diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 9f99ac9..06d8fdc 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -131,6 +131,9 @@ dmypy.json
# Visual Studio
+# Visual Studio Code
# swy-bot
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 93094a1..9fcffa7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
# 食物语自动挂机脚本
## 简介
-食物语自动挂机脚本, 主要用于客潮~~和活动小游戏~~(太难做砍掉了绝对不是因为我懒啊啊啊啊啊啊)
+食物语自动挂机脚本, 主要用于客潮和活动小游戏(目前仅包括千人千面自动消除)
-现已加入千人千面自动挂机, 但由于某些原因仅提供算法, 不提供配置, 请在task.py中自行修改配置
+由于某些原因小游戏自动挂机仅提供算法, 不提供配置, 请在tasks/minigame.py中自行修改配置
+目前已支持Android系统原生运行脚本, 但有一些性能问题, 详情请见android分支, 若想体验可到releases中下载
现已加入食物语线性规划做菜计算器, 但处于早期测试阶段, 如遇bug请提交issue
@@ -17,24 +19,31 @@
## 食用方式
-**注意:** 若使用ADB(Scrcpy模式), 请确保系统环境变量中有ADB, 并且ADB已连接至手机
+**注意:** 若使用ADB和Scrcpy模式, 请确保系统环境变量中有ADB, 并且ADB已连接至手机
## 食材
-- Python3
+- Python 3.8+
+- numpy
- opencv-python
-- PyAV
-- pywin32(仅Windows上需要)
-- PyAutoGUI(仅Windows以外的系统需要)
-- pure-python-adb
-- PuLP
-- pyinstaller(如需要打包)
+平台特定(现已引入动态加载模式, 未安装库仅会禁用对应模式, 脚本仍可正常运行):
+- Windows原生模式:
+ - pywin32
+- linux和mac原生模式:
+ - PyAutoGUI
+- 任意系统ADB模式:
+ - pure-python-adb
+- 任意系统Scrcpy模式:
+ - av
+- PuLP
## 菜谱&改良
-本项目可在Windows, Linux和MacOS上运行, 但目前仅在Windows上测试过
+本项目可在Windows, Linux,MacOS和Android系统上运行, Android系统需要专用的用于加载脚本的APP才能运行, 详见android分支
另外本挂机脚本实际上提供了一个框架, 经过简单修改应该也能用于其他游戏, 甚至是用于训练人工智能玩游戏(逃
@@ -44,19 +53,32 @@
- libs/ 脚本所需的库, 目前只有Scrcpy的服务端
- data/ 存储游戏数据和挂机所需资源的目录
- saved/ 截图会保存在这个目录
-- main.py 主文件
-- player.py 负责与游戏交互(通过原生窗口/ADB/Scrcpy)
-- task.py 执行挂机任务
+- algorithms/ 算法
+ - detect.py 图像识别相关算法
+ - matching.py 自动连连看算法(原作者TheThreeDog)
+- players/ 模式
+ - player.py 模式基类
+ - native.py 通过原生窗口与游戏交互
+ - adb.py 通过ADB与游戏交互
+ - scrcpy.py 通过Scrcpy与游戏交互
+ - debug.py 调试用
+- tasks/ 挂机任务
+ - task.py 挂机任务基类
+ - kechao.py 客潮挂机任务
+ - minigame.py 小游戏挂机任务
- platforms/ 工具模块的平台相关实现
+ - console.py 具有命令行的系统上的实现
- windows.py Windows系统相关实现
- linux.py Linux系统相关实现
+ - android.py Android系统相关实现
+- main.py 主模块
+- profit.py 线性规划做菜计算器(可单独运行)
+- swy.py 食物语游戏数据(单独运行为输出游戏数据)
+- scrcpy.py Python实现的Scrcpy客户端
- utils.py 工具模块
-- swy.py 负责加载游戏数据
-- profit.py 线性规划做菜计算器
-- matching.py 自动连连看算法(原作者TheThreeDog)
### 自动挂机
### 线性规划做菜计算器
@@ -68,7 +90,7 @@
另外烹饪时间出现小数的话只有入没有舍, 是ceil
-### 自动连连看
+### 自动小游戏
由于某些原因, 本项目仅提供用于学习的算法, 不包含配置, 如需使用请自行配置
@@ -76,7 +98,7 @@
1. 拿走菜谱(克隆仓库到本地)
1. 准备好食材(安装第三方库)
1. 开始做菜(运行main.py)
-1. 装盘(如需构建, 请使用pyinstaller)
+1. 装盘(目前仍无法打包运行, 请考虑使用Android原生版本)
1. 随心所欲地修改菜谱(请随意修改代码)
@@ -96,6 +118,7 @@
2021/9/13 加入自动连连看算法, 初步支持Linux
2021/9/14 已加入对Linux和MacOS的支持, 但尚未测试, 更新版本号至V1.6
2021/9/17 已加入千人千面自动挂机功能, 更新版本号至V1.7
+2023/2/2 代码重写, 用协程替代状态机, 实现动态加载模式, 移植到Android系统, 由于更新内容较多, 更新版本号为V2.0
diff --git a/algorithms/detect.py b/algorithms/detect.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2da245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/algorithms/detect.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import numpy
+import cv2
+sift = cv2.SIFT_create()
+def siftcompute(image, draw=False):
+ # 转灰度图
+ gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
+ # 计算关键点和描述符
+ # key_points: 关键点信息, 包括位置, 尺度, 方向信息
+ # descriptors: 关键点描述符, 每个关键点对应128个梯度信息的特征向量
+ kp, des = sift.detectAndCompute(gray, None)
+ if draw:
+ cv2.drawKeypoints(image, kp, image, (0, 255, 0),
+ return des
+def siftsimilarity(img1, img2, threshold=0.7):
+ # 计算两张图片的特征点
+ des1 = siftcompute(img1)
+ des2 = siftcompute(img2)
+ # 构建 FLANN
+ index_params = dict(algorithm=FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=5)
+ search_params = dict(checks=50)
+ flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params)
+ # 比较两张图片的特征点
+ matches = flann.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2)
+ if len(matches) == 0:
+ return 0.0
+ # 计算匹配点数并计算相似度
+ good = [m for (m, n) in matches if m.distance < n.distance * threshold]
+ return len(good) / len(matches)
+def isimagesame(img1, img2):
+ # return siftsimilarity(img1, img2, 0.7) > 0.8
+ result = cv2.matchTemplate(img1, img2, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
+ location = numpy.where(result >= 0.5)
+ for pt in zip(*location[::-1]):
+ return True
+ return False
+def findtemplate(image, template, threshold=0.75, outline=False):
+ theight, twidth = template.shape[:2]
+ result = cv2.matchTemplate(image, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
+ # result = cv2.normalize(result, None, 0, 1, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
+ location = numpy.where(result >= threshold)
+ lx, ly = 0, 0
+ points = []
+ for pt in zip(*location[::-1]):
+ x, y = pt[0] + int(twidth / 2), pt[1] + int(theight / 2)
+ # 去掉重复点
+ if x - lx < twidth or y - ly < theight:
+ continue
+ points.append((x, y))
+ lx, ly = x, y
+ if outline:
+ cv2.rectangle(image, pt, (pt[0] + twidth, pt[1] + theight), (0, 255, 0), 1)
+ return points
+def findcircle(image, r, outline=False):
+ gimg = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
+ gimg = cv2.medianBlur(gimg, 5)
+ result = cv2.HoughCircles(gimg, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, int(r / 2), None, 100, 40, r - 10, r + 10)
+ points = []
+ if result is not None:
+ result = numpy.uint16(numpy.around(result))
+ for p in result[0, :]:
+ points.append((p[0], p[1]))
+ if outline:
+ cv2.circle(image, (p[0], p[1]), p[2], (0, 255, 0), 1)
+ return points
diff --git a/matching.py b/algorithms/matching.py
similarity index 99%
rename from matching.py
rename to algorithms/matching.py
index 8e3d875..1676273 100644
--- a/matching.py
+++ b/algorithms/matching.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# coding=utf-8
Copyright 2018 TheThreeDog
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 3b252ed..6b6b374 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -1,157 +1,137 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding=utf-8
import sys
import time
import atexit
-import cv2
+from players import players
+from tasks import tasks
+ import profit
+except ModuleNotFoundError:
+ print("线性规划做菜计算器目前尚不支持Android平台")
import utils
-from player import Player, PlayerADB, PlayerScrcpy, PlayerTest
-from task import Phases, Results, getTasks
-import profit
-WINDOW_NAME = "Preview Window"
-FPS = 5
+FPS = 10
player = None
-task = None
-def main():
- utils.setnodpi()
+def mainmenu():
-食物语挂机脚本 V1.7 作者: WC
+食物语挂机脚本 V2.0 作者: WC
本脚本仅供个人代肝使用, 严禁用于商业用途
项目地址: https://github.com/DawningW/swy-bot
+ items = [
+ (),
+ ("执行挂机任务", taskmenu),
+ ("宏命令", macromenu),
+ ("线性规划做菜计算器", profit.run),
+ ("打开食物语wiki", lambda: utils.openurl("https://wiki.biligame.com/swy")),
+ ("打开截图文件夹", lambda: utils.openurl("saved")),
+ ("退出", lambda: sys.exit(0))
+ ]
while True:
- print('''>>>----------< 主 菜 单 >----------<<<
-1. 原生模式(需先启动安卓虚拟机并打开食物语)
-2. ADB模式(需手机连接电脑开启调试模式并打开食物语)
-3. 混合模式(使用scrcpy快速获取手机截屏并模拟点击)(*推荐*)
-4. 调试模式(读取程序目录下的test.png并进行图像识别)
-7. 线性规划做菜计算器
-8. 用默认浏览器打开食物语wiki
-9. 打开截图文件夹
-0. 退出''')
- str = input("请选择: ")
- global player
- if str == "0":
- break
- if str == "1":
- player = Player()
- elif str == "2":
- player = PlayerADB()
- elif str == "3":
- player = PlayerScrcpy()
- elif str == "4":
- player = PlayerTest()
- elif str == "7":
- profit.run()
- continue
- elif str == "8":
- utils.openurl("https://wiki.biligame.com/swy");
- continue
- elif str == "9":
- utils.openurl("saved");
- continue
- else:
- continue
- if (player.init()):
- select()
- player.end()
- player = None
- return
+ items[0] = ("连接至设备" if player is None else "设备已连接", playermenu)
