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User Guide

FumbleLog is a productivity desktop application built to for NUS Computing students to help you manage contacts and track events. It is designed to be an easy-to-use, one-stop platform for all your scheduling needs.

In this user guide, you will learn the basics of our application and how you can use it to manage your tasks and interpersonal relationships.

Table of Contents

  • Table of Contents {:toc}

Who is this guide for?

Our guide is made for FumbleLog users of all experiences! Refer to the table below to find out which section of the guide is most relevant to you.

If you are... You should...
New to FumbleLog Read the Quick Start section to get started. After setting up, you can go through a step-by-step Tutorial of our application.
An experienced user Skip to the Commands Summary section for a quick overview of all the commands, or have a look at our Features for a detailed look at each of our features

Quick start

1. Ensure you have the right environment.

  • Before you begin, make sure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.
    • To check if you have java installed or your installed java version:
      • Open a command terminal (Command Prompt or Terminal, depending on your operating system) and use the command: java --version.
      • You should see the java version if you have java installed.
    • If you do not have java installed, you can download it from here.

2. Download our FumbleLog Application.

  • Visit the official FumbleLog release page here.
  • Download the latest version of fumblelog.jar from the release page.

3. Set up your home folder.

  • Choose a folder on your computer where you want to store you FumbleLog application, or create a new folder.
  • Copy the fumblelog.jar file into the folder you have chosen or created.

4. Launch the application.

  • In your command terminal, use the cd command to navigate to the folder where you have placed the fumblelog.jar file.
  • Run the application using the command: java -jar fumblelog.jar. You should now be able to see the FumbleLog user interface!
    • The application contains sample data for you to play around with.
    • Some blocks may appear red, indicating expired events, so do not be alarmed.


5. Try out some simple commands!

  • Type commands into the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • list_persons : Lists all persons stored in FumbleLog.
    • add_person n/John Doe : Adds a person named John Doe to the FumbleLog persons list.
    • delete_person 3 : Deletes the 3rd person shown in the current persons list.
    • exit : Exits FumbleLog application.

6. Learn more about FumbleLog

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Orientation to the Graphical User-Interface (GUI)

User Interface

Refer to the table below for details on each GUI component

GUI Component Description
Menu Bar Contains the File dropdown menu which allows you to exit the application and the Help dropdown menu which allows you to access the user guide
Command box Type your commands here and press Enter to execute them.
Response box The response to your commands will be shown here. If your command is invalid, the correct command format will be shown instead.
Contact list Displays the list of persons in FumbleLog. You can scroll through the list of persons using the scroll bar on the right of the list.
Event list Displays the list of events in FumbleLog. You can scroll through the list of events using the scroll bar on the right of the list.
Index Displays the index of the person or event in their respective lists. This index is used in certain commands. i.e. editing persons or events.

Note about red coloured events:
An expired event will appear red in the event list. This is to highlight to you that the event has passed.

This is illustrated as follows: Expired Event

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FumbleLog Tutorial

This tutorial is designed for new users looking to get started using FumbleLog. In this tutorial, you will find step-by-step instructions on how to use commands in FumbleLog to help you manage your contacts and events.

  1. First launch FumbleLog. You may refer to the Quick Start guide if you have forgotten how to.
  2. Lets first try adding a person, Mary Lee, to your contact list. Enter the command: add_person n/Mary Lee p/91234567 e/[email protected] a/Mary Street #01-01 b/2001-12-12 g/Family. You should see FumbleLog successfully adding the contact to the contact list: Tutorial Add
  3. Now, lets try editing the name and email of your contact. Let's use the index of Mary Lee shown in the list (in this case 1), and edit her information: edit_person 1 n/John Doe e/[email protected]. FumbleLog should reflect the changes to your contact immediately: Tutorial Edit
  4. Try adding a few more contacts and assign them to the same Family group using the g/ parameter. Your contact list should look something like this: Tutorial Add More
  5. Now, lets say John's birthday is in a few weeks. We can add this event to FumbleLog using this command: add_event m/John birthday d/2023-12-12. Tutorial Event Add
  6. If everyone in the Family group is attending John's birthday, you can easily assign every contact in the group to the event. In this case, simply edit the event by assigning the Family group, as such: edit_event 1 g/Family. Now you should see everyone in the Family group is assigned to John's birthday. Tutorial Event Edit
  7. Finally, once the event is over, you can delete the event by using the index of the event (in this case 1): delete_event 1.
  8. Well done! 👍 You have mastered the basics of FumbleLog! You can now visit the Features section to learn advanced commands!

