Here are some writing conventions for all contributors on this project.
Thank you to respect the PSR-2 standards when writing PHP code.
You can use cs fixer or grumphp to be sure to be on a good way.
You've got the cs fixer configuration file on the project's root (.php_cs).
GrumPHP is set in require-dev in the composer.json file of the project.
This logger library follows the PSR-3 Logger conventions, please refer to the documentation for further informations.
Fork the project.
Create a branch to work on new features.
Then do a pull request for me to validate or comment your commit(s). In the PR, please explain what you added or correct.
Commits have to have a clear and short title. The commit has to have a description to explain what's in it.
English only.
Don't duplicate your commits. Please squash them when you work on the same fix.
Thank you.