- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix: New DNS entry for COVID api
- (jlssmt) Hospital data for Germany added
- (jlssmt) fix umlauts in hospital service
- (jlssmt) extend api timer to fix 502 errors
- (jlssmt) Code refactoring
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix: Unwanted deletion of data points for Germany solved
- (DutchmanNL & jlssmt) Small code improvements to prepare stable release
- (DutchmanNL) added definitions for total_boosters
- (jlssmt) Added vaccination data for all countries
- (DutchmanNL) added definitions for vaccination states
- (DutchmanNL) Folder structure optimized with devices and channels
- (DutchmanNL) Code improvement to handle state deletion more efficient
- (DutchmanNL) Changeover to validated API for German vaccination data of Bundesländer
- (DutchmanNL) Ensure (country) folder(s) including all states are removed if not selected
- (jlssmt) New vaccination data source for German (our world in data)
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix: Vaccination data for Germany
- (DutchmanNL) round Impfquote to 2 digits
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix: Solved last_update is invalid warn message
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix: State attribute definition missing for + undefined
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix: Solved cannot read property 'Erstimpfung' of undefined
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix: State value to set for "xxx.BL" has to be type "number" but received type "string", solves #237
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix: State value to set for "xxx.Tests*" has to be type "string" but received type "number", solves #237
- (DutchmanNL/jlssmt) Bugfix: Vaccination data for Germany, several states missing in new API and will not be updated anymore !
- (lembnau) Adapter issues with vaccination data from Germany solved
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Germany vaccination data, source changed code updated
- (DutchmanNL) Removed states (not provided by RKI anymore)
- Impfungen pro 1.000 Einwohner
- Indikation nach Alter
- Berufliche Indikation
- Medizinische Indikation
- Pflegeheim-bewohnerIn
- (DutchmanNL) New states (provided by RKI)
- Differenz zum Vortag
- Gesamtzahl bisher verabreichter Impfstoffdosen
- Gesamtzahl kumulativ BioNTech
- Gesamtzahl kumulativ Moderna
- Impf-quote
- Zweit Impfungen kumulativ
- Zweit Impfungen Differenz zum Vortag
- (DutchmanNL) Added Impfungen pro 1.000 Einwohner
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Proper error handling if excel data cannot be retrieved
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Wrong channel creation of _Impfungen
- (DutchmanNL) BugfixWindows :Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\opt\iobroker\iobroker-data\files\Impfquotenmonitoring.xlsx'
- (DutchmanNL) implement Vaccination data for Germany, thank you @winnyschuster for RKI-Impfquotenmonitoring Deutschland
- (DutchmanNL) change API from V2 to V3
- (DutchmanNL) Add Last_Updated for city's/counties
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Error warnings to wrong type in states
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Error values.features is not iterable solved
- (stan23) add "Cases per 100k" in total & during the last 7 days for Germany's Bundesländer
- (stan23) Added cases per 100k during the last 7 days for Germany
- (DutchmanNL) Replaced module request with axios
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Proper error handling of failing API calls (if api not reachable)
- (Kampfratte) Bugfix : API-Abfrage geändert
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Add continent state attribute definition
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Reduce warn messages if error occurs to 1 per message
- (Kampfratte) Bugfix : API changed
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Remove test-states
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Selected items not shown in tables
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Remove incorrect countryInfo state
- (Scrounger) Bugfix : Timestamp for continents calculation
- (Scrounger) Bugfix : Replace " , " in a country name causing errors
- (DutchmanNL) Bugfix : Saint Pierre Miquelon (iso2: null, iso3: null) not found in lib!
- (DutchmanNL) Implemented Total number of COVID-19 tests taken globally.
It reflects the Total Tests' column in the table at https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/.
- (DutchmanNL) BugFix : State attribute definition missing for + affectedCountries
- (DutchmanNL) BugFix : Ensure name changes are propagated
- (DutchmanNL) Update production release from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0
- (DutchmanNL) BugFix : Do not write objects unneeded
- (DutchmanNL & AlCalzone) Code optimizations
- (DutchmanNL) Cities for germany added
- (DutchmanNL) counties for germany added
- (DutchmanNL) Hiding tables if "all" is selected
- (DutchmanNL) Hiding unused tables in advanced settings
- (Kampfratte) BugFix : Country top 5
- (GermanBluefox) BugFix : hidden numbers
- (DutchmanNL) BugFix : Several translations
- (DutchmanNL) BugFix : Issues with integration testing
- (Scrounger) Bugfix : Country names by ISO format (could result in new data points!)
- (DutchmanNL) BugFix : Deletion of unselected federal states and counties (Germany)
- (DutchmanNL) BugFix : Button only respond when clicking on lable (not all browser)
- (DutchmanNL) BugFix : Ensure incorrect created states for "countryInfo" are removed
- (DutchmanNL) Countries for Germany added
- (DutchmanNL) added selection for federal states and country's
- (DutchmanNL) BugFix : State attribute definition missing for + deathsPerOneMillion
- (DutchmanNL) Configuration redesigned, moved options to "Advanced Settings" tab
- (DutchmanNL) Federal States for Germany implemented, thanks to : https://npgeo-corona-npgeo-de.hub.arcgis.com/
- (KLVN) BugFix : German (and some other) translations corrected
- (DutchmanNL) Add gulp i18n translation structure
- (DutchmanNL) Data-points added for Top 5 of countries with most cases
- (DutchmanNL) BugFix : Flag datapoints are not deleted
- (DutchmanNL) Add button to read "All Countrys"
- (DutchmanNL) Add state for link to flag for each country on github
- (DutchmanNL) BugFix : State attribute definition missing for + countryInfo
- (DutchmanNL) BugFix : Turks_and_Caicos not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator.
- (DutchmanNL) Improved configuration page
- (DutchmanNL) Make country list in configuration variable
- (DutchmanNL) Implement choice if non-selected countrys should be deleted from states (if already there, default No!)
- (DutchmanNL) Enable configuration
- (GermanBluefox) The number of data points was reduced by selection of countries
- (Scrounger) Bugfix : Cabo_Verde not found in lib! Must be added to the country name translator
- (Scrounger) Grouping by continents implemented
- (DutchmanNL) Error message for new attribute solved
- (GermanBluefox) fixed widget countries
- (DutchmanNL) Fixed error "State attribute definition missing"
- (DutchmanNL) Moved "_Laste_Update" to updated within global_totals tree
- (GermanBluefox) fix logo size
- (DutchmanNL) Stable release
- (DutchmanNL) Added retry if API does not provide correct information
- (DutchmanNL) Added last time stamp of data collection
- (AlCalzone) Code optimized
- (@DutchmanNL) Adapter renamed
- (DutchmanNL) code improvements
- (GermanBluefox) add widgets
- (DutchmanNL) initial release