Releases: DTS-STN/eligibility-estimator
Release 1.3.4
Date : November 23, 2024
What's Changed
- ADO-153380: Legal status "No" returned empty age array by @alex-solo in #950
- 153455 - Breadcrumbs fix by @MarcoGoC in #951
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.3.4
Release 1.3.3
Date : November 16, 2023
What's Changed
- 'Added a reference to ADO story' by @wassila-aouchiche in #920
- Updated how Age gets passed from Excel to util. by @VeroBr0 in #921
- 142179 - Replace DS Button by @shawn320 in #914
- Future Ages based on residency (allow partner residency < 10) by @alex-solo in #913
- 999999 - Block api calls in production by @MarcoGoC in #915
- 142179 - Refactor Alert and Heading by @shawn320 in #922
- 143253-Fix empty deferral heading showing up by @Maxim-Lam in #916
- 143862 - Refactor - moving InvSeparated out by @MarcoGoC in #919
- 139754 - Changed the error message when the years are higher than the client… by @wassila-aouchiche in #923
- AB#140928 (ADO 140928 Future Estimates Not Provided at 65) by @numbap in #924
- 132393 - metadata changes by @MarcoGoC in #925
- Updated Cypress thresholds file to 2023Q4 values by @VeroBr0 in #928
- Added language button id for Cypress tests by @VeroBr0 in #927
- 'Removed autoEnrollFalse from all the cards' by @wassila-aouchiche in #929
- 'Fixed the issue with the Age error message' by @wassila-aouchiche in #931
- 142179 - Remove DS from the project - Replace DSLink by @shawn320 in #930
- 146402 - Adding living country to ALW benefit by @MarcoGoC in #936
- ADO-140665: fix involuntary separated scenarios by @alex-solo in #932
- 143784 - Removing partner Legal Status from condition by @MarcoGoC in #935
- 137661 - feat: added oas cypress tests by @MarcoGoC in #882
- 143854 - new feedback links by @MarcoGoC in #933
- 145339-fix-null-deferral by @Maxim-Lam in #943
- 999999 - Updating template by @MarcoGoC in #934
- 143582 - Refactor by @MarcoGoC in #940
- 142179 - Refactor DatePicker and Error message by @shawn320 in #941
- 142179 - error page refactor by @shawn320 in #942
- 133488-Remove "on this page" and ListLinks component by @Maxim-Lam in #946
- 129193 - Change legal status text 'What you told us' section by @MarcoGoC in #948
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.3
Release 1.3.2
Date : September 28, 2023
Bug fixes:
Some hot fixes
What's Changed
- 142112 - Hot-Fix breadcrumb by @shawn320 in #908
- 143778 - Hot-Fix - Undoing removing space on amounts by @MarcoGoC in #911
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2
Release 1.3.1
Date : September 28, 2023
New features:
Q4 rates
Bug fixes:
Some bug fixes
What's Changed
- Updated to 2023 Q3 rates by @alex-solo in #891
- 131265 add unit tests by @wassila-aouchiche in #895
- 142541-Add 0$ in result summaries by @numbap in #894
- 142117 - updating input age for widow by @MarcoGoC in #898
- Replace DS Header by @shawn320 in #893
- French typo in deferral table by @wassila-aouchiche in #899
- wrapped appending in useEffect, use useState for array decalration and state by @Maxim-Lam in #868
- Fixed missing dropdown list on gis card by @Maxim-Lam in #900
- updated possessive adjectives by @numbap in #901
- adding whiteBG for years/months on firefox by @MarcoGoC in #902
New Contributors
- @CurtisUnderwood made their first contribution in #838
- @wassila-aouchiche made their first contribution in #848
- @numbap made their first contribution in #894
- @shawn320 made their first contribution in #893
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.1
Release 1.3.0
Version : v1.3.0
Date : September 18, 2023
New features:
OAS Deferral
Bug fixes:
Some bug fixes
What's Changed
- 131193-missing-OAS-dd by @Maxim-Lam in #833
- Fix ALW card double space and next step not showing up by @Maxim-Lam in #834
- ADO 129729: Changed title of collapsed text and delete redundancies by @alex-solo in #835
- fix message by @Maxim-Lam in #837
- 133872 - moving clawback to benefit by @MarcoGoC in #839
- Updated feedback links by @Maxim-Lam in #841
- ADO 133348 ALWS Cypress Tests by @CurtisUnderwood in #838
- 134696 - adding message and removing duplicate msg by @MarcoGoC in #845
- 132393 - modifying metatags by @MarcoGoC in #842
- Added pino logging by @wassila-aouchiche in #848
- Update by @wassila-aouchiche in #849
- remove duplicate results by @Maxim-Lam in #846
- 134593 - move calculateAge to utils by @MarcoGoC in #854
- 135348 - null by @MarcoGoC in #853
- 135486 - DS Update by @MarcoGoC in #852
- 135506 - fix typo by @MarcoGoC in #851
- 134697 - refactor nextsteps out of the cards by @MarcoGoC in #850
- Update spacing and color of external link icon by @Maxim-Lam in #856
- Revert "135486 - DS Update" by @MarcoGoC in #857
- moved sorting logic out of index page into utils by @Maxim-Lam in #859
- OAS Deferral by @alex-solo in #860
- updated breadcrumbs according to ADO specs by @Maxim-Lam in #863
- 136636 - Updating future text by @MarcoGoC in #864
- 136636 - adding another case & removing console.log by @MarcoGoC in #866
- 137841 rounding instead of taking integer by @MarcoGoC in #867
- Updating ingress to use wildcard certificate -- should help certificate limit issues. by @P0NDER0SA in #865
- 'Fixed the error message when person is not 18 years old' by @wassila-aouchiche in #869
- 136636 - adding conditions to display they by @MarcoGoC in #870
- Fix for duplicate results by @Maxim-Lam in #872
- ADO-137892: Prevent negative months by @alex-solo in #871
