+ "gotifyId" text PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
+ "serverUrl" text NOT NULL,
+ "appToken" text NOT NULL,
+ "priority" integer DEFAULT 5 NOT NULL,
+ "decoration" boolean
+--> statement-breakpoint
+ALTER TABLE "notification" ADD COLUMN "gotifyId" text;--> statement-breakpoint
+ ALTER TABLE "notification" ADD CONSTRAINT "notification_gotifyId_gotify_gotifyId_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("gotifyId") REFERENCES "public"."gotify"("gotifyId") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action;
+ WHEN duplicate_object THEN null;
+END $$;
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/drizzle/0057_oval_ken_ellis.sql b/apps/dokploy/drizzle/0057_oval_ken_ellis.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..473f03d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/drizzle/0057_oval_ken_ellis.sql
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ALTER TABLE "admin" ADD COLUMN "enableCleanupCache" boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/drizzle/0058_cultured_warpath.sql b/apps/dokploy/drizzle/0058_cultured_warpath.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ad9cb221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/drizzle/0058_cultured_warpath.sql
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ALTER TABLE "admin" RENAME COLUMN "enableCleanupCache" TO "cleanupCacheOnDeployments";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/drizzle/0059_public_speed.sql b/apps/dokploy/drizzle/0059_public_speed.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ffea43e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/drizzle/0059_public_speed.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ALTER TABLE "admin" RENAME COLUMN "cleanupCacheOnDeployments" TO "cleanupCacheApplications";--> statement-breakpoint
+ALTER TABLE "admin" ADD COLUMN "cleanupCacheOnPreviews" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL;--> statement-breakpoint
+ALTER TABLE "admin" ADD COLUMN "cleanupCacheOnCompose" boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/drizzle/meta/0056_snapshot.json b/apps/dokploy/drizzle/meta/0056_snapshot.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be672e8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/drizzle/meta/0056_snapshot.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4314 @@
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+ "version": "6",
+ "dialect": "postgresql",
+ "tables": {
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+ "name": "application",
+ "schema": "",
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+ "name": "applicationId",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": true,
+ "notNull": true
+ },
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+ "type": "text",
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+ "notNull": true
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+ "notNull": false
+ },
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+ "name": "previewEnv",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ },
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+ "name": "previewBuildArgs",
+ "type": "text",
+ "primaryKey": false,
+ "notNull": false
+ },
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+ "name": "previewWildcard",
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+ "notNull": false
+ },
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+ "notNull": false,
+ "default": 3000
+ },
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+ "name": "previewHttps",
+ "type": "boolean",
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+ "notNull": true,
+ "default": false
+ },
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+ "type": "text",
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+ "notNull": false,
+ "default": "'/'"
+ },
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+ "type": "certificateType",
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+ "default": "'none'"
+ },
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+ "default": 3
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+ "default": false
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "notNull": false,
+ "default": "'/'"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "customGitBuildPath",
+ "type": "text",
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+ "notNull": false
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "default": "'nixpacks'"
+ },
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+ "name": "herokuVersion",
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+ "default": "'24'"
+ },
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+ "tableTo": "ssh-key",
+ "columnsFrom": [
+ "customGitSSHKeyId"
+ ],
+ "columnsTo": [
+ "sshKeyId"
+ ],
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+ "onUpdate": "no action"
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+ "name": "application_registryId_registry_registryId_fk",
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+ "tableTo": "registry",
+ "columnsFrom": [
+ "registryId"
+ ],
+ "columnsTo": [
+ "registryId"
+ ],
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+ "onUpdate": "no action"
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+ "githubId"
+ ],
+ "columnsTo": [
+ "githubId"
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+ ],
+ "columnsTo": [
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+ ],
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+ ]
+ }
+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "projectId"
+ ],
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+ "projectId"
+ ],
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+ "onUpdate": "no action"
+ },
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+ ],
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+ ],
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+ }
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+ "name": "postgres_appName_unique",
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+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "notNull": true
+ },
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+ },
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+ "default": false
+ },
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+ },
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+ "default": false
+ },
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+ "default": false
+ },
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+ },
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+ "default": false
+ },
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+ "default": "ARRAY[]::text[]"
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "columnsFrom": [
+ "adminId"
+ ],
+ "columnsTo": [
+ "adminId"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "mariadbId"
+ ],
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+ "mariadbId"
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+ ],
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+ "tag": "0057_oval_ken_ellis",
+ "breakpoints": true
+ },
+ {
+ "idx": 58,
+ "version": "6",
+ "when": 1737266560950,
+ "tag": "0058_cultured_warpath",
+ "breakpoints": true
+ },
+ {
+ "idx": 59,
+ "version": "6",
+ "when": 1737268325181,
+ "tag": "0059_public_speed",
+ "breakpoints": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/package.json b/apps/dokploy/package.json
index 1aa3fb12a..292c9de6e 100644
--- a/apps/dokploy/package.json
+++ b/apps/dokploy/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "dokploy",
- "version": "v0.17.2",
+ "version": "v0.17.3",
"private": true,
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"type": "module",
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/pages/api/deploy/github.ts b/apps/dokploy/pages/api/deploy/github.ts
index 9cefe4cf1..2ee173940 100644
--- a/apps/dokploy/pages/api/deploy/github.ts
+++ b/apps/dokploy/pages/api/deploy/github.ts
@@ -71,6 +71,25 @@ export default async function handler(
+ // skip workflow runs use keywords
+ // @link
+ if (
+ [
+ "[skip ci]",
+ "[ci skip]",
+ "[no ci]",
+ "[skip actions]",
+ "[actions skip]",
+ ].find((keyword) =>
+ extractCommitMessage(req.headers, req.body).includes(keyword),
+ )
+ ) {
+ res.status(200).json({
+ message: "Deployment skipped: commit message contains skip keyword",
+ });
+ return;
