diff --git a/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Error.hs b/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Error.hs
index 4ec373c28..8e170966f 100644
--- a/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Error.hs
+++ b/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Error.hs
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ gmeDoc e = case e of
                \ Try enabling them:" $$
               nest 4 (backticks $ text "cabal configure --enable-tests [--enable-benchmarks]")
-        backticks d = char '`' <> d <> char '`'
         ctxDoc = moduleDoc *** compsDoc
                  >>> first (<> colon) >>> uncurry (flip hang 4)
@@ -104,6 +103,27 @@ gmeDoc e = case e of
     GMETooManyCabalFiles cfs ->
         text $ "Multiple cabal files found. Possible cabal files: \""
                ++ intercalate "\", \"" cfs ++"\"."
+    GMEMissingHaddockInterface f ->
+        text ("Haddock interface file missing: " ++ f) $$
+        text "" $$
+        haddockSuggestion
+    GMENoVisibleExports moduleName package ->
+        text $ "Failed to find visible exports of \"" ++ moduleName ++ "\" in \"" ++ package ++ "\""
+  where
+    backticks d = char '`' <> d <> char '`'
+    haddockSuggestion =
+        text "- To generate Haddock docs for dependencies, try:" $$
+            nest 4 (backticks $ text "cabal install --enable-documentation --haddock-hyperlink-source --only-dependencies") $$
+        text "" $$
+        text "- or set" $$
+            nest 4 (backticks $ text "documentation: True") $$
+        text "in ~/.cabal/config" $$
+        text "" $$
+        text "- or with Stack:" $$
+            nest 4 (backticks $ text "stack haddock")
 ghcExceptionDoc :: GhcException -> Doc
 ghcExceptionDoc e@(CmdLineError _) =
diff --git a/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Gap.hs b/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Gap.hs
index b8f9c658b..029178023 100644
--- a/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Gap.hs
+++ b/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Gap.hs
@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap (
   , mkErrStyle'
   , everythingStagedWithContext
   , withCleanupSession
+  , ghcQualify
+  , ghcIdeclHiding
+  , ghc_sl_fs
+  , ghc_ms_textual_imps
   ) where
 import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
@@ -118,6 +122,10 @@ import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf))
 import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (ByteString(..))
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
+import BasicTypes (sl_fs, StringLiteral)
 import Bag
 import Lexer as L
 import Parser
@@ -687,3 +695,44 @@ withCleanupSession action = do
   df <- getSessionDynFlags
   GHC.defaultCleanupHandler df action
+-- | Things for Language.Haskell.GhcMod.ImportedFrom
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
+ghcQualify :: PrintUnqualified
+ghcQualify = reallyAlwaysQualify
+ghcQualify :: PrintUnqualified
+ghcQualify = alwaysQualify
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
+ghcIdeclHiding :: GHC.ImportDecl GHC.RdrName -> Maybe (Bool, SrcLoc.Located [GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName])
+ghcIdeclHiding = GHC.ideclHiding
+-- Here, we have
+--     ideclHiding :: Maybe (Bool, [LIE name])
+-- so we have to use noLoc to get a SrcLoc.Located type in the second part of the tuple.
+ghcIdeclHiding :: GHC.ImportDecl GHC.RdrName -> Maybe (Bool, SrcLoc.Located [GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName])
+ghcIdeclHiding x = case GHC.ideclHiding x of
+                    Just (b, lie)   -> Just (b, GHC.noLoc lie)
+                    Nothing         -> Nothing
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
+ghc_sl_fs :: StringLiteral -> FastString
+ghc_sl_fs = sl_fs
+ghc_sl_fs = id
+ghc_ms_textual_imps :: GHC.ModSummary -> [Located (ImportDecl RdrName)]
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
+-- What does GHC8 give in the first part of the tuple?
+ghc_ms_textual_imps ms = map (fmap simpleImportDecl . snd) (ms_textual_imps ms)
+ghc_ms_textual_imps = ms_textual_imps
diff --git a/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/ImportedFrom.hs b/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/ImportedFrom.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abd230ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/ImportedFrom.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,825 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Carlo Hamalainen <carlo ÄT carlo-hamalainen DOT net>
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleContexts, Rank2Types, ScopedTypeVariables, ViewPatterns #-}
+module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.ImportedFrom (importedFrom) where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+import Data.Char (isAlpha)
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.List
+import Data.List.Split
+import Data.Maybe
+import Exception (ghandle)
+import FastString
+import GHC
+import HscTypes
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.DynFlags
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.FileMapping
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Logging
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Output
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.SrcUtils (listifySpans)
+import Outputable
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Documentation.Haddock as Haddock
+import qualified GhcMonad
+import qualified Safe
+import qualified SrcLoc
+import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP
+type QualifiedName = String -- ^ A qualified name, e.g. @Foo.bar@.
+data NiceImportDecl
+    -- | Information about an import of a Haskell module. Convenience type
+    -- for the bits of a 'GHC.ImportDecl' that we need.
+    = NiceImportDecl
+        { modName           :: String
+        , modQualifier      :: Maybe String
+        , modIsImplicit     :: Bool
+        , modHiding         :: [String]
+        , modImportedAs     :: Maybe String
+        , modSpecifically   :: [String]
+        } deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- trace' :: Show x => String -> x -> b -> b
+-- trace' m x = trace (m ++ ">>> " ++ show x)
+-- trace'' :: Outputable x => String -> x -> b -> b
+-- trace'' m x = trace (m ++ ">>> " ++ showSDoc tdflags (ppr x))
+parsePackageAndQualName :: RP.ReadP (String, String)
+parsePackageAndQualName = RP.choice [parsePackageAndQualNameWithHash, parsePackageAndQualNameNoHash]
+  where
+    -- Package with no hash (seems to be for internal packages?)
