If you found a bug please post a bug report in our Discord server Bug report channel.
Did you like the game and fancy helping the game? you can:
- Leave a 5-star review on the store, this will help others see the game more
- Report bugs or suggestions for improvement to our Discord, the developer checks Discord frequently (due to time limitations I can't really check Reddit or other places)
- Deploy some global buff or skips for the community
- Contribute to our WIKI, Lores and other configs on our [GitHub](https://github.com/DexterHuang/CyberCodeOnlin
- Sakura event: (2025/03/01 to 2025/03/31)
- Sakura frame and other emblems are now available during the event
- during event there will be discount on party and calibration contribution, the earlier contribution will get higher discount
- Added several minigames
NOTE: the frequency of the minigame showing up is NOT increase nor changed, the only thing changed is instead of getting the same minigame everytime, there will be other minigames. again, the chance/amount/frequency of minigame showing is NOT changed
The new minigames are new, so if you face any bugs please do report it on our discord channel or if its urgent email me or contact a moderator to notify me
- Memory Bank Override - simply click the light-up blocks, if you forgot just click
verify pattern
it will show you again
- Data Stream Interceptor - just click the yellow thingy
- Decrypt Neural Data - just click the symbol that is shown to you
- Neural Circuit Override - click the nodes in sequence shown at begining, if you forget you can just keep clicking to see the correct sequence
- Added new frame
- Valentine's Event (02/05 ~ 02/28):
Chocolate Strawberry
andHeart Shaped Chocolate
will drop from both AFK bot farm and enemies,Heart Shaped Chocolate
increases AFK EXP by 20% for 10 minutes,Chocolate Strawberry
increases both EXP and BTC received in AFK tasks by 10% for 10 minutes- Both
Chocolate Strawberry
andHeart Shaped Chocolate
are giftable, and are time-limited only during the event - During the event, all AFK skips are 5% OFF on unit spend
- Added Valentine-themed donation frame, this frame can be gifted to another player for 1 month period with a lower amount of unit
- Fixed issue with sakura frame blocking player's name
- During Luna New Year 01/29 ~ 02/04, added a special 8% discount to all units for skips
- Added sorting to gang member listing, you can now sort by occupation, resource, money or EXP
- The apartment page now shows the next rental due date
- Many small UI tweaks and bug fixes
Fixed gang chat notification, previously it did not send notifications even when the setting was turned on, now it should work. for whom does not want to receive notifications for gang chat, you can disable it in the settings menu or simply click on the bell icon in gang chat:
Many UI improvements for certain devices, mainly China branded Android phone
Fixed incorrect random minigame interaction with certain AFK tasks, only affected Recycling and Print & Sell
- The Lunar New Year event starts today, and till the end of January. during this event:
- AFK bot farm and enemy will drop
Red Envelops
, and you can open them to receiveGold Coins
,Gold Coins
can be used to exchange for event specific items fromLuna
located at Market Street. event specific items will be automatically removed at the end of event so be sure to redeem and use the items. (Gold Coins
,Roasted Turkey
,Rice Cake
andRed Envelops
from last year will be automatically update and merge to this year's version and can be used as normal before getting expired at the end of event period) - During the event, top-up units will receive various bonus items
- AFK bot farm and enemy will drop
- Added option to enable/disable drag-to-reply for messages on web version
- Fixed issue with notification not working on PC web version, now if you allow notification you should be able to receive notification even when the Cybercode Online tab is closed
- Added in-game notification sound when mentioned or received mail, this can be disabled in setting menu
- Fixed the send mail button on chat message popup
- Updated Android app, fixed issue with bottom nav bar showing white or other incorrect color, if you have this problem this needs to be updated from PlayStore