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ℹ️ Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are parameters to be supplied with the command.
    e.g. in add_person n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add_person n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g n/NAME [g/GROUP] can be used as n/John Doe g/family or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times (or not at all).
    e.g. n/NAME [g/GROUP]…​ can be used as n/John Doe (i.e. 0 times), n/John Doe g/friend, n/John Doe g/friend g/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • Invalid prefixes, such as t/ will be regarded as a part of the input, for example n/John Doe t/friend, the name will be parsed as John Doe t/friend instead of John Doe.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list_all, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

  • If any of the commands provided are invalid/do not follow the necessary format, an error message will be displayed.

  • If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.

Viewing help : help

Shows a pop-up window with a link to the user guide for help.

  • No response in the response box should be expected after clicking the help button.

Format: help Helptab

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Commands for Persons

Adding a person: add_person

FumbleLog allows you to add personalised contacts to your contact list.

Format: add_person n/NAME [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [b/BIRTHDAY] [r/REMARK] [g/GROUP]…​

Acceptable values for each parameter:

Parameter Format Example
NAME Use a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and whitespaces only. A person's name cannot contain only numbers. John Doe
PHONE_NUMBER Use 0-9 only and should be at least 3 digits long and maximum of 17 digits without whitespaces. p/98765432
EMAIL Be in format local-part@domain. Refer to the FAQ section for more details. [email protected]
ADDRESS Use any characters including whitespaces. John Street, block 123, #01-01
BIRTHDAY Should be in format yyyy-MM-dd and should not be later than current date. 2001-12-30
REMARK Use any characters including whitespaces. Owes me $2.
GROUP Use a-z, A-Z, 0-9 only and must not contain any whitespaces. CS2103T

Below are some examples on how to use the add_person command:

  • add_person n/Jonathan: Adds a person with name Jonathan.
  • add_person n/Betsy Crowe e/[email protected] a/Computing Drive p/12345678: Adds a person with name Betsy Crowe, with email [email protected], with address Computing Drive and phone 12345678.
  • add_person n/John Doe p/98765432 b/2023-09-30 g/friend g/partner: Adds a person with name John Doe, with phone 98765432, with birthday 2023-09-30 and with groups friend and partner.

ℹ️ Notes on the add_person command:

  • You must include the person's name when adding a contact, but the other fields are optional.
  • A person can be assigned to 0 or more groups.
  • Persons with the exact same name as another person cannot be added.
  • When a person with an assigned group and that group has been assigned to an event, that person will be displayed with the respective event.

Expected output when the command succeeds:

  • Input: add_person n/James p/93748274 e/[email protected] a/computing drive b/2001-10-20


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Editing a person : edit_person

FumbleLog allows you to edit your contact list so that it is always up to date.

Format: edit_person PERSON_INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [b/BIRTHDAY] [r/REMARK] [g/GROUP]…​ [ug/GROUP]…​

Acceptable values for each parameter:

Parameter Format Example
PERSON_INDEX An index in the current displayed contacts list in FumbleLog 1
NAME Use a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and whitespaces only. A person's name cannot be empty and must contain only numbers. John Doe
PHONE_NUMBER Use 0-9 only and should be at least 3 digits long and maximum of 17 digits without whitespaces. p/98765432
EMAIL Be in format local-part@domain. Refer to the FAQ section for more details. [email protected]
ADDRESS Use any characters including whitespaces. John Street, block 123, #01-01
BIRTHDAY Have format yyyy-MM-dd and should not be later than current date. 2001-12-30
REMARK Use any characters including whitespaces. Owes me $2.
GROUP Use a-z, A-Z, 0-9 only and must not contain any whitespaces. CS2103T

Below are some examples on how to use the edit_person command:

  • edit_person 1 p/91234567 e/[email protected]: Edits the phone number and email address of the 1st person to be 91234567 and [email protected] respectively.
  • edit_person 2 n/Betsy Crower g/CS2103T: Edits the name of the 2nd person to be Betsy Crower and assigns this person to the group CS2103T. Any events that Betsy Crower is assigned to is also updated with this new name.
  • edit_person 3 n/Betsy Crower b/2023-09-29: Edits the name of the 3rd person to be Betsy Crower and changes the birthday to 29th Sep 2023. Any events that Betsy Crower is assigned to is also updated with this new name.