+ utils.showmenu("主菜单", items)
+def androidmenu():
+ def _run(Task):
+ return lambda: utils.reqpermission(lambda: run(Task()))
+ items = []
+ for Task in tasks():
+ items.append((f"{Task.name}({Task.description})", _run(Task)))
+ items.append(("退出", lambda: None))
+ utils.showmenu("主菜单", items)
-def select():
+def playermenu():
+ global player
+ if player is not None:
+ return
+ items = []
+ disabled = []
+ for (name, desc, Player) in players():
+ if Player is not None:
+ items.append((f"{name}: {desc}", Player))
+ else:
+ disabled.append((f"{name}\n \033[1;33m- 由于未安装\033[1;33m{desc}\033[1;33m, 该模式无法使用\033[0m",
+ lambda: utils.throw(f"未安装{desc}")))
+ items.extend(disabled)
+ items.append(("返回", lambda: None))
while True:
- print(">>>----------< 挂 机 菜 单 >----------<<<")
- for i in range(len(getTasks())):
- print("{}. {}({})".format(i + 1, getTasks()[i].name, getTasks()[i].description))
- print("PS: 输入其他数字退出")
- num = int(input("请输入序号: "))
- if num <= 0: break
- global task
- task = getTasks()[num - 1]()
- run()
- task = None
- except (ValueError, IndexError):
+ player = utils.showmenu("选择模式", items)
- return
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"初始化错误: {str(e)}, 请重新选择模式")
-def run():
- utils.settitle("食物语挂机脚本运行中 - 按 Ctrl+C 退出")
- print("开始运行挂机脚本")
- cv2.namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME)
- cv2.setMouseCallback(WINDOW_NAME, onclicked)
- times = 0
- canceled = False
- while not canceled:
- times += 1
- print("第 {} 次运行脚本: {}".format(times, task.name))
- task.init()
- origin = time.perf_counter()
- phase = Phases.BEGIN
- while True:
- t = time.perf_counter()
- result = None
- if phase == Phases.BEGIN:
- result = task.begin(player, t - origin)
- elif phase == Phases.RUNNING:
- result = task.run(player, t - origin)
- elif phase == Phases.END:
- result = task.end(player, t - origin)
- else:
- print("无效的阶段, 请向作者报告这个问题")
- if result is None or result == Results.FAIL:
- canceled = True
- break
- if result == Results.SUCCESS:
- value = phase.value + 1
- if value > Phases.END.value: break
- else: phase = Phases(value)
- if task.getImageCache() is not None:
- showimage(task.getImageCache())
- wait = 1 / FPS - (time.perf_counter() - t)
- if wait < 0:
- print("严重滞后, 处理时间超出 {} ms, 发生了什么呢?".format(-int(wait * 1000)))
- wait = 0
- time.sleep(wait)
- cv2.destroyAllWindows()
- utils.settitle("食物语挂机脚本已运行完毕 - 准备就绪")
- print("挂机脚本已运行完毕")
- return
+def taskmenu():
+ items = []
+ for Task in tasks():
+ items.append((f"{Task.name}({Task.description})", Task))
+ items.append(("返回", lambda: None))
+ while True:
+ task = utils.showmenu("挂机菜单", items)
+ if task is None:
+ break
+ run(task)
+def macromenu():
+ print("宏命令录制与执行正在开发中!")
+ input("按回车键返回...")
-def onclicked(event, x, y, flags, param):
- if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
- print("点击 X: {} Y: {}".format(x, y))
- player.click(x, y)
- return
+def run(task):
+ def onclicked(x, y, is_preview):
+ task.clicked = (x, y)
+ if is_preview:
+ player.click(x, y)
-def showimage(image, wait = 1):
- cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, image)
- cv2.setMouseCallback(WINDOW_NAME, onclicked)
- cv2.waitKey(wait)
- return
+ if player is None:
+ playermenu()
+ if player is None:
+ print("尚未连接至设备, 无法执行挂机任务")
+ return
+ utils.settitle("食物语挂机脚本运行中 - 按 Ctrl+C 退出")
+ print(f"开始运行挂机任务: {task.name}")
+ utils.createpreview(onclicked)
+ co = task.run(player)
+ while True:
+ t = time.perf_counter()
+ task.frame = player.screenshot()
+ try:
+ co.send(None)
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ utils.showpreview(task.frame)
+ wait = 1 / FPS - (time.perf_counter() - t)
+ if wait < 0:
+ print(f"严重滞后, 处理时间超出 {-int(wait * 1000)} ms, 发生了什么呢?")
+ wait = 0
+ time.sleep(wait)
+ utils.destroypreview()
+ print("挂机任务已运行完毕")
+ utils.settitle("食物语挂机脚本已运行完毕 - 准备就绪")
def onexit():
- utils.settitle("食物语挂机脚本已结束")
- if player is not None: player.end()
+ if player is not None:
+ player.release()
+ utils.settitle("食物语挂机脚本已退出")
食物语挂机脚本已停止运行, 感谢您的使用, 再见!
- return
+# Android
+if hasattr(utils, "Build"):
+ from players import NativePlayer
+ player = NativePlayer()
# 入口
if __name__ == "__main__":
if utils.isadmin():
- main()
+ mainmenu()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
diff --git a/platforms/__init__.py b/platforms/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c12505d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platforms/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import sys
+if sys.platform.startswith("win32") or sys.platform.startswith("cygwin"):
+ from .windows import *
+ from .console import *
+ try:
+ from android.os import Build
+ except ImportError:
+ from .linux import *
+ from .console import *
+ else:
+ from .android import *
diff --git a/platforms/android.py b/platforms/android.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59311e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platforms/android.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import os
+import time
+import numpy
+import cv2
+from java.lang import Thread, InterruptedException
+from kongsang.swybot import ScriptBridge
+def openurl(url):
+ ScriptBridge.openUrl(url)
+def isadmin():
+ return True
+def runasadmin(executable, argument=""):
+ pass
+def settitle(title):
+ pass
+def selectwindow():
+ return ScriptBridge.getService()
+def getsize(service):
+ return service.getScreenSize()
+def getdpi(service):
+ return service.getScreenDpi()
+def screenshot(service):
+ width, height = getsize(service)
+ while True:
+ if Thread.interrupted():
+ raise InterruptedException()
+ buffer = service.captureScreen()
+ if buffer is not None:
+ break
+ image = numpy.array(buffer, dtype="uint8")
+ image.shape = (height, width, 4)
+ return image
+def click(service, x, y):
+ service.tap(x, y)
+def reqpermission(callback):
+ ScriptBridge.requestRecord(callback)
+def showmenu(title, items):
+ texts = [item[0] for item in items]
+ ScriptBridge.showMenu(title, texts, lambda select: items[select][1]())
+_onclicked = None
+def _callback(x, y):
+ print(f"点击 X: {x} Y: {y}")
+ if _onclicked is not None:
+ _onclicked(x, y, False)
+def createpreview(onclicked):
+ global _onclicked
+ _onclicked = onclicked
+def showpreview(image, wait=1):
+ pass
+def destroypreview():
+ pass
+def readimage(name):
+ filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../data/" + name + ".png")
+ return cv2.imread(filepath, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
+def writeimage(name, image):
+ filepath = ScriptBridge.getStoragePath() + "/" + name + ".png"
+ return cv2.imwrite(filepath, image, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION), 3])
diff --git a/platforms/console.py b/platforms/console.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dabf1ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platforms/console.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import cv2
+def showmenu(title, items):
+ print(f">>>----------< {title} >----------<<<")
+ for i in range(len(items)):
+ print(f"{i + 1}. {items[i][0]}")
+ while True:
+ select = -1
+ try:
+ s = input("请选择: ")
+ if s == "":
+ continue
+ select = int(s) - 1
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ if select >= 0 and select < len(items):
+ return items[select][1]()
+ print("输入的选项无效, 请重新输入!")
