We use automated pre-translation powered by Crowdin. Help to improve the accuracy by proofreading the translation. It's very easy to translate and proofread the current translations:
- Open the photobooth-app translation project in Crowdin.
- Click the dropdown button next to your language to open language details.
- Click the button "translate" or "proofread".
- Work through the items, improve the translation and click the check mark to approve.
- If the language is 100% translated and proofread, it will be included in the next release.
- Leave a short notice in the discussions that you improved the translation to let us know. Thank you!
If you find an issue, please post it in the photobooth app issue tracker.
If you find an issue in the documentation, modify the documentation or open a discussion.
Feel free to fork the app, improve the software and send a pull request. For questions use the github discussions or issue tracker.
- Implementation shall be platform agnostic (Linux and Windows).
- If possible avoid additional dependencies.
Stable releases are published at PyPI registry usually. To test the latest development version install directly from git:
pip install git+https://github.com/photobooth-app/photobooth-app.git@dev
Develop on Windows or Linux using VScode. Dependency management is realized using poetry.
To get started on working on the backend:
First install pdm:
pip install pdm
Install further dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libturbojpeg
- In this case for Ubuntu based systemspip install uvicorn
pip install dependency-injector
Then install all the requirements:
pdm install
Build with
pdm build
Start with
pdm run python -m photobooth
Additional requirements for frontend development - nodejs 16 (nodejs 18 fails proxying the devServer) - yarn - quasar cli https://quasar.dev/start/quasar-cli
Tests are run via Github Actions. The tests run in the Cloud on hosted Github runners as well as on a self-hosted runner for hardware testing. Coverage is reported to codecov.
Supports additional tests for hardware:
- Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 connected to test picamera2 and autofocus algorithms
- WLED module is connected to test LED effects on thrill and shoot
- gphoto2 is installed with virtual ptp device
- install latest dev with gphoto2 updater, modify configure command as described here gphoto/libgphoto2#408)
- add photos libgphoto provides when capture is requested to /usr/share/local/libgphoto2_port/xxxversion/vcamera/
- webcamera is connected to test cv2 and v4l backends