VoxNovel: 1.4.5
General Bug Fixes
Sentence Splitter Adjustment:
Modified the sentence splitter function to limit chunks to a maximum of 220 characters (previously 230). This resolves issues where excessively large text chunks were being passed into XTTS, causing errors. -
BookNLP Server Error Fix:
Addressed a BookNLP server error by backing up the BookNLP model files. These files are now downloaded automatically, preventing potential server-related issues.
Specific Fixes
Ubuntu and Windows
- Auto Install Script Improvement:
Enhanced the auto install script to automatically add a backup NLTK folder from a backup source. This change resolves issues related to the NLTK servers being down.
Windows Only
Improved Installation:
Enhanced the Windows installation process for better user experience. -
Updated Installation Guide:
Improved the Windows installation README guide for clearer instructions. -
Desktop Shortcut Added:
Added a Desktop shortcut for easier access to VoxNovel on Windows. -
Installation Video created:
Added a installation guide video for VoxNovel on Windows 11