+_WINDOW_NAME = "Preview Window"
+_onclicked = None
+def _callback(event, x, y, flags, param):
+ if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
+ print(f"点击 X: {x} Y: {y}")
+ if _onclicked is not None:
+ _onclicked(x, y, True)
+def createpreview(onclicked):
+ global _onclicked
+ _onclicked = onclicked
+ cv2.namedWindow(_WINDOW_NAME)
+ cv2.setMouseCallback(_WINDOW_NAME, _callback)
+def showpreview(image, wait=1):
+ cv2.imshow(_WINDOW_NAME, image)
+ cv2.setMouseCallback(_WINDOW_NAME, _callback)
+ cv2.waitKey(wait)
+def destroypreview():
+ global _onclicked
+ cv2.destroyWindow(_WINDOW_NAME)
+ _onclicked = None
+def readimage(name):
+ return cv2.imread("./data/" + name + ".png", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
+def writeimage(name, image):
+ return cv2.imwrite("./saved/" + name + ".png", image, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION), 3])
diff --git a/platforms/linux.py b/platforms/linux.py
index 679c3b8..19b8594 100644
--- a/platforms/linux.py
+++ b/platforms/linux.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# coding=utf-8
import os
import pyautogui
import numpy
@@ -7,55 +5,47 @@
def openurl(url):
os.system("xdg-open " + url)
- return
def isadmin():
return True
-def runasadmin(executable, argument = ""):
+def runasadmin(executable, argument=""):
- return
def settitle(title):
- os.system(r'echo -ne "\033]0;{}\007"'.format(title))
- return
-def getdpi(window):
- return
-def setnodpi():
- return
+ os.system(rf'echo -ne "\033]0;{title}\007"')
def selectwindow():
+ def callback(event, x, y, flags, param):
+ if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
+ param.append((x, y))
+ print(f"已选择点 {len(param)} X: {x} Y: {y}")
+ if len(param) == 2:
+ cv2.destroyAllWindows()
print("注意: 挂机时窗口不能移动, 不能被遮挡也不能最小化!!!")
- window = []
title = "Click two points to select window"
points = []
image = numpy.asarray(pyautogui.screenshot())
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
- cv2.setMouseCallback(title, _onclicked, points)
+ cv2.setMouseCallback(title, callback, points)
cv2.imshow(title, image)
if len(points) < 2:
print("错误: 未选中两个点, 无法获取窗口")
- return -1
+ return None
return points
-def _onclicked(event, x, y, flags, param):
- if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
- param.append((x, y))
- print("已选择点 {} X: {} Y: {}".format(len(param), x, y))
- if len(param) == 2: cv2.destroyAllWindows()
- return
def getsize(window):
x1, y1 = window[0]
x2, y2 = window[1]
return x2 - x1, y2 - y1
+def getdpi(window):
+ return 96
def screenshot(window):
left, top = window[0]
width, height = getsize(window)
@@ -67,4 +57,3 @@ def screenshot(window):
def click(window, x, y):
x1, y1 = window[0]
pyautogui.click(x1 + x, y1 + y)
- return
diff --git a/platforms/windows.py b/platforms/windows.py
index e5ca81a..4b7d6ea 100644
--- a/platforms/windows.py
+++ b/platforms/windows.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# coding=utf-8
import os
import ctypes
import win32api, win32gui, win32ui, win32con
@@ -7,130 +5,123 @@
import cv2
def openurl(url):
- "打开文件/文件夹/链接"
+ """打开文件/文件夹/链接"""
os.system("start " + url)
- return
def isadmin():
- "检查管理员权限"
- return True # TODO Windows下似乎不需要管理员权限
+ """检查管理员权限"""
+ return True # Windows下似乎不需要管理员权限
return ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin()
return False
-def runasadmin(executable, argument = ""):
- "以管理员身份运行"
+def runasadmin(executable, argument=""):
+ """以管理员身份运行"""
ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, "runas", executable, argument, None, 1)
- return
def settitle(title):
- "设置控制台窗口标题"
+ """设置控制台窗口标题"""
- return
-def getdpi(hWnd):
- "获取屏幕DPI"
- hDC = win32gui.GetDC(hWnd)
- dpi = (win32ui.GetDeviceCaps(hDC, win32con.LOGPIXELSX), win32ui.GetDeviceCaps(hDC, win32con.LOGPIXELSY))
- win32gui.ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC)
- return dpi
-def setnodpi():
- "禁用DPI"
- try: # >= windows 8.1
- ctypes.windll.shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness(2)
- except: # <= windows 8.0
- ctypes.windll.user32.SetProcessDPIAware()
- return
-def _toscreenpos(hWnd, x, y):
- return win32gui.ClientToScreen(hWnd, (x, y))
+ # Scrcpy后台挂机可用(已经提供对Scrcpy的原生支持, 建议使用混合模式)
+ ("SDL_app", None, "**现已提供对Scrcpy的原生支持, 无需打开Scrcpy, 请使用混合模式**"),
+ # 腾讯手游助手后台点击可用, 并且开放ADB端口5555, 然而获取截图时失败
+ ("TXGuiFoundation", "腾讯手游助手【极速傲引擎-7.1】", None),
+ # 华为多屏协同疑似直接获取光标位置, 而非从消息里读取, 所以需要激活才行, 无法后台挂机
+ ("StartupDui", "多屏协同", None)
def _findwindow(parent, classname, windowname):
hWnd = 0
- if parent == None:
+ if parent is None:
hWnd = win32gui.FindWindow(classname, windowname)
hWnd = win32gui.FindWindowEx(parent, 0, classname, windowname)
return hWnd
def _getwindow(parent, x, y):
- if parent == None:
+ if parent is None:
return win32gui.WindowFromPoint((x, y))
return win32gui.ChildWindowFromPoint(parent, (x, y))
- # 腾讯手游助手后台点击可用, 并且开放ADB端口5555, 然而获取截图时失败
- ("TXGuiFoundation", "腾讯手游助手【极速傲引擎-7.1】"),
- # 华为多屏协同疑似直接获取光标位置, 而非从消息里读取, 所以需要激活才行, 无法后台挂机
- ("StartupDui", "多屏协同"),
- # Scrcpy后台挂机可用(已经提供对Scrcpy的原生支持, 建议使用混合模式)
- ("SDL_app", None)
def selectwindow():
- "选择要挂机的窗口"
+ """选择窗口"""
+ def callback(event, x, y, flags, param):
+ if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
+ param[1] = _getwindow(param[0], x, y)
+ print(f"已点击 X: {x} Y: {y} 窗口句柄: {hex(param[1])}")
print("注意: 挂机时窗口可以被遮挡, 但不能最小化!!!")
window = 0
child = 0
- for classname, windowname in _WINDOWS_LIST:
+ for classname, windowname, message in _WINDOWS_LIST:
window = _findwindow(None, classname, windowname)
if window != 0:
- if classname == _WINDOWS_LIST[-1][0]:
- print("**现已提供对Scrcpy的原生支持, 无需打开Scrcpy, 详见主菜单中的混合模式**")
+ if message is not None:
+ print(message)
if window == 0:
print("无法自动获取游戏窗口, 请手动获取(可以用VS的SPY++工具获取)")
- str = input("请输入窗口类名: ")
- classname = str if str != "" else None
- str = input("请输入窗口标题: ")
- windowname = str if str != "" else None
+ name = input("请输入窗口类名: ")
+ classname = name if name != "" else None
+ name = input("请输入窗口标题: ")
+ windowname = name if name != "" else None
window = _findwindow(None, classname, windowname)
if window == 0:
print("错误: 无法获取窗口句柄")
- return -1
- print("已成功获取窗口句柄: {}".format(hex(window)))
+ return None
+ print(f"已成功获取窗口句柄: {hex(window)}")
print("若通过这种方式无法选中子窗口, 请直接在截图窗口按任意键退出并手动输入子窗口句柄")
title = "Click a point to select child window"
- hwnds = [window, child]
+ hWnds = [window, child]
width, height = getsize(window)
buffer = screenshot(window)
- image = numpy.frombuffer(buffer, dtype = "uint8")
+ image = numpy.frombuffer(buffer, dtype="uint8")
image.shape = (height, width, 4)
- cv2.setMouseCallback(title, _onclicked, hwnds)
+ cv2.setMouseCallback(title, callback, hWnds)
cv2.imshow(title, image)
- child = hwnds[1]
+ child = hWnds[1]
if child == 0:
- print("遍历获取子窗口尚未编写, 请直接输入子窗口类名")
classname = input("请输入子窗口类名: ")
- if classname != '': child = _findwindow(window, classname, None)
+ if classname != '':
+ child = _findwindow(window, classname, None)
if child == 0:
- str = input("请输入子窗口句柄(16进制): ")
- if str == '': child = window
- else: child = int(str, 16)
- print("已成功获取子窗口句柄: {}".format(hex(child)))
+ handle = input("请输入子窗口句柄(16进制): ")
+ if handle == '':
+ child = window
+ else:
+ child = int(handle, 16)
+ print(f"已成功获取子窗口句柄: {hex(child)}")
return child
-def _onclicked(event, x, y, flags, param):
- if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
- param[1] = _getwindow(param[0], x, y)
- print("已点击 X: {} Y: {} 窗口句柄: {}".format(x, y, hex(param[1])))
- return
def getsize(hWnd):
- "获取窗口尺寸"
+ """获取窗口尺寸"""
left, top, right, bottom = win32gui.GetClientRect(hWnd)
return (right - left, bottom - top)
+def getdpi(hWnd):
+ """获取屏幕DPI"""
+ hDC = win32gui.GetDC(hWnd)
+ dpi = (win32ui.GetDeviceCaps(hDC, win32con.LOGPIXELSX), win32ui.GetDeviceCaps(hDC, win32con.LOGPIXELSY))
+ win32gui.ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC)
+ return dpi
+def setnodpi():
+ """禁用DPI"""
+ try: # >= windows 8.1
+ ctypes.windll.shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness(2)
+ except: # <= windows 8.0
+ ctypes.windll.user32.SetProcessDPIAware()
def screenshot(hWnd):
- "截图"
+ """截图"""
width, height = getsize(hWnd)
# 返回句柄窗口的设备环境,仅包括客户区
hDC = win32gui.GetDC(hWnd)
@@ -154,10 +145,13 @@ def screenshot(hWnd):
# 获取位图信息
buffer = bitmap.GetBitmapBits(True)