+ }
if (req.headers["x-github-event"] === "push") {
try {
const branchName = githubBody?.ref?.replace("refs/heads/", "");
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/project/[projectId].tsx b/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/project/[projectId].tsx
index 1c2240109..c065d7727 100644
--- a/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/project/[projectId].tsx
+++ b/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/project/[projectId].tsx
@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ const Project = (
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ const Project = (
{(auth?.rol === "admin" || user?.canCreateServices) && (
Project Environment
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/project/[projectId]/services/mongo/[mongoId].tsx b/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/project/[projectId]/services/mongo/[mongoId].tsx
index dfc003667..49dcfa656 100644
--- a/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/project/[projectId]/services/mongo/[mongoId].tsx
+++ b/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/project/[projectId]/services/mongo/[mongoId].tsx
@@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ const Mongo = (
- toast.success("Postgres deleted successfully");
+ toast.success("Mongo deleted successfully");
.catch(() => {
- toast.error("Error deleting the postgres");
+ toast.error("Error deleting the mongo");
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/settings/index.tsx b/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/settings/index.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf76607b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/settings/index.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+import { DashboardLayout } from "@/components/layouts/dashboard-layout";
+import { AlertBlock } from "@/components/shared/alert-block";
+import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
+import {
+ Card,
+ CardContent,
+ CardDescription,
+ CardHeader,
+ CardTitle,
+} from "@/components/ui/card";
+import { DialogFooter } from "@/components/ui/dialog";
+import {
+ Form,
+ FormControl,
+ FormDescription,
+ FormField,
+ FormItem,
+ FormLabel,
+ FormMessage,
+} from "@/components/ui/form";
+import { Switch } from "@/components/ui/switch";
+import { appRouter } from "@/server/api/root";
+import { api } from "@/utils/api";
+import { validateRequest } from "@dokploy/server";
+import { zodResolver } from "@hookform/resolvers/zod";
+import { createServerSideHelpers } from "@trpc/react-query/server";
+import { Settings } from "lucide-react";
+import type { GetServerSidePropsContext } from "next";
+import React, { useEffect, type ReactElement } from "react";
+import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
+import { toast } from "sonner";
+import superjson from "superjson";
+import { z } from "zod";
+const settings = z.object({
+ cleanCacheOnApplications: z.boolean(),
+ cleanCacheOnCompose: z.boolean(),
+ cleanCacheOnPreviews: z.boolean(),
+type SettingsType = z.infer
+const Page = () => {
+ const { data, refetch } =;
+ const { mutateAsync, isLoading, isError, error } =
+ api.admin.update.useMutation();
+ const form = useForm({
+ defaultValues: {
+ cleanCacheOnApplications: false,
+ cleanCacheOnCompose: false,
+ cleanCacheOnPreviews: false,
+ },
+ resolver: zodResolver(settings),
+ });
+ useEffect(() => {
+ form.reset({
+ cleanCacheOnApplications: data?.cleanupCacheApplications || false,
+ cleanCacheOnCompose: data?.cleanupCacheOnCompose || false,
+ cleanCacheOnPreviews: data?.cleanupCacheOnPreviews || false,
+ });
+ }, [form, form.reset, form.formState.isSubmitSuccessful, data]);
+ const onSubmit = async (values: SettingsType) => {
+ await mutateAsync({
+ cleanupCacheApplications: values.cleanCacheOnApplications,
+ cleanupCacheOnCompose: values.cleanCacheOnCompose,
+ cleanupCacheOnPreviews: values.cleanCacheOnPreviews,
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ toast.success("Settings updated");
+ refetch();
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ toast.error("Something went wrong");
+ });
+ };
+ return (
+ Settings
+ Manage your Dokploy settings
+ {isError && {error?.message} }
+ );
+export default Page;
+Page.getLayout = (page: ReactElement) => {
+ return {page} ;
+export async function getServerSideProps(
+ ctx: GetServerSidePropsContext<{ serviceId: string }>,
+) {
+ const { req, res } = ctx;
+ const { user, session } = await validateRequest(ctx.req, ctx.res);
+ if (!user) {
+ return {
+ redirect: {
+ permanent: true,
+ destination: "/",
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ if (user.rol === "user") {
+ return {
+ redirect: {
+ permanent: true,
+ destination: "/dashboard/settings/profile",
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ const helpers = createServerSideHelpers({
+ router: appRouter,
+ ctx: {
+ req: req as any,
+ res: res as any,
+ db: null as any,
+ session: session,
+ user: user,
+ },
+ transformer: superjson,
+ });
+ await helpers.auth.get.prefetch();
+ return {
+ props: {
+ trpcState: helpers.dehydrate(),
+ },
+ };
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/settings/profile.tsx b/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/settings/profile.tsx
index 62ab6150c..44e007f11 100644
--- a/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/settings/profile.tsx
+++ b/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/settings/profile.tsx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ const Page = () => {
const { data: isCloud } = api.settings.isCloud.useQuery();
return (
{(user?.canAccessToAPI || data?.rol === "admin") &&
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/settings/server.tsx b/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/settings/server.tsx
index 82b0359f9..d501f1fa6 100644
--- a/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/settings/server.tsx
+++ b/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/settings/server.tsx
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import superjson from "superjson";
const Page = () => {
return (
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/swarm.tsx b/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/swarm.tsx
index f40a0a832..3a8a60b28 100644
--- a/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/swarm.tsx
+++ b/apps/dokploy/pages/dashboard/swarm.tsx
@@ -8,11 +8,7 @@ import type { ReactElement } from "react";
import superjson from "superjson";
const Dashboard = () => {
- return (
- <>
- >
- );
+ return
export default Dashboard;
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/public/templates/cloudflared.svg b/apps/dokploy/public/templates/cloudflared.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5be105f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/public/templates/cloudflared.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/public/templates/conduwuit.svg b/apps/dokploy/public/templates/conduwuit.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..162a3d9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/public/templates/conduwuit.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/public/templates/couchdb.png b/apps/dokploy/public/templates/couchdb.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7dc4cc4af
Binary files /dev/null and b/apps/dokploy/public/templates/couchdb.png differ
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/public/templates/it-tools.svg b/apps/dokploy/public/templates/it-tools.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e3b614da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/public/templates/it-tools.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/server/api/routers/notification.ts b/apps/dokploy/server/api/routers/notification.ts
index f88695039..2eafc66d2 100644
--- a/apps/dokploy/server/api/routers/notification.ts
+++ b/apps/dokploy/server/api/routers/notification.ts
@@ -2,20 +2,24 @@ import {
+ publicProcedure,
} from "@/server/api/trpc";
import { db } from "@/server/db";
import {
+ apiCreateGotify,
+ apiTestGotifyConnection,
+ apiUpdateGotify,
@@ -24,16 +28,19 @@ import {
+ createGotifyNotification,
+ sendGotifyNotification,
+ updateGotifyNotification,
} from "@dokploy/server";
@@ -300,10 +307,61 @@ export const notificationRouter = createTRPCRouter({
telegram: true,
discord: true,
email: true,
+ gotify: true,
