(ds2), 0)
### Try to translate the dataset to the target GeoPackage
### Test fds name here. Add additional elif statements to test for custom GeMS feature dataset names
### Use FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion and add fds prefix to the output name
if fds == 'GeologicMap':
fdsPfx = 'GM_'
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(ds2, outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2)
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...successfully translated to ' + os.path.join(os.path.basename(outWorkspace), fdsPfx + ds2), 0)
translatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2))
elif fds == 'CartographicElements':
fdsPfx = 'CE_'
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(ds2, outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2)
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...successfully translated to ' + os.path.join(os.path.basename(outWorkspace), fdsPfx + ds2), 0)
translatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2))
elif fds == 'CorrelationOfMapUnits':
fdsPfx = 'CMU_'
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(ds2, outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2)
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...successfully translated to ' + os.path.join(os.path.basename(outWorkspace), fdsPfx + ds2), 0)
translatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2))
elif fds == 'NaturalResourceMap':
fdsPfx = 'NRM_'
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(ds2, outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2)
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...successfully translated to ' + os.path.join(os.path.basename(outWorkspace), fdsPfx + ds2), 0)
translatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2))
### CrossSection is a special case, split the fds name and use the suffix to create the Geopackage class prefix
elif fds.rsplit('CrossSection')[0] == '':
### Get the CrossSection suffix
csSfx = fds.rsplit('CrossSection')[1]
fdsPfx = 'CS' + csSfx + '_'
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(ds2, outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2)
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...successfully translated to ' + os.path.join(os.path.basename(outWorkspace), fdsPfx + ds2), 0)
translatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2))
### If specific fds name not found, use the first 3 characters of the fds name
fdsPfx = fds[:3] + '_'
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(ds2, outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2)
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...successfully translated to ' + os.path.join(os.path.basename(outWorkspace), fdsPfx + ds2), 0)
translatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2))
### This happens if the script encounters any of the incompatible class types (topology, annotation, etc.)
if desc.dataType == 'FeatureClass':
### Added code here for Feature to Point to handle Annotation FCs
### The fdsPfx should already be set (happens just before the exception above occurs...), os.path.join(outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2 + "_POINTS"), "CENTROID")
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...successfully translated to ' + os.path.join(os.path.basename(outWorkspace), fdsPfx + ds2 + "_POINTS"), 0)
translatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(outWorkspace, fdsPfx + ds2 + "_POINTS"))
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...FAILED to translate ' + desc.featureType + desc.shapeType + desc.dataType + ' ' + ds2 + ' to ' + os.path.basename(outWorkspace), 1)
untranslatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(root, root2, ds2))
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...FAILED to translate ' + desc.dataType + ' ' + ds2 + ' to ' + os.path.basename(outWorkspace), 1)
untranslatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(root, root2, ds2))
### Look in the root of the database for stand-alone classes
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ', 0)
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' Stand-alone datasets (FCs, tables, rasters, etc.) in ' + inWorkspace + ':', 0)
for ds in datasets:
desc = arcpy.Describe(os.path.join(root, ds))
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ' + desc.dataType + ' ' + os.path.join(ds), 0)
### Try FeatureClass To FeatureClass conversion
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(ds, outWorkspace, ds)
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...successfully translated to ' + os.path.join(os.path.basename(outWorkspace), ds), 0)
translatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(outWorkspace, ds))
### NOTE: Previous version of tool ran Table try first. In that order, the script
### created a VAT for the raster with Value and Count fields AND copied the
### raster, however the VAT was always empty... Might need more testing...
#guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...FC to FC failed for ' + ds + '. Trying Table To Table...', 1)
### Try Add Raster to GeoPackage conversion
#guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...Attempting to translate ' + ds + ' to ' + os.path.join(os.path.basename(outWorkspace)) + ' as a raster...', 1)
arcpy.AddRasterToGeoPackage_conversion(ds, outWorkspace, ds, "TILED")
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...successfully translated to ' + os.path.join(os.path.basename(outWorkspace), ds), 0)
translatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(outWorkspace, ds))
#guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...Add Raster to GeoPackage failed for ' + ds + '. Trying Table To Table...', 1)
### Try Table to Table conversion to the new GeoPackage
#guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...Attempting to translate ' + ds + ' to ' + os.path.join(os.path.basename(outWorkspace)) + ' as a table...', 1)
arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(ds, outWorkspace, 'TAB_' + ds)
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...successfully translated to ' + os.path.join(os.path.basename(outWorkspace), 'TAB_' + ds), 0)
translatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(outWorkspace, 'TAB_' + ds))
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ...FAILED to translate ' + desc.dataType + ' ' + ds2 + ' to ' + os.path.basename(outWorkspace), 1)
untranslatedDatasets.append(os.path.join(root, ds))
### Show user list of unappended datasets
if len(untranslatedDatasets) > 0:
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ', 0)
guf.addMsgAndPrint('Datasets that failed to translate from input database to GeoPackage ' + os.path.basename(outWorkspace) + ':', 1)
for unappended in untranslatedDatasets:
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ' + unappended, 0)
### Final messages
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ', 0)
guf.addMsgAndPrint(str(len(translatedDatasets)) + ' datasets from geodatabase ' + os.path.basename(inWorkspace) + ' translated successfully to GeoPackage ' + os.path.basename(outWorkspace) + '!', 0)
guf.addMsgAndPrint(' ', 0)
This discussion was converted from issue #54 on June 05, 2023 21:01.
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A Python script I wrote to translate a GeMS geodatabase to a GeoPackage. See notes in code for more info.
It could probably use some error handling and cleanup, but it works as-is.
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