# 转换为图片
- image = numpy.frombuffer(buffer, dtype = "uint8")
- image.shape = (self.height, self.width, 4)
+ image = numpy.frombuffer(buffer, dtype="uint8")
+ image.shape = (height, width, 4)
return image
+def _toscreenpos(hWnd, x, y):
+ return win32gui.ClientToScreen(hWnd, (x, y))
def _getcursorpos():
return win32api.GetCursorPos()
@@ -169,22 +163,22 @@ def _setcursorpos(x, y):
def _storecursorpos():
global _cursorpos
_cursorpos = _getcursorpos()
- return
def _restorecursorpos():
_setcursorpos(_cursorpos[0], _cursorpos[1])
- return
-def click(hWnd, x, y, activate = True):
- "模拟鼠标点击"
+def click(hWnd, x, y, activate=True):
+ """模拟鼠标点击"""
scrpos = _toscreenpos(hWnd, x, y)
_setcursorpos(scrpos[0], scrpos[1])
pos = win32api.MAKELONG(x, y)
- if activate: win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hWnd) # 无焦点也能点击, 为啥呢
+ if activate: # 无焦点也能点击, 为啥呢
+ win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(hWnd)
win32api.SendMessage(hWnd, win32con.WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, pos)
win32api.SendMessage(hWnd, win32con.WM_MOUSEACTIVATE, hWnd, win32api.MAKELONG(win32con.HTCLIENT, win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN))
win32api.SendMessage(hWnd, win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, win32con.MK_LBUTTON, pos)
win32api.SendMessage(hWnd, win32con.WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, pos)
- return
diff --git a/player.py b/player.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dd17009..0000000
--- a/player.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-import time
-import random
-import math
-import numpy
-import cv2
-from ppadb.client import Client as ADBClient
-from scrcpy import ScrcpyClient
-import utils
-class PlayerBase(object):
- """模拟玩家操作的基类"""
- # 游戏实际的宽度
- width = 0
- # 游戏实际的高度
- height = 0
- # 预览窗口高度
- wheight = 0
- # 预览窗口高度 / 游戏实际高度
- factor = 1.0
- def __init__(self):
- return
- def init(self):
- """执行初始化操作"""
- print("正在初始化, 请稍候")
- try:
- self.wheight = int(input("请输入预览窗口的高(默认480, 0为关闭预览): "))
- except ValueError:
- self.wheight = 480
- return True
- def end(self):
- """执行释放操作"""
- cv2.destroyAllWindows()
- return
- def calcFactor(self):
- self.factor = self.wheight / self.height
- return
- def screenshotraw(self):
- """需要子类重写"""
- return
- def screenshot(self):
- image = self.screenshotraw()
- image = cv2.resize(image, None, fx = self.factor, fy = self.factor, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
- return image
- def clickraw(self, x, y):
- """需要子类重写"""
- return
- def click(self, x, y):
- self.clickraw(x / self.factor, y / self.factor)
- return
- def clickaround(self, x, y):
- self.clickcircle(x, y, 4)
- return
- def clickcircle(self, x, y, radius):
- # 虽然不均匀, 但正是我想要的
- theta = 2 * math.pi * random.random()
- rho = radius * random.random()
- dx = rho * math.cos(theta)
- dy = rho * math.sin(theta)
- self.click(x + dx, y + dy)
- return
- def clickbetween(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
- x, y = (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) /2
- self.clickrect(x, y, abs(x2 - x1), abs(y2 - y1))
- return
- def clicksquare(self, x, y, length):
- dl = random.randint(-length / 2, length / 2)
- self.click(x + dl, y + dl)
- return
- def clickrect(self, x, y, width, height):
- dx = random.randint(-width / 2, width / 2)
- dy = random.randint(-height / 2, height / 2)
- self.click(x + dx, y + dy)
- return
-class Player(PlayerBase):
- """模拟鼠标点击窗口"""
- window = 0
- def init(self):
- super().init()
- self.window = utils.selectwindow()
- if self.window == -1: return False
- self.width, self.height = utils.getsize(self.window)
- print("已获得窗口大小: {} X {}".format(self.width, self.height))
- self.calcFactor()
- print("已计算缩放因子: {}".format(self.factor))
- return True
- def calcFactor(self):
- # TODO DPI适配
- # 算了我写不出来, 那就别适配了= =
- # dpi = utils.getdpi(self.window)
- # self.width = int(self.width * dpi['x'] / 96)
- # self.height = int(self.height * dpi['y'] / 96)
- super().calcFactor()
- return
- def screenshotraw(self):
- return utils.screenshot(self.window)
- def clickraw(self, x, y):
- utils.click(self.window, int(x), int(y))
- return
-class PlayerADB(PlayerBase):
- """通过ADB控制手机"""
- client = None
- device = None
- def init(self):
- super().init()
- # os.system("adb start-server")
- self.client = ADBClient(host="", port=5037)
- devices = []
- try:
- print("正在检测设备...")
- devices = client.devices()
- except:
- print("无法连接至ADB Server, 请先启动ADB. ")
- return False
- size = len(devices)
- if size == 1:
- print("已自动选择设备: {}".format(devices[0].serial))
- self.device = devices[0]
- elif size > 1:
- for i in range(size):
- print("{}. {}".format(i + 1, device[i].serial))
- select = 0
- while select < 1 or select > size:
- select = int(input("请选择设备序号: "))
- self.device = devices[select - 1]
- else:
- print("未检测到设备, 请手动连接设备. ")
- return False
- print("已成功连接至设备 {}".format(self.device.serial))
- self.height, self.width = self.device.wm_size()
- print("已获得设备屏幕尺寸: {} X {}".format(self.width, self.height))
- self.calcFactor()
- print("已计算缩放因子: {}".format(self.factor))
- return True
- def screenshotraw(self):
- buffer = self.device.screencap()
- image = numpy.frombuffer(buffer, dtype = "uint8")
- image = cv2.imdecode(image, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
- return image
- def clickraw(self, x, y):
- self.device.input_tap(int(x), int(y))
- return
-class PlayerScrcpy(PlayerBase):
- """使用Scrcpy获取截屏并模拟点击"""
- def init(self):
- super().init()
- self.client = ScrcpyClient(max_fps=30, queue_length=2)
- if not self.client.start():
- print("连接失败")
- return False
- print("已成功连接至设备 {}".format(self.client.device_name))
- self.width, self.height = self.client.resolution
- print("已获得设备屏幕尺寸: {} X {}".format(self.width, self.height))
- self.calcFactor()
- print("已计算缩放因子: {}".format(self.factor))
- return True
- def end(self):
- self.client.stop()
- super().end()
- return
- def screenshotraw(self):
- image = self.client.get_next_frame(True)
- if image is not None:
- image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2RGBA)
- self.lastimage = image
- return self.lastimage
- def clickraw(self, x, y):
- self.client.tap(x, y)
- return
-class PlayerTest(PlayerBase):
- """图像识别测试"""
- path = None
- image = None
- def init(self):
- super().init()
- self.path = input("请输入要测试的数据集路径: ")
- if self.path == "": self.path = "test"
- print("已成功读取数据集 {}".format(self.path))
- self.image = utils.readimage(self.path)
- self.height, self.width = self.image.shape[:2]
- print("已获得截图尺寸: {} X {}".format(self.width, self.height))
- self.calcFactor()
- print("已计算缩放因子: {}".format(self.factor))
- return True
- def screenshotraw(self):
- return numpy.copy(self.image)
- def clickraw(self, x, y):
- x, y = int(x), int(y)
- print("自动点击 X: {} Y: {}".format(x, y))
- time.sleep(0.01)
- return
diff --git a/players/__init__.py b/players/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0cf6f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/players/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from .player import addplayer, players
+ from .native import NativePlayer
+ addplayer("原生模式", "需先启动安卓虚拟机并打开食物语", NativePlayer)
+except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+ addplayer("原生模式", e.name, None)
+ from .adb import ADBPlayer
+ addplayer("ADB模式", "需手机连接电脑开启调试模式并打开食物语", ADBPlayer)
+except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+ addplayer("ADB模式", e.name, None)
+ from .scrcpy import ScrcpyPlayer
+ addplayer("混合模式(*推荐*)", "使用scrcpy快速获取手机截屏并模拟点击", ScrcpyPlayer)
+except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+ addplayer("混合模式", e.name, None)
+from .debug import DebugPlayer
+addplayer("调试模式", "读取程序目录下的test.png并进行图像识别", DebugPlayer)
diff --git a/players/adb.py b/players/adb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d47381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/players/adb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+from ppadb.client import Client as ADBClient
+import numpy
+import cv2
+from .player import Player
+class ADBPlayer(Player):
+ """通过ADB控制手机"""
+ client = None
+ device = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ # os.system("adb start-server")
+ self.client = ADBClient(host="", port=5037)
+ devices = []
+ try:
+ print("正在检测设备...")