ℹ️ Notes on the edit_personcommand:

  • At least one of the parameters must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values for all values except for GROUP
    • Parameters p/, e/, a/ and b/ can be empty strings. Doing so will clear the current values for the respective fields. i.e. edit_person 1 a/ will remove the current ADDRESS.
    • Parameter g/ is used to assign a person to a group. If the person is already assigned to the group, the group will not be added again.
    • Parameter ug/ is used to unassign a person from a group. Once unassigned, the person's name will not be displayed in events that the group is assigned to.
  • When you edit a person's name, the person's name will be updated in all events that the person is assigned to. Same for groups if the person's group is assigned to events.
  • There will not be an error shown in the case that you edit a person's values to be the same as it currently is. i.e. if the first person's name on the person list is Alex, edit_person 1 n/Alex is a valid command and will not show an error message.

❗ Disclaimer: Editing a person with a filtered contacts list might cause the person to disappear. Do not worry, your data is not deleted.

  • Lets say you used the command find_person Alex, to show all the persons with Alex in their name. See: find_person
  • The person list is filtered to show all the persons with Alex in their name.
  • You then edit the person Alex's name to Bob.
  • Alex will disappear from the person list, because your previous search term Alex no longer matches the new name of the person, Bob.
  • To see Bob in the person list again, you can use the list_persons command to bring back the whole list of persons.
  • In contrast with the above scenario, using an add_person command will automatically bring back the whole list of persons, to show you that your new person has been added to FumbleLog.

Expected output when the command succeeds:

  • Input: edit_person 1 n/Alexa Yeoh changes the name of the 1st person to be Alexa Yeoh, leaving the rest of the fields unchanged. Editperson

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Deleting a person : delete_person

FumbleLog allows you to organize your contact list by deleting contacts that are no longer relevant.

Format: delete_person PERSON_INDEX

Acceptable values for each parameter:

Parameter Format Example
PERSON_INDEX An index in the currently displayed contacts list. 1

Below are some examples on how to use delete_person command:

  • list_all followed by delete_person 2: Deletes the 2nd person in the person list.
  • find_all Betsy followed by delete_person 1: Deletes the 1st person in the filtered list as a result of the find command. i.e Any person named Betsy at index 1 will be deleted.

ℹ️ Notes on delete_person command:

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed person list.
  • When a person is deleted, any events that the person is assigned to will also be updated, i.e. the person will be unassigned from the event.

Expected output when the command succeeds:

Input: delete_person 1 deletes the first person on the list.


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Locating persons by name or group: find_person

If you would like to quickly search for a contact, FumbleLog allows you to search for contacts by name or group.

Format: find_person KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]

Acceptable values for each parameter:

Parameter Format Example
KEYWORD or MORE_KEYWORDS Use any characters including whitespace. Must not only contain whitespaces Alice or friends

Below are some examples on how to use find_person command:

  • find_person John: Displays john and John Doe
  • find_person friends: Displays Alex Yeoh as he belongs to the friends group.

ℹ️ Notes on find_person command:

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans
  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans
  • Persons matching at least one keyword will be returned. e.g. find_person Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber and Bo Yang.

❗ Disclaimer when using the find_person command:

  • FumbleLog will return an empty person list when there are no keyword matches. Your data will not be deleted.

Expected output when the command succeeds:

Input: find_person Alexa displays all contacts with the name Alexa in the contact list.

result for 'find_person alex david'

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Listing all persons : list_persons

FumbleLog restores any filtered contacts list using list_persons.

Format: list_persons

Below are some examples on how to use list_persons command:

  • list_persons: Lists all your entire contacts list in FumbleLog.

ℹ️ Notes on list_persons command:

  • Any text after list_persons command will be ignored and the command will be executed as normal.

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Commands for Events

Adding an event : add_event

Apart from allowing you to add contacts, FumbleLog allows you to keep track of your daily commitments by allowing you to add events. You can also choose to assign existing contacts or groups to each event.

