Planner is divided into views and its functionalities are listed for each of them.
- adding / removing / editing persons in projects:
- the ability to add persons to the project for various periods (time periods)
- the ability of disconnecting one or all periods from persons
- the ability to change the start and end dates of work in the project
- adding hourly occupancy in the project for persons within a certain period of time trough calendar option
- displaying the hourly balance depending on the view (day / week / month)
- search project by name
- 10 projects are displayed on a specific subpage
- displaying persons assigned to projects
- adding the scope of hourly occupation in the project, after click in the cell in the calendar for the given view (day / week / month)
- sorting ascending / descending persons based on project name
- project details window after click on project name
- adding / removing / editing projects for persons
- the ability to add persons to the project for various periods (time periods)
- the ability of disconnecting one or all periods from persons
- the ability to change the start and end dates of work in the project
- adding hourly occupancy in the project for persons within a certain period of time through calendar option
- displaying the hourly balance in projects depending on the view (daily / weekly / monthly)
- search persons by name, surname, tribe, position
- displaying projects assigned to persons
- display 10 persons on a specific subpage
- displaying established time of employment for a given person
- adding the scope of occupancy in the project click in the cell in the calendar for a given view (day / week / month)
- sorting ascending / descending persons based on last name
- person details window after click on person name
- copying cell contents
- pasting cell contents
- deleting cell contents
- adding cell contents
- drag the contents of the cells (from one cell to another)
- displaying the hourly balance in the specific project and the summary hourly balance in all projects for specific day and person
- the possibility of choosing the overtime option and thus adding more hours of work in projects - max 16h
- sick days are visible on a purple background
- display includes / paid days available, vacations on demand, special holidays, care days child as days available on a green background
- displaying weekend days on a gray background
- displaying holidays on a pink background
- copying cell contents
- pasting cell contents
- adding cell contents
- displaying the hourly balance in the specific project and the summary hourly balance in all projects for specific week/month and person
- displaying weeks/months on a gray background if no occupancy of persons in the project
The hours view shows the number of hours of specific persons, and the worktime view converts the number of hours into established persons worktime. 8h = 1 worktime
- possibility of loading, saving filters
- generated csv report showing the number of occupancy hours of persons in projects for a given view (day/week/month)