+ devices = self.client.devices()
+ except:
+ print("无法连接至ADB Server, 请先启动ADB")
+ raise
+ size = len(devices)
+ if size == 1:
+ print(f"已自动选择设备: {devices[0].serial}")
+ self.device = devices[0]
+ elif size > 1:
+ for i in range(size):
+ print("{i + 1}. {devices[i].serial}")
+ select = 0
+ while select < 1 or select > size:
+ select = int(input("请选择设备序号: "))
+ self.device = devices[select - 1]
+ else:
+ print("未检测到设备, 请手动连接设备")
+ raise Exception("No devices detected")
+ print(f"已成功连接至设备 {self.device.serial}")
+ self.height, self.width = self.device.wm_size()
+ print(f"已获得设备屏幕尺寸: {self.width} X {self.height}")
+ super().__init__()
+ def _screenshot(self):
+ buffer = self.device.screencap()
+ image = numpy.frombuffer(buffer, dtype="uint8")
+ image = cv2.imdecode(image, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
+ return image
+ def _click(self, x, y):
+ self.device.input_tap(int(x), int(y))
diff --git a/players/debug.py b/players/debug.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a67afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/players/debug.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import time
+import numpy
+from .player import Player
+import utils
+class DebugPlayer(Player):
+ """图像识别测试"""
+ path = None
+ image = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.path = input("请输入要测试的数据集路径: ")
+ if self.path == "":
+ self.path = "test"
+ print(f"已成功读取数据集 {self.path}")
+ self.image = utils.readimage(self.path)
+ self.height, self.width = self.image.shape[:2]
+ print(f"已获得图像尺寸: {self.width} X {self.height}")
+ super().__init__()
+ def _screenshot(self):
+ return numpy.copy(self.image)
+ def _click(self, x, y):
+ x, y = int(x), int(y)
+ print(f"自动点击 X: {x} Y: {y}")
+ time.sleep(0.01)
diff --git a/players/native.py b/players/native.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51809fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/players/native.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from .player import Player
+import utils
+class NativePlayer(Player):
+ """模拟鼠标点击窗口"""
+ window = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.window = utils.selectwindow()
+ assert self.window is not None
+ self.width, self.height = utils.getsize(self.window)
+ print(f"已获得窗口大小: {self.width} X {self.height}")
+ super().__init__()
+ def _screenshot(self):
+ return utils.screenshot(self.window)
+ def _click(self, x, y):
+ utils.click(self.window, int(x), int(y))
diff --git a/players/player.py b/players/player.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0257cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/players/player.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import random
+import math
+import cv2
+class Player(object):
+ """模拟玩家操作的基类"""
+ width: int
+ "游戏实际宽度"
+ height: int
+ "游戏实际高度"
+ factor: int
+ "设计宽高 / 游戏实际宽高"
+ def __init__(self):
+ """初始化"""
+ self.factor = DESIGN_LENGTH / min(self.width, self.height)
+ print(f"已计算缩放比率: {self.factor}")
+ def release(self):
+ """释放资源"""
+ pass
+ def _screenshot(self):
+ """需要子类重写"""
+ return None
+ def screenshot(self):
+ image = self._screenshot()
+ image = cv2.resize(image, None, fx=self.factor, fy=self.factor, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
+ return image
+ def _click(self, x, y):
+ """需要子类重写"""
+ pass
+ def click(self, x, y):
+ self._click(x / self.factor, y / self.factor)
+ def clickaround(self, x, y):
+ self.clickcircle(x, y, 4)
+ def clickcircle(self, x, y, radius):
+ # 虽然不均匀, 但正是我想要的
+ theta = 2 * math.pi * random.random()
+ rho = radius * random.random()
+ dx = rho * math.cos(theta)
+ dy = rho * math.sin(theta)
+ self.click(x + dx, y + dy)
+ def clickbetween(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
+ x, y = (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2
+ self.clickrect(x, y, abs(x2 - x1), abs(y2 - y1))
+ def clicksquare(self, x, y, length):
+ dl = random.randint(-length / 2, length / 2)
+ self.click(x + dl, y + dl)
+ def clickrect(self, x, y, width, height):
+ dx = random.randint(-width / 2, width / 2)
+ dy = random.randint(-height / 2, height / 2)
+ self.click(x + dx, y + dy)
+_players = []
+def addplayer(name, desc, cls):
+ """添加玩家操作模拟类"""
+ _players.append((name, desc, cls))
+def players():
+ """获取玩家操作模拟类"""
+ return _players
diff --git a/players/scrcpy.py b/players/scrcpy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f6e616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/players/scrcpy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import time
+import cv2
+from .player import Player
+from scrcpy import ScrcpyClient
+class ScrcpyPlayer(Player):
+ """使用Scrcpy获取截屏并模拟点击"""
+ client = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.client = ScrcpyClient(max_fps=30, queue_length=3)
+ self.client.start()
+ print(f"已成功连接至设备 {self.client.device_name}")
+ self.width, self.height = self.client.resolution
+ print(f"已获得设备屏幕尺寸: {self.width} X {self.height}")
+ super().__init__()
+ def release(self):
+ self.client.stop()
+ def _screenshot(self):
+ while True:
+ image = self.client.get_next_frame(True)
+ if image is None:
+ time.sleep(0.01 / self.client.max_fps)
+ continue
+ image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2RGBA)
+ return image
+ def _click(self, x, y):
+ self.client.tap(x, y)
diff --git a/profit.py b/profit.py
index 65e12f0..e4d3ee3 100644
--- a/profit.py
+++ b/profit.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# coding=utf-8
from enum import Enum, auto
import math
import time
@@ -10,16 +8,15 @@
class Goals(Enum):
- MAX_MONEY 总利润最大
- MAX_TIME 总烹饪时间最长
- ALL 小孩纸才做选择, 大人全都要
- MAX_TIME = auto()
+ """总利润最大"""
+ MAX_TIME = auto()
+ """总烹饪时间最长"""
+ """消耗的食材最多"""
ALL = auto()
+ """小孩纸才做选择, 大人全都要"""
def calculate(foods, materials, cooks, goal=Goals.MAX_MONEY):
MIN_PRODUCTION = 0 # 菜肴最小烹饪量
@@ -35,7 +32,7 @@ def calculate(foods, materials, cooks, goal=Goals.MAX_MONEY):
constraints = []
# 每种食材消耗量不超过总量 V(x, y, z, ...) <= V总, M(x, y, z, ...) <= M总, ...
for ingredient in swy.Ingredients:
- consumption = pulp.lpSum([foods[i].getConsumption(ingredient) * variables[i] for i in range(VAR_NUM)])
+ consumption = pulp.lpSum([foods[i].consumption(ingredient) * variables[i] for i in range(VAR_NUM)])
constraints.append(consumption <= materials[ingredient])
# 确保菜肴的烹饪状态为1时烹饪数量才大于0 0 * x' <= x <= 30 * x'
@@ -52,8 +49,8 @@ def calculate(foods, materials, cooks, goal=Goals.MAX_MONEY):
# 总消耗食材h(x, y, z, ...)=各菜肴烹饪数量乘以消耗食材量的总和
obj_consumption = pulp.lpSum(consumptions)
# 加权 TODO 尝试其他将多目标线性规划转为单目标的方法?
- objective = obj_money / 15_0000 + obj_consumption / sum(materials)
+ obj_all = obj_money / 15_0000 + obj_consumption / sum(materials)
problem = pulp.LpProblem("swy_problem", pulp.LpMaximize)
@@ -66,7 +63,7 @@ def calculate(foods, materials, cooks, goal=Goals.MAX_MONEY):
elif goal == Goals.MAX_CONSUMPTION:
elif goal == Goals.ALL:
- problem.setObjective(objective)
+ problem.setObjective(obj_all)
print("目前混合模式采用加权把多目标转化为单目标函数, 效果不好")
# pulp.LpStatus[problem.status]
@@ -96,15 +93,15 @@ def run():
# pulp.LpSolverDefault = pulp.COIN_CMD(path="./libs/cbc.exe")
print("原作者ic30rs, 现由WC维护")
- foods = swy.readFoods()
+ foods = swy.readfoods()
materials = []
cooks = []
print("请输入想要烹饪的菜肴的品质, 用空格分割, 不输入则默认使用全部菜肴")
str = input("")
if str != "":
strs = str.split(' ')
- dishtypes = set([swy.Rarities(r) for r in strs])
- foods = [food for food in foods if food.rarity in dishtypes]
+ dish_types = set([swy.Rarities(r) for r in strs])
+ foods = [food for food in foods if food.rarity in dish_types]
print("请输入食材数量, 格式为: 菜 肉 谷 蛋 鱼 虾")
str = input("")
strs = str.split(' ')
@@ -124,19 +121,18 @@ def run():
type = Goals(int(str))
print("正在计算中, 请稍候...")
