- Component package:
- DI integration:
- Use Cases:
The flow is pre-configured to effectively manage the app lifecycle through app.presentation.passcode.PasscodeProvider
, which adapts based on the settings defined in PasscodeStore
once the user activates a passcode. By default, the passcode is hashed and stored locally on the device.
Passcode settings can be configured via PasscodeStore
which is pre-configured at the DI level PasscodeModule
data class PasscodeStore(
val persistentKey: String = "passcode_config", // the key to store the passcode state locally.
val passcodeLength: Int = 4, // the length of the passcode which user can set via the default UI.
val unlockAttemptsCount: Int = 5, // the number of wrong attempts before the lock screen will become permanent (until user reset it or you implement some other behaviour).
val resumeTimeout: Long = 10.seconds.inWholeMilliseconds, // time to keep the app unlocked in the background.
val encryptionMethod: (code: String) -> EncryptionMethod = EncryptionMethod::PBKDF2 // method, used to hash the passcode to store it locally.
The flow can be utilized in the following scenarios:
class TemplateViewModel(
private val navigationState: NavigationState,
) : BaseViewModel() {
fun onSetPasscode() {
Once initiated, the user will be prompted to create and confirm their passcode. The passcode in hashed with PBKDF2
hashing algorithm by default (which can be changed as everything else of course).
class TemplateViewModel(
private val navigationState: NavigationState,
) : BaseViewModel() {
fun onSetPasscode() {
The confirmation screen will appear, prompting the user to enter the current passcode to proceed with the reset.
The behavior is pre-configured through PasscodeProvider
to block access to the app with a passcode screen whenever the app is opened or restored from the background after a certain period of time.
This behavior can be easily modified through PasscodeViewModel