orderBy: desc(notifications.createdAt),
...(IS_CLOUD && { where: eq(notifications.adminId, ctx.user.adminId) }),
// TODO: Remove this line when the cloud version is ready
+ createGotify: adminProcedure
+ .input(apiCreateGotify)
+ .mutation(async ({ input, ctx }) => {
+ try {
+ return await createGotifyNotification(input, ctx.user.adminId);
+ } catch (error) {
+ throw new TRPCError({
+ code: "BAD_REQUEST",
+ message: "Error creating the notification",
+ cause: error,
+ });
+ }
+ }),
+ updateGotify: adminProcedure
+ .input(apiUpdateGotify)
+ .mutation(async ({ input, ctx }) => {
+ try {
+ const notification = await findNotificationById(input.notificationId);
+ if (IS_CLOUD && notification.adminId !== ctx.user.adminId) {
+ throw new TRPCError({
+ message: "You are not authorized to update this notification",
+ });
+ }
+ return await updateGotifyNotification({
+ ...input,
+ adminId: ctx.user.adminId,
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ throw error;
+ }
+ }),
+ testGotifyConnection: adminProcedure
+ .input(apiTestGotifyConnection)
+ .mutation(async ({ input }) => {
+ try {
+ await sendGotifyNotification(
+ input,
+ "Test Notification",
+ "Hi, From Dokploy 👋",
+ );
+ return true;
+ } catch (error) {
+ throw new TRPCError({
+ code: "BAD_REQUEST",
+ message: "Error testing the notification",
+ cause: error,
+ });
+ }
+ }),
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/server/api/routers/project.ts b/apps/dokploy/server/api/routers/project.ts
index 967b39e37..9c2608cca 100644
--- a/apps/dokploy/server/api/routers/project.ts
+++ b/apps/dokploy/server/api/routers/project.ts
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ export const projectRouter = createTRPCRouter({
.query(async ({ input, ctx }) => {
if (ctx.user.rol === "user") {
- const { accesedServices } = await findUserByAuthId(ctx.user.authId);
+ const { accessedServices } = await findUserByAuthId(ctx.user.authId);
await checkProjectAccess(ctx.user.authId, "access", input.projectId);
@@ -79,28 +79,28 @@ export const projectRouter = createTRPCRouter({
with: {
compose: {
- where: buildServiceFilter(compose.composeId, accesedServices),
+ where: buildServiceFilter(compose.composeId, accessedServices),
applications: {
where: buildServiceFilter(
- accesedServices,
+ accessedServices,
mariadb: {
- where: buildServiceFilter(mariadb.mariadbId, accesedServices),
+ where: buildServiceFilter(mariadb.mariadbId, accessedServices),
mongo: {
- where: buildServiceFilter(mongo.mongoId, accesedServices),
+ where: buildServiceFilter(mongo.mongoId, accessedServices),
mysql: {
- where: buildServiceFilter(mysql.mysqlId, accesedServices),
+ where: buildServiceFilter(mysql.mysqlId, accessedServices),
postgres: {
- where: buildServiceFilter(postgres.postgresId, accesedServices),
+ where: buildServiceFilter(postgres.postgresId, accessedServices),
redis: {
- where: buildServiceFilter(redis.redisId, accesedServices),
+ where: buildServiceFilter(redis.redisId, accessedServices),
@@ -125,18 +125,18 @@ export const projectRouter = createTRPCRouter({
all: protectedProcedure.query(async ({ ctx }) => {
if (ctx.user.rol === "user") {
- const { accesedProjects, accesedServices } = await findUserByAuthId(
+ const { accessedProjects, accessedServices } = await findUserByAuthId(
- if (accesedProjects.length === 0) {
+ if (accessedProjects.length === 0) {
return [];
const query = await db.query.projects.findMany({
where: and(
sql`${projects.projectId} IN (${sql.join(
- => sql`${projectId}`),
+ => sql`${projectId}`),
sql`, `,
eq(projects.adminId, ctx.user.adminId),
@@ -145,27 +145,27 @@ export const projectRouter = createTRPCRouter({
applications: {
where: buildServiceFilter(
- accesedServices,
+ accessedServices,
with: { domains: true },
mariadb: {
- where: buildServiceFilter(mariadb.mariadbId, accesedServices),
+ where: buildServiceFilter(mariadb.mariadbId, accessedServices),
mongo: {
- where: buildServiceFilter(mongo.mongoId, accesedServices),
+ where: buildServiceFilter(mongo.mongoId, accessedServices),
mysql: {
- where: buildServiceFilter(mysql.mysqlId, accesedServices),
+ where: buildServiceFilter(mysql.mysqlId, accessedServices),
postgres: {
- where: buildServiceFilter(postgres.postgresId, accesedServices),
+ where: buildServiceFilter(postgres.postgresId, accessedServices),
redis: {
- where: buildServiceFilter(redis.redisId, accesedServices),
+ where: buildServiceFilter(redis.redisId, accessedServices),
compose: {
- where: buildServiceFilter(compose.composeId, accesedServices),
+ where: buildServiceFilter(compose.composeId, accessedServices),
with: { domains: true },
@@ -239,10 +239,13 @@ export const projectRouter = createTRPCRouter({
-function buildServiceFilter(fieldName: AnyPgColumn, accesedServices: string[]) {
- return accesedServices.length > 0
+function buildServiceFilter(
+ fieldName: AnyPgColumn,
+ accessedServices: string[],
+) {
+ return accessedServices.length > 0
? sql`${fieldName} IN (${sql.join(
- => sql`${serviceId}`),
+ => sql`${serviceId}`),
sql`, `,
: sql`1 = 0`;
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/server/utils/docker.ts b/apps/dokploy/server/utils/docker.ts
index 7577c844f..92008678f 100644
--- a/apps/dokploy/server/utils/docker.ts
+++ b/apps/dokploy/server/utils/docker.ts
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export const isWSL = async () => {
/** Returns the Docker host IP address. */
export const getDockerHost = async (): Promise
=> {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
- if (process.platform === "linux" && !isWSL()) {
+ if (process.platform === "linux" && !(await isWSL())) {
try {
// Try to get the Docker bridge IP first
const { stdout } = await execAsync(
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/styles/globals.css b/apps/dokploy/styles/globals.css
index 4cf9bef4b..7b7977b9c 100644
--- a/apps/dokploy/styles/globals.css
+++ b/apps/dokploy/styles/globals.css
@@ -101,9 +101,29 @@
* {
@apply border-border;
body {
@apply bg-background text-foreground;
+ /* Custom scrollbar styling */
+ ::-webkit-scrollbar {
+ width: 0.3125rem;
+ }
+ ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
+ background: transparent;
+ }
+ ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
+ background: hsl(var(--border));
+ border-radius: 0.3125rem;
+ }
+ * {
+ scrollbar-width: thin;
+ scrollbar-color: hsl(var(--border)) transparent;
+ }
.xterm-viewport {
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/templates/cloudflared/docker-compose.yml b/apps/dokploy/templates/cloudflared/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9fc27419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/templates/cloudflared/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ cloudflared:
+ image: 'cloudflare/cloudflared:latest'
+ environment:
+ # Don't forget to set this in your Dokploy Environment
+ network_mode: host
+ restart: unless-stopped
+ command: [
+ "tunnel",
+ # More tunnel run parameters here:
+ #
+ "--no-autoupdate",
+ #"--protocol", "http2",
+ "run"
+ ]
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/templates/cloudflared/index.ts b/apps/dokploy/templates/cloudflared/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..661fa31d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/templates/cloudflared/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import type { Schema, Template } from "../utils";
+export function generate(schema: Schema): Template {
+ const envs = [`CLOUDFLARE_TUNNEL_TOKEN=""`];
+ return {
+ envs,
+ };
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/templates/conduwuit/docker-compose.yml b/apps/dokploy/templates/conduwuit/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7945d6c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/templates/conduwuit/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# conduwuit
+ homeserver:
+ image: girlbossceo/conduwuit:latest
+ restart: unless-stopped
+ ports:
+ - 8448:6167
+ volumes:
+ - db:/var/lib/conduwuit
+ #- ./conduwuit.toml:/etc/conduwuit.toml
+ environment:
+ # Edit this in your Dokploy Environment
+ CONDUWUIT_DATABASE_PATH: /var/lib/conduwuit
+ CONDUWUIT_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE: 20000000 # in bytes, ~20 MB
+ #CONDUWUIT_LOG: warn,state_res=warn
+ # Uncomment if you mapped config toml in volumes
+ #CONDUWUIT_CONFIG: '/etc/conduwuit.toml'
+ ### Uncomment if you want to use your own Element-Web App.