+    -- base-
+    parsePackageAndQualNameNoHash = do
+        packageName <- parsePackageName
+        qName       <- parsePackageFinalQualName
+        return (packageName, qName)
+    parsePackageName = RP.get `RP.manyTill` RP.char ':'
+    parsePackageFinalQualName = RP.many1 RP.get
+-- Parse the package name "containers-" from a string like
+-- "containers-"
+parsePackageAndQualNameWithHash :: RP.ReadP (String, String)
+parsePackageAndQualNameWithHash = do
+    packageName <- parsePackageName
+    _           <- parsePackageHash
+    qName       <- parsePackageFinalQualName
+    return (packageName, qName)
+  where
+    parsePackageName = RP.get `RP.manyTill` RP.char '@'
+    parsePackageHash = RP.get `RP.manyTill` RP.char ':'
+    parsePackageFinalQualName = RP.many1 RP.get
+runRP :: Show t => RP.ReadP t -> String -> Either String t
+runRP rp s = case RP.readP_to_S rp s of
+                [(m, "")]   -> Right m
+                err         -> Left $ "runRP: no unique match: " ++ show err
+-- | Convenience function for converting an 'GHC.ImportDecl' to a 'NiceImportDecl'.
+-- Example:
+-- > -- Hiding.hs
+-- > module Hiding where
+-- > import Data.List hiding (map)
+-- > import System.Environment (getArgs)
+-- > import qualified Safe
+-- then:
+-- >>> map toImportDecl <$> getTextualImports "tests/data/data/Hiding.hs" "Hiding" >>= print
+-- [ NiceImportDecl { modName = "Prelude"
+--                  , modQualifier = Nothing
+--                  , modIsImplicit = True
+--                  , modHiding = []
+--                  , modImportedAs = Nothing
+--                  , modSpecifically = []
+--                  }
+-- , NiceImportDecl {modName = "Safe"
+--                  , modQualifier = Nothing
+--                  , modIsImplicit = False
+--                  , modHiding = []
+--                  , modImportedAs = Nothing
+--                  , modSpecifically = []
+--                  }
+-- , NiceImportDecl { modName = "System.Environment"
+--                  , modQualifier = Nothing
+--                  , modIsImplicit = False
+--                  , modHiding = []
+--                  , modImportedAs = Nothing
+--                  , modSpecifically = ["getArgs"]
+--                  }
+-- , NiceImportDecl { modName = "Data.List"
+--                  , modQualifier = Nothing
+--                  , modIsImplicit = False
+--                  , modHiding = ["map"]
+--                  , modImportedAs = Nothing
+--                  , modSpecifically = []
+--                  }
+-- ]
+toImportDecl :: GHC.DynFlags -> SrcLoc.Located (GHC.ImportDecl GHC.RdrName) -> NiceImportDecl
+toImportDecl dflags idecl = NiceImportDecl
+                            { modName           = name
+                            , modQualifier      = qualifier
+                            , modIsImplicit     = isImplicit
+                            , modHiding         = hiding
+                            , modImportedAs     = importedAs
+                            , modSpecifically   = specifically
+                            }
+  where
+    idecl'       = SrcLoc.unLoc idecl
+    name         = showSDoc dflags (ppr $ GHC.ideclName idecl')
+    isImplicit   = GHC.ideclImplicit idecl'
+    qualifier    = unpackFS <$> ghc_sl_fs <$> GHC.ideclPkgQual idecl'
+    hiding       = (catMaybes . parseHiding . ghcIdeclHiding) idecl'
+    importedAs   = (showSDoc dflags . ppr) <$> ideclAs idecl'
+    specifically = (parseSpecifically . ghcIdeclHiding) idecl'
+    grabNames :: GHC.Located [GHC.LIE GHC.RdrName] -> [String]
+    grabNames loc = map (showSDoc dflags . ppr) names
+      where names :: [RdrName]
+            names = map (ieName . SrcLoc.unLoc) $ SrcLoc.unLoc loc
+            -- FIXME We are throwing away location info by using unLoc each time?
+            -- Trace these things to see what we are losing.
+    parseHiding :: Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE RdrName]) -> [Maybe String]
+    parseHiding Nothing = [Nothing]
+    -- If we do
+    --
+    --     import System.Environment ( getArgs )
+    --
+    -- then we get ["getArgs"] here, but we don't really need it...
+    parseHiding (Just (False, _)) = []
+    -- Actually hid names, e.g.
+    --
+    --     import Data.List hiding (map)
+    parseHiding (Just (True, h))  = map Just $ grabNames h
+    parseSpecifically :: Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE RdrName]) -> [String]
+    parseSpecifically (Just (False, h)) = grabNames h
+    parseSpecifically _                 = []
+-- | Returns True if the 'Symbol' matches the end of the 'QualifiedName'.
+-- Example:
+-- >>> postfixMatch "bar" "Foo.bar"
+-- True
+-- >>> postfixMatch "bar" "Foo.baz"
+-- False
+-- >>> postfixMatch "bar" "bar"
+-- True
+postfixMatch :: String -> QualifiedName -> Bool
+postfixMatch originalSymbol qName = endTerm `isSuffixOf` qName
+  where endTerm = last $ splitOn "." originalSymbol
+-- | Get the module part of a qualified name.
+-- Example:
+-- >>> moduleOfQualifiedName "Foo.bar"
+-- Just "Foo"
+-- >>> moduleOfQualifiedName "Foo"
+-- Nothing
+moduleOfQualifiedName :: QualifiedName -> Maybe String
+moduleOfQualifiedName qn = if null bits
+                                then Nothing
+                                else Just $ intercalate "." bits
+  where bits = reverse $ drop 1 $ reverse $ splitOn "." qn
+-- | Find the possible qualified names for the symbol at line/col in the given Haskell file and module.
+-- Returns a fully qualified name thatincludes the package, hash, and name, e.g.
+-- "containers-".
