CyberAuth is a minecraft plugin for player authorization. It protects from unauthorized access to the player's account. CyberAuth prohibits unauthorized users:
- putting and interacting with blocks
- moving around
- using inventory
- hitting players
- writing messages
- execute commands
The plugin also hashes all passwords - this means that no one can find out the user's password.
For minecraft 1.17.x - 1.20.x
- login
- register
- change_password
- logout
- remove_user
- reload_cyberauth
Command login:
- Usage:
/login <password>
- Description: This is the login command
- Aliases:
Command register:
- Usage:
/register <password> <new_password>
- Description: This is the command to register
- Aliases:
Command change_password:
- Usage:
/change_password <old_password> <new_password>
- Description: This is the command to change password
Command logout:
- Usage:
- Description: This is the command to log out
- Aliases:
Command remove_user:
- Usage:
/removeuser <username>
- Description: This command is for deleting a user from the database
Command reload_cyberauth:
- Usage:
- Description: This command to reload plugin
# password length
min_password_length: 3
max_password_length: 8
# time to log in (time in ticks)
auth_time: 800
# kick the player if you enter the wrong password
kick_for_wrong_password: true
# {%username%} - the name of the user who joined
# {%server_name%} - server name
# {%min_password_length%} - min password length
# {%min_password_length%} - max password length
# <c > - specifying the color
# <c0> - black
# <c1> - dark blue
# <c2> - dark green
# <c3> - dark aqua
# <c4> - dark red
# <c5> - dark purple
# <c6> - gold
# <c7> - gray
# <c8> - dark gray
# <c9> - blue
# <ca> - green
# <cb> - aqua
# <cc> - red
# <cd> - light purple
# <ce> - yellow
# <cf> - white
# <# > - specifying the color by hex format
# Example: <#ffffff> - white
welcome: "Welcome, {%username%} to the server!"
logged_in: "<c2>Successful login!"
log_in: "<cc>Login, please! Usage: /login <password>"
registered: "<c2>You are registered!"
register_in: "<cc>Register, please! Usage: /register <password> <repeat_password>"
changed: "<c2>Password changed successfully!"
user_removed: "<ce>{%username%}<cf> was <c4>removed<cf>!"
logged_in: "<c4>You are already logged in!"
not_logged_in: "<c4>You are not logged in!"
registered: "<c4>You are already registered!"
not_registered: "<c4> You are not registered!"
arguments: "<c4>You forgot arguments!"
wrong_password: "<c4>Wrong password!"
change_password: "<c4>Failed to change password!"
set_password: "<c4>The password was entered incorrectly!"
short_password: "<c4>The password is short! The minimum password length is {%min_password_length%}"
long_password: "<c4>The password is too long! The maximum password length is {%max_password_length%}"
registration: "<c4>Error during registration!"
user_not_exist: "<c4>The user by name <ce>{%username%}<c4> does not exist."
permissions: "<c4>You don't have permissions!"
timeout: "<c4>Time out!"