t = time.time()
- result, totalmoney, restmaterials = calculate(foods, materials, cooks, type)
+ result, total_money, rest_materials = calculate(foods, materials, cooks, type)
print("计算完成, 耗时 %f 秒" % (time.time() - t))
if result is None:
print("很抱歉, 该问题无解或有无穷多个最优解")
for index, item in enumerate(result):
- cooktime = secondtotime(item["time"])
+ cook_time = secondtotime(item["time"])
money = item["food"].price * item["count"]
- print("%d. %sX%d 耗时: %s 盈利: %d贝币" % (index + 1, item["food"].name, item["count"], cooktime, money))
- print("总利润: %d贝币" % totalmoney)
- print("剩余食材: 菜%d 肉%d 谷%d 蛋%d 鱼%d 虾%d" % tuple(restmaterials))
- return
+ print("%d. %sX%d 耗时: %s 盈利: %d贝币" % (index + 1, item["food"].name, item["count"], cook_time, money))
+ print("总利润: %d贝币" % (total_money))
+ print("剩余食材: 菜%d 肉%d 谷%d 蛋%d 鱼%d 虾%d" % tuple(rest_materials))
# 测试
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c35af49..0000000
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/scrcpy.py b/scrcpy.py
index 2dfb96e..62f9f4e 100644
--- a/scrcpy.py
+++ b/scrcpy.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# coding=utf-8
import time
import subprocess
import socket
@@ -49,7 +47,6 @@ def __init__(self, max_size=0, bit_rate=8000000, max_fps=0, crop='-',
self.ip = ip
self.port = port
self.video_data_queue = Queue(queue_length)
- return
def connect_and_forward_scrcpy(self):
@@ -96,7 +93,6 @@ def connect_and_forward_scrcpy(self):
except FileNotFoundError:
raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find ADB at path: " + self.adb_path)
- return
def disable_forward(self):
subprocess.call([self.adb_path, 'forward', '--remove', 'tcp:%d' % self.port])
@@ -125,7 +121,6 @@ def connect(self):
print("Screen resolution: %dX%d" % (self.resolution[0], self.resolution[1]))
- return
def start(self):
if self.is_running: return False
@@ -138,7 +133,7 @@ def start(self):
if self.decode_thread is None:
self.decode_thread = Thread(target=self.loop, daemon=True)
- except:
+ except Exception:
return False
@@ -165,7 +160,6 @@ def loop(self):
if self.video_data_queue.full():
- return
def get_next_frame(self, latest_image=False):
if self.video_data_queue and not self.video_data_queue.empty():
@@ -239,4 +233,3 @@ def stop(self):
self.control_socket = None
- return
diff --git a/swy-bot.pyproj b/swy-bot.pyproj
index 02699b4..2859d96 100644
--- a/swy-bot.pyproj
+++ b/swy-bot.pyproj
@@ -24,43 +24,37 @@
- Code
- Code
- Code
- Code
- Code
- Code
- Code
- Code
- Code
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/swy.py b/swy.py
index f00962c..8376e5b 100644
--- a/swy.py
+++ b/swy.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# coding=utf-8
from enum import Enum, IntEnum, auto
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import List
from utils import timetosecond, secondtotime
class Rarities(Enum):
@@ -21,22 +21,23 @@ class Ingredients(IntEnum):
FISH = auto()
SHRIMP = auto()
class Food:
- def __init__(self, name, rarity, price, time, consumptions):
- self.name = name
- self.rarity = rarity
- self.price = price
- self.time = time
- self.consumptions = consumptions
- return
- def getConsumption(self, ingredient: Ingredients) -> int:
+ """菜肴数据类"""
+ name: str
+ rarity: Rarities
+ price: int
+ time: int
+ consumptions: List[int]
+ def consumption(self, ingredient: Ingredients) -> int:
return self.consumptions[ingredient]
foods = None
-def readFoods() -> list:
+def readfoods() -> List[Food]:
+ """读取菜肴数据"""
global foods
if foods is None:
foods = list()
@@ -47,13 +48,13 @@ def readFoods() -> list:
rarity = Rarities(values[1])
price = int(values[2])
time = timetosecond(values[3])
- consumptions = [int(values[i + 4]) for i in range(len(Ingredients))]
+ consumptions = [int(values[4 + i]) for i in range(len(Ingredients))]
foods.append(Food(name, rarity, price, time, consumptions))
return foods
# 测试
if __name__ == "__main__":
- print("读取菜单")
- readFoods()
- for food in foods:
- print("%s(%s) \t售价: %d \t烹饪时间: %s(%d秒) \t消耗食材: %s" % (food.name, food.rarity.value, food.price, secondtotime(food.time), food.time, str(food.consumptions)))
+ print("加载菜肴数据")
+ for food in readfoods():
+ print("%s(%s) \t售价: %d \t烹饪时间: %s(%d秒) \t消耗食材: %s" %
+ (food.name, food.rarity.value, food.price, secondtotime(food.time), food.time, str(food.consumptions)))
diff --git a/task.py b/task.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2191d5c..0000000
--- a/task.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-from enum import Enum, IntEnum, auto
-import time
-import random
-import math
-import numpy
-import cv2
-from utils import readimage, writeimage
-import matching
-class Phases(IntEnum):
- """任务执行的阶段"""
- BEGIN = 0
- END = 2
-class Results(Enum):
- """任务执行的结果"""
- PASS = auto()
- SUCCESS = auto()
- FAIL = auto()
-tasks = []
-def getTasks():
- """获取任务列表"""
- return tasks
-def registerTask(task, name, desc):
- """注册任务(已弃用,请使用装饰器注册任务)"""
- task.name = name
- task.description = desc
- tasks.append(task)
- return
-def Task(name, desc):
- """用于自动注册任务的装饰器"""
- def decorator(cls):
- registerTask(cls, name, desc)
- return cls
- return decorator
-class TaskBase(object):
- """自动挂机任务的基类"""
- name = ""
- description = ""
- def __init__(self):
- """初始化"""
- return
- def init(self):
- self.image = None
- return
- def begin(self, player, t):
- """开始任务"""
- return Results.FAIL
- def run(self, player, t):
- """执行任务"""
- return Results.FAIL
- def end(self, player, t):
- """结束任务"""
- return Results.FAIL
- def getImageCache(self):
- """获取用于预览的图像,如果不想显示请返回None"""
- return self.image
-@Task("自动客潮", "请将界面停留在餐厅")
-class TaskKeChao(TaskBase):
- """客潮自动化"""
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.templateButton = readimage("kechao_btn")
- self.templateDish = readimage("kechao_dish_part")
- self.templateTitle = readimage("kechao_title_part")
- return
- def init(self):
- super().init()
- self.lastTime = 0
- # 0:餐厅界面 1:客潮对话框 2:客潮进行中 3:客潮结束结算界面
- self.step = 0
- self.pointCache = []
- return
- def begin(self, player, t):
- """需要玩家位于餐厅界面"""
- self.image = player.screenshot()
- if self.step == 0:
- points = findcircle(self.image, 25)
- for x, y in points:
- if x > (self.image.shape[1] * 0.9) and y < (self.image.shape[0] * 0.2):
- # 找到客潮按钮
- player.clickaround(x, y)
- self.lastTime = t
- self.step = 1
- return Results.PASS
- if t - self.lastTime > 3:
- # 没找到客潮按钮且超时
- print("未找到客潮按钮, 请确认您正位于餐厅界面")
- return Results.FAIL
- elif self.step == 1 or self.step == 2:
- if t - self.lastTime > 2:
- points = findtemplate(self.image, self.templateButton)
- for x, y in points:
- # 找到开始按钮
- if self.step == 2:
- print("点击按钮后没有开始, 可能是客潮开启次数不足")
- return Results.FAIL
- player.clickaround(x, y)
- self.lastTime = t
- self.step = 2
- return Results.PASS
- # 找不到开始按钮
- if self.step == 2:
- # 点过开始按钮了, 进入客潮
- self.lastTime = t
- print("进入客潮")
- return Results.SUCCESS
- # 还没点过开始按钮, 回退到第0步
- self.lastTime = t
- self.step = 0
- return Results.PASS
- return Results.PASS
- def run(self, player, t):
- """客潮挂机中"""
- self.image = player.screenshot()
- # 处理点的缓存
- self.pointCache = [(x, y, time - 1) for x, y, time in self.pointCache if time > 1]
- # 识别圆来寻找菜(旧版本用模版匹配, 效果不好)
- points = findcircle(self.image, 25)
- points2 = []
- for x, y in points:
- if x > (self.image.shape[1] * 0.9): continue
- if y > (self.image.shape[0] * 0.8):
- # 客潮结束回到餐厅
- self.lastTime = t
- self.step = 3
- print("客潮结束")
- return Results.SUCCESS
- cv2.circle(self.image, (x, y), 25, (0, 0, 255), 3)
- if not self.containpoint(x, y):
- points2.append((x, y))
- if len(points2) > 0:
- x, y = random.choice(points2)
- player.clickaround(x, y)
- self.pointCache.append((x, y, 10))
- self.lastTime = t
- return Results.PASS
- if t - self.lastTime > 15:
- # 没人点菜, 停止挂机?