+    :: forall m. (GhcMonad m, MonadIO m, GmOut m, GmLog m)
+    => String -> Int -> Int -> String -> [String] -> m [String]
+qualifiedName targetModuleName lineNr colNr symbol importList = do
+        dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
+        setContext (map (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) (targetModuleName:importList))
+           `gcatch` (\(s  :: SourceError)    -> do gmLog GmDebug "qualifiedName" $ strDoc $ "setContext failed with a SourceError, trying to continue anyway..." ++ show s
+                                                   setContext $ map (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) importList)
+           `gcatch` (\(g  :: GhcApiError)    -> do gmLog GmDebug "qualifiedName" $ strDoc $ "setContext failed with a GhcApiError, trying to continue anyway..." ++ show g
+                                                   setContext $ map (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) importList)
+           `gcatch` (\(se :: SomeException)  -> do gmLog GmDebug "qualifiedName" $ strDoc $ "setContext failed with a SomeException, trying to continue anyway..." ++ show se
+                                                   setContext $ map (IIDecl . simpleImportDecl . mkModuleName) importList)
+        modSummary <- getModSummary $ mkModuleName targetModuleName :: m ModSummary
+        p <- parseModule modSummary                                 :: m ParsedModule
+        t <- typecheckModule p                                      :: m TypecheckedModule
+        let TypecheckedModule{tm_typechecked_source = tcs} = t
+            bs = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LHsBind Id]
+            es = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LHsExpr Id]
+            ps = listifySpans tcs (lineNr, colNr) :: [LPat Id]
+        let bs' = map (showSDocForUser dflags ghcQualify . ppr) bs
+            es' = map (showSDocForUser dflags ghcQualify . ppr) es
+            ps' = map (showSDocForUser dflags ghcQualify . ppr) ps
+        gmLog GmDebug "qualifiedName" $ strDoc $ "symbol: " ++ symbol
+        gmLog GmDebug "qualifiedName" $ strDoc $ "line, col: " ++ show (lineNr, colNr)
+        let stuff = map dropParens $ concatMap words $ bs' ++ es' ++ ps'
+        gmLog GmDebug "qualifiedName" $ strDoc $ "stuff: " ++ show stuff
+        return $ filter (postfixMatch symbol) stuff
+  where
+    -- GHC8 starts showing things inside parens? Why? e.g. "(base-"
+    dropParens :: String -> String
+    dropParens = dropWhileEnd (== ')') . dropWhile (== '(')
+    :: forall m. (GhcMonad m, MonadIO m, GmOut m, GmLog m)
+    => String
+    -> m (Maybe String)
+ghcPkgFindModule mod = do
+    rp <- gmReadProcess
+    (runMaybeT . msum . map MaybeT)
+        [ stackGhcPkgFindModule rp mod
+        , hcPkgFindModule       rp mod
+        , ghcPkgFindModule'     rp mod
+        ]
+  where
+    runCmd rp cmd opts = liftIO ((Just <$> (rp cmd opts "")) `catch` (\(_::IOError) -> return Nothing))
+    -- | Call @ghc-pkg find-module@ to determine that package that provides a module, e.g. @Prelude@ is defined
+    -- in @base-
+    -- ghcPkgFindModule' :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
+    ghcPkgFindModule' rp m = do
+        let opts = ["find-module", m, "--simple-output"] ++ ["--global", "--user"]
+        gmLog GmDebug "ghcPkgFindModule'" $ strDoc $ "ghc-pkg " ++ show opts
+        x <- runCmd rp "ghc-pkg" opts
+        -- gmLog GmDebug "" $ strDoc $ "ghcPkgFindModule' stdout: " ++ show output
+        -- gmLog GmDebug "" $ strDoc $ "ghcPkgFindModule' stderr: " ++ show err
+        return $ case x of
+                    Just x' -> join $ (Safe.lastMay . words) <$> (Safe.lastMay . lines) x'
+                    Nothing -> Nothing
+    -- | Call @cabal sandbox hc-pkg@ to find the package the provides a module.
+    -- hcPkgFindModule :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
+    hcPkgFindModule rp m = do
+        let opts = ["sandbox", "hc-pkg", "find-module", m, "--", "--simple-output"]
+        x <- runCmd rp "cabal" opts
+        -- gmLog GmDebug "" $ strDoc $ "hcPkgFindModule stdout: " ++ show output
+        -- gmLog GmDebug "" $ strDoc $ "hcPkgFindModule stderr: " ++ show err
+        return $ case x of
+                    Just x' -> join $ (Safe.lastMay . words) <$> (Safe.lastMay . lines) x'
+                    Nothing -> Nothing
+    -- | Call @stack exec ghc-pkg@ to find the package the provides a module.
+    -- stackGhcPkgFindModule :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
+    stackGhcPkgFindModule rp m = do
+        let opts = ["exec", "ghc-pkg", "find-module", m, "--", "--simple-output"]
+        x <- runCmd rp "stack" opts
+        -- gmLog GmDebug "" $ strDoc $ "stackGhcPkgFindModule stdout: " ++ show output
+        -- gmLog GmDebug "" $ strDoc $ "stackGhcPkgFindModule stderr: " ++ show err
+        return $ case x of
+                    Just x' -> join $ (Safe.lastMay . words) <$> (Safe.lastMay . lines) x'
+                    Nothing -> Nothing
+splitPackageName :: String -> String
+splitPackageName p
+    = case splitOn "@" p of
+            [p0, _] -> p0
+            _       -> p
+    :: forall m. (GmLog m, GmOut m, MonadIO m)
+    => FilePath
+    -> (FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO String)
+    -> [GhcPkgDb]
+    -> String
+    -> m (Maybe String)
+ghcPkgHaddockUrl ghcPkg readProc pkgDbStack p = do
+    gmLog GmDebug "ghcPkgHaddockUrl" $ strDoc p
+    let p' = splitPackageName p
+    hout <- liftIO $ readProc ghcPkg (toDocDirOpts p' pkgDbStack) ""
+    return $ Safe.lastMay $ words $ reverse $ dropWhile (== '\n') $ reverse hout
+  where
+    -- This fails unless we have --global and --user, unlike
+    -- pkgDoc elsewhere in ghc-mod.
