diff --git a/protocols/exactly.ts b/protocols/exactly.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03b2a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protocols/exactly.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import { manualCliff, manualLinear } from "../adapters/manual";
+import { periodToSeconds } from "../utils/time";
+import type { Protocol } from "../types/adapters";
+const launch = 1689972929; // 21 July 2023 8:55:29 PM
+const vestingStart = 1717200000; // 01 June 2024 00:00:00 AM
+const end = vestingStart + periodToSeconds.year * 4;
+const total = 10_000_000;
+const team = total * 0.314;
+const airdrop = total * 0.01;
+const incident = total * 0.1;
+const treasury = total * 0.1;
+const investors = total * 0.136;
+const community = total * 0.45 - incident - airdrop;
+const exactly: Protocol = {
+  "DAO Treasury": manualCliff(launch, treasury),
+  Airdrop: manualLinear(launch, launch + periodToSeconds.month * 4, airdrop),
+  Community: manualLinear(launch, end, community),
+  "Incident Compensation": manualLinear(vestingStart, end, incident),
+  Investors: manualLinear(vestingStart, end, investors),
+  "Team and Advisors": manualLinear(vestingStart, end, team),
+  meta: {
+    token: "optimism:0x1e925De1c68ef83bD98eE3E130eF14a50309C01B",
+    sources: [
+      "https://docs.exact.ly/governance/exactly-token-exa",
+      "https://x.com/ExactlyProtocol/status/1681380822304149504",
+      "https://medium.com/@exactly_protocol/the-exa-token-is-here-88a2449c4eb3",
+    ],
+    protocolIds: ["exactly"],
+  },
+  categories: {
+    airdrop: ["Airdrop"],
+    insiders: ["Team and Advisors", "Investors"],
+    noncirculating: ["DAO Treasury"],
+  },
+export default exactly;