diff --git a/packages/devextreme/js/__internal/ui/collection/m_search_box_mixin.ts b/packages/devextreme/js/__internal/ui/collection/m_search_box_mixin.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fca119d60410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/devextreme/js/__internal/ui/collection/m_search_box_mixin.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+import messageLocalization from '@js/common/core/localization/message';
+import $ from '@js/core/renderer';
+import { Deferred } from '@js/core/utils/deferred';
+import { extend } from '@js/core/utils/extend';
+import { stubComponent } from '@js/core/utils/stubs';
+import errors from '@js/ui/widget/ui.errors';
+let EditorClass = stubComponent('TextBox');
+export default {
+ _getDefaultOptions() {
+ return extend(this.callBase(), {
+ searchMode: '',
+ searchExpr: null,
+ searchValue: '',
+ searchEnabled: false,
+ searchEditorOptions: {},
+ });
+ },
+ _initMarkup(): void {
+ this._renderSearch();
+ this.callBase();
+ },
+ _renderSearch(): void {
+ const $element = this.$element();
+ const searchEnabled = this.option('searchEnabled');
+ const searchBoxClassName = this._addWidgetPrefix('search');
+ const rootElementClassName = this._addWidgetPrefix('with-search');
+ if (!searchEnabled) {
+ $element.removeClass(rootElementClassName);
+ this._removeSearchBox();
+ return;
+ }
+ const editorOptions = this._getSearchEditorOptions();
+ if (this._searchEditor) {
+ this._searchEditor.option(editorOptions);
+ } else {
+ $element.addClass(rootElementClassName);
+ this._$searchEditorElement = $('
+ this._searchEditor = this._createComponent(this._$searchEditorElement, EditorClass, editorOptions);
+ }
+ },
+ _removeSearchBox(): void {
+ this._$searchEditorElement && this._$searchEditorElement.remove();
+ delete this._$searchEditorElement;
+ delete this._searchEditor;
+ },
+ _getSearchEditorOptions() {
+ const that = this;
+ const userEditorOptions = that.option('searchEditorOptions');
+ const searchText = messageLocalization.format('Search');
+ return extend({
+ mode: 'search',
+ placeholder: searchText,
+ tabIndex: that.option('tabIndex'),
+ value: that.option('searchValue'),
+ valueChangeEvent: 'input',
+ inputAttr: {
+ 'aria-label': searchText,
+ },
+ onValueChanged(e) {
+ const searchTimeout = that.option('searchTimeout');
+ that._valueChangeDeferred = Deferred();
+ clearTimeout(that._valueChangeTimeout);
+ that._valueChangeDeferred.done(function () {
+ this.option('searchValue', e.value);
+ }.bind(that));
+ if (e.event && e.event.type === 'input' && searchTimeout) {
+ that._valueChangeTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ that._valueChangeDeferred.resolve();
+ }, searchTimeout);
+ } else {
+ that._valueChangeDeferred.resolve();
+ }
+ },
+ }, userEditorOptions);
+ },
+ _getAriaTarget() {
+ if (this.option('searchEnabled')) {
+ return this._itemContainer(true);
+ }
+ return this.callBase();
+ },
+ _focusTarget() {
+ if (this.option('searchEnabled')) {
+ return this._itemContainer(true);
+ }
+ return this.callBase();
+ },
+ _updateFocusState(e, isFocused): void {
+ if (this.option('searchEnabled')) {
+ this._toggleFocusClass(isFocused, this.$element());
+ }
+ this.callBase(e, isFocused);
+ },
+ getOperationBySearchMode(searchMode) {
+ return searchMode === 'equals' ? '=' : searchMode;
+ },
+ _optionChanged(args) {
+ switch (args.name) {
+ case 'searchEnabled':
+ case 'searchEditorOptions':
+ this._invalidate();
+ break;
+ case 'searchExpr':
+ case 'searchMode':
+ case 'searchValue':
+ if (!this._dataSource) {
+ errors.log('W1009');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (args.name === 'searchMode') {
+ this._dataSource.searchOperation(this.getOperationBySearchMode(args.value));
+ } else {
+ this._dataSource[args.name](args.value);
+ }
+ this._dataSource.load();
+ break;
+ case 'searchTimeout':
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.callBase(args);
+ }
+ },
+ focus() {
+ if (!this.option('focusedElement') && this.option('searchEnabled')) {
+ this._searchEditor && this._searchEditor.focus();
+ return;
+ }
+ this.callBase();
+ },
+ _cleanAria(): void {
+ const $element = this.$element();
+ this.setAria({
+ role: null,
+ activedescendant: null,
+ }, $element);
+ $element.attr('tabIndex', null);
+ },
+ _clean(): void {
+ this.callBase();
+ this._cleanAria();
+ },
+ _refresh(): void {
+ if (this._valueChangeDeferred) {
+ this._valueChangeDeferred.resolve();
+ }
+ this.callBase();
+ },
+ setEditorClass(value): void {
+ EditorClass = value;
+ },