Format: add_event m/EVENT_NAME d/DATE [s/START_TIME] [e/END_TIME] [n/PERSON_NAME]... [g/GROUP]...

Acceptable values for each parameter:

Parameter Format Example
EVENT_NAME Use a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and whitespaces only. CS2103T meeting
DATE Have format yyyy-MM-dd and should not be earlier than current date. 2023-12-01
START_TIME and END_TIME Have format HHmm. START_TIME should be earlier than END_TIME. 1400
PERSON_NAME Multiple persons can be assigned to an event but only existing persons name can be added. John Doe
GROUP Multiple groups can be assigned to an event but only existing groups can be added. CS2103T

Below are some examples on how to use add_event command:

  • add_event m/FumbleLog presentation d/2023-10-30: Adds an event with name FumbleLog presentation and with date 2023-10-30.
  • add_event m/FumbleLog meeting d/2023-10-30 g/Team2: Adds an event with name FumbleLog meeting, with date 2023-10-30, and assigns contact in group Team2 to the event.
  • add_event m/CS2101 OP2 d/2023-10-05 s/1500 e/1700 n/Ken g/CS2103T g/CS2101: Adds an event with name CS2101 OP2, with date 2023-10-05, with start time 1500, with end time 1700, assigns contact with name Ken and groups CS2103T, CS2101 to the event.

ℹ️ Notes on add_event command:

  • START_TIME and END_TIME are optional.
  • PERSON_NAME and GROUP is optional.
  • Multiple persons and groups can be added at once, however only existing groups and persons can be added.
  • The provided values for DATE, START_TIME and END_TIME must represent future date and time; past values are not allowed.
  • The given START_TIME must be before the given END_TIME.
  • If the meeting is added successfully, it will automatically be sorted by date and time with the earliest meeting at the top of the list.
  • If the given START_TIME and END_TIME are not given, the default values are 0000 and 2359 respectively.
  • Note that if a person appears under multiple groups, e.g Alvin is in groups classmates and friends, the name Alvin will appear under both groups when displayed in the events list. This is an intended behavior for you to see everyone in the groups that are assigned to the event.
    This is illustrated as follows: Person appearing multiple times

This should be the expected output when the command succeeds: Input: add_event m/FumbleLog meeting d/2023-10-05 s/1500 e/1700 n/Ken g/CS2103T g/CS2101


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Editing an event : edit_event

If the details of an event has changed or if you have made a mistake when adding an event, FumbleLog allows you to easily edit your event details with the latest updated information. You can use this command to assign more contacts or groups to the event using the n/ or g/ parameter respectively, or unassign contacts or groups using u/ or ug/ respectively.

Format: edit_event EVENT_INDEX [m/EVENT_NAME] [d/DATE] [s/START_TIME] [e/END_TIME] [n/PERSON_NAME]... [u/PERSON_NAME]... [g/GROUP]... [ug/GROUP]...

Acceptable values for each parameter:

Parameter Format Example
EVENT_INDEX An index in the currently displayed events list. 1
EVENT_NAME Use a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and whitespaces only. CS2103T meeting
DATE Have format yyyy-MM-dd and should not be earlier than current date. 2023-12-01
START_TIME and END_TIME Have format HHmm. START_TIME should be earlier than END_TIME. 1400
PERSON_NAME Multiple persons can be assigned to an event but only existing persons name can be added. John Doe
GROUP Multiple groups can be assigned to an event but only existing groups can be added. CS2103T

Below are some examples on how to use edit_event command:

  • edit_event 1 m/FumbleLog meeting: Edits the name of event at index 1 to FumbleLog meeting.
  • edit_event 1 s/1500 e/1700: Edits the start and end time to 1500 and 1700 respectively. If the event initially does not have a start and end time, the respective times will be added to the event.
  • edit_event 1 g/CS2103T ug/CS2101: Assigns group CS2103T to the event and unassigns group CS2101.
  • edit_event 1 u/Ken: Unassigns the person Ken from the event.