- Fixed issue with notification not working for newly installed user
- General optimization
- Fixed issue with non-English equipment name loading problem
- Fixed minor UI issues introduced by previous UI scaling update
- Added a new UI scaling method, which should produce more consistent rendering regardless of device font size and other settings
- Added gang banner display when clicking on player's message
- Buffed Santa just got buffed, with some player's feedback onthe low drop rate of
FrostByte Shard
, the drop rate has been increased - CyberSanta now also exchanges
Overclock Creatine
, when used your damage will increase by 5% for 20 minutes
- increased hash processor max price at the market with a suggestion by the community
- Christmas Event:
- Dungeon chest and AFK Bot Farm will now drop
FrostByte Shard
which you can exchange various items withCyberSanta
- You can exchange
Jolly Gains Chest
,Pure Whey Gainz
andNanoNibble Ball
- The
Jolly Gains Chest
can be opened similarly to other containers, from the terminal or directly in the item details screen. - When
Pure Whey Gainz
is used you will gain +20% AFK EXP - The Christmas-themed donation frame is in rotation
- Dungeon chest and AFK Bot Farm will now drop
- Several bug fixes
- During November Turkey will rarely drop from the scavenge end AFK bot farm,
- Fixed issue with minigames appearing too often, now it should behave better
- Fixed pet ageing issue, it seems like the last update didn't completely fix the problem, I found another issue that may cause the age to drift, this should fix the problem now 🤞
- Tutorial will not show up on players who are higher level than 20, this is so that some people who for any reason always got their cache cleared won't need to see tutorial every time, while this is added, I would like to add, clearing cache does NOT improve speed for your device, cache saves battery life, reduce data usage and speed up your device; that is the primary function of caches
- Fixed issue with incorrect animation shown when the player dies (previously, the enemy's health went to zero falsely leading to confusion)
- Fixed issue where sometimes when the app is awakened from sleep on a page that is not the main page, the game will show a blank screen when clicked back.
- Now when the player dies, the animation of health going to zero will be played instead of immediately going to the death screen
- Added new notification request popup
- Optimized app loading reducing process needed and files loaded
- Fixed issue on pc where at times, the item icon shows a square instead of the actual icon while doubling the resolution of the icons
- slight UI change on item popup on equipped item
- Updated tutorial
- Fixed issue with iOS notification
- Enemy images are completely redone, and now include around 800 higher-quality images
- You can now drag messages to the right to reply to the player quickly in the chat interface
- Combat code is re-written to allow showing enemies with zero health when they die before switching screen back, it previously was cut off and many players reported it feeling very odd and unnatural
- Added new BGMs, and replaced some of the old ones
- Optimization; the game should load faster compared to before
- Halloween Event (Will activate at 2024/10/01 00:00 UTC)
- Enemies and AFK bot farm will drop
Jack o Lantern
you can use it to redeem items fromPumpkin Bro
in the Alleyway on Market Street, items that can be redeemed includesLocked Legendary Container
,Rare Equipment Crate
,Pumpkin pie
andCaramel Apple
- Added
Caramel Apple
you can redeem it fromPumpkin Bro
, and use to receive a 10% AFK exp and all Btc gained buff for 20 minutes
- Enemies and AFK bot farm will drop
- Added
Replicator Console
to dungeons; in dungeonsReplicator Console
will randomly spawn, you can gatherSynthetic Alloy
from boss room crates to activate them to receive random rewards. there are 4 tiers ofReplicator Console
each tier requires moreSynthetic Alloy
to activate, at the same time gives better buffs and rewards, but also has a higher rate of failing. When failed, theReplicator Console
will consume theSynthetic Alloy
inserted. The reward includes various equipment and buffs from different tiers.
