RateX SDK is a tool for developers to seamlessly integrate DEX aggregation functionality into their applications on Ethereum and Arbitrum. This open-source SDK helps you find optimal swap routes across multiple decentralized exchanges, offering competitive rates without taking positive slippage or fees. With RateX SDK, you can fetch quotes and generate transaction data for executing swaps through our smart contracts, while ensuring transparency and control over the routing process.
Current DEX aggregators may not charge fees but often take positive slippage, which is the difference between the expected price and the actual execution price of a trade. Additionally, their routing algorithms are typically closed source, leaving users vulnerable if these services start charging fees.
Our goal is to create a competitive alternative by:
- Not taking positive slippage or fees
- Making our routing algorithm open source
- Running the code (SDK) directly on the user's machine (in browser), rather than on a server
- 🔍 Best route finding across multiple DEXes
- 💰 No fees or positive slippage taken
- 🖥️ Client-side execution instead of servers
- 🔓 Open-source routing algorithm
- ⚡ Support for Arbitrum and Ethereum networks
DEX | Supported |
Uniswap V2 | ✅ |
Uniswap V3 | ✅ |
Sushiswap V2 | ✅ |
Balancer (weighted pools) | ✅ |
Camelot | ✅ |
Contract Name | Ethereum ⚫ | Arbitrum 🔵 |
RateX | 0xAC64cF5B37124e62Ad716e664faF711Bd0882056 | 0x1D3ac829f8b0056972491095342730710e956629 |
Uniswap Helper | 0xBFA0CAC4e1FC4958Ef24732F5b1e063637D20704 | 0xBf70F85011047C4cF31696780BdB6db752527d7c |
Sushiswap Helper | 0xAc62F8Ff99B1fEa563Cf8D47Ce1B9fE76F3AC5b8 | 0x141fc598Ed85a23e78f2b58ABe95AC013d196249 |
Balancer Helper | 0xf77f3E6ed19DAFe90f90c3C1609207902C7414f9 | 0xd1dFeDe71160a0a1e869e2D3F428A47531726BfE |
Uniswap V2 Helper | 0x043EEB82faC75641146955Fea5509C824b2AD22A | 0x24725a85903e83A4829F51287B8E0BD321121DbC |
Camelot Helper | N/A | 0x91DE0353a4f93BD460dE3a373Feb50c53571c078 |
Note: Camelot Helper is not available on Ethereum mainnet.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following tools installed:
npm install ratex-sdk
or with yarn
yarn add ratex-sdk
const { RateX, Dexes } = require("ratex-sdk");
async function main() {
const rateX = new RateX({
rpcUrl: "https://arb1.arbitrum.io/rpc",
chainId: 42161,
dexes: [Dexes.UNISWAP_V2, Dexes.UNISWAP_V3],
graphApiKey: "YOUR_GRAPH_API_KEY",
const tokenIn = "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"; // WETH
const tokenOut = "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F"; // DAI
const amountIn = BigInt("1000000000000000000"); // 1 WETH
const quote = await rateX.getQuote(tokenIn, tokenOut, amountIn);
console.log("Best quote:", quote);
const swapParams = await rateX.getSwapParameters(
1, // 1% slippage
30 // 30 minutes deadline
console.log("Swap parameters:", swapParams);
import { RateX, Dexes } from "ratex-sdk";
async function main() {
const rateX = new RateX({
rpcUrl: "https://arb1.arbitrum.io/rpc",
chainId: 42161,
dexes: [Dexes.UNISWAP_V2, Dexes.UNISWAP_V3],
graphApiKey: "YOUR_GRAPH_API_KEY",
const tokenIn: string = "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"; // WETH
const tokenOut: string = "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F"; // DAI
const amountIn: bigint = BigInt("1000000000000000000"); // 1 WETH
const quote = await rateX.getQuote(tokenIn, tokenOut, amountIn);
console.log("Best quote:", quote);
const swapParams = await rateX.getSwapParameters(
1, // 1% slippage
30 // 30 minutes deadline
console.log("Swap parameters:", swapParams);
new RateX(config: RateXConfig)
: RPC URL for the Arbitrum networkconfig.chainId
: Chain ID (42161 for Arbitrum One)config.dexes
: Array of DEXes to include in routing (optional)config.graphApiKey
: Your Graph API key
async getQuote(tokenIn: string, tokenOut: string, amountIn: bigint): Promise<Quote>
Finds the best swap route and returns a quote.
async getSwapCalldata(
tokenIn: string,
tokenOut: string,
amountIn: bigint,
slippagePercentage: number,
recipient: string,
deadlineInMinutes: number
): Promise<string>
Generates the calldata for executing the swap.
async getSwapParameters(
tokenIn: string,
tokenOut: string,
amountIn: bigint,
slippagePercentage: number,
recipient: string,
deadlineInMinutes: number
): Promise<SwapParams>
Prepares the parameters for calling the RateX contract.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Special thanks to Decenter internship teams for supporting this project and all the contributors who made this possible.
For any questions or support, please open an issue on our GitHub repository.
Built with ❤️ by the RateX team