+ ### Note: You need to provide a config.json for Element and you also need a second
+ ### Domain or Subdomain for the communication between Element and conduwuit
+ ### Config-Docs:
+ # element-web:
+ # image: vectorim/element-web:latest
+ # restart: unless-stopped
+ # ports:
+ # - 8009:80
+ # volumes:
+ # - ./element_config.json:/app/config.json
+ # depends_on:
+ # - homeserver
+ db:
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/templates/conduwuit/index.ts b/apps/dokploy/templates/conduwuit/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d9e98569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/templates/conduwuit/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import {
+ type DomainSchema,
+ type Schema,
+ type Template,
+ generatePassword,
+ generateRandomDomain,
+} from "../utils";
+export function generate(schema: Schema): Template {
+ const matrixSubdomain = generateRandomDomain(schema);
+ const registrationToken = generatePassword(20);
+ const domains: DomainSchema[] = [
+ {
+ host: matrixSubdomain,
+ port: 6167,
+ serviceName: "homeserver",
+ },
+ ];
+ const envs = [
+ `CONDUWUIT_SERVER_NAME=${matrixSubdomain}`,
+ `CONDUWUIT_REGISTRATION_TOKEN=${registrationToken}`,
+ ];
+ return {
+ envs,
+ domains,
+ };
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/templates/couchdb/docker-compose.yml b/apps/dokploy/templates/couchdb/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb00bf69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/templates/couchdb/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+version: '3.8'
+ couchdb:
+ image: couchdb:latest
+ ports:
+ - '5984'
+ volumes:
+ - couchdb-data:/opt/couchdb/data
+ environment:
+ restart: unless-stopped
+ couchdb-data:
+ driver: local
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/templates/couchdb/index.ts b/apps/dokploy/templates/couchdb/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70d716695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/templates/couchdb/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import {
+ type DomainSchema,
+ type Schema,
+ type Template,
+ generatePassword,
+ generateRandomDomain,
+} from "../utils";
+export function generate(schema: Schema): Template {
+ const mainDomain = generateRandomDomain(schema);
+ const username = generatePassword(16);
+ const password = generatePassword(32);
+ const domains: DomainSchema[] = [
+ {
+ serviceName: "couchdb",
+ host: mainDomain,
+ port: 5984,
+ },
+ ];
+ const envs = [`COUCHDB_USER=${username}`, `COUCHDB_PASSWORD=${password}`];
+ return {
+ envs,
+ domains,
+ };
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/templates/it-tools/docker-compose.yml b/apps/dokploy/templates/it-tools/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b26665f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/templates/it-tools/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ it-tools:
+ image: corentinth/it-tools:latest
+ healthcheck:
+ test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
+ interval: 30s
+ timeout: 10s
+ retries: 3
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/templates/it-tools/index.ts b/apps/dokploy/templates/it-tools/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9912c4ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dokploy/templates/it-tools/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import {
+ type DomainSchema,
+ type Schema,
+ type Template,
+ generateRandomDomain,
+} from "../utils";
+export function generate(schema: Schema): Template {
+ const domains: DomainSchema[] = [
+ {
+ host: generateRandomDomain(schema),
+ port: 80,
+ serviceName: "it-tools",
+ },
+ ];
+ return {
+ domains,
+ };
diff --git a/apps/dokploy/templates/templates.ts b/apps/dokploy/templates/templates.ts
index a0fbdb1be..9531eb7ae 100644
--- a/apps/dokploy/templates/templates.ts
+++ b/apps/dokploy/templates/templates.ts
@@ -1239,4 +1239,63 @@ export const templates: TemplateData[] = [
tags: ["matrix", "communication"],
load: () => import("./conduit/index").then((m) => m.generate),
+ {
+ id: "conduwuit",
+ name: "Conduwuit",
+ version: "latest",
+ description:
+ "Well-maintained, featureful Matrix chat homeserver (fork of Conduit)",
+ logo: "conduwuit.svg",
+ links: {
+ github: "",
+ website: "",
+ docs: "",
+ },
+ tags: ["backend", "chat", "communication", "matrix", "server"],
+ load: () => import("./conduwuit/index").then((m) => m.generate),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "cloudflared",
+ name: "Cloudflared",
+ version: "latest",
+ description:
+ "A lightweight daemon that securely connects local services to the internet through Cloudflare Tunnel.",
+ logo: "cloudflared.svg",
+ links: {
+ github: "",
+ website:
+ "",
+ docs: "",
+ },
+ tags: ["cloud", "networking", "security", "tunnel"],
+ load: () => import("./cloudflared/index").then((m) => m.generate),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "couchdb",
+ name: "CouchDB",
+ version: "latest",
+ description:
+ "CouchDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that excels at replication and horizontal scaling.",
+ logo: "couchdb.png", // we defined the name and the extension of the logo
+ links: {
+ github: "lorem",
+ website: "lorem",
+ docs: "lorem",
+ },
+ tags: ["database", "storage"],
+ load: () => import("./couchdb/index").then((m) => m.generate),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "it-tools",
+ name: "IT Tools",
+ version: "latest",
+ description: "A collection of handy online it-tools for developers.",
+ logo: "it-tools.svg",
+ links: {
+ github: "",
+ website: "",
+ },
+ tags: ["developer", "tools"],
+ load: () => import("./it-tools/index").then((m) => m.generate),
+ },
diff --git a/packages/server/src/db/schema/admin.ts b/packages/server/src/db/schema/admin.ts
index 222fb16c8..e9c73bcc1 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/db/schema/admin.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/db/schema/admin.ts
@@ -31,6 +31,15 @@ export const admins = pgTable("admin", {
stripeCustomerId: text("stripeCustomerId"),
stripeSubscriptionId: text("stripeSubscriptionId"),
serversQuantity: integer("serversQuantity").notNull().default(0),
+ cleanupCacheApplications: boolean("cleanupCacheApplications")
+ .notNull()
+ .default(true),
+ cleanupCacheOnPreviews: boolean("cleanupCacheOnPreviews")
+ .notNull()
+ .default(false),
+ cleanupCacheOnCompose: boolean("cleanupCacheOnCompose")
+ .notNull()
+ .default(false),
export const adminsRelations = relations(admins, ({ one, many }) => ({
diff --git a/packages/server/src/db/schema/notification.ts b/packages/server/src/db/schema/notification.ts
index 5501621dc..12c7698e2 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/db/schema/notification.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/db/schema/notification.ts
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ export const notificationType = pgEnum("notificationType", [
+ "gotify",
export const notifications = pgTable("notification", {
@@ -39,6 +40,9 @@ export const notifications = pgTable("notification", {
emailId: text("emailId").references(() => email.emailId, {
onDelete: "cascade",
+ gotifyId: text("gotifyId").references(() => gotify.gotifyId, {
+ onDelete: "cascade",
+ }),
adminId: text("adminId").references(() => admins.adminId, {
onDelete: "cascade",
@@ -84,6 +88,17 @@ export const email = pgTable("email", {
toAddresses: text("toAddress").array().notNull(),
+export const gotify = pgTable("gotify", {
