This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy an IBM® Operational Decision Manager (ODM) topology on Amazon ECS Fargate with the help of ECS Compose-x tool.
- Deploying IBM Operational Decision Manager on Amazon ECS Fargate BETA
- Pre-requisite
- Prepare your environment for the ODM installation
- Deploy ODM to AWS ECS Fargate
- Cleaup AWS CloudFormation stack
To deploy ODM containers on AWS ECS Fargate from docker-compose file, you must meet the following requirements:
- Install the latest version of AWS Cli.
- Install the latest version of Podman.
- Install python3.6+ and later version.
- Ensure you have an AWS Account.
- Install ECS Compose-x, preferably in a virtual environment.
- Ensure that you have an existing internet-facing Application Elastic Load balancer and a VPC with public subnets setup on Amazon Web Services(AWS).
- If you want to run ODM Decision services in HTTPS mode, you need to have an ACM public certificate.
Note: The commands and tools have been tested on macOS.
export REGION=<aws_deployment_region>
export AWSACCOUNTID=<aws_account_id>
aws ecr get-login-password --region ${REGION} | podman login --username AWS --password-stdin ${AWSACCOUNTID}.dkr.ecr.${REGION}
: AWS Regions where you want to deploy your servicesAWSACCOUNTID
: your AWS account ID
In this tutorial, we will create an Amazon RDS database instance that can be used by ODM.
- Run the following command to create the postgres database instance:
aws rds create-db-instance \
--db-instance-identifier "odm-rds" \
--db-name "odmdb" \
--engine 'postgres' \
--engine-version '13' \
--auto-minor-version-upgrade \
--allocated-storage 50 \
--max-allocated-storage 100 \
--db-instance-class 'db.t3.large' \
--master-username "odmusername" \
--master-user-password "odmpassword" \
--port "5432" \
--publicly-accessible \
--storage-encrypted \
--tags Key=project,Value=odm
- Note down the RDS instance endpoint, you will assign it to the
parameter underenvironment
section of each ODM service in the docker-compose file.
To get access to the ODM material, you must have an IBM entitlement registry key to pull the images from the IBM Entitled registry. It will be used in the next step of this tutorial.
Log in to MyIBM Container Software Library with the IBMid and password that are associated with the entitled software.
In the Container software library tile, verify your entitlement on the View library page, and then go to Get entitlement key to retrieve the key.
- Create a
file with that format.
You can proceed to create an AWS Secret containing the token.json
file. The secret with the pull credential will be assigned in the docker-compose file.
- Create the secret using the following AWS Cli command. For more information, see Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret.
aws secretsmanager create-secret \
--name IBMCPSecret \
--secret-string file://token.json
"ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:<aws_deployment_region>:<aws_account_id>:secret:IBMCPSecret-YYYYY",
"Name": "IBMCPSecret",
"VersionId": "..."
- Note down the secret's ARN. You will assign it to the
custom extension along with the image URI of each ODM service in the docker-compose file. For example:
x-aws-pull_credentials: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:<aws_deployment_region>:<aws_account_id>:secret:IBMCPSecret-YYYYY"
x-aws-pull_credentials: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:<aws_deployment_region>:<aws_account_id>:secret:IBMCPSecret-YYYYY"
In this tutorial, we have included IBM Licensing service for tracking license usage of ODM that is deployed on AWS ECS Fargate.
The following steps are needed by IBM Licensing service:
Create a S3 bucket in AWS for storing the IBM software license usage data. The name of the bucket must follow the
pattern. -
Add a IAM policy with read and write access, and define it on the S3 bucket.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Statement1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::ibm-license-service-<aws_account_id>/*"
- You will assign this policy to the
custom extension of each service in the docker-compose file.
- arn:aws:iam::<aws_account_id>:policy/<policy_allow_access_S3_bucket>
For more information, see Tracking license usage on AWS ECS Fargate.
Verify that the outbound configuration of the security group of your existing loadbalancer is having "Allow all outbound traffic". However, if you have restricted outbound security group settings, then you must add an addition outbound rule to allow "Custom TCP" port range of 9060 - 9082
. These ports are for ODM Decision services in HTTP mode. For HTTPS mode, the port range should be 9653 - 9953
- Access to EC2 Loadbalancer console.
- Click on the load balancer that you want to define in the docker-compose file.
- Click
tab and then click on the security group. - Click
Outbound rules
tab,Edit outbound rules
button and add the outbound rule as shown below:
You will need to setup some permissions to validate the AWS CloudFormation (CFN) templates, Lookup AWS resources and etc when using ECS Compose-X commands. For more information about the configuration, see AWS Account configuration and Permissions to upload files to S3. If your AWS account has administrator permissions, then it is not required to do so.
Upon setting up the appropriate permissions, run this ecs-compose-x
command which enables some ECS settings and create a default S3 bucket required by ECS Compose-X:
ecs-compose-x init
2024-06-19 11:39:37 [ INFO] ECS Setting awsvpcTrunking set to 'enabled'
2024-06-19 11:39:37 [ INFO] ECS Setting serviceLongArnFormat set to 'enabled'
2024-06-19 11:39:37 [ INFO] ECS Setting taskLongArnFormat set to 'enabled'
2024-06-19 11:39:37 [ INFO] ECS Setting containerInstanceLongArnFormat set to 'enabled'
2024-06-19 11:39:37 [ INFO] ECS Setting containerInsights set to 'enabled'
2024-06-19 11:39:38 [ INFO] Bucket ecs-composex-<aws_account_id>-<aws_deployment_region> successfully created.
NOTE: A S3 bucket will automatically be created. It is used to store the generated CFN templates when running ecs-compose-x
If you want to run ODM Decision services in HTTPS mode, it is required to provide the Amazon Root CA to ODM Decision Center for authentication purposes during ruleApp deployments and also running Test and Simulation
- Go to Amazon Trust Services and download Amazon Root CA 1 in
format. - Rename the downloaded
file toAmazonRootCA1.crt
. - In the S3 bucket created by
ecs-compose-x init
, create a folder namedcertificate
. - Upload this
file into this folder. - Create a new file system name
in Amazon EFS using the same VPC where you plan to create ECS Fargate cluster with ODM services. This file system will be used as a volume for Decision Center. See :
Name: odm-filesystem
x-aws-pull_credentials: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:<aws_deployment_region>:<aws_account_id>:secret:IBMCPSecret-XXXXXX"
- app:/config/security/trusted-cert-volume
At AWS DataSync, create a new task for data transfer and synchronization between the S3 bucket
folder andodm-filesystem
Step 1: Configure source location.
Step 2: Configure destination location.
Step 3: Configure settings.
Step 4: Review
- Verify the details and click
Create Task
to create the task.
- Verify the details and click
After the task is created, you can launch data synchronising using
Start with defaults
.- Wait for a few minutes and check the status at
Task history
. It should be successful. - If the task failed with this following error, the security group that you configured at Step 2 does not allow ingress and egress on port 2049.
- Make sure to add an inbound and outbound rule with NFS type at port 2049 to this security group. For example:
- Wait for a few minutes and check the status at
ODM can be deployed either in HTTP or HTTPS mode. Each of the ODM components are configured to be deployed as separate ECS task due to IBM licensing service which logs CPU usage per ECS task. The IBM Licensing service will be deployed to each ECS task for tracking purpose. Inspect the docker-compose file for more details.
- Download the docker-compose-http.yaml and save this file in your working dir.
- Edit the file and assign the appropriate values in the all
. - For the parameter
that is defined inenvironment
section ofodm-decisionrunner
service, look for the DNS value of your load balancer and assign it to the parameter ashttp://your_loadbalancer_dns/res
. This is required for running Testing and Simulation in Decision Center under ECS Fargate network.
- Download the docker-compose-https.yaml and save this file in your working dir.
- Edit the file and assign the appropriate values in the all
. - In this mode, HTTPS listeners for each ODM service will be added to the load balancer. You need to assign the arn of the ACM public certificate at
custom extension. The ssl policy is set to TLS1.3ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS13-1-2-2021-06
policy. For more information, see Create an HTTPS listener for your Application Load Balancer.