Please notify me if there is any bug with the updates 🫡🫡
- Fixed pet age display issue, after Looooong search and many attempts trying to find why the leaderboard sometimes displays incorrect age for pets, I finally found a potential fix for it, the pet's age should display correctly now, and the calculation of age is more complicated then one may think due to various technical reasons, which causes it to be hard to track and display the age. hopefully, this fixes the issue, please report back to me if a similar issue continues to happen in the future :) Please keep in mind that leaderboard data is not real-time and delayed meaning the age you see there are not necessarily the same as how the owner sees it, for pet age, it's possible for the ranking to be lightly out of order in rare cases due to technical reasons. additionally, the leaderboard page UI is updated
- Fixed emblem pricing display incorrectly for limited edition emblems (such as emblems only available during event or special emblems like translator emblem) on sending cosmetic page, previously, an incorrect price of "999999" was displayed on unavailable emblems, now no longer is the case
- Reworked how the emblem list is displayed, all unavailable will show up in the list but has a
- Added new tier of backpack:
Quantum Storage Unit
similar to other backpack items, increases inventory slot drastically, this also serves as an optional late-game goal and a token to show off your wealth and standout against other players, You will also receive a backpack emblem for free when you crafted this item. Given the item is a long-term collectable goal, we do not expect people to craft it any time soon, the exact requirement to craft this item is Subject to Change and is NOT FINAL, and we are open to lowering the crafting requirement based on the situation, and feedback or suggestions are welcome :) drop me a message on Discord or email
- Game server backend engine is updated to the latest version, things should run faster and smoother
- Added dungeon chat channel, you can communicate with your dungeon party in that channel without using a gang channel that may disturb others. You can open the chat UI by clicking the preview. All share this channel, which can be viewed similarly to other channels on the main chat interface.
- You can now see gang dungeons created by people from your gang in the dungeon list (access it from the phone menu -> dungeon list)
- Added dungeon lobby list at create dungeon UI allowing easier access to join dungeons
- Updated main page NPC and travel UI
- Fix the issue with chat frame rendering
- Added update popup when starting the game, if the update note is updated, a popup of the update note will automatically show up (Can be disabled on the settings page)
- Changed behaviour on event popup, popup will show up again after 4 days to avoid the event list not being accessible after dismissal, this behaviour can be disabled in the settings page, which if enabled event popup will show up only when there is an event update if you have checked the dismissal checkbox
- Fixed issue with some notification not receiving randomly
- Updated image for weapons smith and lee
- Updated Global party and Cali Train banner UI, now shows player tag and how many percentages the player has sponsored
- Added Vault shortcut in AFK screen, allowing you to view your vault content, however, you cannot withdraw or put the item.
- Fixed issue with AFK countdown number changes causing layout shift
- Updated leaderboard UI
- Server-side fixes that are aimed to reduce the chance of a "locked up" issue in the dungeon (the error message -> "Failed to lock ....")
- Summer Event (August):
- Added
Coastal Area
andCrystal Sands
Beach, whereJosie
is, this location will be hidden after the event ends, level required to enter this area is level 15 - scavenge, AFK farm bots and dungeon crates will have a chance to drop
Sea Shell
, you can exchangeSea Shell
for various items in the withJosie
at the newly added location - During this even, all community contribution buffs (cali & party) will have up to 5% discount for early contributors, the discount is the follows from the first to the last contribution:
- Added
- 5%
- 5%
- 5%
- 5%
- 5%
- 2.5%
- 2.5%
- 2.5%
- 0%
- 0%
- Added beach themed new chat frame
Calibration Rework/Code Re-write:
A new line of community fundraising with different starting time of cali train will be added; there will be two fundraising options, one will start at 00:00 UTC and the other will start at 12:00 UTC, the two funds will be independent of each other. The intention is to give people more options to choose which fund to raise depending on their preferred schedule while providing a predictable timing. the current funding will carry on to the 00:00 UTC fund, and the 12:00 UTC fund will start from 0% when the update is live.
Note the image says 8am and 8pm because my timezone is UTC+8, it will show up differently according to your device timezone
The System will allow normal calibration buffs to be deployed even when there is a pending train, until a short time before the train starts, to prevent it from interfering with the event train
8 hours before any Cali Train starts, a banner will be shown on the chat screen, similar to Party Funds, to remind players of the upcoming train.
With the new system deploying calibration buffs will no longer require using of an item, the functionality will be integrated directly into the Calibration NPC UI Page (Kamiko), hence all calibration-related items will be retired from the game; All Calibration related items will remain usable as normal if you already have them in your inventory before the update, and they will no longer be obtainable from any source after the update. This is to simplify the user experience, reduce the complexity of the system. You will still be able to activate calibration buffs similar to before (without contributing to the cali train fund), just that you do not need to use items to do so, you can simply click on the interface to deploy individual cali buffs.