+    toDocDirOpts pkg dbs = ["field", pkg, "haddock-html", "--global", "--user"] ++ ghcPkgDbStackOpts dbs
+    :: forall (m :: * -> *).  MonadIO m
+    => FilePath
+    -> (FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO String)
+    -> [GhcPkgDb]
+    -> String
+    -> m (Maybe String)
+ghcPkgHaddockInterface ghcPkg readProc pkgDbStack p = do
+    hout <- liftIO $ readProc ghcPkg (toHaskellInterfaces p pkgDbStack) ""
+    return $ Safe.lastMay $ words $ reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse $ hout
+  where
+    toHaskellInterfaces pkg dbs = ["field", pkg, "haddock-interfaces", "--global", "--user"] ++ ghcPkgDbStackOpts dbs
+    :: forall m. (GhcMonad m, MonadIO m, GmOut m, GmLog m)
+    => (String -> m (Maybe String))
+    -> String
+    -> m (Maybe (M.Map String [String]))
+getVisibleExports getHaddockInterfaces p = do
+    gmLog GmDebug "getVisibleExports" $ strDoc p
+    let p' = splitPackageName p
+    haddockInterfaceFile <- getHaddockInterfaces p'
+    case haddockInterfaceFile of
+            Just hi -> getVisibleExports' hi
+            Nothing -> return Nothing
+    -- FIXME getVisibleExports' <$> (getHaddockInterfaces p')
+  where
+    getVisibleExports' :: forall m. (GhcMonad m, MonadIO m)
+                       => FilePath
+                       -> m (Maybe (M.Map String [String]))
+    getVisibleExports' ifile = do
+        iface <- Haddock.readInterfaceFile nameCacheFromGhc ifile
+        dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
+        case iface of
+            Left _          -> throw $ GMEMissingHaddockInterface ifile
+            Right iface'    -> return $ Just $ M.fromList
+                                    [ (mname,  names)
+                                    | ii <- Haddock.ifInstalledIfaces iface'
+                                    , let mname = showSDoc dflags $ ppr $ Haddock.instMod ii
+                                          names = map (showSDoc dflags . ppr) $ Haddock.instVisibleExports ii
+                                    ]
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    -- Copied from http://hackage.haskell.org/package/haddock-api-2.16.1/docs/src/Haddock-InterfaceFile.html#nameCacheFromGhc
+    -- but for a general monad m instead of the specific monad Ghc.
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    nameCacheFromGhc :: forall m. (GhcMonad m, MonadIO m) => Haddock.NameCacheAccessor m
+    nameCacheFromGhc = ( read_from_session , write_to_session )
+      where
+        read_from_session = do
+           ref <- GhcMonad.withSession (return . hsc_NC)
+           liftIO $ readIORef ref
+        write_to_session nc' = do
+           ref <- GhcMonad.withSession (return . hsc_NC)
+           liftIO $ writeIORef ref nc'
+    :: forall m. (GhcMonad m, MonadIO m, GmOut m, GmLog m)
+    => FilePath
+    -> (FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO String)
+    -> NiceImportDecl
+    -> m (Maybe ([String], String))
+getModuleExports ghcPkg readProc m = do
+    minfo     <- (findModule (mkModuleName $ modName m) Nothing >>= getModuleInfo)
+                   `gcatch` (\(e :: SourceError) -> do gmLog GmDebug "getModuleExports" $ strDoc $ "Failed to find module \"" ++ modName m ++ "\": " ++ show e
+                                                       return Nothing)
+    p <- ghcPkgFindModule $ modName m
+    dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
+    case (minfo, p) of
+        (Nothing, _)            -> return Nothing
+        (_, Nothing)            -> return Nothing
+        (Just minfo', Just p')  -> return $ Just (map (showSDocForUser dflags ghcQualify . ppr) $ modInfoExports minfo', p')
+type FullyQualifiedName = String    -- ^ e.g. e.g. "base-"
+type StrModuleName      = String    -- ^ e.g. "Data.List"
+data MySymbol = MySymbolSysQualified  String  -- ^ e.g. "base-"
+              | MySymbolUserQualified String  -- ^ e.g. "DL.length" with an import earlier like "import qualified Data.List as DL"
+              deriving Show
+data ModuleExports = ModuleExports
+    { mName            :: StrModuleName            -- ^ e.g. "Data.List"
+    , mPackageName     :: String                   -- ^ e.g. "snap-"
+    , mInfo            :: NiceImportDecl           -- ^ Our parse of the module import, with info like "hiding (map)".
+    , qualifiedExports :: [FullyQualifiedName]     -- ^ e.g. [ "base-"
+                                                   --        , "base-"
+                                                   --        , "base-"
+                                                   --        , ...
+                                                   --        ]
+    }
+    deriving Show
+-- refineAs :: MySymbol -> [ModuleExports] -> [ModuleExports]
+-- User qualified the symbol, so we can filter out anything that doesn't have a matching 'modImportedAs'.
+refineAs (MySymbolUserQualified userQualSym) exports = filterM f exports
+  where
+    f export = do
+        -- e.g. "DL"
+        case moduleOfQualifiedName userQualSym of
+            Nothing -> fail "ImportedFrom: expected a qualified name like 'DL.length' but got Nothing."
+            Just userQualAs -> return $ case modImportedAs $ mInfo export of
+                                  Nothing     -> False
+                                  Just modas' -> modas' == userQualAs
+-- User didn't qualify the symbol, so we have the full system qualified thing, so do nothing here.
+refineAs (MySymbolSysQualified _) exports = return exports
+refineRemoveHiding :: [ModuleExports] -> [ModuleExports]
+refineRemoveHiding exports = map (\e -> e { qualifiedExports = f e }) exports
+  where
+    f export = filter (`notElem` hiding') thisExports
+       where hiding = modHiding $ mInfo export :: [String] -- Things that this module hides.
+             hiding' = map (qualifyName thisExports) hiding  :: [String]    -- Qualified version of hiding.
+             thisExports = qualifiedExports export         -- Things that this module exports.
+    nub' = Set.toList . Set.fromList
+    qualifyName :: [QualifiedName] -> String -> QualifiedName
+    qualifyName qualifiedNames name
+        -- = case filter (postfixMatch name) qualifiedNames of
+        = case nub' (filter (name `f`) qualifiedNames) of
+            [match]     -> match
+            m           -> throw $ GMEString $ "ImportedFrom: could not qualify " ++ name ++ " from these exports: " ++ show qualifiedNames ++ "\n    matches: " ++ show m
+        -- Time for some stringly typed rubbish. The previous test used
+        -- postfixMatch but this failed on an import that had "hiding (lines, unlines)" since
+        -- both lines and unlines matched. Prepending a dot doesn't work due to things like ".=" from
+        -- Control.Lens. So we manually check that the suffix matches, that the next symbol is a dot,
+        -- and then an alpha character, which hopefully is the end of a module name. Such a mess.
+        where f n qn = if length qn - length n - 2 >= 0
+                            then n `isSuffixOf` qn && isAlpha (qn !! (length qn - length n - 2)) && (qn !! (length qn - length n - 1)) == '.'