+ gotifyId: text("gotifyId")
+ .notNull()
+ .primaryKey()
+ .$defaultFn(() => nanoid()),
+ serverUrl: text("serverUrl").notNull(),
+ appToken: text("appToken").notNull(),
+ priority: integer("priority").notNull().default(5),
+ decoration: boolean("decoration"),
export const notificationsRelations = relations(notifications, ({ one }) => ({
slack: one(slack, {
fields: [notifications.slackId],
@@ -101,6 +116,10 @@ export const notificationsRelations = relations(notifications, ({ one }) => ({
fields: [notifications.emailId],
references: [email.emailId],
+ gotify: one(gotify, {
+ fields: [notifications.gotifyId],
+ references: [gotify.gotifyId],
+ }),
admin: one(admins, {
fields: [notifications.adminId],
references: [admins.adminId],
@@ -224,6 +243,39 @@ export const apiTestEmailConnection = apiCreateEmail.pick({
fromAddress: true,
+export const apiCreateGotify = notificationsSchema
+ .pick({
+ appBuildError: true,
+ databaseBackup: true,
+ dokployRestart: true,
+ name: true,
+ appDeploy: true,
+ dockerCleanup: true,
+ })
+ .extend({
+ serverUrl: z.string().min(1),
+ appToken: z.string().min(1),
+ priority: z.number().min(1),
+ decoration: z.boolean(),
+ })
+ .required();
+export const apiUpdateGotify = apiCreateGotify.partial().extend({
+ notificationId: z.string().min(1),
+ gotifyId: z.string().min(1),
+ adminId: z.string().optional(),
+export const apiTestGotifyConnection = apiCreateGotify
+ .pick({
+ serverUrl: true,
+ appToken: true,
+ priority: true,
+ })
+ .extend({
+ decoration: z.boolean().optional(),
+ });
export const apiFindOneNotification = notificationsSchema
notificationId: true,
@@ -242,5 +294,8 @@ export const apiSendTest = notificationsSchema
username: z.string(),
password: z.string(),
toAddresses: z.array(z.string()),
+ serverUrl: z.string(),
+ appToken: z.string(),
+ priority: z.number(),
diff --git a/packages/server/src/db/schema/user.ts b/packages/server/src/db/schema/user.ts
index fec3d1277..735898f9a 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/db/schema/user.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/db/schema/user.ts
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ export const users = pgTable("user", {
canAccessToTraefikFiles: boolean("canAccessToTraefikFiles")
- accesedProjects: text("accesedProjects")
+ accessedProjects: text("accesedProjects")
- accesedServices: text("accesedServices")
+ accessedServices: text("accesedServices")
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ const createSchema = createInsertSchema(users, {
token: z.string().min(1),
isRegistered: z.boolean().optional(),
adminId: z.string(),
- accesedProjects: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
- accesedServices: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
+ accessedProjects: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
+ accessedServices: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
canCreateProjects: z.boolean().optional(),
canCreateServices: z.boolean().optional(),
canDeleteProjects: z.boolean().optional(),
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ export const apiAssignPermissions = createSchema
canCreateServices: true,
canDeleteProjects: true,
canDeleteServices: true,
- accesedProjects: true,
- accesedServices: true,
+ accessedProjects: true,
+ accessedServices: true,
canAccessToTraefikFiles: true,
canAccessToDocker: true,
canAccessToAPI: true,
diff --git a/packages/server/src/services/application.ts b/packages/server/src/services/application.ts
index e2ed407fc..ccadebf79 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/services/application.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/services/application.ts
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import { createTraefikConfig } from "@dokploy/server/utils/traefik/application";
import { TRPCError } from "@trpc/server";
import { eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import { encodeBase64 } from "../utils/docker/utils";
-import { getDokployUrl } from "./admin";
+import { findAdminById, getDokployUrl } from "./admin";
import {
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ import {
} from "./preview-deployment";
import { validUniqueServerAppName } from "./project";
+import { cleanupFullDocker } from "./settings";
export type Application = typeof applications.$inferSelect;
export const createApplication = async (
@@ -213,6 +214,7 @@ export const deployApplication = async ({
applicationType: "application",
adminId: application.project.adminId,
+ domains:,
} catch (error) {
await updateDeploymentStatus(deployment.deploymentId, "error");
@@ -228,6 +230,12 @@ export const deployApplication = async ({
throw error;
+ } finally {
+ const admin = await findAdminById(application.project.adminId);
+ if (admin.cleanupCacheApplications) {
+ await cleanupFullDocker(application?.serverId);
+ }
return true;
@@ -269,6 +277,12 @@ export const rebuildApplication = async ({
await updateDeploymentStatus(deployment.deploymentId, "error");
await updateApplicationStatus(applicationId, "error");
throw error;
+ } finally {
+ const admin = await findAdminById(application.project.adminId);
+ if (admin.cleanupCacheApplications) {
+ await cleanupFullDocker(application?.serverId);
+ }
return true;
@@ -332,6 +346,7 @@ export const deployRemoteApplication = async ({
applicationType: "application",
adminId: application.project.adminId,
+ domains:,
} catch (error) {
// @ts-ignore
@@ -357,15 +372,13 @@ export const deployRemoteApplication = async ({
adminId: application.project.adminId,
- console.log(
- "Error on ",
- application.buildType,
- "/",
- application.sourceType,
- error,
- );
throw error;
+ } finally {
+ const admin = await findAdminById(application.project.adminId);
+ if (admin.cleanupCacheApplications) {
+ await cleanupFullDocker(application?.serverId);
+ }
return true;
@@ -473,6 +486,12 @@ export const deployPreviewApplication = async ({
previewStatus: "error",
throw error;
+ } finally {
+ const admin = await findAdminById(application.project.adminId);
+ if (admin.cleanupCacheOnPreviews) {
+ await cleanupFullDocker(application?.serverId);
+ }
return true;
@@ -585,6 +604,12 @@ export const deployRemotePreviewApplication = async ({
previewStatus: "error",
throw error;
+ } finally {
+ const admin = await findAdminById(application.project.adminId);
+ if (admin.cleanupCacheOnPreviews) {
+ await cleanupFullDocker(application?.serverId);
+ }
return true;
@@ -632,6 +657,12 @@ export const rebuildRemoteApplication = async ({
await updateDeploymentStatus(deployment.deploymentId, "error");
await updateApplicationStatus(applicationId, "error");
throw error;
+ } finally {
+ const admin = await findAdminById(application.project.adminId);
+ if (admin.cleanupCacheApplications) {
+ await cleanupFullDocker(application?.serverId);
+ }
return true;
diff --git a/packages/server/src/services/compose.ts b/packages/server/src/services/compose.ts
index 50459c450..7f6a59547 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/services/compose.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/services/compose.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import { paths } from "@dokploy/server/constants";
import { db } from "@dokploy/server/db";
import { type apiCreateCompose, compose } from "@dokploy/server/db/schema";
import { buildAppName, cleanAppName } from "@dokploy/server/db/schema";
-import { generatePassword } from "@dokploy/server/templates/utils";
import {
@@ -45,9 +44,10 @@ import {
