Mantu Nguyen Khuyen Duong Shiva Velingker
Bryan Leung Dat Vu
- We were able to integrate React and Bootstrap early on, which cut down on our learning curve later on
- Clean and simple layout
- Responsive search function
- Learned how to use:
- React, and move away from hacky practices
- Flask-SQLAlchemy, learned about how to create a RESTful API
- Dockerize our app; learned how to use App Engine, Container Engine
- How important teamwork is
- Add more animals to the website (currently, only have 100).
- Improve loading time of pages for scalability
- Re-factor code to reduce duplicate code
- UI: Use a better layout, font, color schemes, images
- Flask, Bootstrap, React
- Flask-CORS
- Google cloud deployment
- Running out of GCP credits
- Node module conflicts with Docker
- Changed from App Engine to manually create Docker image and managing it with Kubernetes and Container Engine
- Dealing with formatting and inconsistency of data from data source
- Neat and simple layout; user friendly - Color scheme matches the theme (black/orange color) - Images are well organized; clear presentation of data - Site loads fast and is responsive
- Use of Flask with HTML templates
- In the future, we should focus more on the following:
- font
- color schemes
- general theme
- Current: heavy text
-> Re-design layout: re-arrange text, images - Improve the overall loading speed
- REST-API: Lack of error handling
- Ex: Need to provide better error messages than an empty list or a "502 Bad Gateway Error"
- Need to catch common error inputs, such as:
- bad input type
- blank input type
- value not in database, etc.
- Apiary: Provide sample responses for each endpoint. Currently, there are none.
- Top players should have a filter to sort the players by rank/level/win rate
- When a filter button is clicked, the list of choices should be scrollable.
- Improve search functionality:
- If no results are found, need to display "No results found", instead of a blank page
- Improve highlighting to be more comprehensive.
- What makes a player a "Top Player"?
- Currently, top players are not "ranked" by any criteria, just list of names.
- Is a top player the one who has the highest...:
- rank?
- level?
- win rate?
- All images are stored in GitHub repo; some links are broken.
- React...?