Calibration UI update, mainly to streamline the process and make it more user-friendly and intuitive.
Improving SLANC's notice when the train is fully funded, it will include specific timestamps for each tier of calibration, However please keep in mind, the server MAY NOT deploy them at the exact time due to technical reason, it will try to, but may be delayed
The Chat interface UI will receive an update mainly on reading old message indicator, reply indicator UI, and banner display
- with suggestion from players, donator chat frame gallery page is added, allowing you to see all chat frames in game
- Some bug fixes regarding to pet system
- Updated cosmetic selection page, now shows previews of chat box to better represent the chat frame
- Added new tutorial page for calibration tran, everyone is welcome to edit and add info on our github page
- Increased chance of Rare equipment and max amount of AI cores dropping from
Rare Locked Container
, other drops remain the same except for retired items being removed from the drop list,Legendary Locked Container
was not changed besides retiring items
- Security Update
- Fixed display issue on rainbow chat frame
- Fixed translation error in the Cali-train buff description, system will deploy in 40-minute intervals instead of wrongly stated 5 minutes. this does not impact the actual system code, just a translation error.
- Updated Victor (Trinoky Mart) image to align with the current art style
- Updated Lexi (Bank) image to align with the current art style
- Fixed compatibility issue with devices uses older versions of webview
- Updated feedback survey UI
- Added pet leaderboard, now shows players with oldest pets, only one of your pet can be on the leaderboard, and if your pet dies or is disposed, it will be automatically removed from the leaderboard, revived pet will return to leaderboard but while pet is dead, age will not increase
- With player suggestions, Cali Train Community funding is added, similar to Party Funds, you can contribute 10% of the Cali Train Community funding with your unit, when the funding reaches 100%, Cali Train will activate in the next UTC 00:00 time, the system will deploy the first +1 calibration at that time, followed by 40 minutes cooldown and then the next one till +10, the buff deployed will consist of exactly the calibration chance needed and a safety buff for 5 minutes for each round.
- Updated Kamiko, Violet, and Jen's image to align with current art style
- Updated chat UI to show current community goal status, skip count will show up only when a skip is in progress
- Fixed minor UI issue
- Added global party contribution feature, now you can go to
Partyline Pub
found in the market street, where a new NPCJieun
has been added, you can contribute 10% of global party with your unit, when the funding reaches 100%, global party buff will be activated immediately.- When the funds are collected, the global party buff will be activated immediately, and the buff will last for 24 hours, the buff is the same as the existing global party buff
- If a global buff is already active when a player tries to contribute the last bit of the fund, the server will not allow contribution until the buff ends, however you can freely contribute the fund as long as its not the last bit of the fund.
- If a normal global buff (the activated by item) is used, it WILL NOT affect the global party contribution progress, the progress will continue as normal, the progress only resets when the last bit of the fund is contributed and the buff is activated by the community.
- Fixed issue with chat message popup on non-English UI
- Fixed problem with Posh Exploit leaking to gang chat
- Improved the look and feel of the new Netrunner cosmetic player detail page
- Improved player chat message model UI (the pop when you click on the player's message), now shows the player's title colour, gang tag and emblem
- Fixed issue with playing with other player's pet.
- Fixed issue with player name tag display
- Added Posh Chat Exploit, which transforms everyone into a fine British gentleman for 10 minutes
- Added new frame
- Fixed issue with being able to purchase items when AFK task is running
- Fixed issue with unable to play with other player's pet
- Now apartment market shows how many pet slots each type of apartment has
- Fix display issue related to the latest iOS system update
- Gang leaderboard is graphic is overhauled, now it shows the gang's image motto and member count.
- Now
will sellVolunteer Service Medallion
, this is to ensure that people with very bad luck can also obtain the item by exchanging it withPaw Credit
which is obtainable from thePet Shelter Volunteer Shift AFK
activity. - You can now recycle
Volunteer Service Medallion
to getPaw Credit
Note: Since this feature is still in very beta stage, the specific stats can change base on player feedback and balance needs
- Fixed issue with viewing other player's pet
- You can adopt pets, The pet system is aimed towards a Role-Play element instead of adding combat/stat-related mechanics to avoid adding a traditional "Gacha" system which understandably many people want to avoid; instead, pets will adopt a more "Tamagotchi" style of gameplay (Tamagotchi is a type of simulation game where you take care of a virtual pet. very popular in the 90s), you will need to feed, play, and take care of your pet when they are sick to keep them happy and healthy.