- print("超过15秒钟没有客人点菜了, 停止挂机")
- return Results.FAIL
- return Results.PASS
- def end(self, player, t):
- """客潮结束"""
- self.image = player.screenshot()
- if self.step == 3:
- if t - self.lastTime > 2:
- points = findtemplate(self.image, self.templateTitle)
- for x, y in points:
- # 正位于客潮结算界面
- filename = "KeChao_" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
- writeimage(filename, self.image)
- print("已将客潮结算界面截图保存至: saved/%s.png" % filename)
- player.clickaround(x, y)
- self.lastTime = t
- return Results.PASS
- # 结算完了
- self.lastTime = t
- return Results.SUCCESS
- return Results.PASS
- def containpoint(self, x, y):
- for cx, cy, time in self.pointCache:
- if math.sqrt(math.pow(int(x) - int(cx), 2) + math.pow(int(y) - int(cy), 2)) < 5:
- return True
- return False
-class TaskMiniGame(TaskBase):
- """活动小游戏挂机任务的基类"""
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.templateButton = readimage("minigame_btn")
- return
- def init(self):
- self.lastTime = 0
- # 是否点击过开始按钮了
- self.started = False
- return
- def begin(self, player, t):
- """需要玩家位于小游戏界面"""
- self.image = player.screenshot()
- if not self.started:
- points = findtemplate(self.image, self.templateButton)
- for x, y in points:
- cv2.circle(self.image, (x, y), 40, (0, 0, 255), 2)
- player.click(x, y)
- self.lastTime = t
- self.started = True
- return Results.PASS
- if t - self.lastTime > 3:
- # 没找到开始按钮且超时
- print("未找到开始按钮, 请确认您正位于小游戏界面")
- return Results.FAIL
- elif t - self.lastTime > 1:
- self.lastTime = t
- return Results.SUCCESS
- return Results.PASS
- from constant import *
- # **若想使用请自行修改以下数据**
- # 消除的时间间隔
- # 游戏区域距离屏幕左方的距离
- # 游戏区域距离屏幕顶部的距离
- # 横向方块数量
- # 纵向方块数量
- # 方块宽度
- # 方块高度
- # 切片处理时的左上和右下坐标
- SUB_LT_X = 20
- SUB_LT_Y = 20
- SUB_RB_X = 80
- SUB_RB_Y = 80
-@Task("自动小游戏-千人千面", "需自行修改代码进行配置")
-class TaskQianRenQianMian(TaskMiniGame):
- """千人千面自动连连看"""
- def init(self):
- super().init()
- self.result = None
- self.pair = None
- return
- def run(self, player, t):
- """小游戏挂机中"""
- self.image = player.screenshot()
- for j in range(VERTICAL_NUM):
- for i in range(HORIZONTAL_NUM):
- cv2.rectangle(self.image, (x, y), (x + SQUARE_WIDTH, y + SQUARE_HEIGHT), (0, 255, 0), 1)
- if self.result is None:
- # 图像切片并保存在数组中
- squares = []
- for j in range(VERTICAL_NUM):
- for i in range(HORIZONTAL_NUM):
- square = self.image[y : y + SQUARE_HEIGHT, x : x + SQUARE_WIDTH]
- # 每个方块向内缩小一部分防止边缘不一致造成干扰
- square = square[SUB_LT_Y : SUB_RB_Y, SUB_LT_X : SUB_RB_X]
- squares.append(square)
- # 相同的方块作为一种类型放在数组中
- types = []
- for square in squares:
- if self.isbackground(square):
- continue
- if not self.isimageexist(square, types):
- types.append(square)
- # 将切片处理后的图片数组转换成相对应的数字矩阵
- self.result = []
- num = 0
- for j in range(VERTICAL_NUM):
- line = []
- for i in range(HORIZONTAL_NUM):
- if self.isbackground(squares[num]):
- line.append(0)
- else:
- for t in range(len(types)):
- if isimagesame(squares[num], types[t]):
- line.append(t + 1)
- break
- num += 1
- self.result.append(line)
- return Results.PASS
- # 执行自动消除
- if t - self.lastTime >= TIME_INTERVAL:
- self.lastTime = t
- # 第二次选择
- if self.pair is not None:
- player.click(self.pair[0] + SQUARE_WIDTH / 2, self.pair[1] + SQUARE_HEIGHT / 2)
- self.pair = None
- return Results.PASS
- # 定位第一个选中点
- for i in range(len(self.result)):
- for j in range(len(self.result[0])):
- if self.result[i][j] != 0:
- # 定位第二个选中点
- for m in range(len(self.result)):
- for n in range(len(self.result[0])):
- if self.result[m][n] != 0:
- if matching.canConnect(i, j, m, n, self.result):
- # 执行消除算法并进行第一次选择
- self.result[i][j] = 0
- self.result[m][n] = 0
- player.click(x1 + SQUARE_WIDTH / 2, y1 + SQUARE_HEIGHT / 2)
- self.pair = (x2, y2)
- return Results.PASS
- # TODO 判断一下出现结束画面才算完毕, 否则等待一会后重新规划
- print("自动消除运行完毕")
- return Results.SUCCESS
- return Results.PASS
- def isbackground(self, img):
- # TODO 是否有更好的算法?
- # OpenCV的顺序是BGR不是RGB...
- return abs(img[:, :, 0].mean() - 54) <= 10 and abs(img[:, :, 1].mean() - 70) <= 20 and abs(img[:, :, 2].mean() - 105) <= 15
- def isimageexist(self, img, img_list):
- for existed_img in img_list:
- if isimagesame(img, existed_img):
- return True
- return False
-@Task("自动小游戏", "更多自动小游戏敬请期待...")
-class TaskMoreMiniGames(TaskBase):
- """算了放弃了, 毁灭吧赶紧的"""
- def begin(self, player, t):
- print("我不想做了, 如果您需要的话可以自行编写挂机任务, 然后提交pr")
- return Results.FAIL
-def isimagesame(img1, img2, threshold = 0.5):
- # TODO 是否有更好的算法?
- # b = numpy.subtract(existed_img, img)
- # return not numpy.any(b)
- result = cv2.matchTemplate(img1, img2, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
- location = numpy.where(result >= threshold)
- for pt in zip(*location[::-1]):
- return True
- return False
-def findtemplate(image, template, threshold = 0.75, outline = False):
- theight, twidth = template.shape[:2]
- result = cv2.matchTemplate(image, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
- # result = cv2.normalize(result, None, 0, 1, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
- location = numpy.where(result >= threshold)
- lx, ly = 0, 0
- points = []
- for pt in zip(*location[::-1]):
- x, y = pt[0] + int(twidth / 2), pt[1] + int(theight / 2)
- # 去掉重复点
- if x - lx < twidth or y - ly < theight: continue
- points.append((x, y))
- lx, ly = x, y
- if outline:
- cv2.rectangle(image, pt, (pt[0] + twidth, pt[1] + theight), (0, 255, 0), 1)
- return points
-def findcircle(image, r, outline = False):
- gimg = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
- gimg = cv2.medianBlur(gimg, 5)
- result = cv2.HoughCircles(gimg, cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, int(r / 2), None, 100, 40, r - 10, r + 10)
- points = []
- # 寻找不到会返回None
- if result is not None:
- result = numpy.uint16(numpy.around(result))
- for p in result[0,:]:
- points.append((p[0], p[1]))
- if outline:
- cv2.circle(image, (p[0], p[1]), p[2], (0, 255, 0), 1)
- return points
diff --git a/tasks/__init__.py b/tasks/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87ea11e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+from .task import tasks
+from .kechao import KeChaoTask
+from .minigame import QianRenQianMianTask
diff --git a/tasks/kechao.py b/tasks/kechao.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3cf9fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/kechao.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+import random
+import math
+import time
+import cv2
+from .task import RepeatTask, task
+from algorithms.detect import findtemplate, findcircle
+from utils import readimage, writeimage
+@task("自动客潮", "请将界面停留在餐厅")
+class KeChaoTask(RepeatTask):
+ """客潮自动化"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.template_button = readimage("kechao_btn")
+ self.template_dish = readimage("kechao_dish_part")
+ self.template_title = readimage("kechao_title_part")
+ async def runonce(self, player):
+ while True:
+ restart = False
+ # 餐厅界面
+ timer = self.timer(3)
+ while True:
+ # 寻找客潮按钮
+ target = next(((x, y) for x, y in findcircle(self.frame, 25)
+ if x > (self.frame.shape[1] * 0.9) and y < (self.frame.shape[0] * 0.2)), None)
+ if target is not None:
+ # 找到客潮按钮
+ x, y = target
+ player.clickaround(x, y)
+ await self.wait(1)
+ break
+ elif timer.timeout():
+ # 未找到客潮按钮且超时
+ print("未找到客潮按钮, 请确认您正位于餐厅界面")
+ return False
+ await self.next()
+ # 客潮对话框
+ clicked = False
+ timer = self.timer(2)
+ while True:
+ # 寻找开始按钮
+ targets = findtemplate(self.frame, self.template_button)
+ if not clicked:
+ # 未点过开始按钮
+ if targets:
+ # 找到开始按钮
+ x, y = targets[0]
+ player.clickaround(x, y)
+ await self.wait(2)
+ clicked = True
+ timer = self.timer(2)
+ continue
+ elif timer.timeout():
+ # 2秒后还未找到开始按钮, 回退到餐厅界面
+ print("未找到客潮对话框, 回退到餐厅界面重试")
+ restart = True
+ break
+ else:
+ # 已点过开始按钮
+ if not targets:
+ # 未找到开始按钮, 进入客潮
+ print("进入客潮")
+ await self.wait(2)
+ break
+ elif timer.timeout():
+ # 2秒后还能找到开始按钮, 结束任务
+ print("点击按钮后没有开始, 可能是客潮开启次数不足")
+ return False
+ await self.next()
+ if not restart:
+ break
+ # 客潮挂机中
+ point_cache = []
+ timer = self.timer(15)
+ while True:
+ # 处理点的缓存
+ point_cache = [(x, y, t - 1) for x, y, t in point_cache if t > 1]
+ # 识别圆来寻找菜(旧版本用模版匹配, 效果不好)
+ end = False
+ targets = []
+ for x, y in findcircle(self.frame, 25):
+ if x > (self.frame.shape[1] * 0.9):
+ continue
+ if y > (self.frame.shape[0] * 0.8):
+ end = True
+ break
+ cv2.circle(self.frame, (x, y), 25, (0, 0, 255), 3)
+ if next(((cx, cy) for cx, cy, _ in point_cache
+ if math.dist((x, y), (cx, cy)) < 5), None) is None:
+ targets.append((x, y))
+ if end:
+ # 客潮结束回到餐厅
+ print("客潮结束")
+ await self.wait(2)
+ break
+ elif targets:
+ # 随机挑选一个客人上菜!
