If you want to use attributes in your libraries but don't want to create your own, you can add this package to your projects:
It contains attributes like Inject
and Inject<T>
that work for constructors and their arguments, methods and their arguments, properties and fields. They allow you to setup all injection parameters.
using Shouldly;
using Pure.DI.Abstractions;
using Pure.DI;
.Bind<Uri>("Person Uri").To(_ => new Uri("https://github.com/DevTeam/Pure.DI"))
.Bind("NikName").To(_ => "Nik")
// Composition root
var composition = new PersonComposition(personId: 123);
var person = composition.Person;
person.ToString().ShouldBe("123 Nik https://github.com/DevTeam/Pure.DI");
interface IPerson;
class Person([Inject("NikName")] string name) : IPerson
private object? _state;
[Inject<int>] internal object Id = "";
public void Initialize([Inject<Uri>("Person Uri", 1)] object state) =>
_state = state;
public override string ToString() => $"{Id} {name} {_state}";
Running this code sample locally
- Make sure you have the .NET SDK 9.0 or later is installed
dotnet --list-sdk
- Create a net9.0 (or later) console application
dotnet new console -n Sample
- Add references to NuGet packages
dotnet add package Pure.DI
dotnet add package Shouldly
dotnet add package Pure.DI.Abstractions
- Copy the example code into the Program.cs file
You are ready to run the example 🚀
dotnet run
This package should also be included in a project:
The following partial class will be generated:
partial class PersonComposition
private readonly PersonComposition _root;
private readonly int _argPersonId;
public PersonComposition(int personId)
_argPersonId = personId;
_root = this;
internal PersonComposition(PersonComposition parentScope)
_root = (parentScope ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parentScope)))._root;
_argPersonId = _root._argPersonId;
public IPerson Person
Uri transientUri2 = new Uri("https://github.com/DevTeam/Pure.DI");
string transientString1 = "Nik";
Person transientPerson0 = new Person(transientString1);
transientPerson0.Id = _argPersonId;
return transientPerson0;
Class diagram:
hideEmptyMembersBox: true
Person --|> IPerson
PersonComposition ..> Person : IPerson Person
Person *-- String : "NikName" String
Person o-- Int32 : Argument "personId"
Person *-- Uri : "Person Uri" Uri
namespace Pure.DI.UsageTests.Attributes.InjectAttributeScenario {
class IPerson {
class Person {
+Person(String name)
~Object Id
+Initialize(Object state) : Void
class PersonComposition {
+IPerson Person
namespace System {
class Int32 {
class String {
class Uri {