Name | Type | Description | Notes |
order_id | string | The unique identifier of the order. You are required to provide this parameter or <code>invoiceId</code>. | [optional] |
invoice_id | string | The unique identifier of the invoice. You are required to provide this parameter or <code>orderId</code>. | [optional] |
currency | string | Three-letter ISO currency code. | |
amount | double | The amount to refund. You are required to provide this value, <code>percent</code>, or <code>items</code>. | [optional] |
percent | double | The percent to refund. You are required to provide this value, <code>amount</code>, or <code>items</code>. | [optional] |
type | string | The type of the refund. | [optional] |
items | \DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\RefundItemRequest[] | The items to refund. | [optional] |
reason | string | The reason for the refund. | [optional] |
metadata | map[string,AnyType] | Key-value pairs used to store additional data. Value can be string, boolean or integer types. | [optional] |