import { TRPCError } from "@trpc/server";
import { eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import { encodeBase64 } from "../utils/docker/utils";
-import { getDokployUrl } from "./admin";
+import { findAdminById, getDokployUrl } from "./admin";
import { createDeploymentCompose, updateDeploymentStatus } from "./deployment";
import { validUniqueServerAppName } from "./project";
+import { cleanupFullDocker } from "./settings";
export type Compose = typeof compose.$inferSelect;
@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ export const deployCompose = async ({
applicationType: "compose",
adminId: compose.project.adminId,
+ domains:,
} catch (error) {
await updateDeploymentStatus(deployment.deploymentId, "error");
@@ -259,6 +260,11 @@ export const deployCompose = async ({
adminId: compose.project.adminId,
throw error;
+ } finally {
+ const admin = await findAdminById(compose.project.adminId);
+ if (admin.cleanupCacheOnCompose) {
+ await cleanupFullDocker(compose?.serverId);
+ }
@@ -295,6 +301,11 @@ export const rebuildCompose = async ({
composeStatus: "error",
throw error;
+ } finally {
+ const admin = await findAdminById(compose.project.adminId);
+ if (admin.cleanupCacheOnCompose) {
+ await cleanupFullDocker(compose?.serverId);
+ }
return true;
@@ -366,6 +377,7 @@ export const deployRemoteCompose = async ({
applicationType: "compose",
adminId: compose.project.adminId,
+ domains:,
} catch (error) {
// @ts-ignore
@@ -392,6 +404,11 @@ export const deployRemoteCompose = async ({
adminId: compose.project.adminId,
throw error;
+ } finally {
+ const admin = await findAdminById(compose.project.adminId);
+ if (admin.cleanupCacheOnCompose) {
+ await cleanupFullDocker(compose?.serverId);
+ }
@@ -436,6 +453,11 @@ export const rebuildRemoteCompose = async ({
composeStatus: "error",
throw error;
+ } finally {
+ const admin = await findAdminById(compose.project.adminId);
+ if (admin.cleanupCacheOnCompose) {
+ await cleanupFullDocker(compose?.serverId);
+ }
return true;
diff --git a/packages/server/src/services/notification.ts b/packages/server/src/services/notification.ts
index e75154dfc..2b62b4574 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/services/notification.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/services/notification.ts
@@ -2,14 +2,17 @@ import { db } from "@dokploy/server/db";
import {
type apiCreateDiscord,
type apiCreateEmail,
+ type apiCreateGotify,
type apiCreateSlack,
type apiCreateTelegram,
type apiUpdateDiscord,
type apiUpdateEmail,
+ type apiUpdateGotify,
type apiUpdateSlack,
type apiUpdateTelegram,
+ gotify,
@@ -379,6 +382,96 @@ export const updateEmailNotification = async (
+export const createGotifyNotification = async (
+ input: typeof apiCreateGotify._type,
+ adminId: string,
+) => {
+ await db.transaction(async (tx) => {
+ const newGotify = await tx
+ .insert(gotify)
+ .values({
+ serverUrl: input.serverUrl,
+ appToken: input.appToken,
+ priority: input.priority,
+ decoration: input.decoration,
+ })
+ .returning()
+ .then((value) => value[0]);
+ if (!newGotify) {
+ throw new TRPCError({
+ code: "BAD_REQUEST",
+ message: "Error input: Inserting gotify",
+ });
+ }
+ const newDestination = await tx
+ .insert(notifications)
+ .values({
+ gotifyId: newGotify.gotifyId,
+ name:,
+ appDeploy: input.appDeploy,
+ appBuildError: input.appBuildError,
+ databaseBackup: input.databaseBackup,
+ dokployRestart: input.dokployRestart,
+ dockerCleanup: input.dockerCleanup,
+ notificationType: "gotify",
+ adminId: adminId,
+ })
+ .returning()
+ .then((value) => value[0]);
+ if (!newDestination) {
+ throw new TRPCError({
+ code: "BAD_REQUEST",
+ message: "Error input: Inserting notification",
+ });
+ }
+ return newDestination;
+ });
+export const updateGotifyNotification = async (
+ input: typeof apiUpdateGotify._type,
+) => {
+ await db.transaction(async (tx) => {
+ const newDestination = await tx
+ .update(notifications)
+ .set({
+ name:,
+ appDeploy: input.appDeploy,
+ appBuildError: input.appBuildError,
+ databaseBackup: input.databaseBackup,
+ dokployRestart: input.dokployRestart,
+ dockerCleanup: input.dockerCleanup,
+ adminId: input.adminId,
+ })
+ .where(eq(notifications.notificationId, input.notificationId))
+ .returning()
+ .then((value) => value[0]);
+ if (!newDestination) {
+ throw new TRPCError({
+ code: "BAD_REQUEST",
+ message: "Error Updating notification",
+ });
+ }
+ await tx
+ .update(gotify)
+ .set({
+ serverUrl: input.serverUrl,
+ appToken: input.appToken,
+ priority: input.priority,
+ decoration: input.decoration,
+ })
+ .where(eq(gotify.gotifyId, input.gotifyId));
+ return newDestination;
+ });
export const findNotificationById = async (notificationId: string) => {
const notification = await db.query.notifications.findFirst({
where: eq(notifications.notificationId, notificationId),
@@ -387,6 +480,7 @@ export const findNotificationById = async (notificationId: string) => {
telegram: true,
discord: true,
email: true,
+ gotify: true,
if (!notification) {
diff --git a/packages/server/src/services/settings.ts b/packages/server/src/services/settings.ts
index 37f7b2ee8..d22780c94 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/services/settings.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/services/settings.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import {
} from "@dokploy/server/utils/process/execAsync";
+import { findAdminById } from "./admin";
// import packageInfo from "../../../package.json";
export interface IUpdateData {
@@ -213,3 +214,35 @@ echo "$json_output"
return result;
+export const cleanupFullDocker = async (serverId?: string | null) => {
+ const cleanupImages = "docker image prune --all --force";
+ const cleanupVolumes = "docker volume prune --all --force";
+ const cleanupContainers = "docker container prune --force";
+ const cleanupSystem = "docker system prune --all --force --volumes";
+ const cleanupBuilder = "docker builder prune --all --force";
+ try {
+ if (serverId) {
+ await execAsyncRemote(
+ serverId,
+ `
+ ${cleanupImages}
+ ${cleanupVolumes}
+ ${cleanupContainers}
+ ${cleanupSystem}
+ ${cleanupBuilder}
+ `,
+ );
+ }
+ await execAsync(`
+ ${cleanupImages}
+ ${cleanupVolumes}
+ ${cleanupContainers}
+ ${cleanupSystem}
+ ${cleanupBuilder}
+ `);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.log(error);
+ }
diff --git a/packages/server/src/services/user.ts b/packages/server/src/services/user.ts
index 1cfe1260d..d8d9862c4 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/services/user.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/services/user.ts
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export const addNewProject = async (authId: string, projectId: string) => {
await db
- accesedProjects: [...user.accesedProjects, projectId],
+ accessedProjects: [...user.accessedProjects, projectId],
.where(eq(users.authId, authId));
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ export const addNewService = async (authId: string, serviceId: string) => {
await db
- accesedServices: [...user.accesedServices, serviceId],
+ accessedServices: [...user.accessedServices, serviceId],
.where(eq(users.authId, authId));
@@ -73,8 +73,9 @@ export const canPerformCreationService = async (
userId: string,
projectId: string,
) => {
- const { accesedProjects, canCreateServices } = await findUserByAuthId(userId);
- const haveAccessToProject = accesedProjects.includes(projectId);
+ const { accessedProjects, canCreateServices } =