diff --git a/packages/devextreme/js/ui/widget/ui.search_box_mixin.js b/packages/devextreme/js/ui/widget/ui.search_box_mixin.js
index 4491d72a5413..b046a0491ab6 100644
--- a/packages/devextreme/js/ui/widget/ui.search_box_mixin.js
+++ b/packages/devextreme/js/ui/widget/ui.search_box_mixin.js
@@ -1,183 +1,3 @@
-import $ from '../../core/renderer';
-import { extend } from '../../core/utils/extend';
-import messageLocalization from '../../common/core/localization/message';
-import errors from '../widget/ui.errors';
-import { Deferred } from '../../core/utils/deferred';
-import { stubComponent } from '../../core/utils/stubs';
+import SearchBoxMixin from '../../__internal/ui/collection/m_search_box_mixin';
-let EditorClass = stubComponent('TextBox');
-export default {
- _getDefaultOptions: function() {
- return extend(this.callBase(), {
- searchMode: '',
- searchExpr: null,
- searchValue: '',
- searchEnabled: false,
- searchEditorOptions: {},
- });
- },
- _initMarkup: function() {
- this._renderSearch();
- this.callBase();
- },
- _renderSearch: function() {
- const $element = this.$element();
- const searchEnabled = this.option('searchEnabled');
- const searchBoxClassName = this._addWidgetPrefix('search');
- const rootElementClassName = this._addWidgetPrefix('with-search');
- if(!searchEnabled) {
- $element.removeClass(rootElementClassName);
- this._removeSearchBox();
- return;
- }
- const editorOptions = this._getSearchEditorOptions();
- if(this._searchEditor) {
- this._searchEditor.option(editorOptions);
- } else {
- $element.addClass(rootElementClassName);
- this._$searchEditorElement = $('
- this._searchEditor = this._createComponent(this._$searchEditorElement, EditorClass, editorOptions);
- }
- },
- _removeSearchBox: function() {
- this._$searchEditorElement && this._$searchEditorElement.remove();
- delete this._$searchEditorElement;
- delete this._searchEditor;
- },
- _getSearchEditorOptions: function() {
- const that = this;
- const userEditorOptions = that.option('searchEditorOptions');
- const searchText = messageLocalization.format('Search');
- return extend({
- mode: 'search',
- placeholder: searchText,
- tabIndex: that.option('tabIndex'),
- value: that.option('searchValue'),
- valueChangeEvent: 'input',
- inputAttr: {
- 'aria-label': searchText
- },
- onValueChanged: function(e) {
- const searchTimeout = that.option('searchTimeout');
- that._valueChangeDeferred = new Deferred();
- clearTimeout(that._valueChangeTimeout);
- that._valueChangeDeferred.done(function() {
- this.option('searchValue', e.value);
- }.bind(that));
- if(e.event && e.event.type === 'input' && searchTimeout) {
- that._valueChangeTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
- that._valueChangeDeferred.resolve();
- }, searchTimeout);
- } else {
- that._valueChangeDeferred.resolve();
- }
- }
- }, userEditorOptions);
- },
- _getAriaTarget: function() {
- if(this.option('searchEnabled')) {
- return this._itemContainer(true);
- }
- return this.callBase();
- },
- _focusTarget: function() {
- if(this.option('searchEnabled')) {
- return this._itemContainer(true);
- }
- return this.callBase();
- },
- _updateFocusState: function(e, isFocused) {
- if(this.option('searchEnabled')) {
- this._toggleFocusClass(isFocused, this.$element());
- }
- this.callBase(e, isFocused);
- },
- getOperationBySearchMode: function(searchMode) {
- return searchMode === 'equals' ? '=' : searchMode;
- },
- _optionChanged: function(args) {
- switch(args.name) {
- case 'searchEnabled':
- case 'searchEditorOptions':
- this._invalidate();
- break;
- case 'searchExpr':
- case 'searchMode':
- case 'searchValue':
- if(!this._dataSource) {
- errors.log('W1009');
- return;
- }
- if(args.name === 'searchMode') {
- this._dataSource.searchOperation(this.getOperationBySearchMode(args.value));
- } else {
- this._dataSource[args.name](args.value);
- }
- this._dataSource.load();
- break;
- case 'searchTimeout':
- break;
- default:
- this.callBase(args);
- }
- },
- focus: function() {
- if(!this.option('focusedElement') && this.option('searchEnabled')) {
- this._searchEditor && this._searchEditor.focus();
- return;
- }
- this.callBase();
- },
- _cleanAria: function() {
- const $element = this.$element();
- this.setAria({
- 'role': null,
- 'activedescendant': null
- }, $element);
- $element.attr('tabIndex', null);
- },
- _clean() {
- this.callBase();
- this._cleanAria();
- },
- _refresh: function() {
- if(this._valueChangeDeferred) {
- this._valueChangeDeferred.resolve();
- }
- this.callBase();
- },
- setEditorClass: function(value) {
- EditorClass = value;
- }
+export default SearchBoxMixin;