+                            else throw $ GMEString $ "ImportedFrom internal error: trying to check if \"" ++ n ++ "\" is a match for \"" ++ qn ++ "\""
+refineExportsIt :: MySymbol -> [ModuleExports] -> [ModuleExports]
+refineExportsIt mysymbol exports = map (\e -> e { qualifiedExports = f symbol e }) exports
+  where
+    -- Deal with these?
+    symbol = case mysymbol of
+                MySymbolSysQualified  s -> s
+                MySymbolUserQualified s -> s
+    f sym export = filter (postfixMatch sym) thisExports
+       where thisExports = qualifiedExports export         -- Things that this module exports.
+-- On an internal symbol (e.g. Show), refineExportsIt erronously filters out everything.
+-- For example mnsymbol = "base-" and the matching
+-- name "base-" from the Prelude. The problem seems to be the
+-- module name GHC.Show.C, probably referring to an internal C library.
+-- To get around this, refineExportsItFallbackInternal uses a less strict matching
+-- rule. If the 'stage3' results are empty we fall back to this refiner.
+refineExportsItFallbackInternal :: MySymbol -> [ModuleExports] -> [ModuleExports]
+refineExportsItFallbackInternal mysymbol exports
+    = case splitOn ":" symbol of
+        [p, _, x]   -> map (\e -> e { qualifiedExports = f p x e }) exports
+        _           -> exports
+  where
+    -- Deal with these?
+    symbol = case mysymbol of
+                MySymbolSysQualified  s -> s
+                MySymbolUserQualified s -> s
+    -- Check if package name matches and postfix symbol matches (roughly).
+    f p sym export = filter
+                        (\z -> p `isPrefixOf` z && postfixMatch sym z)
+                        (qualifiedExports export)
+refineLeadingDot :: MySymbol -> [ModuleExports] -> [ModuleExports]
+refineLeadingDot (MySymbolUserQualified _)           exports = exports
+refineLeadingDot (MySymbolSysQualified symb)         exports = map (\e -> e { qualifiedExports = f leadingDot e }) exports
+  where
+    -- We use leadingDot only when we have an 'MySymbolSysQualified symb' so
+    -- the 'last' will be ok. Sample value of 'symb' in this case is
+    -- "base-".
+    leadingDot :: String
+    leadingDot = '.' : last (splitOn "." symb)
+    -- f symbol export = filter (symbol ==) thisExports
+    f symbol export = filter (symbol `isSuffixOf`) thisExports
+       where thisExports = qualifiedExports export         -- Things that this module exports.
+    :: forall m. (GhcMonad m, MonadIO m, GmOut m, GmLog m)
+    => (String -> m (Maybe String))
+    -> [ModuleExports]
+    -> m [ModuleExports]
+refineVisibleExports getHaddockInterfaces exports = mapM f exports
+  where
+    f :: ModuleExports -> m ModuleExports
+    f mexports = do
+        let pname          = mPackageName     mexports -- e.g. "base-"
+            thisModuleName = mName            mexports -- e.g. "Prelude"
+            qexports       = qualifiedExports mexports -- e.g. ["base-", ...]
+        mVisibleExportsMap <- getVisibleExports getHaddockInterfaces pname
+        visibleExportsMap <- case mVisibleExportsMap of
+                                Nothing -> fail $ "ImportedFrom: visible exports map is Nothing"
+                                Just x  -> return x
+        gmLog GmDebug "visibleExportsMap" $ strDoc $ show visibleExportsMap
+        let thisModVisibleExports0 = M.lookup thisModuleName visibleExportsMap
+        -- On earlier versions of GHC, our qexports list will not be fully qualified, so it will
+        -- look like ["base:GHC.Base.Just", ...] instead of ["base-", ...].
+        -- So if thisModVisibleExports0 is Nothing, fall back to searching on a shorter pname.
+        let pname' = (head $ splitOn "-" pname) ++ ":" ++ thisModuleName
+            mThisModVisibleExports = thisModVisibleExports0
+                                     `mplus`
+                                     (M.lookup pname' visibleExportsMap)
+        thisModVisibleExports <- case mThisModVisibleExports of
+                                    Nothing -> throw $ GMENoVisibleExports thisModuleName pname'
+                                    Just x  -> return x
+        let qexports' = filter (hasPostfixMatch thisModVisibleExports) qexports
+        gmLog GmDebug "visibleExportsMap" $ strDoc $ show (qexports, qexports')
+        return $ mexports { qualifiedExports = qexports' }
+    -- hasPostfixMatch "base-" ["Just", "True", ...] -> True
+    hasPostfixMatch :: [String] -> String -> Bool
+    hasPostfixMatch xs s = last (splitOn "." s) `elem` xs
+-- | The last thing with a single export must be the match? Iffy.
+getLastMatch :: [ModuleExports] -> Maybe ModuleExports
+getLastMatch exports = Safe.lastMay $ filter f exports
+  where
+    f me = length (qualifiedExports me) == 1
+-- | Try to look up the Haddock URL for a symbol.
+    :: forall m.
+       (GhcMonad m, MonadIO m, GmOut m, GmLog m)
+    => ModSummary
+    -> FilePath
+    -> String
+    -> String
+    -> Int
+    -> Int
+    -> FilePath
+    -> (FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO String)
+    -> [GhcPkgDb]
+    -> m String
+guessHaddockUrl modSum targetFile targetModule symbol lineNr colNr ghcPkg readProc pkgDbStack = do
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "targetFile: "   ++ targetFile
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "targetModule: " ++ targetModule
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "symbol: "       ++ show symbol
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "line nr: "      ++ show lineNr
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "col nr: "       ++ show colNr
+    dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
+    let textualImports = ghc_ms_textual_imps modSum
+        importDecls0 = map (toImportDecl dflags) textualImports
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "haskellModuleNames0: " ++ show importDecls0
+    -- If symbol is something like DM.lookup, then restrict importDecls0 to the
+    -- one that has modImportedAs == Just "DM".
+    let importDecls1 = filterMatchingQualifiedImport symbol importDecls0
+    -- If that filter left us with nothing, revert back to the original list.
+    let importDecls2 = if null importDecls1
+                                then importDecls0
+                                else importDecls1
+    qnames <- filter (not . (' ' `elem`)) <$> qualifiedName targetModule lineNr colNr symbol (map modName importDecls2) :: m [String]
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "qnames: " ++ show qnames
+    let symbolToUse :: String
+        symbolToUse = case qnames of
+                        (qq:_) -> qq -- We got a qualified name, with qualified printing. Qualified!
