You can use a combined attribute, and each method in the list above has an optional parameter that defines the argument number (the default is 0) from where to get the appropriate metadata for tag, ordinal, or type.
| AttributeTargets.Method
| AttributeTargets.Parameter
| AttributeTargets.Property
| AttributeTargets.Field)]
class InjectAttribute<T>(object? tag = null, int ordinal = 0) : Attribute;
interface IPerson;
class Person([Inject<string>("NikName")] string name) : IPerson
private object? _state;
[Inject<int>(ordinal: 1)] internal object Id = "";
public void Initialize([Inject<Uri>] object state) =>
_state = state;
public override string ToString() => $"{Id} {name} {_state}";
.Bind().To(_ => new Uri(""))
.Bind("NikName").To(_ => "Nik")
// Composition root
var composition = new PersonComposition(personId: 123);
var person = composition.Person;
person.ToString().ShouldBe("123 Nik");
The following partial class will be generated:
partial class PersonComposition
private readonly PersonComposition _root;
private readonly int _argPersonId;
public PersonComposition(int personId)
_argPersonId = personId;
_root = this;
internal PersonComposition(PersonComposition parentScope)
_root = (parentScope ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parentScope)))._root;
_argPersonId = _root._argPersonId;
public IPerson Person
Uri transientUri2 = new Uri("");
string transientString1 = "Nik";
Person transientPerson0 = new Person(transientString1);
transientPerson0.Id = _argPersonId;
return transientPerson0;
Class diagram:
hideEmptyMembersBox: true
Person --|> IPerson
Uri --|> IFormattable
Uri --|> ISpanFormattable
Uri --|> IEquatableᐸUriᐳ
Uri --|> ISerializable
PersonComposition ..> Person : IPerson Person
Person *-- String : "NikName" String
Person o-- Int32 : Argument "personId"
Person *-- Uri : Uri
namespace Pure.DI.UsageTests.Attributes.CustomUniversalAttributeScenario {
class IPerson {
class Person {
+Person(String name)
~Object Id
+Initialize(Object state) : Void
class PersonComposition {
+IPerson Person
namespace System {
class IEquatableᐸUriᐳ {
class IFormattable {
class Int32 {
class ISpanFormattable {
class String {
class Uri {
namespace System.Runtime.Serialization {
class ISerializable {