+ await findUserByAuthId(userId);
+ const haveAccessToProject = accessedProjects.includes(projectId);
if (canCreateServices && haveAccessToProject) {
return true;
@@ -87,8 +88,8 @@ export const canPerformAccessService = async (
userId: string,
serviceId: string,
) => {
- const { accesedServices } = await findUserByAuthId(userId);
- const haveAccessToService = accesedServices.includes(serviceId);
+ const { accessedServices } = await findUserByAuthId(userId);
+ const haveAccessToService = accessedServices.includes(serviceId);
if (haveAccessToService) {
return true;
@@ -101,8 +102,9 @@ export const canPeformDeleteService = async (
authId: string,
serviceId: string,
) => {
- const { accesedServices, canDeleteServices } = await findUserByAuthId(authId);
- const haveAccessToService = accesedServices.includes(serviceId);
+ const { accessedServices, canDeleteServices } =
+ await findUserByAuthId(authId);
+ const haveAccessToService = accessedServices.includes(serviceId);
if (canDeleteServices && haveAccessToService) {
return true;
@@ -135,9 +137,9 @@ export const canPerformAccessProject = async (
authId: string,
projectId: string,
) => {
- const { accesedProjects } = await findUserByAuthId(authId);
+ const { accessedProjects } = await findUserByAuthId(authId);
- const haveAccessToProject = accesedProjects.includes(projectId);
+ const haveAccessToProject = accessedProjects.includes(projectId);
if (haveAccessToProject) {
return true;
diff --git a/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/build-error.ts b/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/build-error.ts
index 695b37863..95936652c 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/build-error.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/build-error.ts
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ import { db } from "@dokploy/server/db";
import { notifications } from "@dokploy/server/db/schema";
import BuildFailedEmail from "@dokploy/server/emails/emails/build-failed";
import { renderAsync } from "@react-email/components";
+import { format } from "date-fns";
import { and, eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import {
+ sendGotifyNotification,
} from "./utils";
@@ -39,11 +41,12 @@ export const sendBuildErrorNotifications = async ({
discord: true,
telegram: true,
slack: true,
+ gotify: true,
for (const notification of notificationList) {
- const { email, discord, telegram, slack } = notification;
+ const { email, discord, telegram, slack, gotify } = notification;
if (email) {
const template = await renderAsync(
@@ -112,22 +115,35 @@ export const sendBuildErrorNotifications = async ({
+ if (gotify) {
+ const decorate = (decoration: string, text: string) =>
+ `${gotify.decoration ? decoration : ""} ${text}\n`;
+ await sendGotifyNotification(
+ gotify,
+ decorate("⚠️", "Build Failed"),
+ `${decorate("🛠️", `Project: ${projectName}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("⚙️", `Application: ${applicationName}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("❔", `Type: ${applicationType}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("🕒", `Date: ${date.toLocaleString()}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("⚠️", `Error:\n${errorMessage}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("🔗", `Build details:\n${buildLink}`)}`,
+ );
+ }
if (telegram) {
+ const inlineButton = [
+ [
+ {
+ text: "Deployment Logs",
+ url: buildLink,
+ },
+ ],
+ ];
await sendTelegramNotification(
- `
- ⚠️ Build Failed
- Project: ${projectName}
- Application: ${applicationName}
- Type: ${applicationType}
- Time: ${date.toLocaleString()}
- Error:
- ${errorMessage}
- Build Details: ${buildLink}
- `,
+ `⚠️ Build Failed \n\nProject: ${projectName}\nApplication: ${applicationName}\nType: ${applicationType}\nDate: ${format(date, "PP")}\nTime: ${format(date, "pp")}\n\nError: \n${errorMessage} `,
+ inlineButton,
diff --git a/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/build-success.ts b/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/build-success.ts
index 16aa4a588..960f7a6a4 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/build-success.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/build-success.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
import { db } from "@dokploy/server/db";
import { notifications } from "@dokploy/server/db/schema";
import BuildSuccessEmail from "@dokploy/server/emails/emails/build-success";
+import type { Domain } from "@dokploy/server/services/domain";
import { renderAsync } from "@react-email/components";
+import { format } from "date-fns";
import { and, eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import {
+ sendGotifyNotification,
} from "./utils";
@@ -16,6 +19,7 @@ interface Props {
applicationType: string;
buildLink: string;
adminId: string;
+ domains: Domain[];
export const sendBuildSuccessNotifications = async ({
@@ -24,6 +28,7 @@ export const sendBuildSuccessNotifications = async ({
+ domains,
}: Props) => {
const date = new Date();
const unixDate = ~~(Number(date) / 1000);
@@ -37,11 +42,12 @@ export const sendBuildSuccessNotifications = async ({
discord: true,
telegram: true,
slack: true,
+ gotify: true,
for (const notification of notificationList) {
- const { email, discord, telegram, slack } = notification;
+ const { email, discord, telegram, slack, gotify } = notification;
if (email) {
const template = await renderAsync(
@@ -106,19 +112,45 @@ export const sendBuildSuccessNotifications = async ({
+ if (gotify) {
+ const decorate = (decoration: string, text: string) =>
+ `${gotify.decoration ? decoration : ""} ${text}\n`;
+ await sendGotifyNotification(
+ gotify,
+ decorate("✅", "Build Success"),
+ `${decorate("🛠️", `Project: ${projectName}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("⚙️", `Application: ${applicationName}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("❔", `Type: ${applicationType}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("🕒", `Date: ${date.toLocaleString()}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("🔗", `Build details:\n${buildLink}`)}`,
+ );
+ }
if (telegram) {
- await sendTelegramNotification(
- telegram,
- `
- ✅ Build Success
+ const chunkArray = (array: T[], chunkSize: number): T[][] =>
+ Array.from({ length: Math.ceil(array.length / chunkSize) }, (_, i) =>
+ array.slice(i * chunkSize, i * chunkSize + chunkSize),
+ );
- Project: ${projectName}
- Application: ${applicationName}
- Type: ${applicationType}
- Time: ${date.toLocaleString()}
+ const inlineButton = [
+ [
+ {
+ text: "Deployment Logs",
+ url: buildLink,
+ },
+ ],
+ ...chunkArray(domains, 2).map((chunk) =>
+ => ({
+ text:,
+ url: `${data.https ? "https" : "http"}://${}`,
+ })),
+ ),
+ ];
- Build Details: ${buildLink}
- `,
+ await sendTelegramNotification(
+ telegram,
+ `✅ Build Success \n\nProject: ${projectName}\nApplication: ${applicationName}\nType: ${applicationType}\nDate: ${format(date, "PP")}\nTime: ${format(date, "pp")}`,
+ inlineButton,
diff --git a/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/database-backup.ts b/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/database-backup.ts
index 3aec6f3d3..0b1d61f7e 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/database-backup.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/database-backup.ts
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
+import { error } from "node:console";
import { db } from "@dokploy/server/db";
