Contributions are highly welcome!
Experiment with the code, use the project for learning modern C++ and play around.
For a proper PR (Pull Request):
- Run your code through ClangFormat
- Add and/or modify tests if your changes require it.
- Compile and run without errors, tests should pass without failures.
- Split your changes into smaller commits if possible, don't make one massive commit.
Code style is subject to changes initially, as long as you use the ClangFormat you'll be fine!
Generally use tabs for indentation, avoid trailing whitespaces and keep to column limit.
Line endings should always be LF (Unix and MacOS).
Commit title should be short, solid and in present tense, while prefixing the engine module in the title.
For example: Audio: Clean up sounds on exit
or Maths: Fix matrix SSE multiplication
For more detailed changes, put them in the commit description!
Try to keep your contributions light without extra dependencies unless absolutely necessary.
If your required dependency isn't available through xmake, add it as a Git submodule in the External/