+                        []     -> fail "ImportedFrom: qnames is empty."
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "symbolToUse: " ++ symbolToUse
+    -- Sometimes we have to load an extra module (using setContext) otherwise
+    -- we can't look up the global reader environment without causing a GHC panic.
+    -- For example 'Int' comes from GHC.Types, which is picked up here via the
+    -- full qualified name.
+    let parsedPackagesAndQualNames = map (runRP parsePackageAndQualName) qnames
+        mkNiceDecl x = [ NiceImportDecl
+                          { modName         = x
+                          , modQualifier    = Nothing
+                          , modIsImplicit   = False
+                          , modHiding       = []
+                          , modImportedAs   = Nothing
+                          , modSpecifically = []
+                          }
+                       ]
+        extraImportDecls :: [NiceImportDecl]
+        extraImportDecls = case Safe.headMay parsedPackagesAndQualNames of
+            Just (Right (_, moduleOfQualifiedName -> Just x)) -> mkNiceDecl x
+            _                                                 -> []
+        importDecls3 = importDecls2 ++ extraImportDecls
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "parsedPackagesAndQualNames: " ++ show parsedPackagesAndQualNames
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "extraImportDecls: " ++ show extraImportDecls
+    exports0 <- mapM (getModuleExports ghcPkg readProc) importDecls3 :: m [Maybe ([String], String)]
+    -- Sometimes the modules in extraImportDecls might be hidden or weird ones like GHC.Base that we can't
+    -- load, so filter out the successfully loaded ones.
+    let successes :: [(NiceImportDecl, Maybe ([String], String))]
+        successes = filter (isJust . snd) (zip importDecls3 exports0)
+        toMaybe :: (NiceImportDecl, Maybe ([FullyQualifiedName], String))
+                -> Maybe (NiceImportDecl, ([FullyQualifiedName], String))
+        toMaybe (h, Just x)  = Just (h, x)
+        toMaybe (_, Nothing) = Nothing
+        successes' :: [(NiceImportDecl, ([String], String))]
+        successes' = mapMaybe toMaybe successes
+        mkExports (m, (e, p)) = ModuleExports
+                                  { mName             = modName m
+                                  , mPackageName      = p
+                                  , mInfo             = m
+                                  , qualifiedExports  = e
+                                  }
+        stage0 = map mkExports successes'
+    -- Get all "as" imports.
+    let asImports :: [String]
+        asImports = mapMaybe (modImportedAs . mInfo) stage0
+        mySymbol = case moduleOfQualifiedName symbol of
+                    Nothing     -> MySymbolSysQualified symbolToUse
+                    Just x      -> if x `elem` asImports
+                                        then MySymbolUserQualified symbol
+                                        else MySymbolSysQualified symbolToUse
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "mySymbol: " ++ show mySymbol
+    let pprModuleExports :: ModuleExports -> String
+        pprModuleExports me = "(" ++ mName me ++ ", " ++ show (mInfo me) ++ ", " ++ unwords (map show $ qualifiedExports me) ++ ")"
+        showDebugStage stageNr stage = forM_ stage $ \x -> gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ stageNr ++ " " ++ pprModuleExports x
+    showDebugStage "stage0" stage0
+    stage1 <- refineAs mySymbol stage0
+    showDebugStage "stage1" stage1
+    let stage2 = refineRemoveHiding stage1
+    showDebugStage "stage2" stage2
+    let stage3 = refineExportsIt mySymbol stage2
+    showDebugStage "stage3" stage3
+    let stage4 = if all (null . qualifiedExports) stage3
+                    then refineExportsItFallbackInternal mySymbol stage2
+                    else refineLeadingDot mySymbol stage3
+    showDebugStage "stage4" stage4
+    stage5 <- refineVisibleExports (ghcPkgHaddockInterface ghcPkg readProc pkgDbStack) stage4
+    showDebugStage "stage5" stage5
+    let lastMatch  = Safe.headMay $ catMaybes [getLastMatch stage5, getLastMatch stage4]
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ show $ "lastMatch: " ++ show lastMatch
+    let lastMatchModule :: String
+        lastMatchModule = case mName <$> lastMatch of
+                            Just modn   -> modn
+                            _           -> fail $ "ImportedFrom: no nice match in lastMatch for module: " ++ show lastMatch
+        lastMatchPackageName :: String
+        lastMatchPackageName = case mPackageName <$> lastMatch of
+                                Just p -> p
+                                _      -> fail $ "ImportedFrom: no nice match in lastMatch for package name: " ++ show lastMatch
+    mhaddock <- ghcPkgHaddockUrl ghcPkg readProc pkgDbStack lastMatchPackageName
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "lastMatchModule:      " ++ lastMatchModule
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "lastMatchPackageName: " ++ lastMatchPackageName
+    gmLog GmDebug "guessHaddockUrl" $ strDoc $ "mhaddock:             " ++ show mhaddock
+    case mhaddock of
+        Nothing -> fail $ "ImportedFrom: ghcPkgHaddockUrl failed to find path to HTML file."
+        Just haddock -> do let f = haddock </> (moduleNameToHtmlFile lastMatchModule)
+                           let mySymbol' = case mySymbol of
+                                                   MySymbolSysQualified  s -> s
+                                                   MySymbolUserQualified s -> s
+                           return $ mySymbol' ++ " " ++ lastMatchModule ++ " file://" ++ f
+                                   ++ " " ++ toHackageUrl f lastMatchPackageName lastMatchModule
+  where
+    -- Convert a module name string, e.g. @Data.List@ to @Data-List.html@.
+    moduleNameToHtmlFile :: String -> String
+    moduleNameToHtmlFile m = map f m ++ ".html"
+      where
+        f :: Char -> Char
+        f '.' = '-'
+        f c   = c
+    toHackageUrl :: FilePath -> String -> String -> String
+    toHackageUrl filepath package modulename = "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/" ++ package ++ "/" ++ "docs/" ++ modulename''
+        where filepath'    = map repl filepath
+              modulename'  = head $ splitOn "." $ head $ splitOn "-" modulename
+              modulename'' = drop (fromJust $ substringP modulename' filepath') filepath'
+              -- On Windows we get backslashes in the file path; convert
+              -- to forward slashes for the URL.