import { notifications } from "@dokploy/server/db/schema";
import DatabaseBackupEmail from "@dokploy/server/emails/emails/database-backup";
import { renderAsync } from "@react-email/components";
+import { format } from "date-fns";
import { and, eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import {
+ sendGotifyNotification,
} from "./utils";
@@ -37,11 +40,12 @@ export const sendDatabaseBackupNotifications = async ({
discord: true,
telegram: true,
slack: true,
+ gotify: true,
for (const notification of notificationList) {
- const { email, discord, telegram, slack } = notification;
+ const { email, discord, telegram, slack, gotify } = notification;
if (email) {
const template = await renderAsync(
@@ -120,19 +124,35 @@ export const sendDatabaseBackupNotifications = async ({
+ if (gotify) {
+ const decorate = (decoration: string, text: string) =>
+ `${gotify.decoration ? decoration : ""} ${text}\n`;
+ await sendGotifyNotification(
+ gotify,
+ decorate(
+ type === "success" ? "✅" : "❌",
+ `Database Backup ${type === "success" ? "Successful" : "Failed"}`,
+ ),
+ `${decorate("🛠️", `Project: ${projectName}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("⚙️", `Application: ${applicationName}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("❔", `Type: ${databaseType}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("🕒", `Date: ${date.toLocaleString()}`)}` +
+ `${type === "error" && errorMessage ? decorate("❌", `Error:\n${errorMessage}`) : ""}`,
+ );
+ }
if (telegram) {
+ const isError = type === "error" && errorMessage;
const statusEmoji = type === "success" ? "✅" : "❌";
- const messageText = `
- ${statusEmoji} Database Backup ${type === "success" ? "Successful" : "Failed"}
+ const typeStatus = type === "success" ? "Successful" : "Failed";
+ const errorMsg = isError
+ ? `\n\nError: \n${errorMessage} `
+ : "";
- Project: ${projectName}
- Application: ${applicationName}
- Type: ${databaseType}
- Time: ${date.toLocaleString()}
+ const messageText = `${statusEmoji} Database Backup ${typeStatus} \n\nProject: ${projectName}\nApplication: ${applicationName}\nType: ${databaseType}\nDate: ${format(date, "PP")}\nTime: ${format(date, "pp")}${isError ? errorMsg : ""}`;
- Status: ${type === "success" ? "Successful" : "Failed"}
- ${type === "error" && errorMessage ? `Error: ${errorMessage}` : ""}
- `;
await sendTelegramNotification(telegram, messageText);
diff --git a/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/docker-cleanup.ts b/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/docker-cleanup.ts
index c95c79067..b60e3b0ac 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/docker-cleanup.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/docker-cleanup.ts
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ import { db } from "@dokploy/server/db";
import { notifications } from "@dokploy/server/db/schema";
import DockerCleanupEmail from "@dokploy/server/emails/emails/docker-cleanup";
import { renderAsync } from "@react-email/components";
+import { format } from "date-fns";
import { and, eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import {
+ sendGotifyNotification,
} from "./utils";
@@ -26,11 +28,12 @@ export const sendDockerCleanupNotifications = async (
discord: true,
telegram: true,
slack: true,
+ gotify: true,
for (const notification of notificationList) {
- const { email, discord, telegram, slack } = notification;
+ const { email, discord, telegram, slack, gotify } = notification;
if (email) {
const template = await renderAsync(
@@ -79,14 +82,21 @@ export const sendDockerCleanupNotifications = async (
+ if (gotify) {
+ const decorate = (decoration: string, text: string) =>
+ `${gotify.decoration ? decoration : ""} ${text}\n`;
+ await sendGotifyNotification(
+ gotify,
+ decorate("✅", "Docker Cleanup"),
+ `${decorate("🕒", `Date: ${date.toLocaleString()}`)}` +
+ `${decorate("📜", `Message:\n${message}`)}`,
+ );
+ }
if (telegram) {
await sendTelegramNotification(
- `
- ✅ Docker Cleanup
- Message: ${message}
- Time: ${date.toLocaleString()}
- `,
+ `✅ Docker Cleanup \n\nMessage: ${message}\nDate: ${format(date, "PP")}\nTime: ${format(date, "pp")}`,
diff --git a/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/dokploy-restart.ts b/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/dokploy-restart.ts
index 16170349b..5a156affe 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/dokploy-restart.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/dokploy-restart.ts
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ import { db } from "@dokploy/server/db";
import { notifications } from "@dokploy/server/db/schema";
import DokployRestartEmail from "@dokploy/server/emails/emails/dokploy-restart";
import { renderAsync } from "@react-email/components";
+import { format } from "date-fns";
import { eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import {
+ sendGotifyNotification,
} from "./utils";
@@ -20,11 +22,12 @@ export const sendDokployRestartNotifications = async () => {
discord: true,
telegram: true,
slack: true,
+ gotify: true,
for (const notification of notificationList) {
- const { email, discord, telegram, slack } = notification;
+ const { email, discord, telegram, slack, gotify } = notification;
if (email) {
const template = await renderAsync(
@@ -64,13 +67,20 @@ export const sendDokployRestartNotifications = async () => {
+ if (gotify) {
+ const decorate = (decoration: string, text: string) =>
+ `${gotify.decoration ? decoration : ""} ${text}\n`;
+ await sendGotifyNotification(
+ gotify,
+ decorate("✅", "Dokploy Server Restarted"),
+ `${decorate("🕒", `Date: ${date.toLocaleString()}`)}`,
+ );
+ }
if (telegram) {
await sendTelegramNotification(
- `
- ✅ Dokploy Serverd Restarted
- Time: ${date.toLocaleString()}
- `,
+ `✅ Dokploy Server Restarted \n\nDate: ${format(date, "PP")}\nTime: ${format(date, "pp")}`,
diff --git a/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/utils.ts b/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/utils.ts
index 2f8324bb1..4f8bb1a5e 100644
--- a/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/utils.ts
+++ b/packages/server/src/utils/notifications/utils.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import type {
+ gotify,
} from "@dokploy/server/db/schema";
@@ -55,6 +56,10 @@ export const sendDiscordNotification = async (
export const sendTelegramNotification = async (
connection: typeof telegram.$inferInsert,
messageText: string,
+ inlineButton?: {
+ text: string;
+ url: string;
+ }[][],
) => {
try {
const url = `${connection.botToken}/sendMessage`;
@@ -66,6 +71,9 @@ export const sendTelegramNotification = async (
text: messageText,
parse_mode: "HTML",
disable_web_page_preview: true,
+ reply_markup: {
+ inline_keyboard: inlineButton,
+ },
} catch (err) {
@@ -87,3 +95,33 @@ export const sendSlackNotification = async (
+export const sendGotifyNotification = async (
+ connection: typeof gotify.$inferInsert,
+ title: string,
+ message: string,
+) => {
+ const response = await fetch(`${connection.serverUrl}/message`, {
+ method: "POST",
+ headers: {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ "X-Gotify-Key": connection.appToken,
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ title: title,
+ message: message,
+ priority: connection.priority,
+ extras: {
+ "client::display": {
+ contentType: "text/plain",
+ },
+ },
+ }),
+ });
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `Failed to send Gotify notification: ${response.statusText}`,
+ );
+ }