ℹ️ Notes on edit_event command:

  • At least one of the optional parameters required.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values, except for PERSON AND GROUP.
  • Only parameters s/ and e/ can be empty strings. Doing so will remove the current values. i.e. edit_event 1 s/ will remove the current START_TIME.
  • PERSON and GROUP edits are cumulative and will add to the current list of persons and groups.
  • The given DATE, START_TIME and END_TIME cannot be a time in the past.
  • Note that if a person appears under multiple groups, e.g Alvin is in groups classmates and friends, the name Alvin will appear under both groups when displayed in the events list. This is an intended behavior for you to see everyone in the groups that are assigned to the event.
    This is illustrated as follows: Person appearing multiple times

❗ Disclaimer: Editing a person with a filtered contacts list might cause the person to disappear. Do not worry, your data is not deleted.

  • Let say you have an event named TP meeting stored in FumbleLog and you used find_event meeting. See: find_event
  • The event list will be filtered to show all the persons with meeting in their name.
  • You then edit TP meeting event's name to TP sprint.
  • TP meeting disappears from the person list, because your previous search term meeting no longer matches the new event name, TP sprint.
  • To see TP sprint in the event list again, you can use the list_events command to bring back the whole list of events.
  • In contrast with the above scenario, using an add_event command will automatically bring back the whole list of events, to show you that your new event has been added to FumbleLog.

This should be the expected output when the command succeeds: Input: edit_event 1 m/tP week 3 meeting d/2023-10-05 s/1500 e/1700


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Deleting an event : delete_event

FumbleLog helps you to organise your event list better by allowing you to delete events that are in the past or no longer relevant.

Format: delete_event EVENT_INDEX

Acceptable values for each parameter:

Parameter Format Example
EVENT_INDEX An index in the currently displayed events list. 1

Below are some examples on how to use delete_event command:

  • delete_event 1: Deletes the 1st event in the event list.
  • find_all meeting followed by delete_event 1: Deletes the 1st event in the results of the find command.

ℹ️ Notes on delete_event command:

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed person list.

This should be the expected output when the command succeeds:

  • Input: delete_event 1


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Locating events by name, group or person: find_event

FumbleLog also allows you to quickly search for events whose name or groups contain any of the given keywords.

Format: find_event KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]

Acceptable values for each parameter:

Parameter Format Example
KEYWORD or MORE_KEYWORDS Use any characters including whitespace. Must not only contain whitespaces Alice or Friends

Below are some examples on how to use find_event command:

  • find_event meeting: Returns meeting and CS2103T meeting
  • find_event friends returns meeting if it contains the friends group.

ℹ️ Notes on find_event command:

  • find_event searches the name of the Event, Group and Person that they are assigned to and will display them accordingly.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. meeting will not match meetings
  • FumbleLog will display an empty event list when there are no keyword matches.
  • The keywords are not case-sensitive. e.g meeting will match Meeting
  • Events matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Meetings TP will return Meetings, TP deadline

This should be the expected output when the command succeeds:
Input: find_event meeting family


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Listing all events: list_events

After using FumbleLog find_event or find_all command which filters the event list, you can use list_events to display the full event list again.

Format: list_events

Below is an example on how to use list_persons command:

  • list_persons: Lists all your saved contacts in FumbleLog.

ℹ️ Notes on list_events command:

  • Events are sorted by date and time, with the earliest event at the top of the list.
  • Any text after the list_events command will be ignored and the command will be executed as normal.

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General commands

Show all upcoming events and birthdays : remind

If you would like to have a quick overview of your upcoming commitments, you can use the remind command and FumbleLog will display all upcoming events and birthdays.

Format: remind [NUM_OF_DAYS]

Acceptable values for each parameter:

Parameter Format Example
NUM_OF_DAYS A positive integer with maximum value of 999999999. 1

Below are some examples on how to use remind command:

  • remind: Shows all events and birthdays happening in the next 7 days.
  • remind 3: Shows all events and birthdays happening in the next 3 days.

ℹ️ Notes on remind command:

  • NUM_OF_DAYS is optional. It specifies the number of days you would like to look ahead for events and birthdays.
  • If NUM_OF_DAYS is not specified, the default value is 7 days.

Expected output when the command succeeds:
Input: remind


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Finding persons and events: find_all

If you would like to search for your contacts and events at the same time, you can use the find_all command to find all persons and events whose names or groups contain any of the given keywords.