- 134890 - adding date by @MarcoGoC in #874
- ADO-138923: If input age is 75 or more increase OAS by 10 percent by @alex-solo in #875
- Revert "Fix for duplicate results" by @MarcoGoC in #876
- ADO 136524 GIS Cypress Tests by @CurtisUnderwood in #862
- 138558 - adding !receivingOAS condition by @MarcoGoC in #880
- 138897 - removing if condition by @MarcoGoC in #879
- 'Fixed the Error validation behaviour for year bug' by @wassila-aouchiche in #877
- 139376 new question by @MarcoGoC in #881
- ADO-140685: Client exception when removing duplicates by @alex-solo in #883
- ADO-140726: Lock residence for scenarios when there is no current estimate, only … by @alex-solo in #884
- ADO-140672: When client already receives OAS, adjusted yearsInCanada need to be floored by @alex-solo in #885
- CALC-91-FIX: if there is no oas defer duration make it zero by @alex-solo in #886
- ADO-140603: Only change residency if not only lived in Canada by @alex-solo in #887
- ADO-141134: Floor years in canada value & ADO-141547: Set limit to 20 when partner not living in Canada by @alex-solo in #888
- Sync develop with Main for release v1.3.0 by @MarcoGoC in #889
New Contributors
- @CurtisUnderwood made their first contribution in #838
- @wassila-aouchiche made their first contribution in #848
- @P0NDER0SA made their first contribution in #865
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.3.0
Version : v1.2.1
Date : July 19, 2023
Bug fixes:
Fixed : Hotfix removing Auth from being use in prod
Fixed : 132340: typo missing 'ans'
Fixed : 132376: typo missing i
What's Changed
- Hotfix - Typos (132676 & 132340) by @MarcoGoC in #830
- Testing auth in diff folder by @MarcoGoC in #829
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1
Version : v1.2.0
Date : July 17, 2023
New features:
Estimate for the future
Minor fixes
Bug fixes:
Fixed : Bug : xxx
What's Changed
- Fix for 129844 by @Maxim-Lam in #800
- 130409 - there were 2 typos fixing the other one by @MarcoGoC in #803
- Updated legal status list helper by @Maxim-Lam in #802
- 130445 - adding partner gis estimate by @MarcoGoC in #801
- 130920 - adding nbsp where needed by @MarcoGoC in #799
- 129799 - i18n - part 3 - changing afs to alws by @MarcoGoC in #804
- Change vous rend to "est" by @Maxim-Lam in #806
- 131413 - updated next steps for oas by @MarcoGoC in #809
- 131830 - Updated messages for oas by @MarcoGoC in #810
- Update messages for GIS and added message for new scenario by @Maxim-Lam in #811
- 131408 - change text and insert oasClawback before deferral by @MarcoGoC in #807
- fixed the punctuation for legal status list. by @Maxim-Lam in #812
- 131636 - update license by @MarcoGoC in #813
- ADO-125934: Future planning by @alex-solo in #816
- [WIP]: Planning for future by @alex-solo in #808
- 131410 - updating oas messages by @MarcoGoC in #815
- 131413 - updating oas messages by @MarcoGoC in #814
- Updated spacing on "ifYouApply" message by @Maxim-Lam in #817
- 131427 - change disclaimer by @MarcoGoC in #818
- 132225 punctuation by @MarcoGoC in #819
- 131410 - new oas by @MarcoGoC in #820
- ADO 132229: fixed alw message by @alex-solo in #821
- 133225- adding colon to english message by @MarcoGoC in #822
- fixed alw message based on whether answer is provided or not by @alex-solo in #823
- 131410 oas fixes by @MarcoGoC in #824
- ADO-132333, 132303: added two changes based on regression testing by @alex-solo in #826
- ADO-132303: fixed text for partner "will be eligible" by @alex-solo in #827
Release 1.1.1
Version : v1.1.1
Date : June 30, 2023
New features:
Update English URLs and rename the paths Activity 129799
Q3 Rates Update Activity 129794
Bug fixes:
Fixed : Bug 129703: Deferral Months Dropdown not updating in the backend
Fixed : Bug 129559: Missing User GIS and/or Partner ALW estimate on card only
Fixed: Bug 129729: Message for individual incomes showing when both incomes are used for calculations
Fixed: Bug 129844: Wrong Next Steps content on GIS card
Fixed: Bug 130163: Add AA src code to prod
HotFix: Usage of translation defaults to english when another locale is detected
Release v1.0.0
Version : v1.0.0
Date : June 27, 2023
Project Overview:
The OAS Eligibility Estimator is a web application tool available to the public. The tool can provide estimates for an individual’s eligibility and entitlement for benefits in the OAS program.
(This product is also known as: OAS Benefit Estimator, Eligibility Estimator, EE, and Eligibility Calculator).
Key Features:
The web application will take a client's answers to around six questions and determine if they are eligible for any of the four covered benefits:
Old Age Security
Guaranteed Income Supplement
Allowance for the SurvivorIf the client is eligible, the tool will also determine the monthly amounts they are entitled to. This logic has been determined using publicly available data, in conjunction with internal discussions with policy experts to verify our logic for edge cases.
The intent is that all values provided by the tool are completely accurate. However, certain edge cases are deliberately not handled due to complexity, which results in no estimation results available. As far as we are aware, all provided estimates are fully accurate, however as the government changes limits and policies, the application estimates may become inaccurate. Therefore, we emphasize that any data returned by this tool is not final and is subject to inaccuracy.