1.70 (2019-07-22)
Fixed bugs:
- Loot Chest - Disappear when being used #521 [Type: Mod Issue]
- Quest - Got Grout ? - Require Air #520 [Marker: Quest] [Type: Bug]
- Backslashes in path names in server zip #529 [Status: In Progress] [Type: Bug]
- Better Questing: Unable to invite others to party #522 [Type: Mod Issue]
- Server I/O Permission Issues #532 [Priority: Critical]
1.69b (2019-07-21)
Fixed bugs:
- Mapping #514 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Mattock no crafting #511 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
1.69 (2019-07-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Animania and Extra Utilities 2. Modded Chickens Wing Ring #496 [Marker: Script] [Type: Suggestion]
Fixed bugs:
- Roots Quest Log #519 [Marker: Quest] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Duplicated Ores #517 [Marker: Config] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- ID Conflict between Advanced Rocketry Proxima B Dim and Lost Cities Dim #516 [Marker: Config] [Type: Bug]
- Mekanism - Part 1 "But can jet fuel melt it?" misinformation #477 [Marker: Quest] [Type: Bug]
- Conflicting Steel Smeltery Alloying Recipes #476 [Marker: Script] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Unable to Complete Quest: Mekanism - Part 1, *buurp* #471 [Marker: Quest] [Type: Bug]
- Unable to Complete Quest: Mekanism - Part 1, Power Stalk #469 [Marker: Quest] [Priority: Medium] [Type: Bug]
- Mekanism ore quadrupling setup won't process starmetal ore #462 [Marker: Script] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Mekanism Part 1 - Moving Time #77 Quest #460 [Marker: Quest] [Type: Bug]
- Can't complete Thinking With Portals #437 quest because receptacle has NBT on it. #447 [Marker: Quest] [Type: Bug]
- Missing Recipe #423 [Status: Confirmation Needed] [Type: Bug]
- Cannot complete AE2 quest [It's Peer, Not Pier] #9 [Marker: Quest] [Type: Bug]
Closed issues:
- Issue with AE2 quest - it’s peer not pier #492 [Status: Confirmation Needed]
- Load DefaultQuests #440 [Type: Maintenance]
- Update Minecolonies Scripts #415 [Marker: Script] [Status: Completed] [Type: Maintenance]
1.68 (2019-06-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Suggestion] Overloaded Armor Bar and Armor Toughness Bar #486 [Marker: Mod] [Type: Suggestion]
- EnderIO protectAgainstEnergyOverflow Set to Soft #472 [Marker: Config] [Type: Enhancement]
- Recipe for Airtight Seal Enchant #463 [Marker: Script] [Type: Enhancement]
- [Suggestion] Minor mod suggestions #410 [Priority: Low] [Type: Suggestion]
Fixed bugs:
- Crafting Table Duplication Bug #501 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Unicorns are not spawning #498 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Buggy Version of Mecreeps in 1.67d #487 [Type: Mod Issue]
- Airtight Seal Enchant Fixes #484 [Marker: Script] [Type: Bug]
- Chunk Load Thrashing #473 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Wyvern armor upgrades not transferring to Draconic armor upgrades #470 [Marker: Script] [Type: Bug]
- Quest reward luck is all set up backwards #466 [Marker: Quest] [Type: Bug]
- Invalid or corrupt jarfile InstanceSync.jar #465 [Type: Bug]
- Streams Mod Streams Disappear #457 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Random Villager sounds in chunks near villages & Quark cave systems #452 [Status: Confirmation Needed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- RFTools’ dimensional shards are craftable even though the option is disabled in the config #441 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- AE2’s ME formation planes (normal and fluid) don’t work most of the time #426 [Priority: Low] [Status: Available] [Type: Bug]
- Atomic Disassembler(Mekanism) on a Wisdom Wood Log (Wizardry)Tree causes server crash #280 [Type: Mod Issue]
Closed issues:
- Server crashes when vein mining #478 [Status: Cannot Reproduce]
- Game crashes when opening mekanism enrichment factory #474
1.67 (2019-05-02)
Fixed bugs:
- Weird hovering issue after update #454 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
1.66b (2019-05-02)
1.66a (2019-05-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Subtle Server Advertising #448 [Marker: Config] [Priority: High] [Type: Enhancement]
- Akashic Tome Additions #446 [Marker: Config] [Priority: Low] [Type: Suggestion]
Fixed bugs:
- Client crashing when loading into a server hosting a newly generated world. (1.66) #450 [Priority: Critical] [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
- Thaumcraft JEI Integration Issues #445 [Status: Blocked] [Type: Mod Issue]
1.66 (2019-04-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Disable Mekanism Machine Lighting #443 [Marker: Config] [Type: Enhancement]
- Swap Mekanica with Mekanism #431 [Marker: Mod] [Priority: Medium] [Type: Enhancement]
Fixed bugs:
- MineColonies NPCs go invisible #437 [Marker: Config] [Type: Bug]
- Keybinding For Fullscreen - Disabled Fullscreen Borderless by default, can be changed by the player #435 [Marker: Config] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Game crash everytime when trying to break enderio alloy smelter #433 [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- 1.63a Mekanica quest All the Alloys! doesn't detect the Metallurgic Infuser #408 [Priority: Medium] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