- You will be able to check out other players' pets and you can tag your pet by mentioning them in chat to show it to other players, similar to how you mention other players. in the initial version of the pet system, you can play with other players' pets, but you cannot feed them or clean them, that will be the owner's responsibility.
- Taking care of your pet: Pets will have a hunger, happiness and cleanness meter, and a hidden healthiness meter, when the pet is too hungry, unhappy or dirty, it will correspondingly affect their mood, if you continue to neglect your pet, it will get sick and eventually die, you can take care of your pet by feeding them, playing with them, cleaning them and giving them medicine when they are sick.
- Obtaining pets: continuing the unique theme of CyberCode Online emphasis on no pay-to-win, the items required to redeem pets will be obtainable through
Pet Shelter Volunteer Shift AFK
activity and Global Buff similar to how Calibration currently works. by doing this task there will be a chance of receiving:Paw Credit
, You can use it to redeem pet-related items from the pet shelterVolunteer Service Medallion
, you combine 10 of these to get oneSanctuary Adoption Pass
which you can use to adopt a pet whenAdoption Buff
is activated by any player.
- Pet types: it is planned to have two types of pets at the initial launch; cats and dogs, each type will have hundreds of different images based on breeds and colors, and the image of the pets will be determined randomly when you adopt the pet(more types of pets are expected to be added in the future, suggestions are welcomed). you can also randomly change the cosmetic image of your pet without changing the pet's data such as type, hunger, happiness, name and age by using Unit.
- what happens if your pet dies: if unfortunately your pet dies, you can adopt a new pet or you can choose to activate
Revival Buff
Global Buff to revive your pet and anyone who chooses to revive their pet during the buff duration. there will be cooldowns for reviving pets to ensure that one revival buff can only revive one pet per player. - Apartments: You can rent apartments with BTC, and the rental fee is weekly based, if you don't have enough BTC in your account when the rental fee is due, you will be evicted from the apartment. there will be different tiers of apartments, each tier allows you to have bigger 'spaces' for your pet. currently apartment serves as a place that allows you to own pets (you must have an apartment to own a pet) and for future updates.
- Apartment restrictions: you can only have one apartment per account, and you must be at least level 100, as renting an apartment requires you to have some amount of excess BTC, this is to ensure that new players won't spend their hard-earned BTC on renting an apartment and then regret it later. at the same time encourages players to level up and serve as a progression milestone.
- Apartment on market: every day there will be random apartments available for rent on the market, with different appearances, addresses and price
- improve on auto-translation system, should produce better initial translation results
- Fixed display issue on emblems
- Added Spring Cherry Blossom event; all skips get 5% off during the event period, and added an exclusive sakura chat frame and emblem
- Minor UI updates
- Performance optimization on the server side
- During the event (Feb 1st to Feb 29th), enemies, the AFK bot farm will have a chance to drop a
Red Envelope
which you can open to get a random amount ofGold Coin
- You can use
Gold Coin
to purchase various items fromYen's store
- During the event period, you will receive various amounts of free
Rare Synaptic Acceleration Transmitter
when you top up Units based on the package selected. Added new Skipper-exclusive cosmetics - Added new CyberDragon cosmetic
- Updated Luna's(Yen's Store) graphic
- Updated Zero's(Bald dude in the black market) graphic
- Updated market street background image
- Fixed issue with being able to start bulk crafting while being idle
- Fixed being able to tag, send gift or DM system placeholder account.
- Fixed issue with Christmas event item still dropping after the event ended
- Now auto-select feature on the selling to NPC page will not select locked items
- Added indication on dungeon lobby list to show if the dungeon is password-protected
- ASU is changed to untradable as announced previously
With player feedback and discussion with players, we have postponed the change to Autonomous Storage Unit
's tradable status to untradable, instead, it is now tradable again.
and will be updated to not tradable on 01/01/2024 giving everyone plenty of time to arrange their ASU.
