From 806e343309778d5be0f0fb5a98e29199b4083f9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Olivier Sohn Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 19:24:25 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Add a matrix type using an Unboxed vector underneath. --- Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs | 1278 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ matrix.cabal | 1 + 2 files changed, 1279 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs diff --git a/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs b/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0481a7c --- /dev/null +++ b/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs @@ -0,0 +1,1278 @@ +{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} + +-- | A Matrix where the underlying container is an Unboxed Vector. +module Data.Matrix.Unboxed ( + -- * Matrix type + Matrix , prettyMatrix + , nrows , ncols + , forceMatrix + -- * Builders + , matrix + , rowVector + , colVector + -- ** Special matrices + , zero + , identity + , diagonalList + , diagonal + , permMatrix + -- * List conversions + , fromList , fromLists + , toList , toLists + -- * Accessing + , getElem , (!) , unsafeGet , safeGet, safeSet + , getRow , safeGetRow , getCol , safeGetCol + , getDiag + , getMatrixAsVector + -- * Manipulating matrices + , setElem + , unsafeSet + , transpose , setSize , extendTo + , inverse, rref + , mapRow , mapCol, mapPos + -- * Submatrices + -- ** Splitting blocks + , submatrix + , minorMatrix + , splitBlocks + -- ** Joining blocks + , (<|>) , (<->) + , joinBlocks + -- * Matrix operations + , elementwise, elementwiseUnsafe + -- * Matrix multiplication + -- ** About matrix multiplication + -- $mult + + -- ** Functions + , multStd + , multStrassen + -- * Linear transformations + , scaleMatrix + , scaleRow + , combineRows + , switchRows + , switchCols + -- * Decompositions + , luDecomp , luDecompUnsafe + , luDecomp', luDecompUnsafe' + , cholDecomp + -- * Properties + , trace , diagProd + -- ** Determinants + , detLaplace + , detLU + -- * Reexports + , V.Unbox + ) where + +import Prelude +-- Classes +import Control.DeepSeq +import Control.Monad (forM_) +import Control.Loop (numLoop) +import Data.Maybe +import Data.Monoid +import qualified Data.Semigroup as S +import Control.Applicative((<$>)) +import GHC.Generics (Generic) +-- Data +import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad, PrimState) +import Data.List (maximumBy,foldl1') +import Data.Ord (comparing) +import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V +import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MV +import qualified Data.Matrix as Boxed -- Just needed for 'prettyMatrix' + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- +---- MATRIX TYPE + +encode :: Int -> (Int,Int) -> Int +{-# INLINE encode #-} +encode m (i,j) = (i-1)*m + j - 1 + +decode :: Int -> Int -> (Int,Int) +{-# INLINE decode #-} +decode m k = (q+1,r+1) + where + (q,r) = quotRem k m + +-- | Type of matrices. +-- +-- Elements can be of any type. Rows and columns +-- are indexed starting by 1. This means that, if @m :: Matrix a@ and +-- @i,j :: Int@, then @m ! (i,j)@ is the element in the @i@-th row and +-- @j@-th column of @m@. +data Matrix a = M { + nrows :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ Number of rows. + , ncols :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ Number of columns. + , rowOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int + , colOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int + , vcols :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ Number of columns of the matrix without offset + , mvect :: V.Vector a -- ^ Content of the matrix as a plain vector. + } deriving (Generic) + +instance (Eq a, V.Unbox a) + => Eq (Matrix a) where + m1 == m2 = + let r = nrows m1 + c = ncols m1 + in and $ (r == nrows m2) : (c == ncols m2) + : [ m1 ! (i,j) == m2 ! (i,j) | i <- [1 .. r] , j <- [1 .. c] ] + +-- | Just a cool way to output the size of a matrix. +sizeStr :: Int -> Int -> String +sizeStr n m = show n ++ "x" ++ show m + +-- | Display a matrix as a 'String' using the 'Show' instance of its elements. +prettyMatrix :: (Show a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> String +prettyMatrix m = concat + [ "┌ ", unwords (replicate (ncols m) blank), " ┐\n" + , unlines + [ "│ " ++ unwords (fmap (\j -> fill $ strings Boxed.! (i,j)) [1..ncols m]) ++ " │" | i <- [1..nrows m] ] + , "└ ", unwords (replicate (ncols m) blank), " ┘" + ] + where + strings = mapMat' show m + widest = maximum $ map length $ Boxed.toList strings + fill str = replicate (widest - length str) ' ' ++ str + blank = fill "" + + +instance (Show a, V.Unbox a) => Show (Matrix a) where + show = prettyMatrix + + +instance NFData (Matrix a) where + rnf = rnf . mvect + +-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Similar to 'V.force'. It copies the matrix content +-- dropping any extra memory. +-- +-- Useful when using 'submatrix' from a big matrix. +-- +forceMatrix ::(V.Unbox a) + => Matrix a -> Matrix a +forceMatrix m = matrix (nrows m) (ncols m) $ \(i,j) -> unsafeGet i j m + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- +---- MONOID INSTANCE + +instance (Monoid a, V.Unbox a) => S.Semigroup (Matrix a) where + (<>) = mappend + +instance (Monoid a, V.Unbox a) => Monoid (Matrix a) where + mempty = fromList 1 1 [mempty] + mappend m m' = matrix (max (nrows m) (nrows m')) (max (ncols m) (ncols m')) $ uncurry zipTogether + where zipTogether row column = fromMaybe mempty $ safeGet row column m <> safeGet row column m' + + +mapMat :: (V.Unbox a, V.Unbox b) + => (a -> b) + -> Matrix a -> Matrix b +mapMat func (M a b c d e v) = M a b c d e $ func v + +mapMat' :: (V.Unbox a) + => (a -> b) + -> Matrix a -> Boxed.Matrix b +mapMat' func m = Boxed.matrix (nrows m) (ncols m) (\(i,j) -> func $ unsafeGet i j m) + +-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Map a function over a row. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) ( 1 2 3 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) ( 5 6 7 ) +-- > mapRow (\_ x -> x + 1) 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 8 9 ) +-- +mapRow :: (V.Unbox a) + => (Int -> a -> a) -- ^ Function takes the current column as additional argument. + -> Int -- ^ Row to map. + -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +mapRow f r m = + matrix (nrows m) (ncols m) $ \(i,j) -> + let a = unsafeGet i j m + in if i == r + then f j a + else a + +-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Map a function over a column. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) ( 1 3 3 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) ( 4 6 6 ) +-- > mapCol (\_ x -> x + 1) 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 9 9 ) +-- +mapCol :: (V.Unbox a) + => (Int -> a -> a) -- ^ Function takes the current row as additional argument. + -> Int -- ^ Column to map. + -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +mapCol f c m = + matrix (nrows m) (ncols m) $ \(i,j) -> + let a = unsafeGet i j m + in if j == c + then f i a + else a + + +-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Map a function over elements. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) ( 0 -1 -2 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) ( 1 0 -1 ) +-- > mapPos (\(r,c) a -> r - c) ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 2 1 0 ) +-- +mapPos :: (V.Unbox a, V.Unbox b) + => ((Int, Int) -> a -> b) -- ^ Function takes the current Position as additional argument. + -> Matrix a + -> Matrix b +mapPos f m@(M {ncols = cols, mvect = vect})= + m { mvect = V.imap (\i e -> f (decode cols i) e) vect} + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- +---- BUILDERS + +-- | /O(rows*cols)/. The zero matrix of the given size. +-- +-- > zero n m = +-- > m +-- > 1 ( 0 0 ... 0 0 ) +-- > 2 ( 0 0 ... 0 0 ) +-- > ( ... ) +-- > ( 0 0 ... 0 0 ) +-- > n ( 0 0 ... 