Portions from NSDate+TimeAgo Originally based on code Christopher Pickslay posted to Forrst. Used with permission. http://twitter.com/cpickslay
Ramon Torres began support for internationalization/localization. Added es strings. http://rtorres.me/
Dennis Zhuang added zh_Hans Chinese Simplified strings. http://fnil.net/
Mozart Petter added pt_BR Brazilian Portuguese strings. http://www.mozartpetter.com/
Stéphane Gerardot added fr French strings.
Marco Sanson added it Italian strings. http://marcosanson.tumblr.com/
Almas Adilbek added ru Russian strings. Extended logic to support Russian idioms. http://mixdesign.kz/
Mallox51 added de German strings. https://github.com/Mallox51
Tieme van Veen added nl Dutch strings. http://www.tiemevanveen.nl
Árpád Goretity added hu Hungarian strings. http://apaczai.elte.hu/~13akga/
Anajavi added fi Finnish strings. https://github.com/anajavi
Tonydyb added ja Japanese strings.
Vinhnx added vi Vietnamese strings. http://vinhnx.github.io/
Ronail added zh_Hant Traditional Chinese strings. https://github.com/ronail
SorinAntohi added ro Romanian strings. https://github.com/SorinAntohi
spookd added da Danish strings. https://github.com/spookd
Barrett Jacobsen added cs Czech strings. https://github.com/barrettj
Dmitry Shmidt added nb Norwegian strings. https://github.com/shmidt
Martins Rudens added lv Latvian strings. https://github.com/rudensm
Osman Saral added tr Turkish strings. https://github.com/osrl
analogstyle added ko Korean strings. http://almacreative.net/
Flavio Caetano fixed pt Portuguese strings. http://flaviocaetano.com
kolarski added bg Bulgarian strings. http://github.com/kolarski
Vladimir Kofman added he Hebrew strings. https://github.com/vladimirkofman
Viraf Sarkari added ar Arabic, gre Greek, pl Polish, sv Swedish, and th Thai strings. https://github.com/viraf
Vasyl Skrypii added uk Ukranian strings. https://github.com/medlay
Maggi Trymbill added is Icelandic strings. https://github.com/grundvollur
Ikhsan Assaat added id Indonesian strings. http://ikhsan.me
Marc added ca Catalan strings. http://marcboquet.com/
Steffan Harries added cy Welsh strings. https://github.com/Bendihossan
mjanda added es and cs short format strings https://github.com/mjanda
Niklas Fahl added the de short format strings https://github.com/fahlout
Vlad Cacuic added the ro short format strings https://github.com/vrcaciuc
frin added sl Slovenian strings. http://github.com/frin
Nikhil Nigade added hi (Hindi) and gu (Gujarati) strings. https://github.com/dezinezync