The API can be accessed through:
- facade interface at the core module
- decorator class at the app level.
The difference is that the class serves as a decorator and can provide extra methods without impacting facade implementations.
Facade EncryptionSource provides the following methods:
encrypt(text: String, method: EncryptionMethod): String
- Encrypts the given text using the specified encryption method.decrypt(text: String, method: EncryptionMethod): String
- Decrypts the given text using the specified encryption method.
Both the facade and decorator are pre-configured via dependency injection (DI) as singletons in
To start using, just inject it to your DI managed class.
The functionality can be extended with time (or added on your own)
class BasicEncryptionViewModel(
private val encryptionSource: EncryptionSource
) : BaseViewModel() {
override fun doBind() {
launchAsync {
val method = EncryptionMethod.AES("1234")
val encryptedText = encryptionSource.encrypt("my_text_to_encrypt", method)
val decryptedText = encryptionSource.decrypt(encryptedText, method)
class BasicHashingViewModel(
private val encryptionSource: EncryptionSource
) : BaseViewModel() {
override fun doBind() {
launchAsync {
val salt = ByteArrayStrategy.toString(Random.nextBytes(16))
val method = EncryptionMethod.PBKDF2(salt)
val hashedPassword = encryptionSource.encrypt("my_password_to_hash", method)