0 0 ) +zero :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => + Int -- ^ Rows + -> Int -- ^ Columns + -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE zero #-} +zero n m = M n m 0 0 m $ V.replicate (n*m) 0 + +-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Generate a matrix from a generator function. +-- Example of usage: +-- +-- > ( 1 0 -1 -2 ) +-- > ( 3 2 1 0 ) +-- > ( 5 4 3 2 ) +-- > matrix 4 4 $ \(i,j) -> 2*i - j = ( 7 6 5 4 ) +matrix :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -- ^ Rows + -> Int -- ^ Columns + -> ((Int,Int) -> a) -- ^ Generator function + -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE matrix #-} +matrix n m f = M n m 0 0 m $ V.create $ do + v <- $ n * m + let en = encode m + numLoop 1 n $ + \i -> numLoop 1 m $ + \j -> MV.unsafeWrite v (en (i,j)) (f (i,j)) + return v + +-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Identity matrix of the given order. +-- +-- > identity n = +-- > n +-- > 1 ( 1 0 ... 0 0 ) +-- > 2 ( 0 1 ... 0 0 ) +-- > ( ... ) +-- > ( 0 0 ... 1 0 ) +-- > n ( 0 0 ... 0 1 ) +-- +identity :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Int -> Matrix a +identity n = matrix n n $ \(i,j) -> if i == j then 1 else 0 + +-- | Similar to 'diagonalList', but using 'V.Vector', which +-- should be more efficient. +diagonal :: (V.Unbox a) + => a -- ^ Default element + -> V.Vector a -- ^ Diagonal vector + -> Matrix a +diagonal e v = matrix n n $ \(i,j) -> if i == j then V.unsafeIndex v (i - 1) else e + where + n = V.length v + +-- | Create a matrix from a non-empty list given the desired size. +-- The list must have at least /rows*cols/ elements. +-- An example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) +-- > fromList 3 3 [1..] = ( 7 8 9 ) +-- +fromList :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -- ^ Rows + -> Int -- ^ Columns + -> [a] -- ^ List of elements + -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE fromList #-} +fromList n m = M n m 0 0 m . V.fromListN (n*m) + +-- | Get the elements of a matrix stored in a list. +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) +-- > toList ( 7 8 9 ) = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] +-- +toList :: (V.Unbox a) + => Matrix a -> [a] +toList m = [ unsafeGet i j m | i <- [1 .. nrows m] , j <- [1 .. ncols m] ] + +-- | Get the elements of a matrix stored in a list of lists, +-- where each list contains the elements of a single row. +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) [ [1,2,3] +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) , [4,5,6] +-- > toLists ( 7 8 9 ) = , [7,8,9] ] +-- +toLists :: (V.Unbox a) + => Matrix a -> [[a]] +toLists m = [ [ unsafeGet i j m | j <- [1 .. ncols m] ] | i <- [1 .. nrows m] ] + +-- | Diagonal matrix from a non-empty list given the desired size. +-- Non-diagonal elements will be filled with the given default element. +-- The list must have at least /order/ elements. +-- +-- > diagonalList n 0 [1..] = +-- > n +-- > 1 ( 1 0 ... 0 0 ) +-- > 2 ( 0 2 ... 0 0 ) +-- > ( ... ) +-- > ( 0 0 ... n-1 0 ) +-- > n ( 0 0 ... 0 n ) +-- +diagonalList :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -> a -> [a] -> Matrix a +diagonalList n e xs = matrix n n $ \(i,j) -> if i == j then xs !! (i - 1) else e + +-- | Create a matrix from a non-empty list of non-empty lists. +-- /Each list must have at least as many elements as the first list/. +-- Examples: +-- +-- > fromLists [ [1,2,3] ( 1 2 3 ) +-- > , [4,5,6] ( 4 5 6 ) +-- > , [7,8,9] ] = ( 7 8 9 ) +-- +-- > fromLists [ [1,2,3 ] ( 1 2 3 ) +-- > , [4,5,6,7] ( 4 5 6 ) +-- > , [8,9,0 ] ] = ( 8 9 0 ) +-- +fromLists :: (V.Unbox a) + => [[a]] -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE fromLists #-} +fromLists [] = error "fromLists: empty list." +fromLists (xs:xss) = fromList n m $ concat $ xs : fmap (take m) xss + where + n = 1 + length xss + m = length xs + +-- | /O(1)/. Represent a vector as a one row matrix. +rowVector :: (V.Unbox a) + => V.Vector a -> Matrix a +rowVector v = M 1 m 0 0 m v + where + m = V.length v + +-- | /O(1)/. Represent a vector as a one column matrix. +colVector :: (V.Unbox a) + => V.Vector a -> Matrix a +colVector v = M (V.length v) 1 0 0 1 v + +-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Permutation matrix. +-- +-- > permMatrix n i j = +-- > i j n +-- > 1 ( 1 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 0 ) +-- > 2 ( 0 1 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 0 ) +-- > ( ... ... ... ) +-- > i ( 0 0 ... 0 ... 1 ... 0 0 ) +-- > ( ... ... ... ) +-- > j ( 0 0 ... 1 ... 0 ... 0 0 ) +-- > ( ... ... ... ) +-- > ( 0 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 1 0 ) +-- > n ( 0 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 1 ) +-- +-- When @i == j@ it reduces to 'identity' @n@. +-- +permMatrix :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) + => Int -- ^ Size of the matrix. + -> Int -- ^ Permuted row 1. + -> Int -- ^ Permuted row 2. + -> Matrix a -- ^ Permutation matrix. +permMatrix n r1 r2 | r1 == r2 = identity n +permMatrix n r1 r2 = matrix n n f + where + f (i,j) + | i == r1 = if j == r2 then 1 else 0 + | i == r2 = if j == r1 then 1 else 0 + | i == j = 1 + | otherwise = 0 + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- +---- ACCESSING + +-- | /O(1)/. Get an element of a matrix. Indices range from /(1,1)/ to /(n,m)/. +-- It returns an 'error' if the requested element is outside of range. +getElem :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -- ^ Row + -> Int -- ^ Column + -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix + -> a +{-# INLINE getElem #-} +getElem i j m = + fromMaybe + (error $ + "getElem: Trying to get the " + ++ show (i, j) + ++ " element from a " + ++ sizeStr (nrows m) (ncols m) + ++ " matrix." + ) + (safeGet i j m) + +-- | /O(1)/. Unsafe variant of 'getElem', without bounds checking. +unsafeGet :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -- ^ Row + -> Int -- ^ Column + -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix + -> a +{-# INLINE unsafeGet #-} +unsafeGet i j (M _ _ ro co w v) = V.unsafeIndex v $ encode w (i+ro,j+co) + +-- | Short alias for 'getElem'. +(!) :: (V.Unbox a) + => Matrix a -> (Int,Int) -> a +{-# INLINE (!) #-} +m ! (i,j) = getElem i j m + +-- | Internal alias for 'unsafeGet'. +(!.) :: (V.Unbox a) + => Matrix a -> (Int,Int) -> a +{-# INLINE (!.) #-} +m !. (i,j) = unsafeGet i j m + +-- | Variant of 'getElem' that returns Maybe instead of an error. +safeGet :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Maybe a +safeGet i j a@(M n m _ _ _ _) + | i > n || j > m || i < 1 || j < 1 = Nothing + | otherwise = Just $ unsafeGet i j a + +-- | Variant of 'setElem' that returns Maybe instead of an error. +safeSet :: (V.Unbox a) + => a -> (Int, Int) -> Matrix a -> Maybe (Matrix a) +safeSet x p@(i,j) a@(M n m _ _ _ _) + | i > n || j > m || i < 1 || j < 1 = Nothing + | otherwise = Just $ unsafeSet x p a + +-- | /O(1)/. Get a row of a matrix as a vector. +getRow :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -> Matrix a -> V.Vector a +{-# INLINE getRow #-} +getRow i (M _ m ro co w v) = V.slice (w*(i-1+ro) + co) m v + +-- | Varian of 'getRow' that returns a maybe instead of an error +safeGetRow :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -> Matrix a -> Maybe (V.Vector a) +safeGetRow r m + | r > nrows m || r < 1 = Nothing + | otherwise = Just $ getRow r m + +-- | /O(rows)/. Get a column of a matrix as a vector. +getCol :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -> Matrix a -> V.Vector a +{-# INLINE getCol #-} +getCol j (M n _ ro co w v) = V.generate n $ \i -> v V.! encode w (i+1+ro,j+co) + +-- | Varian of 'getColumn' that returns a maybe instead of an error +safeGetCol :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -> Matrix a -> Maybe (V.Vector a) +safeGetCol c m + | c > ncols m || c < 1 = Nothing + | otherwise = Just $ getCol c m + +-- | /O(min rows cols)/. Diagonal of a /not necessarily square/ matrix. +getDiag :: (V.Unbox a) + => Matrix a -> V.Vector a +getDiag m = V.generate k $ \i -> m ! (i+1,i+1) + where + k = min (nrows m) (ncols m) + +-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Transform a 'Matrix' to a 'V.Vector' of size /rows*cols/. +-- This is equivalent to get all the rows of the matrix using 'getRow' +-- and then append them, but far more