Closed issues:
- Crash with Phosphor when starting server #428 [Marker: SpongeForge] [Status: Blocked]
Merged pull requests:
- Update DefaultQuests.json #438 (Discomanco)
1.65 (2019-04-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- RFTools spawner not spawning Modded creatures #427 [Marker: Config] [Priority: Low] [Status: Completed] [Type: Enhancement]
- Quark Cave Crystal UU-Matter Values #422 [Marker: Config] [Priority: Medium] [Status: Available] [Type: Enhancement]
- Fullscreen Windowed (Borderless) for Minecraft #421 [Marker: Mod] [Type: Enhancement]
- Phosphor #419 [Marker: Mod] [Type: Enhancement]
Fixed bugs:
- Quantum Singularities not recognized by AE2 Quest #417 [Marker: Quest] [Priority: Low] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Applied Energestics 2 cable facades cannot be crafted with certain Chisel factory blocks #416 [Marker: Config] [Priority: Low] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Incorrect quest reference to crafting creative item #414 [Marker: Quest] [Priority: Low] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- JEI no longer shows ore gen tabs (added by JER) or Thaumcraft recipes (added by Thaumic JEI) #407 [Priority: Medium] [Status: Completed] [Type: Bug]
- Shift clicking the planet id chip into the guidance computer will crash the game #399 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
Closed issues:
- Game crash when loading block #420 [Status: Completed] [Type: Maintenance]
- Nutrition JSON outdated #409 [Marker: Config] [Status: Completed] [Type: Maintenance]
1.64 (2019-04-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Fused Quartz in NC Alloy Furnace #405 [Marker: Script] [Status: Completed] [Type: Enhancement]
Closed issues:
- Custom main menu issue #424 [Status: Completed] [Type: Maintenance]
- Add Loot Capacitor Tooltips #367
1.63a (2019-03-23)
Fixed bugs:
- Beacons Only Work to South East #357 [Status: Completed] [Type: Mod Issue]
Closed issues:
- Having issues with quests completing even after updating to latest version #401 [Priority: High] [Status: Confirmation Needed]
- Mekanism - Part 2 quests aren't triggering upon crafting #400 [Marker: Quest]
- Can't scan my rocket #398
- Quest reward for the “Flowerpower” quest showing as “Item Placeholder” #396 [Marker: Quest]
- Space and solar #394
- Phantom quest completion notification, quest not present in Quest Book #385 [Marker: Quest]
1.63 (2019-03-18)
Closed issues:
- Suggestion: Add Thaumic Energistics #395
- Modular Machinery not recognizing fluid input #392
- Constant “Can’t keep up” and “Fetching addPacket for removed entity” messages in server console and major tick lag when generating chunks #391
- Add @Pam'sHarvestcraft support for @ImmersiveEngineering fermenter and squeezer #390
- Can’t use Spice of Life: Carrot Edition commands #389
- Void Ore Miner Tier 6 JEI Description #388
- Better Questing uncompletable Quests + No Rewards 1.62 #387
- Tinkers' Construct seared glass quest uncompletable #384
- [1.61] Quests not completing #383
- Barista Trainee quest cannot be obtained by other player in LAN world #382 [Marker: Quest]
- High RAM usage causing frequent freezes, especially when loading chunks #381
- Unable to resolve modIDs #380
- Roots starting quest not working #376 [Marker: Quest]
- Beating Starvation quests. #372 [Marker: Quest]
- Tinker's quests are not detecting items #368 [Marker: Quest]
- Quests not completing. (Mekanism - Part 1) #366 [Marker: Quest]
- Visible Claim Borders Tank FPS #363
- IC2 recipes randomly stop working #352
- Cooking with Blockhead recipe loading causes lag with storage drawers #312
1.62 (2019-03-07)
Closed issues:
- Update Astral Schematica schematics #379
- Raubtier5 - Enigmatica 2 Crash #378
- Rainbow Sprouts and Fairies spawning in Compact Machines #377
- In Control! Disallow Mobs on Planets without Oxygen #375
- Friend can’t complete any quests in LAN multiplayer #373 [Marker: Quest]
- Server not allowing players to join due to wooden doors in version 1.60 #371
- Spice of Life progress reset in pack version 1.60 (easy fix) #370
- Crashing when trying to play LAN multiplayer with one other person #369
- Advanced Rocketry vaccum planets spawning mobs #162
1.61 (2019-03-04)
Closed issues:
- Blood Altar Lvl 3 quest #365
- AE2 Universal Crafting terminal bug #364
- Vulpes library Titanium Ingot recipe broken #362
- AE 2 terminal crash #361
- Crash and Server wont boot back up. #360
- Switch Mekansim version to DZ Fork #358
- RFTools Screen should be added to Carry On blacklist #356
- RFTools Screen should be added to Carry On blacklist #355
- Remove Keyboard Wizard #354
- Crash on creating world - Lost Cities #353
- tin ingot and IE or IC2 hammer result in IC2 tin plate that cant be used #351
- Loot Boxes Overpowered - Run /bqs_loot default load #350 [Marker: Quest]
- Draconic Evolution Fusion Crafting not working? #347
- Certain quests not completing #345 [Marker: Quest]
- Quests not updating for partry #343
- [1.59] Cannot complete [Ritual Diviner] and [Ritual Diviner - Dusk] #338 [Marker: Quest]
- Advanced Rocketry Quests - Use Oredict for Coils, Motors, Engines #336 [Marker: Quest]
- Crash when installing texture packs. #323
- Ancient Warfare Quests [Shigure1408] #320 [Marker: Quest]
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator