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Use with dbt




This guide will provide a quick start on how to use SQLMock with dbt (data build tool). You can use it to mock dbt models, sources, and seed models. We’ll cover how to use these features effectively in your unit tests.



  • A working dbt project with a manifest.json file that has the latest compiled run. (make sure to run dbt compile).

  • +
  • The SQLMock library installed in your Python environment.

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Setting the dbt Manifest Path


Initialize your testing environment by setting the global path to your dbt manifest file:

from sql_mock.config import SQLMockConfig

Creating Mock Tables


SQLMock offers specialized decorators for different dbt entities: models, sources, and seeds.


dbt Model Mock Table


For dbt models, use the dbt_model_meta decorator from sql_mock.dbt. This decorator is suited for mocking the transformed data produced by dbt models.

from sql_mock.dbt import dbt_model_meta
+from sql_mock.bigquery.table_mocks import BigQueryMockTable
+class YourDBTModelTable(BigQueryMockTable):
+    # Define your table columns and other necessary attributes here
+    ...

dbt Source Mock Table


For dbt sources, use the dbt_source_meta decorator from sql_mock.dbt. This is ideal for mocking the raw data sources that dbt models consume.

from sql_mock.dbt import dbt_source_meta
+from sql_mock.bigquery.table_mocks import BigQueryMockTable
+@dbt_source_meta(source_name="your_source_name", table_name="your_source_table")
+class YourDBTSourceTable(BigQueryMockTable):
+    # Define your table columns and other necessary attributes here
+    ...

dbt Seed Mock Table


For dbt seeds, which are static data sets loaded into the database, use the dbt_seed_meta decorator from sql_mock.dbt.

from sql_mock.dbt import dbt_seed_meta
+from sql_mock.bigquery.table_mocks import BigQueryMockTable
+class YourDBTSeedTable(BigQueryMockTable):
+    # Define your table columns and other necessary attributes here
+    ...

Example: Testing a dbt Model with Upstream Source and Seed Data


Let’s consider a dbt model named monthly_user_spend that aggregates data from a source user_transactions and a seed user_categories.


Step 1: Define Your Source and Seed Mock Tables

@dbt_source_meta(source_name="transactions", table_name="user_transactions")
+class UserTransactionsTable(BigQueryMockTable):
+    transaction_id = col.Int(default=1)
+    user_id = col.Int(default=1)
+    amount = col.Float(default=1.0)
+    transaction_date = col.Date(default='2023-12-24')
+class UserCategoriesTable(BigQueryMockTable):
+    user_id = col.Int(default=1)
+    category = col.String(default='foo')

Step 2: Define Your Model Mock Table

+class MonthlyUserSpendTable(BigQueryMockTable):
+    user_id = col.Int(default=1)
+    month = col.String(default='foo')
+    total_spend = col.Float(default=1.0)
+    category = col.String(default='foo')

Step 3: Write Your Test Case

import datetime
+def test_monthly_user_spend_model():
+    # Mock input data for UserTransactionsTable and UserCategoriesTable
+    transactions_data = [
+        {"transaction_id": 1, "user_id": 1, "amount": 120.0, "transaction_date": datetime.date(2023, 1, 10)},
+        {"transaction_id": 2, "user_id": 2, "amount": 150.0, "transaction_date": datetime.date(2023, 1, 20)},
+    ]
+    categories_data = [
+        {"user_id": 1, "category": "Premium"},
+        {"user_id": 2, "category": "Standard"}
+    ]
+    transactions_table = UserTransactionsTable.from_dicts(transactions_data)
+    categories_table = UserCategoriesTable.from_dicts(categories_data)
+    # Expected result
+    expected_output = [
+        {"user_id": 1, "month": "2023-01", "total_spend": 120.0, "category": "Premium"},
+        {"user_id": 2, "month": "2023-01", "total_spend": 150.0, "category": "Standard"},
+    ]
+    monthly_spend_table = MonthlyUserSpendTable.from_mocks(input_data=[transactions_table, categories_table])
+    monthly_spend_table.assert_equal(expected_output)
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