efficient. +getMatrixAsVector :: (V.Unbox a) + => Matrix a -> V.Vector a +getMatrixAsVector = mvect . forceMatrix + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- +---- MANIPULATING MATRICES + +msetElem :: (V.Unbox a, PrimMonad m) + => a -- ^ New element + -> Int -- ^ Number of columns of the matrix + -> Int -- ^ Row offset + -> Int -- ^ Column offset + -> (Int,Int) -- ^ Position to set the new element + -> MV.MVector (PrimState m) a -- ^ Mutable vector + -> m () +{-# INLINE msetElem #-} +msetElem x w ro co (i,j) v = MV.write v (encode w (i+ro,j+co)) x + +unsafeMset :: (V.Unbox a, PrimMonad m) + => a -- ^ New element + -> Int -- ^ Number of columns of the matrix + -> Int -- ^ Row offset + -> Int -- ^ Column offset + -> (Int,Int) -- ^ Position to set the new element + -> MV.MVector (PrimState m) a -- ^ Mutable vector + -> m () +{-# INLINE unsafeMset #-} +unsafeMset x w ro co (i,j) v = MV.unsafeWrite v (encode w (i+ro,j+co)) x + +-- | Replace the value of a cell in a matrix. +setElem :: V.Unbox a + => a -- ^ New value. + -> (Int,Int) -- ^ Position to replace. + -> Matrix a -- ^ Original matrix. + -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix with the given position replaced with the given value. +{-# INLINE setElem #-} +setElem x p (M n m ro co w v) = M n m ro co w $ V.modify (msetElem x w ro co p) v + +-- | Unsafe variant of 'setElem', without bounds checking. +unsafeSet :: V.Unbox a + => a -- ^ New value. + -> (Int,Int) -- ^ Position to replace. + -> Matrix a -- ^ Original matrix. + -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix with the given position replaced with the given value. +{-# INLINE unsafeSet #-} +unsafeSet x p (M n m ro co w v) = M n m ro co w $ V.modify (unsafeMset x w ro co p) v + +-- | /O(rows*cols)/. The transpose of a matrix. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) ( 1 4 7 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) ( 2 5 8 ) +-- > transpose ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 3 6 9 ) +transpose :: V.Unbox a + => Matrix a -> Matrix a +transpose m = matrix (ncols m) (nrows m) $ \(i,j) -> m ! (j,i) + +-- | /O(rows*rows*rows*rows) = O(cols*cols*cols*cols)/. The inverse of a square matrix. +-- Uses naive Gaussian elimination formula. +inverse :: (Fractional a, Eq a, V.Unbox a) + => Matrix a -> Either String (Matrix a) +inverse m + | ncols m /= nrows m + = Left + $ "Inverting non-square matrix with dimensions " + ++ show (sizeStr (ncols m) (nrows m)) + | otherwise = + let + adjoinedWId = m <|> identity (nrows m) + rref'd = rref adjoinedWId + in rref'd >>= return . submatrix 1 (nrows m) (ncols m + 1) (ncols m * 2) + +-- | /O(rows*rows*cols*cols)/. Converts a matrix to reduced row echelon form, thus +-- solving a linear system of equations. This requires that (cols > rows) +-- if cols < rows, then there are fewer variables than equations and the +-- problem cannot be solved consistently. If rows = cols, then it is +-- basically a homogenous system of equations, so it will be reduced to +-- identity or an error depending on whether the marix is invertible +-- (this case is allowed for robustness). +rref :: (Fractional a, Eq a, V.Unbox a) + => Matrix a -> Either String (Matrix a) +rref m + | ncols m < nrows m + = Left $ + "Invalid dimensions " + ++ show (sizeStr (ncols m) (nrows m)) + ++ "; the number of columns must be greater than or equal to the number of rows" + | otherwise = rrefRefd =<< (ref m) + where + rrefRefd mtx + | nrows mtx == 1 = Right mtx + | otherwise = + let + -- this is super-slow: [resolvedRight] is cubic because [combineRows] is quadratic + resolvedRight = foldr (.) id (map resolveRow [1..col-1]) mtx + where + col = nrows mtx + resolveRow n = combineRows n (-getElem n col mtx) col + top = submatrix 1 (nrows resolvedRight - 1) 1 (ncols resolvedRight) resolvedRight + top' = rrefRefd top + bot = submatrix (nrows resolvedRight) (nrows resolvedRight) 1 (ncols resolvedRight) resolvedRight + in top' >>= return . (<-> bot) + + +ref :: (Fractional a, Eq a, V.Unbox a) + => Matrix a -> Either String (Matrix a) +ref mtx + | nrows mtx == 1 + = clearedLeft + | otherwise = do + (tl, tr, bl, br) <- (splitBlocks 1 1 <$> clearedLeft) + br' <- ref br + return ((tl <|> tr) <-> (bl <|> br')) + where + sigAtTop = (\row -> switchRows 1 row mtx) <$> goodRow + where + significantRow n = getElem n 1 mtx /= 0 + goodRow = case listToMaybe (filter significantRow [1..nrows mtx]) of + Nothing -> Left "Attempt to invert a non-invertible matrix" + Just x -> return x + normalizedFirstRow = (\sigAtTop' -> scaleRow (1 / getElem 1 1 sigAtTop') 1 sigAtTop') <$> sigAtTop + clearedLeft = do + comb <- mapM combinator [2..nrows mtx] + firstRow <- normalizedFirstRow + return $ (foldr (.) id comb) firstRow + where + combinator n = (\normalizedFirstRow' ->combineRows n (-getElem n 1 normalizedFirstRow') 1) <$> normalizedFirstRow + +-- | Extend a matrix to a given size adding a default element. +-- If the matrix already has the required size, nothing happens. +-- The matrix is /never/ reduced in size. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 0 0 ) +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 0 0 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) ( 7 8 9 0 0 ) +-- > extendTo 0 4 5 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 0 0 0 0 0 ) +-- +-- The definition of 'extendTo' is based on 'setSize': +-- +-- > extendTo e n m a = setSize e (max n $ nrows a) (max m $ ncols a) a +-- +extendTo :: (V.Unbox a) + => a -- ^ Element to add when extending. + -> Int -- ^ Minimal number of rows. + -> Int -- ^ Minimal number of columns. + -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +extendTo e n m a = setSize e (max n $ nrows a) (max m $ ncols a) a + +-- | Set the size of a matrix to given parameters. Use a default element +-- for undefined entries if the matrix has been extended. +setSize :: (V.Unbox a) + => a -- ^ Default element. + -> Int -- ^ Number of rows. + -> Int -- ^ Number of columns. + -> Matrix a + -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE setSize #-} +setSize e n m a@(M n0 m0 _ _ _ _) = matrix n m $ \(i,j) -> + if i <= n0 && j <= m0 + then unsafeGet i j a + else e + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- +---- WORKING WITH BLOCKS + +-- | /O(1)/. Extract a submatrix given row and column limits. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) ( 2 3 ) +-- > submatrix 1 2 2 3 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 5 6 ) +submatrix :: Int -- ^ Starting row + -> Int -- ^ Ending row + -> Int -- ^ Starting column + -> Int -- ^ Ending column + -> Matrix a + -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE submatrix #-} +submatrix r1 r2 c1 c2 (M n m ro co w v) + | r1 < 1 || r1 > n = error $ "submatrix: starting row (" ++ show r1 ++ ") is out of range. Matrix has " ++ show n ++ " rows." + | c1 < 1 || c1 > m = error $ "submatrix: starting column (" ++ show c1 ++ ") is out of range. Matrix has " ++ show m ++ " columns." + | r2 < r1 || r2 > n = error $ "submatrix: ending row (" ++ show r2 ++ ") is out of range. Matrix has " ++ show n ++ " rows, and starting row is " ++ show r1 ++ "." + | c2 < c1 || c2 > m = error $ "submatrix: ending column (" ++ show c2 ++ ") is out of range. Matrix has " ++ show m ++ " columns, and starting column is " ++ show c1 ++ "." + | otherwise = M (r2-r1+1) (c2-c1+1) (ro+r1-1) (co+c1-1) w v + +-- | /O(rows*cols)/. Remove a row and a column from a matrix. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) ( 1 3 ) +-- > minorMatrix 2 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 9 ) +minorMatrix :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -- ^ Row @r@ to remove. + -> Int -- ^ Column @c@ to remove. + -> Matrix a -- ^ Original matrix. + -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix with row @r@ and column @c@ removed. +minorMatrix r0 c0 (M n m ro co w v) = + let r = r0 + ro + c = c0 + co + in M (n-1) (m-1) ro co (w-1) $ V.ifilter (\k _ -> let (i,j) = decode w k in i /= r && j /= c) v + +-- | /O(1)/. Make a block-partition of a matrix using a given element as reference. +-- The element will stay in the bottom-right corner of the top-left corner matrix. +-- +-- > ( ) ( | ) +-- > ( ) ( ... | ... ) +-- > ( x ) ( x | ) +-- > splitBlocks i j ( ) = (-------------) , where x = a_{i,j} +-- > ( ) ( | ) +-- > ( ) ( ... | ... ) +-- > ( ) ( | ) +-- +-- Note that some blocks can end up empty. We use the following notation for these blocks: +-- +-- > ( TL | TR ) +-- > (---------) +-- > ( BL | BR ) +-- +-- Where T = Top, B = Bottom, L = Left, R = Right. +-- +splitBlocks :: Int -- ^ Row of the splitting element. + -> Int -- ^ Column of the splitting element. + -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix to split. + -> (Matrix a,Matrix a + ,Matrix a,Matrix a) -- ^ (TL,TR,BL,BR) +{-# INLINE[1] splitBlocks #-} +splitBlocks i j a@(M n m _ _ _ _) = + ( submatrix 1 i 1 j a , submatrix 1 i (j+1) m a + , submatrix (i+1) n 1 j a , submatrix (i+1) n (j+1) m a ) + +-- | Join blocks of the form detailed in 'splitBlocks'. Precisely: +-- +-- > joinBlocks (tl,tr,bl,br) = +-- > (tl <|> tr) +-- > <-> +-- > (bl <|> br) +joinBlocks :: V.Unbox a + => (Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a) -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE[1] joinBlocks #-} +joinBlocks (tl,tr,bl,br) = + let n = nrows tl + nb = nrows bl + n' = n + nb + m = ncols tl + mr = ncols tr + m' = m + mr + en = encode m' + in M n' m' 0 0 m' $ V.create $ do + v <- (n'*m') + let wr = MV.write v + numLoop 1 n $ \i -> do + numLoop 1 m $ \j -> wr (en (i ,j )) $ tl ! (i,j) + numLoop 1 mr $ \j -> wr (en (i ,j+m)) $ tr ! (i,j) + numLoop 1 nb $ \i -> do + let i' = i+n + numLoop 1 m $ \j -> wr (en (i',j )) $ bl ! (i,j) + numLoop 1 mr $ \j -> wr (en (i',j+m)) $ br ! (i,j) + return v + +{-# RULES +"matrix/splitAndJoin" + forall i j m. joinBlocks (splitBlocks i j m) = m + #-} + +-- | Horizontally join two matrices. Visually: +-- +-- > ( A ) <|> ( B ) = ( A | B ) +-- +-- Where both matrices /A/ and /B/ have the same number of rows. +-- /This condition is not checked/. +(<|>) :: V.Unbox a + => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE (<|>) #-} +m <|> m' = + let c = ncols m + in matrix (nrows m) (c + ncols m') $ \(i,j) -> + if j <= c then m ! (i,j) else m' ! (i,j-c) + +-- | Vertically join two matrices. Visually: +-- +-- > ( A ) +-- > ( A ) <-> ( B ) = ( - ) +-- > ( B ) +-- +-- Where both matrices /A/ and /B/ have the same number of columns. +-- /This condition is not checked/. +(<->) :: V.Unbox a + => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE (<->) #-} +m <-> m' = + let r = nrows m + in matrix (r + nrows m') (ncols m) $ \(i,j) -> + if i <= r then m ! (i,j) else m' ! (i-r,j) + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- +---- MATRIX OPERATIONS + +-- | Perform an operation element-wise. +-- The second matrix must have at least as many rows +-- and columns as the first matrix. If it's bigger, +-- the leftover items will be ignored. +-- If it's smaller, it will cause a run-time error. +-- You may want to use 'elementwiseUnsafe' if you +-- are definitely sure that a run-time error won't +-- arise. +elementwise :: (V.Unbox a, V.Unbox b, V.Unbox c) + => (a -> b -> c) -> (Matrix a -> Matrix b -> Matrix c) +elementwise f m m' = matrix (nrows m) (ncols m) $ + \k -> f (m ! k) (m' ! k) + +-- | Unsafe version of 'elementwise', but faster. +elementwiseUnsafe :: (V.Unbox a, V.Unbox b, V.Unbox c) + => (a -> b -> c) -> (Matrix a -> Matrix b -> Matrix c) +{-# INLINE elementwiseUnsafe #-} +elementwiseUnsafe f m m' = matrix (nrows m) (ncols m) $ + \(i,j) -> f (unsafeGet i j m) (unsafeGet i j m') + + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- +---- MATRIX MULTIPLICATION + +{- $mult + +Four methods are provided for matrix multiplication. + +* 'multStd': + Matrix multiplication following directly the definition. + This is the best choice when you know for sure that your + matrices are small. + +* 'multStd2': + Matrix multiplication following directly the definition. + However, using a different definition from 'multStd'. + According to our benchmarks with this version, 'multStd2' is + around 3 times faster than 'multStd'. + +* 'multStrassen': + Matrix multiplication following the Strassen's algorithm. + Complexity grows slower but also some work is added + partitioning the matrix. Also, it only works on square + matrices of order @2^n@, so if this condition is not + met, it is zero-padded until this is accomplished. + Therefore, its use is not recommended. + +* 'multStrassenMixed': + This function mixes the previous methods. + It provides a better performance in general. Method @(@'*'@)@ + of the 'Num' class uses this function because it gives the best + average performance. However, if you know for sure that your matrices are + small (size less than 500x500), you should use 'multStd' or 'multStd2' instead, + since 'multStrassenMixed' is going to switch to those functions anyway. + +We keep researching how to get better performance for matrix multiplication. +If you want to be on the safe side, use ('*'). + +-} + +-- | Standard matrix multiplication by definition. +multStd :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE multStd #-} +multStd a1@(M n m _ _ _ _) a2@(M n' m' _ _ _ _) + -- Checking that sizes match... + | m /= n' = error $ "Multiplication of " ++ sizeStr n m ++ " and " + ++ sizeStr n' m' ++ " matrices." + | otherwise = multStd_ a1 a2 + +-- | Standard matrix multiplication by definition, without checking if sizes match. +multStd_ :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE multStd_ #-} +multStd_ a@(M 1 1 _ _ _ _) b@(M 1 1 _ _ _ _) = M 1 1 0 0 1 $ V.singleton $ (a ! (1,1)) * (b ! (1,1)) +multStd_ a@(M 2 2 _ _ _ _) b@(M 2 2 _ _ _ _) = + M 2 2 0 0 2 $ + let -- A + a11 = a !. (1,1) ; a12 = a !. (1,2) + a21 = a !. (2,1) ; a22 = a !. (2,2) + -- B + b11 = b !. (1,1) ; b12 = b !. (1,2) + b21 = b !. (2,1) ; b22 = b !. (2,2) + in V.fromList + [ a11*b11 + a12*b21 , a11*b12 + a12*b22 + , a21*b11 + a22*b21 , a21*b12 + a22*b22 + ] +multStd_ a@(M 3 3 _ _ _ _) b@(M 3 3 _ _ _ _) = + M 3 3 0 0 3 $ + let -- A + a11 = a !. (1,1) ; a12 = a !. (1,2) ; a13 = a !. (1,3) + a21 = a !. (2,1) ; a22 = a !. (2,2) ; a23 = a !. (2,3) + a31 = a !. (3,1) ; a32 = a !. (3,2) ; a33 = a !. (3,3) + -- B + b11 = b !. (1,1) ; b12 = b !. (1,2) ; b13 = b !. (1,3) + b21 = b !. (2,1) ; b22 = b !. (2,2) ; b23 = b !. (2,3) + b31 = b !. (3,1) ; b32 = b !. (3,2) ; b33 = b !. (3,3) + in V.fromList + [ a11*b11 + a12*b21 + a13*b31 , a11*b12 + a12*b22 + a13*b32 , a11*b13 + a12*b23 + a13*b33 + , a21*b11 + a22*b21 + a23*b31 , a21*b12 + a22*b22 + a23*b32 , a21*b13 + a22*b23 + a23*b33 + , a31*b11 + a32*b21 + a33*b31 , a31*b12 + a32*b22 + a33*b32 , a31*b13 + a32*b23 + a33*b33 + ] +multStd_ a@(M n m _ _ _ _) b@(M _ m' _ _ _ _) = matrix n m' $ \(i,j) -> sum [ a !. (i,k) * b !. (k,j) | k <- [1 .. m] ] + +{- +dotProduct v1 v2 = go (V.length v1 - 1) 0 + where + go (-1) a = a + go i a = go (i-1) $ (V.unsafeIndex v1 i) * (V.unsafeIndex v2 i) + a +-} + +first :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> a +first f = go + where + go (x:xs) = if f x then x else go xs + go _ = error "first: no element match the condition." + +-- | Strassen's algorithm over square matrices of order @2^n@. +strassen :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +-- Trivial 1x1 multiplication. +strassen a@(M 1 1 _ _ _ _) b@(M 1 1 _ _ _ _) = M 1 1 0 0 1 $ V.singleton $ (a ! (1,1)) * (b ! (1,1)) +-- General case guesses that the input matrices are square matrices +-- whose order is a power of two. +strassen a b = joinBlocks (c11,c12,c21,c22) + where + -- Size of the subproblem is halved. + n = div (nrows a) 2 + -- Split of the original problem into smaller subproblems. + (a11,a12,a21,a22) = splitBlocks n n a + (b11,b12,b21,b22) = splitBlocks n n b + -- The seven Strassen's products. + p1 = strassen (a11 + a22) (b11 + b22) + p2 = strassen (a21 + a22) b11 + p3 = strassen a11 (b12 - b22) + p4 = strassen a22 (b21 - b11) + p5 = strassen (a11 + a12) b22 + p6 = strassen (a21 - a11) (b11 + b12) + p7 = strassen (a12 - a22) (b21 + b22) + -- Merging blocks + c11 = p1 + p4 - p5 + p7 + c12 = p3 + p5 + c21 = p2 + p4 + c22 = p1 - p2 + p3 + p6 + +-- | Strassen's matrix multiplication. +multStrassen :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +multStrassen a1@(M n m _ _ _ _) a2@(M n' m' _ _ _ _) + | m /= n' = error $ "Multiplication of " ++ sizeStr n m ++ " and " + ++ sizeStr n' m' ++ " matrices." + | otherwise = + let mx = maximum [n,m,n',m'] + n2 = first (>= mx) $ fmap (2^) [(0 :: Int)..] + b1 = setSize 0 n2 n2 a1 + b2 = setSize 0 n2 n2 a2 + in submatrix 1 n 1 m' $ strassen b1 b2 + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- +---- NUMERICAL INSTANCE + +instance (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Num (Matrix a) where + fromInteger = M 1 1 0 0 1 . V.singleton . fromInteger + negate = mapMat negate + abs = mapMat abs + signum = mapMat signum + + -- Addition of matrices. + {-# SPECIALIZE (+) :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double #-} + {-# SPECIALIZE (+) :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Int #-} + (+) = elementwise (+) + + -- Substraction of matrices. + {-# SPECIALIZE (-) :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double #-} + {-# SPECIALIZE (-) :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Int #-} + (-) = elementwise (-) + + -- Multiplication of matrices. + {-# INLINE (*) #-} + (*) = multStrassen + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- +---- TRANSFORMATIONS + +-- | Scale a matrix by a given factor. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) ( 2 4 6 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) ( 8 10 12 ) +-- > scaleMatrix 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 14 16 18 ) +scaleMatrix :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +scaleMatrix = mapMat . (*) + +-- | Scale a row by a given factor. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) ( 1 2 3 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) ( 8 10 12 ) +-- > scaleRow 2 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 8 9 ) +scaleRow :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +scaleRow = mapRow . const . (*) + +-- | Add to one row a scalar multiple of another row. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) ( 1 2 3 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) ( 6 9 12 ) +-- > combineRows 2 2 1 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 8 9 ) +combineRows :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Int -> a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +combineRows r1 l r2 m = mapRow (\j x -> x + l * getElem r2 j m) r1 m + +-- | Switch two rows of a matrix. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) ( 1 2 3 ) +-- > switchRows 1 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 8 9 ) +switchRows :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -- ^ Row 1. + -> Int -- ^ Row 2. + -> Matrix a -- ^ Original matrix. + -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix with rows 1 and 2 switched. +switchRows r1 r2 (M n m ro co w vs) = M n m ro co w $ V.modify (\mv -> do + numLoop 1 m $ \j -> + MV.swap mv (encode w (r1+ro,j+co)) (encode w (r2+ro,j+co))) vs + +-- | Switch two coumns of a matrix. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) ( 2 1 3 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) ( 5 4 6 ) +-- > switchCols 1 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 8 7 9 ) +switchCols :: (V.Unbox a) + => Int -- ^ Col 1. + -> Int -- ^ Col 2. + -> Matrix a -- ^ Original matrix. + -> Matrix a -- ^ Matrix with cols 1 and 2 switched. +switchCols c1 c2 (M n m ro co w vs) = M n m ro co w $ V.modify (\mv -> do + numLoop 1 n $ \j -> + MV.swap mv (encode m (j+ro,c1+co)) (encode m (j+ro,c2+co))) vs + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- +---- DECOMPOSITIONS + +-- LU DECOMPOSITION + +-- | Matrix LU decomposition with /partial pivoting/. +-- The result for a matrix /M/ is given in the format /(U,L,P,d)/ where: +-- +-- * /U/ is an upper triangular matrix. +-- +-- * /L/ is an /unit/ lower triangular matrix. +-- +-- * /P/ is a permutation matrix. +-- +-- * /d/ is the determinant of /P/. +-- +-- * /PM = LU/. +-- +-- These properties are only guaranteed when the input matrix is invertible. +-- An additional property matches thanks to the strategy followed for pivoting: +-- +-- * /L_(i,j)/ <= 1, for all /i,j/. +-- +-- This follows from the maximal property of the selected pivots, which also +-- leads to a better numerical stability of the algorithm. +-- +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 0 ) ( 2 0 2 ) ( 1 0 0 ) ( 0 0 1 ) +-- > ( 0 2 1 ) ( 0 2 -1 ) ( 1/2 1 0 ) ( 1 0 0 ) +-- > luDecomp ( 2 0 2 ) = ( ( 0 0 2 ) , ( 0 1 1 ) , ( 0 1 0 ) , 1 ) +-- +-- 'Nothing' is returned if no LU decomposition exists. +luDecomp :: (Ord a, Fractional a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Maybe (Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a,a) +luDecomp a = recLUDecomp a i i 1 1 n + where + i = identity $ nrows a + n = min (nrows a) (ncols a) + +recLUDecomp :: (Ord a, Fractional a, V.Unbox a) + => Matrix a -- ^ U + -> Matrix a -- ^ L + -> Matrix a -- ^ P + -> a -- ^ d + -> Int -- ^ Current row + -> Int -- ^ Total rows + -> Maybe (Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a,a) +recLUDecomp u l p d k n = + if k > n then Just (u,l,p,d) + else if ukk == 0 then Nothing + else recLUDecomp u'' l'' p' d' (k+1) n + where + -- Pivot strategy: maximum value in absolute value below the current row. + i = maximumBy (\x y -> compare (abs $ u ! (x,k)) (abs $ u ! (y,k))) [ k .. n ] + -- Switching to place pivot in current row. + u' = switchRows k i u + l' = let lw = vcols l + en = encode lw + lro = rowOffset l + lco = colOffset l + in if i == k + then l + else M (nrows l) (ncols l) lro lco lw $ + V.modify (\mv -> forM_ [1 .. k-1] $ + \j -> MV.swap mv (en (i+lro,j+lco)) + (en (k+lro,j+lco)) + ) $ mvect l + p' = switchRows k i p + -- Permutation determinant + d' = if i == k then d else negate d + -- Cancel elements below the pivot. + (u'',l'') = go u' l' (k+1) + ukk = u' ! (k,k) + go u_ l_ j = + if j > nrows u_ + then (u_,l_) + else let x = (u_ ! (j,k)) / ukk + in go (combineRows j (-x) k u_) (setElem x (j,k) l_) (j+1) + +-- | Unsafe version of 'luDecomp'. It fails when the input matrix is singular. +luDecompUnsafe :: (Ord a, Fractional a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, a) +luDecompUnsafe m = case luDecomp m of + Just x -> x + _ -> error "luDecompUnsafe of singular matrix." + +-- | Matrix LU decomposition with /complete pivoting/. +-- The result for a matrix /M/ is given in the format /(U,L,P,Q,d,e)/ where: +-- +-- * /U/ is an upper triangular matrix. +-- +-- * /L/ is an /unit/ lower triangular matrix. +-- +-- * /P,Q/ are permutation matrices. +-- +-- * /d,e/ are the determinants of /P/ and /Q/ respectively. +-- +-- * /PMQ = LU/. +-- +-- These properties are only guaranteed when the input matrix is invertible. +-- An additional property matches thanks to the strategy followed for pivoting: +-- +-- * /L_(i,j)/ <= 1, for all /i,j/. +-- +-- This follows from the maximal property of the selected pivots, which also +-- leads to a better numerical stability of the algorithm. +-- +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 0 ) ( 2 1 ) ( 1 0 0 ) ( 0 0 1 ) +-- > ( 0 2 ) ( 0 2 ) ( 0 1 0 ) ( 0 1 0 ) ( 1 0 ) +-- > luDecomp' ( 2 1 ) = ( ( 0 0 ) , ( 1/2 -1/4 1 ) , ( 1 0 0 ) , ( 0 1 ) , -1 , 1 ) +-- +-- 'Nothing' is returned if no LU decomposition exists. +luDecomp' :: (Ord a, Fractional a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Maybe (Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a,a,a) +luDecomp' a = recLUDecomp' a i i (identity $ ncols a) 1 1 1 n + where + i = identity $ nrows a + n = min (nrows a) (ncols a) + +-- | Unsafe version of 'luDecomp''. It fails when the input matrix is singular. +luDecompUnsafe' :: (Ord a, Fractional a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, a, a) +luDecompUnsafe' m = case luDecomp' m of + Just x -> x + _ -> error "luDecompUnsafe' of singular matrix." + +recLUDecomp' :: (Ord a, Fractional a, V.Unbox a) + => Matrix a -- ^ U + -> Matrix a -- ^ L + -> Matrix a -- ^ P + -> Matrix a -- ^ Q + -> a -- ^ d + -> a -- ^ e + -> Int -- ^ Current row + -> Int -- ^ Total rows + -> Maybe (Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a,a,a) +recLUDecomp' u l p q d e k n = + if k > n || u'' ! (k, k) == 0 + then Just (u,l,p,q,d,e) + else if ukk == 0 + then Nothing + else recLUDecomp' u'' l'' p' q' d' e' (k+1) n + where + -- Pivot strategy: maximum value in absolute value below the current row & col. + (i, j) = maximumBy (comparing (\(i0, j0) -> abs $ u ! (i0,j0))) + [ (i0, j0) | i0 <- [k .. nrows u], j0 <- [k .. ncols u] ] + -- Switching to place pivot in current row. + u' = switchCols k j $ switchRows k i u + l'0 = switchRows k i l + l' = switchCols k i l'0 + p' = switchRows k i p + q' = switchCols k j q + -- Permutation determinant + d' = if i == k then d else negate d + e' = if j == k then e else negate e + -- Cancel elements below the pivot. + (u'',l'') = go u' l' (k+1) + ukk = u' ! (k,k) + go u_ l_ h = + if h > nrows u_ + then (u_,l_) + else let x = (u_ ! (h,k)) / ukk + in go (combineRows h (-x) k u_) (setElem x (h,k) l_) (h+1) + +-- CHOLESKY DECOMPOSITION + +-- | Simple Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric, positive definite matrix. +-- The result for a matrix /M/ is a lower triangular matrix /L/ such that: +-- +-- * /M = LL^T/. +-- +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 2 -1 0 ) ( 1.41 0 0 ) +-- > ( -1 2 -1 ) ( -0.70 1.22 0 ) +-- > cholDecomp ( 0 -1 2 ) = ( 0.00 -0.81 1.15 ) +cholDecomp :: (Floating a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a +cholDecomp a + | (nrows a == 1) && (ncols a == 1) = mapMat sqrt a + | otherwise = joinBlocks (l11, l12, l21, l22) where + (a11, a12, a21, a22) = splitBlocks 1 1 a + l11' = sqrt (a11 ! (1,1)) + l11 = fromList 1 1 [l11'] + l12 = zero (nrows a12) (ncols a12) + l21 = scaleMatrix (1/l11') a21 + a22' = a22 - multStd l21 (transpose l21) + l22 = cholDecomp a22' + +------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------- +---- PROPERTIES + +-- | Sum of the elements in the diagonal. See also 'getDiag'. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) +-- > trace ( 7 8 9 ) = 15 +trace :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> a +trace = V.sum . getDiag + +-- | Product of the elements in the diagonal. See also 'getDiag'. +-- Example: +-- +-- > ( 1 2 3 ) +-- > ( 4 5 6 ) +-- > diagProd ( 7 8 9 ) = 45 +diagProd :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> a +diagProd = V.product . getDiag + +-- DETERMINANT + +-- | Matrix determinant using Laplace expansion. +-- If the elements of the 'Matrix' are instance of 'Ord' and 'Fractional' +-- consider to use 'detLU' in order to obtain better performance. +-- Function 'detLaplace' is /extremely/ slow. +detLaplace :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> a +detLaplace m@(M 1 1 _ _ _ _) = m ! (1,1) +detLaplace m = sum1 [ (-1)^(i-1) * m ! (i,1) * detLaplace (minorMatrix i 1 m) | i <- [1 .. nrows m] ] + where + sum1 = foldl1' (+) + +-- | Matrix determinant using LU decomposition. +-- It works even when the input matrix is singular. +detLU :: (Ord a, Fractional a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> a +detLU m = case luDecomp m of + Just (u,_,_,d) -> d * diagProd u + Nothing -> 0 diff --git a/matrix.cabal b/matrix.cabal index e578936..337be1b 100644 --- a/matrix.cabal +++ b/matrix.cabal @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Library , semigroups >= 0.9 , loop >= 0.2 Exposed-modules: Data.Matrix + , Data.Matrix.Unboxed GHC-Options: -Wall -O2 -fstatic-argument-transformation Benchmark matrix-mult From f87a85d72cdaf624e004a90eb21da8173f02422f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Olivier Sohn Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 10:22:07 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Add benchmarks for the unboxed version, Add SPECIALIZE pragmas in both unboxed and boxed versions to improve performances. --- Data/Matrix.hs | 10 ++++++++-- Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- bench/mult.hs | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 3 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Data/Matrix.hs b/Data/Matrix.hs index 752ce01..5104723 100644 --- a/Data/Matrix.hs +++ b/Data/Matrix.hs @@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ ref :: (Fractional a, Eq a) => Matrix a -> Either String (Matrix a) ref mtx | nrows mtx == 1 = clearedLeft - | otherwise = do + | otherwise = do (tl, tr, bl, br) <- (splitBlocks 1 1 <$> clearedLeft) br' <- ref br return ((tl <|> tr) <-> (bl <|> br')) @@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ ref mtx Nothing -> Left "Attempt to invert a non-invertible matrix" Just x -> return x normalizedFirstRow = (\sigAtTop' -> scaleRow (1 / getElem 1 1 sigAtTop') 1 sigAtTop') <$> sigAtTop - clearedLeft = do + clearedLeft = do comb <- mapM combinator [2..nrows mtx] firstRow <- normalizedFirstRow return $ (foldr (.) id comb) firstRow @@ -956,6 +956,9 @@ first f = go -- | Strassen's algorithm over square matrices of order @2^n@. strassen :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +{-# SPECIALIZE strassen :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double #-} +{-# SPECIALIZE strassen :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Int #-} +{-# SPECIALIZE strassen :: Matrix Rational -> Matrix Rational -> Matrix Rational #-} -- Trivial 1x1 multiplication. strassen a@(M 1 1 _ _ _ _) b@(M 1 1 _ _ _ _) = M 1 1 0 0 1 $ V.singleton $ (a ! (1,1)) * (b ! (1,1)) -- General case guesses that the input matrices are square matrices @@ -983,6 +986,9 @@ strassen a b = joinBlocks (c11,c12,c21,c22) -- | Strassen's matrix multiplication. multStrassen :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +{-# SPECIALIZE multStrassen :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double #-} +{-# SPECIALIZE multStrassen :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Int #-} +{-# SPECIALIZE multStrassen :: Matrix Rational -> Matrix Rational -> Matrix Rational #-} multStrassen a1@(M n m _ _ _ _) a2@(M n' m' _ _ _ _) | m /= n' = error $ "Multiplication of " ++ sizeStr n m ++ " and " ++ sizeStr n' m' ++ " matrices." diff --git a/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs b/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs index 0481a7c..c2d6b48 100644 --- a/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs +++ b/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs @@ -746,6 +746,8 @@ splitBlocks i j a@(M n m _ _ _ _) = -- > (tl <|> tr) -- > <-> -- > (bl <|> br) +{-# SPECIALIZE joinBlocks :: (Matrix Double, Matrix Double, Matrix Double, Matrix Double) -> Matrix Double #-} +{-# SPECIALIZE joinBlocks :: (Matrix Int, Matrix Int, Matrix Int, Matrix Int) -> Matrix Int #-} joinBlocks :: V.Unbox a => (Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a) -> Matrix a {-# INLINE[1] joinBlocks #-} @@ -770,7 +772,7 @@ joinBlocks (tl,tr,bl,br) = return v {-# RULES -"matrix/splitAndJoin" +"matrixU/splitAndJoin" forall i j m. joinBlocks (splitBlocks i j m) = m #-} @@ -780,6 +782,8 @@ joinBlocks (tl,tr,bl,br) = -- -- Where both matrices /A/ and /B/ have the same number of rows. -- /This condition is not checked/. +{-# SPECIALIZE (<|>) :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double #-} +{-# SPECIALIZE (<|>) :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Int #-} (<|>) :: V.Unbox a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a {-# INLINE (<|>) #-} @@ -796,6 +800,8 @@ m <|> m' = -- -- Where both matrices /A/ and /B/ have the same number of columns. -- /This condition is not checked/. +{-# SPECIALIZE (<->) :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double #-} +{-# SPECIALIZE (<->) :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Int #-} (<->) :: V.Unbox a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a {-# INLINE (<->) #-} @@ -870,6 +876,7 @@ If you want to be on the safe side, use ('*'). -} -- | Standard matrix multiplication by definition. +-- Note that Specializing this function for Int will make it slower! multStd :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a {-# INLINE multStd #-} multStd a1@(M n m _ _ _ _) a2@(M n' m' _ _ _ _) @@ -925,6 +932,8 @@ first f = go go _ = error "first: no element match the condition." -- | Strassen's