Games for Pterodactyl Webpanel
Available Eggs at the moment:
Titanfall 2 (Northstar Client)
Sven Coop
Project Shield (Black Ops 4 Demonware Server)
Alterware (MW2, Ghosts, AW)
Plutonium (BO2, BO1, MW3, WAW)
Call of Duty 4x
Call of Duty MWR H1-Mod (not working at the moment - we are waiting for linux support, alternative:
Call of Duty MWR H2-Mod (test state, download it and give feedback)
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty United Offensive
T7x (Use this for hosting,
Moviebattles 2 Mod (Jedi Academy) with RTM/RTV
You need to get the gamefiles by yourself and own the game/have a license (piracy is not supported and will never be!!!!!)!
How to use IW4MAdmin in Pterodactyl:
Hardlinks method:
Create a iw4madmin instance, create a new folder for example gamelogs in that instance.
Connect to your machine via ssh => navigate with cd to the volume (should be in /var/lib/pterodactyl/volumes) of your cod server.
Look for your games_mp.log and go the folder. (use "find" if you dont know where it is)
create a hardlink to your iw4madmin instance like: games_mp.log /var/lib/pterodactyl/volumes/UUID of IW4MADMIN/gamelogs/logname.log
Change your iw4madmin config to the new logpath for example /home/container/codlogs/t6mp.log
Game Log Server method:
Use eggs where game log servers is included!
INFO: Sometimes you need to add the manuel log path too! for example: z:/home/container/Plutonium/storage/t6/main/logs/games_mp.log
Images are splitted to github ( and docker (
Windows: Ports: 8006 (For VNC), 3389 (For RDP)
Note: Not all eggs have a working console (output and/or commands working), feel free to pull request.