+              repl :: Char -> Char
+              repl '\\' = '/'
+              repl c    = c
+              -- Adapted from http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2010-June/078702.html
+              substringP :: String -> String -> Maybe Int
+              substringP _ []  = Nothing
+              substringP sub str = if sub `isPrefixOf` str then Just 0 else fmap (+1) $ substringP sub (tail str)
+    filterMatchingQualifiedImport :: String -> [NiceImportDecl] -> [NiceImportDecl]
+    filterMatchingQualifiedImport symbol hmodules
+        = case moduleOfQualifiedName symbol of
+            Nothing        -> []
+            asBit@(Just _) -> filter (\z -> asBit == modImportedAs z) hmodules
+-- | Look up Haddock docs for a symbol.
+    :: forall m. IOish m
+    => FilePath     -- ^ A target file.
+    -> Int          -- ^ Line number.
+    -> Int          -- ^ Column number.
+    -> Expression   -- ^ Expression (symbol)
+    -> GhcModT m String
+importedFrom file lineNr colNr (Expression symbol) = do
+    ghcPkg     <- getGhcPkgProgram
+    readProc   <- gmReadProcess
+    pkgDbStack <- getPackageDbStack
+    ghandle handler $
+      runGmlT' [Left file] deferErrors $
+            withInteractiveContext $ importedFrom' ghcPkg readProc pkgDbStack
+  where
+    handler (SomeException ex) = do
+      gmLog GmException "imported-from" $ showDoc ex
+      return $ "imported-from exception: " ++ show ex
+    importedFrom'
+        :: FilePath
+        -> (FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO String)
+        -> [GhcPkgDb]
+        -> GmlT m String
+    importedFrom' ghcPkg readProc pkgDbStack = do
+        crdl   <- cradle
+        modSum <- fileModSummaryWithMapping (cradleCurrentDir crdl </> file)
+        let modstr = moduleNameString $ ms_mod_name modSum :: String
+        guessHaddockUrl modSum file modstr symbol lineNr colNr ghcPkg readProc pkgDbStack
diff --git a/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Types.hs b/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Types.hs
index f73e01f21..eb23234f7 100644
--- a/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Types.hs
+++ b/Language/Haskell/GhcMod/Types.hs
@@ -350,6 +350,12 @@ data GhcModError
   | GMETooManyCabalFiles [FilePath]
   -- ^ Too many cabal files found.
+  | GMEMissingHaddockInterface FilePath
+  -- ^ Haddock interface file missing.
+  | GMENoVisibleExports String String
+  -- ^ Failed to find visible exports of module in given package.
     deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable)
 instance Error GhcModError where
diff --git a/ghc-mod.cabal b/ghc-mod.cabal
index d882262ae..d5ff41bb5 100644
--- a/ghc-mod.cabal
+++ b/ghc-mod.cabal
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ Extra-Source-Files:     ChangeLog
+                        test/data/imported-from/*.hs
@@ -137,6 +138,7 @@ Library
+                        Language.Haskell.GhcMod.ImportedFrom
@@ -211,6 +213,13 @@ Library
   if impl(ghc >= 8.0)
     Build-Depends:      ghc-boot
+  if impl(ghc >= 8.0)
+    Build-Depends:      haddock-api       < 2.18
+  if impl(ghc >= 7.8 && < 8.0)
+    Build-Depends:      haddock-api       < 2.16
+  if impl(ghc < 7.8)
+    Build-Depends:      haddock           < 2.15.0
 Executable ghc-mod
   Default-Language:     Haskell2010
   Main-Is:              GHCMod.hs
@@ -283,6 +292,7 @@ Test-Suite spec
+                        ImportedFromSpec
diff --git a/src/GHCMod.hs b/src/GHCMod.hs
index ed28d5685..936a5da40 100644
--- a/src/GHCMod.hs
+++ b/src/GHCMod.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Internal hiding (MonadIO,liftIO)
 import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
 import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad
 import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Find (AsyncSymbolDb, newAsyncSymbolDb, getAsyncSymbolDb)
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.ImportedFrom (importedFrom)
 import System.FilePath ((</>))
 import System.Directory (setCurrentDirectory, getAppUserDataDirectory,
@@ -150,6 +151,7 @@ ghcCommands (CmdLint opts file) = lint opts file
 ghcCommands (CmdBrowse opts ms) = concat <$> browse opts `mapM` ms
 ghcCommands (CmdCheck files) = checkSyntax files
 ghcCommands (CmdExpand files) = expandTemplate files
+ghcCommands (CmdImportedFrom file (line, col) symb) = importedFrom file line col $ Expression symb
 ghcCommands (CmdInfo file symb) = info file $ Expression symb
 ghcCommands (CmdType wCon file (line, col)) = types wCon file line col
 ghcCommands (CmdSplit file (line, col)) = splits file line col
diff --git a/src/GHCMod/Options/Commands.hs b/src/GHCMod/Options/Commands.hs
index 688905f13..c812500de 100644
--- a/src/GHCMod/Options/Commands.hs
+++ b/src/GHCMod/Options/Commands.hs
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ data GhcModCommands =
   | CmdDebugComponent [String]
   | CmdCheck [FilePath]
   | CmdExpand [FilePath]
+  | CmdImportedFrom FilePath Point Expr
   | CmdInfo FilePath Symbol
   | CmdType Bool FilePath Point
   | CmdSplit FilePath Point
@@ -133,6 +134,9 @@ commands =
     <> command "expand"
           $$  info expandArgSpec
           $$  progDesc "Like `check' but also pass `-ddump-splices' to GHC"
+    <> command "imported-from"
+          $$  info importedFromArgSpec
+          $$  progDesc "Get the Haddock URL of the expression under (LINE,COL)"
     <> command "info"
           $$  info infoArgSpec
           $$  progDesc' $$$ do
@@ -228,7 +232,7 @@ locArgSpec x = x
 modulesArgSpec, docArgSpec, findArgSpec,
   lintArgSpec, browseArgSpec, checkArgSpec, expandArgSpec,
-  infoArgSpec, typeArgSpec, autoArgSpec, splitArgSpec,
+  importedFromArgSpec, infoArgSpec, typeArgSpec, autoArgSpec, splitArgSpec,
   sigArgSpec, refineArgSpec, debugComponentArgSpec,
   mapArgSpec, unmapArgSpec, legacyInteractiveArgSpec :: Parser GhcModCommands
@@ -268,6 +272,7 @@ browseArgSpec = CmdBrowse
 debugComponentArgSpec = filesArgsSpec (pure CmdDebugComponent)
 checkArgSpec = filesArgsSpec (pure CmdCheck)
 expandArgSpec = filesArgsSpec (pure CmdExpand)
+importedFromArgSpec = locArgSpec (pure CmdImportedFrom) <*> strArg "SYMBOL"
 infoArgSpec = CmdInfo
     <$> strArg "FILE"
     <*> strArg "SYMBOL"
diff --git a/test/ImportedFromSpec.hs b/test/ImportedFromSpec.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c6547f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ImportedFromSpec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+module ImportedFromSpec where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.List
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod
+import System.FilePath
+import Test.Hspec
+import TestUtils
+import Prelude
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
+import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.ImportedFrom
+import System.FilePath()
+import Test.Hspec
+import Control.Exception as E
+import System.Directory
+spec :: Spec
+spec = do
+    let tdir = "test/data/imported-from"
+    describe "checkImportedFrom" $ do
+        -- Previously this test looked up the "Maybe" in a type signature
+        -- but now it fails - for some reason the expansion of spans
+        -- was giving the contents of the body of the function. This worked
+        -- before???