algorithm over square matrices of order @2^n@. +{-# SPECIALIZE strassen :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double #-} +{-# SPECIALIZE strassen :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Int #-} strassen :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a -- Trivial 1x1 multiplication. strassen a@(M 1 1 _ _ _ _) b@(M 1 1 _ _ _ _) = M 1 1 0 0 1 $ V.singleton $ (a ! (1,1)) * (b ! (1,1)) @@ -952,6 +961,8 @@ strassen a b = joinBlocks (c11,c12,c21,c22) c22 = p1 - p2 + p3 + p6 -- | Strassen's matrix multiplication. +{-# SPECIALIZE multStrassen :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double #-} +{-# SPECIALIZE multStrassen :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Int #-} multStrassen :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a multStrassen a1@(M n m _ _ _ _) a2@(M n' m' _ _ _ _) | m /= n' = error $ "Multiplication of " ++ sizeStr n m ++ " and " @@ -1240,6 +1251,14 @@ cholDecomp a ------------------------------------------------------- ---- PROPERTIES +{-# RULES +"matrixU/traceOfSum" + forall a b. trace (a + b) = trace a + trace b + +"matrixU/traceOfScale" + forall k a. trace (scaleMatrix k a) = k * trace a + #-} + -- | Sum of the elements in the diagonal. See also 'getDiag'. -- Example: -- @@ -1260,6 +1279,14 @@ diagProd = V.product . getDiag -- DETERMINANT +{-# RULES +"matrixU/detLaplaceProduct" + forall a b. detLaplace (a*b) = detLaplace a * detLaplace b + +"matrixU/detLUProduct" + forall a b. detLU (a*b) = detLU a * detLU b + #-} + -- | Matrix determinant using Laplace expansion. -- If the elements of the 'Matrix' are instance of 'Ord' and 'Fractional' -- consider to use 'detLU' in order to obtain better performance. diff --git a/bench/mult.hs b/bench/mult.hs index 5003917..724169b 100644 --- a/bench/mult.hs +++ b/bench/mult.hs @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import Criterion.Main -- import Data.Matrix +import qualified Data.Matrix.Unboxed as U mat :: Int -> Matrix Int mat n = fromList n n [1..] @@ -18,13 +19,34 @@ teststr n = multStrassen (mat n) (mat n) teststrm :: Int -> Matrix Int teststrm n = multStrassenMixed (mat n) (mat n) + +matU :: Int -> U.Matrix Int +matU n = U.fromList n n [1..] + +testdefU :: Int -> U.Matrix Int +testdefU n = U.multStd (matU n) (matU n) + +-- TODO add this test when U.multStd2 exists +--testdef2U :: Int -> U.Matrix Int +--testdef2U n = U.multStd2 (mat n) (mat n) + +teststrU :: Int -> U.Matrix Int +teststrU n = U.multStrassen (matU n) (matU n) + +-- TODO add this test when U.multStrassenMixed exists +--teststrmU :: Int -> U.Matrix Int +--teststrmU n = U.multStrassenMixed (mat n) (mat n) + + +-- Note that Strassen tests are slower (by several orders of magnitude) than Definition tests, +-- for the matrix sizes tested here. bmat :: Int -> Benchmark bmat n = bgroup ("mult" ++ show n) - [ -- testdef seems to be the slowest in every situation. - -- We comment it to speed up benchmarking. - -- bench "Definition" $ nf testdef n - bench "Definition 2" $ nf testdef2 n - -- , bench "Strassen" $ nf teststr n + [ bench "Definition" $ nf testdef n + , bench "DefinitionU" $ nf testdefU n + , bench "Definition 2" $ nf testdef2 n + , bench "Strassen" $ nf teststr n + , bench "StrassenU" $ nf teststrU n , bench "Strassen mixed" $ nf teststrm n ] From 4f491ddac777becd92887bb1265d9caf6fe2193b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Olivier Sohn Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 11:28:15 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Commented out the strassen benchmarks. --- bench/mult.hs | 11 +++++++---- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/bench/mult.hs b/bench/mult.hs index 724169b..1703e87 100644 --- a/bench/mult.hs +++ b/bench/mult.hs @@ -38,15 +38,18 @@ teststrU n = U.multStrassen (matU n) (matU n) --teststrmU n = U.multStrassenMixed (mat n) (mat n) --- Note that Strassen tests are slower (by several orders of magnitude) than Definition tests, --- for the matrix sizes tested here. bmat :: Int -> Benchmark bmat n = bgroup ("mult" ++ show n) [ bench "Definition" $ nf testdef n , bench "DefinitionU" $ nf testdefU n , bench "Definition 2" $ nf testdef2 n - , bench "Strassen" $ nf teststr n - , bench "StrassenU" $ nf teststrU n +{- +Strassen and StrassenU tests are commented out because they are consistentlty slower, +by several orders of magnitude, than other tests, and use /much/ more memory, +to the point that they prevent the benchmark from finishing when the matrix size is > 300. +-} +-- , bench "Strassen" $ nf teststr n +-- , bench "StrassenU" $ nf teststrU n , bench "Strassen mixed" $ nf teststrm n ] From 6ed42003d957547c234fc5d22a91ab450b9a3e16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Olivier Sohn Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 12:17:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Add missing multiplication functions. --- Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs | 136 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- bench/mult.hs | 14 ++--- 2 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs b/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs index c2d6b48..f5b30b0 100644 --- a/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs +++ b/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs @@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ module Data.Matrix.Unboxed ( -- ** Functions , multStd + , multStd2 , multStrassen + , multStrassenMixed -- * Linear transformations , scaleMatrix , scaleRow @@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ import Prelude -- Classes import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad (forM_) -import Control.Loop (numLoop) +import Control.Loop (numLoop, numLoopFold) import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Semigroup as S @@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad, PrimState) import Data.List (maximumBy,foldl1') import Data.Ord (comparing) +import qualified Data.Vector as BV import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MV import qualified Data.Matrix as Boxed -- Just needed for 'prettyMatrix' @@ -746,8 +749,6 @@ splitBlocks i j a@(M n m _ _ _ _) = -- > (tl <|> tr) -- > <-> -- > (bl <|> br) -{-# SPECIALIZE joinBlocks :: (Matrix Double, Matrix Double, Matrix Double, Matrix Double) -> Matrix Double #-} -{-# SPECIALIZE joinBlocks :: (Matrix Int, Matrix Int, Matrix Int, Matrix Int) -> Matrix Int #-} joinBlocks :: V.Unbox a => (Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a,Matrix a) -> Matrix a {-# INLINE[1] joinBlocks #-} @@ -782,8 +783,6 @@ joinBlocks (tl,tr,bl,br) = -- -- Where both matrices /A/ and /B/ have the same number of rows. -- /This condition is not checked/. -{-# SPECIALIZE (<|>) :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double #-} -{-# SPECIALIZE (<|>) :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Int #-} (<|>) :: V.Unbox a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a {-# INLINE (<|>) #-} @@ -800,8 +799,6 @@ m <|> m' = -- -- Where both matrices /A/ and /B/ have the same number of columns. -- /This condition is not checked/. -{-# SPECIALIZE (<->) :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double #-} -{-# SPECIALIZE (<->) :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Int #-} (<->) :: V.Unbox a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a {-# INLINE (<->) #-} @@ -834,6 +831,18 @@ elementwiseUnsafe :: (V.Unbox a, V.Unbox b, V.Unbox c) elementwiseUnsafe f m m' = matrix (nrows m) (ncols m) $ \(i,j) -> f (unsafeGet i j m) (unsafeGet i j m') +infixl 6 +., -. + +-- | Internal unsafe addition. +(+.) :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE (+.) #-} +(+.) = elementwiseUnsafe (+) + +-- | Internal unsafe substraction. +(-.) :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE (-.) #-} +(-.) = elementwiseUnsafe (-) + ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- @@ -885,6 +894,15 @@ multStd a1@(M n m _ _ _ _) a2@(M n' m' _ _ _ _) ++ sizeStr n' m' ++ " matrices." | otherwise = multStd_ a1 a2 +-- | Standard matrix multiplication by definition. +multStd2 :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE multStd2 #-} +multStd2 a1@(M n m _ _ _ _) a2@(M n' m' _ _ _ _) + -- Checking that sizes match... + | m /= n' = error $ "Multiplication of " ++ sizeStr n m ++ " and " + ++ sizeStr n' m' ++ " matrices." + | otherwise = multStd__ a1 a2 + -- | Standard matrix multiplication by definition, without checking if sizes match. multStd_ :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a {-# INLINE multStd_ #-} @@ -918,6 +936,20 @@ multStd_ a@(M 3 3 _ _ _ _) b@(M 3 3 _ _ _ _) = ] multStd_ a@(M n m _ _ _ _) b@(M _ m' _ _ _ _) = matrix n m' $ \(i,j) -> sum [ a !. (i,k) * b !. (k,j) | k <- [1 .. m] ] +multStd__ :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE multStd__ #-} +multStd__ a b = matrix r c $ \(i,j) -> dotProduct (BV.unsafeIndex avs $ i - 1) (BV.unsafeIndex bvs $ j - 1) + where + r = nrows a + avs = BV.generate r $ \i -> getRow (i+1) a + c = ncols b + bvs = BV.generate c $ \i -> getCol (i+1) b + +dotProduct :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => V.Vector a -> V.Vector a -> a +{-# INLINE dotProduct #-} +dotProduct v1 v2 = numLoopFold 0 (V.length v1 - 1) 0 $ + \r i -> V.unsafeIndex v1 i * V.unsafeIndex v2 i + r + {- dotProduct v1 v2 = go (V.length v1 - 1) 0 where @@ -974,6 +1006,96 @@ multStrassen a1@(M n m _ _ _ _) a2@(M n' m' _ _ _ _) b2 = setSize 0 n2 n2 a2 in submatrix 1 n 1 m' $ strassen b1 b2 + +strmixFactor :: Int +strmixFactor = 300 + +-- | Strassen's mixed algorithm. +strassenMixed :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +{-# SPECIALIZE strassenMixed :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double #-} +{-# SPECIALIZE strassenMixed :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Int #-} +strassenMixed a b + | r < strmixFactor = multStd__ a b + | odd r = let r' = r + 1 + a' = setSize 0 r' r' a + b' = setSize 0 r' r' b + in submatrix 1 r 1 r $ strassenMixed a' b' + | otherwise = + M r r 0 0 r $ V.create $ do + v <- MV.unsafeNew (r*r) + let en = encode r + n' = n + 1 + -- c11 = p1 + p4 - p5 + p7 + sequence_ [ MV.write v k $ + unsafeGet i j p1 + + unsafeGet i j p4 + - unsafeGet i j p5 + + unsafeGet i j p7 + | i <- [1..n] + , j <- [1..n] + , let k = en (i,j) + ] + -- c12 = p3 + p5 + sequence_ [ MV.write v k $ + unsafeGet i j' p3 + + unsafeGet i j' p5 + | i <- [1..n] + , j <- [n'..r] + , let k = en (i,j) + , let j' = j - n + ] + -- c21 = p2 + p4 + sequence_ [ MV.write v k $ + unsafeGet i' j p2 + + unsafeGet i' j p4 + | i <- [n'..r] + , j <- [1..n] + , let k = en (i,j) + , let i' = i - n + ] + -- c22 = p1 - p2 + p3 + p6 + sequence_ [ MV.write v k $ + unsafeGet i' j' p1 + - unsafeGet i' j' p2 + + unsafeGet i' j' p3 + + unsafeGet i' j' p6 + | i <- [n'..r] + , j <- [n'..r] + , let k = en (i,j) + , let i' = i - n + , let j' = j - n + ] + return v + where + r = nrows a + -- Size of the subproblem is halved. + n = quot r 2 + -- Split of the original problem into smaller subproblems. + (a11,a12,a21,a22) = splitBlocks n n a + (b11,b12,b21,b22) = splitBlocks n n b + -- The seven Strassen's products. + p1 = strassenMixed (a11 +. a22) (b11 +. b22) + p2 = strassenMixed (a21 +. a22) b11 + p3 = strassenMixed a11 (b12 -. b22) + p4 = strassenMixed a22 (b21 -. b11) + p5 = strassenMixed (a11 +. a12) b22 + p6 = strassenMixed (a21 -. a11) (b11 +. b12) + p7 = strassenMixed (a12 -. a22) (b21 +. b22) + +-- | Mixed Strassen's matrix multiplication. +multStrassenMixed :: (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a +{-# INLINE multStrassenMixed #-} +multStrassenMixed a1@(M n m _ _ _ _) a2@(M n' m' _ _ _ _) + | m /= n' = error $ "Multiplication of " ++ sizeStr n m ++ " and " + ++ sizeStr n' m' ++ " matrices." + | n < strmixFactor = multStd__ a1 a2 + | otherwise = + let mx = maximum [n,m,n',m'] + n2 = if even mx then mx else mx+1 + b1 = setSize 0 n2 n2 a1 + b2 = setSize 0 n2 n2 a2 + in submatrix 1 n 1 m' $ strassenMixed b1 b2 + ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ---- NUMERICAL INSTANCE diff --git a/bench/mult.hs b/bench/mult.hs index 1703e87..e64836a 100644 --- a/bench/mult.hs +++ b/bench/mult.hs @@ -26,23 +26,22 @@ matU n = U.fromList n n [1..] testdefU :: Int -> U.Matrix Int testdefU n = U.multStd (matU n) (matU n) --- TODO add this test when U.multStd2 exists ---testdef2U :: Int -> U.Matrix Int ---testdef2U n = U.multStd2 (mat n) (mat n) +testdef2U :: Int -> U.Matrix Int +testdef2U n = U.multStd2 (matU n) (matU n) teststrU :: Int -> U.Matrix Int teststrU n = U.multStrassen (matU n) (matU n) --- TODO add this test when U.multStrassenMixed exists ---teststrmU :: Int -> U.Matrix Int ---teststrmU n = U.multStrassenMixed (mat n) (mat n) +teststrmU :: Int -> U.Matrix Int +teststrmU n = U.multStrassenMixed (matU n) (matU n) bmat :: Int -> Benchmark bmat n = bgroup ("mult" ++ show n) [ bench "Definition" $ nf testdef n - , bench "DefinitionU" $ nf testdefU n + , bench "Definition U" $ nf testdefU n , bench "Definition 2" $ nf testdef2 n + , bench "Definition 2 U" $ nf testdef2U n {- Strassen and StrassenU tests are commented out because they are consistentlty slower, by several orders of magnitude, than other tests, and use /much/ more memory, @@ -51,6 +50,7 @@ to the point that they prevent the benchmark from finishing when the matrix size -- , bench "Strassen" $ nf teststr n -- , bench "StrassenU" $ nf teststrU n , bench "Strassen mixed" $ nf teststrm n + , bench "Strassen mixed U" $ nf teststrmU n ] main :: IO () From 08e3217c5778aa260e0c84565da8e7da2467f069 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Olivier Sohn Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 13:12:18 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Add doc, use multStrassenMixed for (*) operator of Num instance in Unboxed version. --- Data/Matrix.hs | 4 ++-- Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs | 16 ++++++++++++---- 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/Data/Matrix.hs b/Data/Matrix.hs index 5104723..28441fd 100644 --- a/Data/Matrix.hs +++ b/Data/Matrix.hs @@ -857,9 +857,9 @@ Four methods are provided for matrix multiplication. * 'multStrassen': Matrix multiplication following the Strassen's algorithm. - Complexity grows slower but also some work is added + Complexity grows slower but memory requirement is @O(n^2)@, and some work is added partitioning the matrix. Also, it only works on square - matrices of order @2^n@, so if this condition is not + matrices of order @2^k@, so if this condition is not met, it is zero-padded until this is accomplished. Therefore, its use is not recommended. diff --git a/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs b/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs index f5b30b0..b1529ae 100644 --- a/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs +++ b/Data/Matrix/Unboxed.hs @@ -1,6 +1,14 @@ {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} --- | A Matrix where the underlying container is an Unboxed Vector. +{- | A 'Matrix' where the underlying container is an Unboxed Vector, leading to +faster computations, due to a higher cache hit ratio, compared to the Matrix of Data.Matrix. + +Our benchmarks show a performance boost of 2x for small matrices (size ~ 10) and +8x for larger matrices (size ~ 200). + +Note that you can use it only if your data type has an 'Unbox' instance. If not, +you should use 'Data.Matrix' instead. +-} module Data.Matrix.Unboxed ( -- * Matrix type Matrix , prettyMatrix @@ -865,9 +873,9 @@ Four methods are provided for matrix multiplication. * 'multStrassen': Matrix multiplication following the Strassen's algorithm. - Complexity grows slower but also some work is added + Complexity grows slower but memory requirement is @O(n^2)@, and some work is added partitioning the matrix. Also, it only works on square - matrices of order @2^n@, so if this condition is not + matrices of order @2^k@, so if this condition is not met, it is zero-padded until this is accomplished. Therefore, its use is not recommended. @@ -1118,7 +1126,7 @@ instance (Num a, V.Unbox a) => Num (Matrix a) where -- Multiplication of matrices. {-# INLINE (*) #-} - (*) = multStrassen + (*) = multStrassenMixed ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------