+ x, y = random.choice(targets)
+ player.clickaround(x, y)
+ point_cache.append((x, y, 10))
+ timer = self.timer(15)
+ elif timer.timeout():
+ # 没人点菜, 停止挂机?
+ print("超过15秒钟没有客人点菜了, 停止挂机")
+ return False
+ await self.next()
+ # 客潮结算界面
+ timer = self.timer(3)
+ while True:
+ # 寻找客潮结算界面
+ targets = findtemplate(self.frame, self.template_title)
+ if targets:
+ # 正位于客潮结算界面
+ x, y = targets[0]
+ filename = "KeChao_" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
+ writeimage(filename, self.frame)
+ print(f"已将客潮结算界面截图保存至: saved/{filename}.png")
+ player.clickaround(x, y)
+ await self.wait(2)
+ break
+ elif timer.timeout():
+ # 未找到客潮结算界面
+ print("未在3秒内进入客潮结算, 停止挂机")
+ return False
+ await self.next()
+ return True
diff --git a/tasks/minigame.py b/tasks/minigame.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14ea62b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/minigame.py
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+import cv2
+from .task import Task, task
+from algorithms.detect import isimagesame, findtemplate
+from algorithms.matching import canConnect
+from utils import readimage
+ from constant import *
+ # **若想使用请自行修改以下数据**
+ # 消除的时间间隔
+ # 游戏区域距离屏幕左方的距离
+ # 游戏区域距离屏幕顶部的距离
+ # 横向方块数量
+ # 纵向方块数量
+ # 方块宽度
+ # 方块高度
+ # 切片处理时的左上和右下坐标
+ SUB_LT_X = 20
+ SUB_LT_Y = 20
+ SUB_RB_X = 80
+ SUB_RB_Y = 80
+class MiniGameTask(Task):
+ """活动小游戏挂机任务的基类"""
+ def __init__(self, button_name):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.template_button = readimage(button_name)
+ async def run(self, player):
+ started = False
+ timer = self.timer(3)
+ while True:
+ targets = findtemplate(self.frame, self.template_button)
+ if not started:
+ # 未点过开始按钮
+ if targets:
+ # 找到开始按钮
+ x, y = targets[0]
+ player.click(x, y)
+ await self.wait(1)
+ started = True
+ timer = self.timer(2)
+ continue
+ elif timer.timeout():
+ # 未找到开始按钮且超时
+ print("未找到开始按钮, 请确认您正位于小游戏界面")
+ return False
+ else:
+ # 已点过开始按钮
+ if not targets:
+ # 未找到开始按钮
+ print("开始小游戏")
+ return True
+ elif timer.timeout():
+ # 1秒后还能找到开始按钮
+ print("点击按钮后小游戏没有开始, 1秒后重试")
+ await self.wait(1)
+ started = False
+ timer = self.timer(3)
+ continue
+ await self.next()
+@task("自动小游戏-千人千面", "需自行修改代码进行配置")
+class QianRenQianMianTask(MiniGameTask):
+ """千人千面自动连连看"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__("minigame_btn")
+ async def run(self, player):
+ if not await super().run(player):
+ return
+ # 图像切片并保存在数组中
+ squares = []
+ for j in range(VERTICAL_NUM):
+ for i in range(HORIZONTAL_NUM):
+ square = self.frame[y:(y + SQUARE_HEIGHT), x:(x + SQUARE_WIDTH)]
+ # 每个方块向内缩小一部分防止边缘不一致造成干扰
+ square = square[SUB_LT_Y:SUB_RB_Y, SUB_LT_X:SUB_RB_X]
+ squares.append(square)
+ # 相同的方块作为一种类型放在数组中
+ types = []
+ for square in squares:
+ if self.isbackground(square):
+ continue
+ if next((type for type in types
+ if isimagesame(square, type)), None) is None:
+ types.append(square)
+ # 将切片处理后的图片数组转换成相对应的数字矩阵
+ result = []
+ num = 0
+ for j in range(VERTICAL_NUM):
+ line = []
+ for i in range(HORIZONTAL_NUM):
+ if self.isbackground(squares[num]):
+ line.append(0)
+ else:
+ for t in range(len(types)):
+ if isimagesame(squares[num], types[t]):
+ line.append(t + 1)
+ break
+ num += 1
+ result.append(line)
+ # 执行自动消除
+ await self.next()
+ while True:
+ # 绘制网格
+ # for j in range(VERTICAL_NUM):
+ # for i in range(HORIZONTAL_NUM):
+ # cv2.rectangle(self.frame, (x, y), (x + SQUARE_WIDTH, y + SQUARE_HEIGHT), (0, 255, 0), 1)
+ # 执行消除算法
+ pair = self.matchpair(result)
+ if pair:
+ ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = pair
+ player.click(x1, y1)
+ await self.wait(TIME_INTERVAL)
+ player.click(x2, y2)
+ await self.wait(TIME_INTERVAL)
+ else:
+ # TODO 判断一下出现结束画面才算完毕, 否则等待一会后重新规划
+ print("自动消除运行完毕")
+ break
+ def matchpair(self, grid):
+ # 定位第一个选中点
+ for i in range(len(grid)):
+ for j in range(len(grid[0])):
+ if grid[i][j] != 0:
+ # 定位第二个选中点
+ for m in range(len(grid)):
+ for n in range(len(grid[0])):
+ if grid[m][n] != 0:
+ if canConnect(i, j, m, n, grid):
+ # 消除成功
+ grid[i][j] = 0
+ grid[m][n] = 0
+ return ((x1 + SQUARE_WIDTH / 2, y1 + SQUARE_HEIGHT / 2),
+ (x2 + SQUARE_WIDTH / 2, y2 + SQUARE_HEIGHT / 2))
+ return ()
+ def isbackground(self, img):
+ # TODO 是否有更好的算法?
+ return abs(img[:, :, 0].mean() - 54) <= 10 and abs(img[:, :, 1].mean() - 70) <= 20 and abs(img[:, :, 2].mean() - 105) <= 15
diff --git a/tasks/task.py b/tasks/task.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d5e15f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/task.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import types
+import cv2
+from utils import Timer
+class Task(object):
+ """自动挂机任务的基类"""
+ name: str
+ description: str
+ frame = None # : cv2.Mat
+ async def run(self, player):
+ """执行任务"""
+ return True
+ def timer(self, interval: float):
+ """创建一个在指定秒后到期的定时器"""
+ return Timer(interval)
+ @types.coroutine
+ def next(self):
+ """等待下一帧"""
+ yield
+ @types.coroutine
+ def wait(self, s: float):
+ """等待指定秒"""
+ timer = self.timer(s)
+ while not timer.timeout():
+ yield
+ @types.coroutine
+ def inputpoint(self):
+ """获取点"""
+ self.clicked = None
+ while self.clicked is None:
+ yield
+ point, self.clicked = self.clicked, None
+ return point
+class RepeatTask(Task):
+ """可重复执行的自动挂机任务"""
+ async def runonce(self, player):
+ """执行一次任务"""
+ return True
+ async def run(self, player):
+ times = 0
+ while True:
+ times += 1
+ print(f"第 {times} 次运行任务")
+ if not await self.runonce(player):
+ break
+_tasks = []
+def task(name, desc):
+ """用于自动注册任务的装饰器"""
+ def decorator(cls):
+ cls.name = name
+ cls.description = desc
+ _tasks.append(cls)
+ return cls
+ return decorator
+def tasks():
+ """获取任务列表"""
+ return _tasks
diff --git a/utils.py b/utils.py
index 7af1698..0337af4 100644
--- a/utils.py
+++ b/utils.py
@@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
-# coding=utf-8
import sys
-import cv2
-if sys.platform.startswith("win32") or sys.platform.startswith("cygwin"):
- from platforms.windows import *
- from platforms.linux import *
+import time
+from platforms import *
+class Timer(object):
+ """定时器类"""
+ end_time: float
+ def __init__(self, interval: float):
+ self.end_time = time.perf_counter() + interval
+ def timeout(self) -> bool:
+ return time.perf_counter() >= self.end_time
-def timetosecond(time: str) -> int:
- strs = time.split(':')
+def throw(msg: str):
+ raise Exception(msg)
+def timetosecond(time_str: str) -> int:
+ strs = time_str.split(':')
second = int(strs[-1])
minute = int(strs[-2]) if len(strs) > 1 else 0
hour = int(strs[-3]) if len(strs) > 2 else 0
@@ -21,12 +29,5 @@ def secondtotime(second: int) -> str:
minute %= 60
return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hour, minute, second)
-def ispacked():
+def ispacked() -> bool:
return hasattr(sys, "frozen")
-def readimage(name):
- return cv2.imread("./data/" + name + ".png", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
-def writeimage(name, image):
- cv2.imwrite("./saved/" + name + ".png", image, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION), 3])
- return