<loadbalancer_tag>: <loadbalancer_tag_value>
# Declare to use port=443, protocal=HTTPS and the access paths for each ODM components
# If the port is used, change it to another value.
- Port: 443
Protocol: HTTPS
# Make sure there is ACM public certificate that can be applied on ELB for HTTPS purpose
- CertificateArn: arn:aws:acm:<aws_deployment_region>:<aws_account_id>:certificate/XXXX-YYYY
SslPolicy: ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS13-1-2-2021-06
- For the parameter
that is defined inenvironment
section ofodm-decisionrunner
service, look for the DNS value of your load balancer and assign it to the parameter ashttps://your_loadbalancer_dns/res
. This is required for runningTesting and Simulation
in Decision Center.
- Run the following command to generate the CFN templates, validate the templates, and create the stacks in CFN.
ecs-compose-x up -n odm-stack -b <generated_s3_bucket> -f docker-compose-http.yaml -d outputdir
- Sign in to the AWS CloudFormation console to monitor the stacks (root, CloudMap, IAM, elbv2, service networking, and odm services) creation status.
- If all the stacks complete without error, go to Elastic Container Service to look for the newly created cluster named
As Decision Server Console and Decision Server Runtime are deployed as separate services for IBM license tracking and scalability, an addition setup is required to allow Decision Server Runtime to connect to the notification server of Decision Server Console.
Under the
tab, click onodm-stack-res-XXX
service. -
At the
page, click theConfiguration and networking
tab. -
Network configuration
section, click on the security groupsg-YYYYY
. The security group configuration of the RES service will be displayed. -
Click the
Edit inbound rules
button, and update the rule that defines custom TCP port:1883.
After saving the inbound rules, wait for all the services to be Active
and that their respective tasks are in running state. Check the logs of the odm-decisionserverruntime
containers. If the following exception persists, restart the Decision Server Runtime odm-stack-runtime-YYY
service to be sure that the changes to the security rules are well taken into account.$1 operationComplete GBRXX0102W: Rule Execution Server console : Client 66325de3-3537-4f56-8cc4-ede3460d6427 was unable to perform handshake with the notification server. It will disconnect and then try to reconnect. For details, see the exception trace....
Follow these steps to restart:
Go back to
, click onodm-stack-runtime-YYY
service. -
Click the
Update service
button and check theForce new deployment
checkbox on the top of the page. -
Click the
button to restart the service. You should see that the service is updated and a new deployment withIn progress
state as such: -
When the deployment is complete, verify in the runtime log that the client is connected to the notification server:
[10/7/24, 17:17:49:451 CEST] 00000040 mbean I$1 serviceActivated GBRXX0119I: Rule Execution Server console : Client d6bcf2c5-26e3-4373-9e3f-3e33baf36b52 is connected to server odm-decisionserverconsole:1883.
[10/7/24, 17:17:50:592 CEST] 00000042 mbean I$1 operationComplete GBRXX0103I: Rule Execution Server console : Client d6bcf2c5-26e3-4373-9e3f-3e33baf36b52 performed handshake with the notification server.
- Access to EC2 Loadbalancer console.
- Click on the load balancer that you have defined in your docker-compose file.
- Verify that the listener rules for the ODM services are added and the target groups are in healthy state.
- Copy the load balancer's DNS name.
- Depending on HTTP or HTTPS mode, the URLs for the ODM components are as follows:
- Login to Decision Center with
user. - Click on
tab and thenServers
tab. - Edit
Decision Service Execution
configuration and update theServer URL
. If HTTPS mode, usehttps://
. - Test the connection. If the test is successful, save the changes.
- Repeat the same for
Test and Simulation Execution
configuration. Update theServer URL
. If HTTPS mode, usehttps://
. Test and then save the changes.
To remove the base stack and its nested stacks, there are 2 options.
- Access to the AWS CloudFormation console.
- Select the base stack
and clickDelete
aws --region <aws_deployment_region> cloudformation delete-stack \
--stack-name odm-stack