經過仔細聽取玩家的反饋和與玩家討論後, Autonomous Storage Unit
(ASU) 已先改回可交易, 讓各位有時間安排 ASU 的處理方式,
ASU 會在明年 2024 年 1 月 1 號才更新為不可交易 給予大家充足的時間
Again, thank you for all the valuable feedback :)
- Updated some images now on the equipment upgrade module selection menu, it should not show you modules you cannot use due to insufficient level and only show those you can use on the item.
- Updated leaderboard UI to include numbering so it is easier to know which rank you are in
- Fixed issue with translated text showing incorrectly in notifications and discord log
- Fixed EXP calculation on AFK exp boost, there was a bug where in some situations the bonus EXP was not calculated correctly
- Slight adjustment on the system message UI
- Christmas Event starts today, during December, enemies, scavenge and AFK farm bots will have a chance to drop
Frosty Container`` and
Christmas Pudding` - You can open Frosty Container to get various rewards, including the chance of EPIC Cache and Tech Scrap Cluster
- You can consume Christmas Pudding to get a 20 minutes buff that gives you a +20% EXP gain from AFK tasks
- Added Christmas-themed cosmetics, including emblems and chat frames.
- Skip announcement now is translatable and a button to send street cred to the skipper is added.
- Added a new leaderboard for crafting epic equipment and ASU, all the counting will start from this update for fairness because there was no previous tracking for this.
- Updated the crafted epic equipment announcement to include item data, you will be able to click on the item name to view the item's details.
- Fixed issue with time desync on some devices, preventing AFK task time from showing correctly.
- Fixed when client time is incorrect, chat message can be sent from the client can show in an incorrect place (stuck at the bottom or show up in the middle of message less instead of the bottom)
- Updated rules to include examples for "no IRL trading", to better clarify that trading with virtual currencies such as Google Play Cards or other points from other services are examples of indirect trading IRL money. please see the actual rules for the details.
- Optimized SLANC's backend logic
- Now players who are muted or suspended cannot be tagged, to discourage the muted individuals motivated by attention from getting even more attention.
- Other various chat server fixes and optimizations
- Market place item, purchase item UI has been reworked to provide a more streamlined experience, no longer to fill up multiple popups and instead all in one page.
- Rewrite of the captcha image generation system, now it is much more efficient faster, and more secure.
- Fixed server-side issues
- Updated leaderboard UI, making it clear which boards are game-play based which are contribution-based.
- Optimized leaderboard loading for all boards, allowing us to show 32 players per board instead of 16 previously for all boards
- Added skip point to the leaderboard
- Optimized leaderboard loading time, and changed the leaderboard to refresh every hour, to increase efficiency and increase speed
- Added translation support to leaderboard UI
- With many discussions and feedback from the community, the skip count statistic will be a point system where:
- Every 15-minute skip is 1 point so that you can skip longer periods while still getting equivalent points.
- Above 150 minutes is fixed to 10 points to encourage multiple skips rather than one huge skip to maximize the benefit for most players
- Additionally added skip discount, during this event, all skip above 105 minutes will receive 5% off until the end of the event.\
- UI update on AFK screen
- Added Thanksgiving event, during the event period, Scavenging and AFK farm bot will drop
Roasted Turkey
rarely.- Consuming Roasted Turkey gives your
effect for 20 minutes, during this status effect, AFK tasks completed will gain +20% EXP. Please note, the bonus EXP check is when you finish your AFK task not when the task started; so in order to receive the bonus EXP, please ensure that the buff is active when your AFK task finishes.
- Consuming Roasted Turkey gives your
- Added skip count statistic to player profile, you can now see your and others' total skip count. Because this is a new statistic previously not tracked, everyone's count will start from this update
- Added skip-exclusive cosmetics, including emblems and chat frames, these can only be obtained by reaching specific skip counts.
- Various bug fixes
- Server stability fix