+        it "can look up Maybe" $ do
+            res <- runD' tdir $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom01.hs" 22 17 (Expression "Maybe")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "base-")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "Data-Maybe.html")
+        it "can look up Just" $ do
+            res <- runD' tdir $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom01.hs" 12 7  (Expression "Just")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "base-")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "Data-Maybe.html")
+        it "can look up Just" $ do
+            res <- runD' tdir $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom01.hs" 16 10 (Expression "Just")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "base-")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "Data-Maybe.html")
+        it "can look up String" $ do
+            res <- runD' tdir $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom01.hs" 20 14 (Expression "String")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "base-")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "Prelude.html")
+        it "can look up Int" $ do
+            res <- runD' tdir $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom01.hs" 22 23 (Expression "Int")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "base-")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "Prelude.html")
+        it "can look up DL.length" $ do
+            res <- runD' tdir $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom01.hs" 23 5  (Expression "DL.length")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "base-")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "Data-List.html")
+        it "can look up print" $ do
+            res <- runD' tdir $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom01.hs" 25 8  (Expression "print")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "base-")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "Prelude.html")
+        it "can look up DM.fromList" $ do
+            res <- runD' tdir $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom01.hs" 27 5  (Expression "DM.fromList")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "containers-")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "Data-Map.html")
+        -- This one is failing for some reason - something about not being able to load Safe? Temporarily disabling.
+        --
+        --     Failed to load interface for \8216Safe\8217\nUse -v to see a list of the files searched for.\n
+        --
+        --it "can look up Safe.headMay" $ do
+        --    withDirectory_ "test/data/imported-from" $ do
+        --        (res, _) <- runGmOutDef $ runGhcModT defaultOptions $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom01.hs" 29 6  (Expression "Safe.headMay")
+        --        res `shouldSatisfy` isRight
+        it "can look up Foo.Bar.length" $ do
+            res <- runD' tdir $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom01.hs" 34 17 (Expression "Foo.Bar.length")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "base-")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "Data-List.html")
+        -- These from Safe also fail. Why?
+        --it "can look up map" $ do
+        --    res <- runD' tdir $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom02.hs" 14 5  (Expression "map")
+        --    res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "000")
+        --    res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "111")
+        --it "can look up head" $ do
+        --    res <- runD' tdir $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom02.hs" 16 5  (Expression "head")
+        --    res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "000")
+        --    res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "111")
+        it "can look up when" $ do
+            res <- runD' tdir $ importedFrom "ImportedFrom03.hs"   15 5  (Expression "when")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "base-")
+            res `shouldSatisfy` (isInfixOf "Control-Monad.html")
diff --git a/test/data/imported-from/ImportedFrom01.hs b/test/data/imported-from/ImportedFrom01.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48059a96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/imported-from/ImportedFrom01.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+-- ImportedFrom01.hs
+module ImportedFrom01 where
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.List as DL
+import qualified Data.Map as DM
+-- import qualified Safe
+import qualified Data.List as Foo.Bar
+f :: a -> Maybe a
+f x = Just x
+g :: IO ()
+g = do
+    let (Just _, _) = (Just 3, Just 4)
+    return ()
+s = "boo" :: String
+s' = head s
+t = Just 100 :: Maybe Int
+r = DL.length [1, 2, 3]
+main = print "Hello, World!"
+h = DM.fromList [("x", "y")]
+-- sh = Safe.headMay []
+i = 3 :: Int
+i' = 3 :: Integer
+len = Foo.Bar.length
diff --git a/test/data/imported-from/ImportedFrom02.hs b/test/data/imported-from/ImportedFrom02.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..afac299e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/imported-from/ImportedFrom02.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+-- ImportedFrom02.hs
+module ImportedFrom02 where
+import Data.List hiding (map)
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
+import qualified Safe
+m = map (+1) [1, 2, 3]
+h = head [1, 2, 3]
+h' = Safe.headMay []
diff --git a/test/data/imported-from/ImportedFrom03.hs b/test/data/imported-from/ImportedFrom03.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..461f862ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/imported-from/ImportedFrom03.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+-- ImportedFrom03.hs
+module ImportedFrom03 where
+import Control.Monad ( forM_, liftM, filterM, when, unless )
+-- import Control.Monad.Identity
+-- import Control.Monad.Reader
+-- import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy
+main = do
+    when True $ do print "hah"
+data Hello = Hello deriving Show
+foo = do
+    print "hello"
+    putStrLn "hello"
+  where
+    _ = (+)
+    _ = (-)
+    _ = (*)
+    _ = (/)
+    _ = True
+    _ = False
+    _ = (&&)
+    _ = (||)
+    _ = min :: Int -> Int -> Int
+    _ = max :: Int -> Int -> Int
+    _ = succ :: Int -> Int
+    _ = (++)
+    _ = (>)
+    _ = (==)