Version 1.5 beta
- GLView now requires ARC. See README for details
- GLImage can now load mipmapped PVR images
- GLImage now supports additional PVRimage formats
- GLImage now assumes PVR images are using premultiplied alpha by default
- Renamed GLModelView transform property to modelTransform
- Added GLImageView imageTransform property
- Custom drawing using GLView's drawRect method will now be relative to the center of the view by default
Version 1.4
- Added automatic support for loading gzipped images, image maps and model data, provided that the GZIP library is included in the project (
- Removed automatic support for the Cocos2D -hd file suffix. If you require this functionality, add the StandardPaths library ( to your project. StandardPaths also adds automatic support for the -568h@2x suffix used for iPhone 5-specific assets.
- Removed the GLView NSString extensions for manipulating file suffixes to avoid conflicts with the StandardPaths library.
- Updated ARCHelper library
Version 1.3.9
- Fixed bug in GLImage imageWithClipRect: method.
Version 1.3.8
- Added support for models containing more than 65,559 triangles
Version 1.3.7
- Fixed memory leak in GLImage when using multiple GLViews or GLImageViews
Version 1.3.6
- Added frameInterval property for controlling GLView animation frame rate
- GLView now uses an NSTimer instead of CADisplayLink for animation, as this performs much better when multiple GLViews are animating onscreen at once
- It is now possible to display several animated GLImageViews onscreen at once without performance problems
- GLView animation will no longer stall when the view is moved offscreen
- absolutePathWithDefaultExtensions: method will no longer double-apply the @2x extension in certain cases, causing the wrong image to be loaded.
Version 1.3.5
- Added support for CALayer renderInContext: method for capturing GLView contents
- Added snapshot method for capturing GLView contents as a UIImage
Version 1.3.4
- GLView now uses drawRect method for updates instead of displaySubviews
- bindFramebuffer and presentRenderbuffer are now called automatically
- Fixed alpha blending bug in bindGLClearColor method
- Fixed alpha blending bug in GLModelView
- Added display method
Version 1.3.3
- Fixed scaling bug in GLImageMap loading code
- Fixed bug where GLImage drawAtPoint method would always draw at 0,0
- GLView no longer destroys and re-creates the context each time it is redrawn if the view hasn't changed size
Version 1.3.2
- Added support for the Cocos2D -hd file suffix
- Fixed bug in ~ipad file suffix handling
- Added File Suffixes test project
- Added GLUtils class documentation
- Extended the documentation with info about file suffix handling
Version 1.3.1
- Added support for trimmed sprites to GLImageMap
- Added support for aliased images in GLImageMap
- Image, ImageMap and model file loading now recognises ~ipad suffix for iPad-specific asset versions
- Added contentRect property to GLImage
- Added vertexCoords property to GLImage
Version 1.3
- Added GLImageMap class, with support for loading Cocos2D sprite sheets
- Added image map example to GLImage Demo
- Added ability to specify if GLImage has premultiplied alpha
- Added ability to create GLImages and GLModels from preloaded data
- Added ability to specify image size, scale and clipRect
- Updated PVR image documentation for Xcode 4.3 and above
Version 1.2.2
- Fixed bug with images being rendered at half size on retina display
- GLImage now supports non power-of-two-sized images
- Added initWithSize:scale:drawingBlock: method to GLImage for creating images with content drawn at runtime
- Fixed a bug in GLImageView initWithImage method
- Fixed some leaks in GLModel loading code when not running under ARC
- GLView animation step method is no longer called if the view is offscreen
Version 1.2.1
- Added GLLight object
- Added lights property to GLModelView
- Fixed intermittent crash when loading .obj models that have normals but do not have texture coordinates (e.g. cube.obj)
Version 1.2
- Added GLModel and GLModelView for loading and displaying polygonal models
- Added UIIMage+GL category for easy conversion of UIColors to OpenGL format
- Extended image example with additional formats
- Fixed crash when attempting to load non-existent image files
- Added ARC support
Version 1.1.1
- Expanded example app to demonstrate relative quality and loading time of different formats
Version 1.1
- Added animated image sequence playback to GLImageView
- Added PVR video demo to the example project
Version 1.0
- Initial release