Format: find_all KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]

Acceptable values for each parameter:

Parameter Format Example
KEYWORD or MORE_KEYWORDS Use any characters including whitespace. Must not only contain whitespaces Alice or Friends

Below are some examples on how to use find_event command:

  • find_all John: Returns john and John Doe in the persons list and John's birthday in the events list.
  • find_all friends: Returns Alex Yeoh as he belongs to the friends group in the persons list, and CS2103T meeting as it contains the friends group in the events list.

ℹ️ Notes on find_all command:

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans
  • FumbleLog will return an empty person/event list when there are no keyword matches.
  • The search is not case-sensitive. e.g hans will match Hans
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans
  • Persons and events matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang

Expected output when the command succeeds:
Input: find_all friends


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Listing all persons and events: list_all

If you would like to list all your contacts and events, you can use the list_all command to display the full list of contacts and events.

Format: list_all

Below is an example on how to use list_all command:

  • list_all: Lists all your contacts and events in FumbleLog.

ℹ️ Notes on list_all command:

  • Events are sorted by date and time, with the earliest event at the top of the list.
  • Any text after the list_all command will be ignored and the command will be executed as normal.

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Clearing all entries : clear

Clears all contacts and events from the FumbleLog.

Format: clear

Below is an example on how to use clear command:

  • clear: Clears all your contacts and events data in FumbleLog.

ℹ️ Notes on clear command:

  • Events are sorted by date and time, with the earliest event at the top of the list.
  • Any text after the clear command will be ignored and the command will be executed as normal.
❗ **Warning: This command is irreversible and data cannot be recovered once cleared! Be very sure you would like to erase all of your data before executing this command!**.

Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

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How we manage your data

Saving the data

FumbleLog data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Editing the data file

FumbleLog data are saved automatically as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/addressbook.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

❗ **Caution:** If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, FumbleLog will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. Hence, it is recommended to take a backup of the file before editing it.

Archiving data files [coming in v2.0]

Details coming soon ...

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Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous FumbleLog home folder.

Q: How do I access the data file?
A: The data file is located at [JAR file location]/data/addressbook.json. You can edit it using any text editor.

Q: What are the constraints for email addresses?
A: Emails should be of the format local-part@domain and adhere to the following constraints:

  1. The local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters (like '+' and '_'). The local-part may not start or end with any special characters.
  2. This is followed by a '@' and then a domain name. The domain name is made up of domain labels separated by periods. The domain name must:
    • end with a domain label at least 2 characters long
    • have each domain label start and end with alphanumeric characters
    • have each domain label consist of alphanumeric characters, separated only by hyphens, if any.

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Known issues

  1. When using multiple screens, if you move the application to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI will open off-screen. The remedy is to delete the preferences.json file created by the application before running the application again.

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Command summary

Commands for Persons

Action Format, Examples
Add Person add_person n/NAME [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [b/BIRTHDAY] [r/REMARK] [g/GROUP]…​
e.g., add_person n/James Ho p/22224444 e/[email protected] a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 g/friend g/colleague
Edit Person edit_person PERSON_INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [r/REMARK] [g/GROUP]…​
e.g.,edit_person 2 n/James Lee e/[email protected]
Delete Person delete_person PERSON_INDEX
e.g., delete_person 3
Find Person find_person KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g., find_person James Jake
List Persons list_persons

Commands for Events

Action Format, Examples
Add Event add_event m/EVENT_NAME d/DATE [s/START_TIME] [e/END_TIME] [n/PERSON_NAME]…​ [g/GROUP]…​
e.g., add_event m/FumbleLog meeting d/2023-10-05 s/1500 e/1700 n/Ken g/CS2103T g/CS2101
Edit Event edit_event EVENT_INDEX [m/EVENT_NAME] [d/DATE] [s/START_TIME] [e/END_TIME] [n/PERSON_NAME]…​ [u/PERSON_NAME]…​ [g/GROUP]…​ [ug/GROUP]…​
e.g., edit_event 1 m/tP week 3 meeting d/2023-10-05 s/1500 e/1700 n/Ken g/CS2103T g/CS2101
Delete Event delete_event EVENT_INDEX
e.g., delete_event 1
Find Event find_event KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g., find_event meeting
List Events list_events

General commands

Action Format, Examples
Remind remind [NUM_OF_DAYS]
e.g.,remind or remind 4
List All list_all
e.g., find_all John
Clear clear
Exit exit
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